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uac000533. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING 16-42 THURSDAY OCTOBER 30, 1986 MSU 201 4:00pm I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. SENATE MEETING 16-38 B. SENATE MEETING 16-39 C. SENATE MEETING 16-40 D. SENATE MEETING 16-41 IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS A. TODD GOTTSCHALK TO PUBLICATIONS BOARD B. JACK SPICER TO ENTERTAINMENT AND PROGRAMMING BOARD VI. BOARD, COMMITTEE, DIRECTOR REPORTS VII. OLD BUSINESS A. APPROVAL OF $150 PER MONTH STIPEND FOR ASSITANT INTRAMURALS DIRECTOR RETROACTIVE TO OCTOBER 1, 1986. B. TRANSFER OF CASH AND BUDGET AUTHORITY OF $4000 FROM THE CONTINGENCY (906) ACCOUNT TO THE E&P (903) ACCOUNT: TRANSFER HORIZONTALLY FROM THE 906-300 OPERATING LINE TO THE 903-3000 OPERATING LINE. VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. APPROVAL OF EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS B. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT FOR $200 FOR DJ FOR EVENT ON FRIDAY NOVEMBER 7, 1987 C. APPROVAL OF ENTERTAINMENT CONTRACT FOR BASH THEM DOGS PARTY ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1986 UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702] 739-3477 AGENDA SENATE MEETING 16-42 10/30/86 D. APPROVAL OF CO-SPONSORSHIP WITH TKE FOR BASH THEM DOGS PARTY ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1986. E. APPROVAL OF CASH PRIZES FOR LIP SYNC CONTEST, 1ST PALCE $75, 2ND PLACE $50, 3RD PLACE, $25 F. NOMINATIONS FOR OUTSTANDING SENATOR OF THE YEAR. IX. OPEN DISCUSSION X. ADJOURNMENT CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS SUPPLEMENT AGENDA SENATE MEETING 16-42 OCTOBER 30, 1986 EMERGENCY ITEMS VIII. NEW BUSINESS G. APPROVAL OF $400 to UNLV Art Club, for travel to LA for Art Shows. H. APPROVAL of $325 to UNLV Rugby Club for travel to Invitational Tournament in Arizona UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702] 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING 16-42 THURSDAY, OCT 30, 1986 4PM MSU201 I. Call to Order The last meeting of the 16th Session was called to order by Senate President Jeff Chadwell at 4:09pm. II. Roll Call Present Senator Anderson Senator Davis Senator Harrington Senator Leroy Senator Lieberman Senator Loxton Senator Miller Senator Novak Senator Parker Senator Popadak Senator Retke Senator Spicer Senator Susman Senator Tangredi Senator Windolph Senator Zayas (late) Absent Senator Brown (unexcused) Senator Burke (unexcused) Senator Gottschalk (unexcused) Senator Sarnelli (excused) III. Approval of Minutes from meetings 16-28, 16-39, 16-40 and 16-41. The minutes were approved with the following corrections made: 16-40, 16-41, Senator Retke's name was spelled Re tke; it was changed to Retke. Senator Miller voted 'No' on Item F, meeting 16-39. IV. Announcements CSUN President Kirk Hendrick said the parking and traffic committee met and were considering closing Gym road. President Hendrick said he was fighting to keep it open. Senate President Chadwell explained the emergency items. V. Executive Board Nominations Todd Gottschalk to Publications Board Jack Spicer to Entertainment and Programming UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702] 739-3477 Senate Minutes cont. 16-42 page 2 VI. Board, Committee and Director Reports Lanny Leroy, Student Services Chair, said O&M donated a bar-b-cue to the dorm. Ray Parker, E and P member, asid according to Denise Sarnelli, there would not be any parties, due to the fact there was no liquor license. Jack Spicer, Radio Board Chair, thanked the members who showed up for the meeting and said the Radio Board will begin to meet regularly. Nancy Clark, CSUN Business Manager, said $251 was missing and the matter will be turned over to the campus police. Kirk Hendrick, Organizations Board Chair, said the next meeting would be held at 2:30 and Alfred Gomez would be running it. Senators Spicer and Loxton left the meeting. VII. Old Business A. Approval of $150 per month stipend for Assistant Intramurals director, retro-active to October 1, 1986. There was no motion. B. Transfer of cash and budget authority of $4,000 from the Contingency Acct. to E&P. Transfer horizontally from the 906-300 operating line to the 903-3000 operating line. Senator Parker moved to approve; Senator Novak seconded. Senator Miller objected to the consideration of the motion. This failed with four in favor and eight opposed. Senators Spicer and Loxton returned. The original motion passed with nine in favor and five opposed. C. Approval of $400 for the Debate Team to travel to a tournament. Senator Zayas moved to approve; Senator Loxton seconded. Senator Popadak left the meeting. The motion passed unanimously. D. Approval of $400 for the Pre-professional Club. Senator Novak moved to approve; Senator Tangredi seconded. This item failed. VII. New Business A. Approval of Executive Board Nominations Asenator Harrington moved to approve; Senator Miller seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Senate Minutes cont. 16-42 page 3 Items B, C, D, and E were unnecessary, as there was going to be no parties. The meeting then moved out of the order of the day, to Item G G. Approval of $400 to UNLV Art Club for travel to LA for Art Stores tour. Senator Harrington moved to approve Items G and H as a whole; Senator Lie-berman seconded. Senator Harrington withdrew his motion. Senator Harrington moved to approve Item G; Senator Lieberman seconded. The motion passed unanimously. H. Approval of $325 to UNLV's Rugby Club for travel to Invitational Tour in Arizona. Senator Lieberman moved to approve; Senator Novak seconded. The meeting recessed at 5:05pm and reconvened at 5:10pm. Senator Harrington offered a friendly amendment of $50. This motion passed with 11 in favor; three opposed. F. Nominations for Outstanding Senator of the Year Senators Leroy, Spicer, Lieberman, Miller, Novak, Zayas and Vice-President Muir were nominated. A motion to let each Senator vote for two candidates with the top two vote getters winning was approved with no objections. Senators Leroy and Spicer won. Senator Novak introduced a motion for $400 for the Debate Club. Senator Retke seconded. The motion failed with eight in favor; six opposed. IX. Open Discussion All senators need to clear out their boxes. Senator Spicer read an old Perspective column written by Senator Zayas when he was Yellin' Rebel editor. He then ran down to get the second half. Senator Leroy thanked the Senate for voting him outstanding senator. Senator Lieberman thanked the Yellin' Rebel for their pre-election issue. Senator Spicer returned and read the following Perspective. He said no matter what happens next week, he had fun. President Hendrick thanked several senators, saying there is a lot that needs to be learned. He wished the new senators good luck. Senator Zayas said if we don't believe in what we're doing as CSUN, no one else will. Senator Harrington said it has been interesting and there is always some-thing to learn. Senator Loxton said it has been interesting. Senate Minutes cont. 16-42 page 4 Senator Novak quoted Billy Joel, saying: "You pay for your satisfaction somwhere along the line..." X. Adjournment Senator Leroy moved to adjourn Syudi; Senator Spicer seconded. The meeting adjourned at 6:12pm Senate Presient Is