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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angelos - September 8, 1983 MSMORaMPUKt A problem o f obtaining an adequate for the Las Vegas area insofar as the source o f watthee rw astueprply is concerned Is a simple one. The present underground so urce has been developed to the point whore not only have the max­cimounms taranttelsy dofe cplriondiuncgt iwoant ebre elne verlesa cihne dt, heb utw elble#ca uist e ios f vetrhye pcrlionbea.b le Thteh ato ntlhye ortahteers soofu rpcre odwuhcetrieo nan waildle qunaotwe besguipnp lyt o cdaen­bt obtained is Labs Mead. for additioFnoar la wpartievra tienlvyo lvoewsn emda untyi lciotmypl itcoa tgioo ntso. LakIen Mtehaed first place, there le the question of whether a privately owned utility would have the right to take water from Lass Mead. This possibly could be worked out but certainly not as simply as has been done in the case of the proposed Wat er District. In the second place, the private utility in order ttoo fsienravniccee tthhee pbroonjdesc tw hiwcohul dw ouhalvde hatv© e shtoo wb ee arsnoilndg sf orin thoartd er npoutr pobseee.n sTuhceh aesa rntion mgask eh isttheo ryp urocfh LaVsLe& woCfo .b onhdasv e atcetrrtaacitnilvye to ainndv eswtaosrtsa.g e Aodfd ewda tetor tihn ist hei s,a reofa wchoaircshe ,c ant hneo te xbter apvraegvaentn teudse due to the State Law prohibiting tho installation of water meters. necessary fIno r ortdhee r defvoerl oap mpernitv atoef uat iLlaiket yM etoa do bstoauirnce thiet wfounudlsd first be necessary to in effect guarantee earnings which would be adequate to meet operating expenses and to amor tise the investment. This could only be done by some sort of fin d­wihnig cbhy wothuel d Stbaectoem eU tielfifteyct iCvoem mwihsesni oLna ksee tMteiandg awa tscehre wdausl e maodfe rates advoauibltafbulle wahnedt hwehri cthhe woUutlidl itsyu ppClomym itshes ionne cweosusalrdy orin ccoomuel.d foIlt loisw tohbitsa ipnr oacdejduusrtem.e ntsT hei np arsatt esh isits ortyh e obfe sLtV LiAnWdOioc.a* ts ioenf foorft st hitso. In the second plaoe, it would be necessary to either get the State Law prohibiting the Installation of water meters