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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    January 7, 1949 W 2>5 Mr. 9. Gene Park® 132 South 1st Street Las fega®, Nevada Boar Mr, Parks s 4 fteferring to your memo Deoember 31, 1948, regarding the acquisition of property AvenuesH at 114 Morgan fhis account has boon included on your con­solidated record in our office for quite some tine, and we show below compilation of your respective sperorpveirctei etsh ewreittoh. amounts charged each month for water SZSa SB* 66 143 1?? 711789 2059 42808921 Amount 132 So let 4.00 509 So Main 5.25 621$ So 1st 2.00 623-623$ So 1st 128 9o 1st 6.00 202 Gas® 2.00 114 Morgan 6.50 12th A Ogden 2.00 m Me are returning herewith your chock 8c. 1078 In the amount of $42.25 and would appreciate ttoh ec oivsesru.ance of a new check in the amount of $40.38 Mery truly yours, General Manager