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    ESTABLISHED 18?╜S B ArcUy - f-53 71 PRESS CLIPPI^BUREAU 165 Church Stree??New York BALTIMOffe MD. news Iwr Circ. D. 219p??8 JUL 1 #53 IWIiK^^^tt Cil ^^ -By LOUELLA 0. PARSONS ^International News Service Motion Picture Editor. "%OLLYWOOD ?╟÷ (INS)?╟÷ Writer of detective thrillers, Mickey Spillane, has -acting ambitions '?√ß"'Not only that, 'but they'll be fulfilled when he co- stars with Clyde Beatty in "Man Killer," a Wayne- Fellows picture to be made at Warner Brothers. This, as you guessed from the title, is a circus story *nd it's an original by Paul Fix. It starts early in September with the Beatty Circus as the background. Spillane plays the role he ~~ knows best, that of a detective. And, of course, Beatty will be --.a- circus man, the career he knows best. Since Cecil B. De Mille cleaned up with "The Greatest Show On Earth," circus tales are becoming more and more popular. . This will be in Warnercolor, Warnerscope, and all the other Warner effects. * * * IBSEN'S immortal "Hedda Gabler," a favorite drama of many of our top stage actresses, will be brought to the screen by Allen Dowling Productions. Tom Gries, of the Dowling company, says that Ibsen's play is expected to be revived on the New York stage this coming season. Now, who to play this delect able role? Well, Gries is nothing if not ambitious?╟÷he says Tallulah Bankhead, Bette Davis or Katharine Hepburn. That's shooting high. A VERY FUNNY letter from Tony Quinn, who is in Europe to make "Ulysses": "1 was amazed, on arriving in Iscia to find the whole town in mourning. This is the island where Burt Lancaster made "The Crimson Pirate," and they had heard that Burt died following his recent illness. ||p "Everyone was taking it very emotionally, mourning groups were dipping into the vino?╟÷in fact, they were having such a fine old time with the mourning festivities I hesitated to* tell them that the "corpse" is very much alive and kicking. ~ "Tell Burt, I'm sure he'll be amused." * * * SNAPSHOTS of Hollywood Collected at Random: Peggy Lee, who has been sick in St. m John's Hospital for a week, is I expected back at her show at 1 Ciro's tonight. rs Mrs.'Irene Selznick, daughter I of Louis B. Mayer, slipped into I town very quietly and had a J throat operation at Cedars of j Lebanon Hospital. At the same time, in the same hospital, is her I brother-in-law, William Goetz, | and, as I told you Tuesday, Bill's ^partner, Leo Spitz. Instead of the ex-Mrs. Dan Dailey being with him in La Jolla, Mrs. Donald O'Connor, her mother and W daughter watched Dan win three events in a horse show. This romance is becoming worth watching. Leo Spitz is back in Cedars of Lebanon Hospital but I am glad to say it's not serious. This time it's merely a check up. One of the cute chimpanzee's in the act at Ciro's ran over to sit in Betty Hutton's lap. That marquis act is very cute. KAY FRANCIS, who hasn't been in Hollywood for two years was also at Ciro's, escorted by Hal B. Hayes, building contractor. At the captain's table, Joan Benny, Jack's pretty daughter, with her new boy friend, Howard Rubin. He's very handsome, | too. Popular Wolfie Gilbert received the good news that on a survey his song, "Ramona," was listed this week as a top hit. Wolfie wrote it in 1927 for Dolores Del Rio's picture of the same name. While Gary and Rocky Cooper and their daughter were in Rome they were the house guests of Ingrid Bergman andi Roberto Rossellini. Gary was In-: I grid's costar in "For Whom the [Bells Toll" and in "Saratoga Trunk." s ERLENE WHITT won the Miss Nevada" title in a contest of bathing beauties at thP.^Hg ^^^W^^ictoe, eighth een years old and a local girl. ; The judges were John Cash- Ian, editor of the Las Vegas Review, which carries my column; Casey Shawhan, city editor of the Mirror; Lena Horne, Jimmy McHugh, Jack Entratter and this writer. There were 12 contest- ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 PRESS.CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York DAILY VARIETY HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. MHT19S3 H^'SI& By ARMY ARCHERD I /Will it be a GOOD MORNING for Joan Fontaine and Olivia de Havil- yland when their mother, Mrs. Lillian Fontaine, arrives Sunday? . . . ji Lillian, who has a role in "The Bigamist," will house-guest with Joan ?√ß and Collier Young . . ".#Joan, incidentally, gets one-third of the film's I profits as do Ida Lupino and .Colly ... So two-thirds of the film I belongs to the Youngs, one-third to the WtMis . . . Had enough ? . . . iBing Crosby, in Elko with his boys, arrives next week for "White iXmas" confabs and will set up one or two special TV shows, probably I to be done at Xmas-time . . . The Groaner rejoins his boys at Hayden |||Lake on Aug. 1 . . . Bob Mitchum was in Las Vegas this week, and [would you believe it* he and Howard Hughes never got together in I spite of the fact Botpealled HIM . . . Things I wished I had seen: the :; last Martin and Lewis show at the Palladium when Dean and Jerry III got the staid English ladies to sing "Shine On Harvest Moon" . . . Piper H Laurie's blood count is up to normal and UI is looking for a script to i put her to work . . jijncle Miltie will "rest" at the Beverly Hills Hotel :M after his Sands engagement . . . Stanley Rubin put in a long-distance call to"Gerald Mayer in Israel. The operator: "What's his address?" Stan: "Who needs an address ? He's the only guy making TV pictures for television in Tel Aviv!" * * * Special* investigators from the California State Employment Department are checking many so-called unemployed "actors" to discover if J they can earn a living by some other means . . . The boys on the I "Alaska Seas" set have been ogling the super-skintight sweater worn j by Jan Sterling and have nicknamed it "The Knockabout" . . . Bill Shirley's momma didn't know her son was a Samson. He called to tell her the Curran castle scenery started to fall during his love song in ||"The Great Waltz," and he held it up while chirping to Florence Henderson . . . Julie Wilson will do the musical version of "Saratoga H Trunk" on B'way . . . The dedication title card on "The Caine Mutiny" K'jwill simply state: "To the U.S. Navy" . . . And I gotta see how that 3 story was changed to get Navy cooperation . . . Danny Kaye will have Jthe biggest chorus he's ever had to join him in "Minnie, The Moocher" I jwhen he double-sings it to the 60,000 Boy Scouts at the Jamboree on i jthe 21st , , . And I don't envy Scoutmaster Harry Babbitt, who has to J choose the grand winner of the Scouts' talent contest . . . Lance Fuller, Ion a muscle-building kick, used up all his allowable baggage on the m |flight to the "Son of Cochise" location when he took along two 25-lb. ' I weights. ESTABLISHED 18*8 BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CUPPING BUREAU 165 Church Stteet - New York NEW YORK, N. Y. World-Telegram & The Sun Circ. -D. 555,017 M H 1953 Judy Canova and her. spouse are con- I vinced that motor-tourists ought to I sharpen up with hints from Bob (WT-S) I Dana before embarking on cross-country I drives without planned eating program. I Judy claims: "We found extraordinary I beaneries where you could cut the butter I with a steak knife." . . . Room meals and I $500 were the take for Red Buttons up to and including last summer for weekend! entertaining in Parksville'S* Lash Hotel. $ This month Buttons rakes in $10,000 per I Las Vegas week in The Sands. . . . Habit I is a terrifying thlliy. If'BWMiyiJ-owned I Rockefeller Plaza, which will be barricaded I against public trespass tomorrow, were not I closed off at least one day per annum I for 15 consecutive years, landlording Co- I lumbia University^ig^ai^Qmati^U^ lose I title to that valuawe mrtffflT$ncBr**ki- I terrupted habitual public use could throw I it into the public domain.' . . . Longhair, I shorthair, underwear, no-wear will you I find a Commie in their disguise according ?║ to Modern Sunbathing & Hygiene. The I magazine sets forth unequivocally that no I nudists are Communists?╟÷generally spun B of whole nothing. ?╟≤. | , Merry-go-round: B Nancy Kenyon tells me that as her four m pianists on turntable started revolving last B "Opera v. Jass" ABC-TVing, one of ivory- B _ thumping Dave Bowman's offspring in the B 1 audience yelled: "Here comes daddy?╟÷ fl I there he goes." Whirlaway Bowman, we B I now call him. ANN BLYTH Strand of, Pearls PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Chu^fe Street - New York ^If6n, MASS. RECORD Circ. D. 396,852 jpfs 1953 /an Heflin Sacrifices $75,000 Dropping Role ?╟÷By HAtfRISON CARROLl^flp HOLLYWOOD?╟÷H. D. Hover is lucky to have at his night spot the Marquis family of chimpanzees?╟÷ [two adults and two young ones which are hysterically iiiiiiinNiniiiiHMi^H^He funny. Jane Powell, who worked on the same bill j with the chimps in las Vegas, brought a large party to see them. Her date, of course, was Gene Nelson (their first night I ciub appearance here since j Jane's separation from I Geary Steffen and Gene's j from his wife, Miriam. Also in the party were Jane's I father, Paul Bruce; the I star's arranger, Earl Brent, I and Red Viens, the bell I captain at th&Jjjandj^gtio | gave Jane special service11 when she was doing her act at I^jtjgggas Van " Hefiin sacrificed I $75,000 and one of his three Paramount commitments when he bowed out of ; "Alaska Seas." t;T*Cllf5 "The studio was very nice about it," says Van. f "I just, didn't think the part had shaped up for me. j However, it will be a good role for somebody else." Van has no definite acting plans at the moment. | He and Frances probably will spend most of the summer here, enjoying the pool that they waited to put in until both of their children, could swim. Frances'! injured leg has taken a spectacular turn for the better. She doesn't even Imp any more. Wedding Gift Strand of Pearls Ann Blyth's wedding present from Dr. McNultyi was a strand of pearls. She and her groom stood for two hours on the receiving line at that reception. At i one time, the queue of guests stretched from thej Crystal Room at the Beverly Hills Hotel clear through I the lobby and down to Sunset Boulevard. His Emi-j nence James Cardinal Mclntyre not only came out andj stood with the couple on the steps at the church butj also attended -the reception. M-G-M will give charmer Elaine Stewart the royal treatment on her personal appearance tour with Dore Schary's picture, "Take the High Ground." Elaine will! have an all white wardrobe (shades of Lana Turner!)! created by Helen Rose. Included will be five evening^ gowns, two suits, four cocktail dresses, three bathing | suits, and one evening wrap. And after the tour, which! begins in August, the studio ^presenting the clothes! to Elaine as a gift. f**t?·sj|t '-"^T^ Fears Snellen's Song Too Sexy On the advice of K$f -Gilbert, who is master-! minding her night club 'se^.Snelley Winters may eliminate the song, "There Are: So Many Men and So Little Time." Too sexy, fflrs Ray. It would be great; for clubs but might not pass the censors elsewhere. And the cost of arrangements, etc., would be very high just for club use. \v Lots of confusion on "the script of *'Tff||Story of Ulysses." Tony Quinn's ^gent, Milt Grossman, has! flown to Rome to look into the matter Tegs;''T Irving: Berlin has brought his favorite barber, Bill-Curtis, on the-trip to Hollywood. BUI has taken career living's hair for 40 years. Vic Damone has aske^ Kathleen Hughes to be hist date when he opens July 35 at the El Rancho Vegas.! She'll be there if she has finished "The Glass Web"l . .-. As I figure it, Joan Fontaine will have only sixl shooting days to complete her role Jn "The Bigamist."* She has to report to Paramount July 7 for the Bob Hope picture, "Mr. Casanova."