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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, Feburary 1994



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    Congregation Ner Tamid Tan -u n5np The Reform Synagogue of Las Vegas 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89121, 702/733-6292 v 1 Sanford D. Akselrad: Rabbi Bella Feldman: Cantorial Soloist Jacqueline Fleekop: Education Director Dotty Gross: Preschool Director February 1994 - Shevat - Adar 5754 Gerald Gordon: President Monty E. Willey: Temple Administrator Sheila Geier: Bulletin Editor Purim Family Services February 25 Purim Carnival 1994 February 27 Come here the reading of the Megillah at 7:30 p.m. All children are encouraged to dress up in costumes. Prizes will he given out to all students who arrive in Purim garb. Come stamp your feet and twirl your gregors. Let's make noise! 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Parade, Food, Game, Raffles, Merry-Making and MORE! Dust off your favorite costume, dig out your holiday mask the Mitzvah for Purim is laughter, so dress up and let's have a blast! Jewish Music Shabbat Service Kicks Off Celebration on February 11th Congregation Ner Tamid presents its celebration of the Jewish Music Season with a very special educational and entertaining Shabbat Service on February 11th at 7:30 p.m. Our pianist Lillian Kollar has written a fascinating dialogue ^ about the history and evolution of Jewish Liturgical music. The service will ^\ explore how the music we sing at Shabbat Services came to be. Musical illus- Soloist, Bella Feldman, Lillian Kollar, the Congregation Ner Tamid Choir and guest soloist, David Myrvold. Shabbat jbamitij Services Schedule Conducted by Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Bella Feldman, Cantorial Soloist Friday, February 4th 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Service Oneg Shabbat will be sponsored by The Lehmer Family Saturday, February 5th 10:00 a.m. David Lehmer, Bar Mitzvah Friday, February 11th* 7:30 p.m. Jewish Music Shabbat Congregation Ner Tamid Adult Choir Oneg Shabbat will be sponsored by Sisterhood Friday, February 18th 7:30 p.m. Hadassah Shabbat Oneg Shabbat will be sponored by Hadassah Friday, February 25th* 6:00 p.m. 3rd-Gradc Shabbat Dinner 7:30 p.m. Purim Family Services ? yl Oneg Shabbat will be sponsored by families of 3rd Graders * Babysitting available in Room 5February 1994 Congregation Ner Iamid HMs /Kessa^e Imagine a book in the Bible that does not mention the word,?G-d?. Impossible, you say. Then try rereading the story oi' Purim found in the book of Esther. Nearly two thousand years ago, when the sages at the time had to decide which books would be included in the Bible, there was great controversy surrounding the inclusion of the book of Esther. ? How can we include in the Bible a book that does not mention G-d?? Deeply rooted in tradition, and living in a world in which the presence of G-d was deeply felt, the Rabbis nevertheless decided to include this fascinating and overwhelmingly popular book in the Bible. While we may never know the actual reasons why this was done, I can only speculate that the Rabbis of that time realized the importance of the individual Jew in shaping the collective destiny of every Jew. This thought was stated in a different way in Pirke Avot?the Sayings of the Sages compiled near this same time frame. In this work, the Rabbis stated, ?In a place where there is no human being, seek to be a human being.? ________ The Rabbis and all Jews during that time lived under tremendous jnj A. fear of persecution by governmental authorities. They admired Bj St ------ Esther's bravery in standing up to the immoral Hantan and fighting Bjljjl B against a corrupt system of government. The story of Purim inspired B m M them, and it reminded them of the need for leadership. While our B B ??o/c B prayers may ascend to the High Heavens, our actions must be made B I ___ B ^ ?f B manifest here on earth. The Rabbis and Jews of the time had no Blls*her B intention of relying solely on miracles. They knew deeply that they B had to reply on themselves, and that G-d worked His wonders through the power of the good that Judaism taught to them and their children. In the end, Esther and Mordechai vanquished the evil tyrant Hainan, and Judaism itself managed to survive the onslaught of other Harnans throughout the years. But we who reread the story today must remind ourselves to include the story of Purim in our lives. We can make a difference. But to do so, we must be aware of any and all Hamans who rise in every generation. We must face challenges to our freedom with courage and deter?mination. B?shalom, Rabbi Sanford Akselrad A class meets in Rabbi Akselrad?s Study every other Tuesday at 12 noon to discuss how the Torah relates to life today. Rabbi Akselrad is planning to organize a new group for singles. Members and non-members alike are welcome. The first meeting will be February 6th at 10 a.m. in the Rabbi's study. Call If you are interested and desire more information, call Rabbi Akselrad at 733-6292, or contact Katherine Scott at 564-0903. information, or come to this first meeting. the Temple office at 733-6292 for additional^p 2 A Special Place To Belong Congregation Ner Tam id During January, I attended a day-long workshop in Los Angeles dedicated to synagogue finances. It was sponsored by the Pacific Southwest Coun?cil of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. In addition to our congregation, thirty-five Reform Congregations in Southern California and Phoenix were represented by approximately 50 individuals. We shared ideas and thoughts with regard to budgeting, capital and endowment campaigns, membership and programming. Obviously, one of the overriding topics of the conference was a discussion of the continued recession in Southern Califor?nia and its effect. Most of the congregations have experienced membership loss. This has resulted in pressure to eliminate services and programming and increased dues. The problem with the latter is that when dues and fees average from $1300 to $2600 per year, any increase becomes intoler?able and self-defeating: It simply ac?celerates the drop in membership. Similar problems were expressed with regard to capital and endowment cam?paigns. Many of these congregations need to expand or improve their facilities. In a time of decreasing membership and increasing costs, it becomes literally impos?sible for them to seek capital contributions from their membership. Congregation Ner Tamid appeared to be one of the bright exceptions to this overall dismal picture. While we are experiencing increased costs and demands for additional programming and services, we are not the victim of an economic recession, but the exact opposite: A booming economy and fast-growing popula?tion. Las Vegas has always been plagued by low-affiliation but the increased num?bers of people who are moving to the Las Vegas area negate the effect of non?affiliation. Our challenge is complacency. It is not only important to continue to expand our membership, but to retain our present members. We were required to increase our dues for the year 1994, but we must not lose any members because of this dues increase. The Congregation is sensitive to the financial constraints that many of you feel. No family has ever been denied membership because they cannot afford to belong, nor has any child been denied a Jewish education for the same reason. The clearest statement as to the vibrancy and health of our Congregation is our on-going Capital Campaign to complete phase two of our facility. Contrary to the experience of most other congregations in our region, our Capital Campaign will be successful because of the commitment of our Congregants. During the last High Holidays, we announced our goal of $1.5 million and that we had commit?ments for 50% of this sum. At this time commitments and cash received exceeds $1 million. In the near future, each and every one of you will be approached for your com?mitment to the Capital Campaign. What is important is that you participate to the extent of your financial ability. Your gift will symbolize your commitment not only to the membership of today, but for the generation to follow. February 1994 *Z^emple ^2>0(tni Jerry Gordon President Alan Mann V.P. Administration Stephen Joseph V.P. Ways & Means Lois Doctors V.P. Membership Steven Weissman V.P. Religious Activities Denise Schnitzer V.P. Education Jack Nitzkin Treasurer Paul Cohen Trustee Nadine Cracraft Trustee Roger Ewan Trustee David Gross Trustee Debbie Levy Trustee Jerry Polis Trustee Stacey Yahraus Trustee Bob Unger Trustee Ron Worth Trustee Helen Zliser Sisterhood Lenny Gropman Brotherhood Ronae Fink Golden Chai Judy Kollins NTTY Cal Lewis Past President Eileen Kollins Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President David Wasserman Past President Steve Kollins Past President Michael Cherry Past President Leo Wilner Advisor Monty Willey Temple Administrator Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Ex Officio Jerry Gordon, President A Special Place To Belong 3 February 1994 Congregation Ner Tamid C'Druftrelation y[er 0eUl*rtitc& fJeivisA 'J/JXnsic ? eti&on Congregation Ner Tamid cordially invites you to join us for a very special educational and entertaining Shabbat Service in celebration of Jewish Music Season on February 11th at 7:30 p.m. Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman and pianist Lillian Kollar will present a fas?cinating dialogue about the history and evolution of Jewish Liturgical music. Why does Ein Keloheinu sound dif?ferent from Oseh Shalom? Come to ser?vices and find out! Musical illustrations will be performed by Bella Feldman, Lillian Kollar, The Congregation Ner Tamid Choir, and guest soloist David Myrvold. Come and explore the background of the music that is sung at Shabbat Services. In further celebration of Jewish Mu?sic Season, Congregation Ner Tamid will also host a series of three music concerts entitled, ?A Buffet of Jewish Music?Something For Every Taste,? underwritten by Dr. Stephen Kollins. The first and feature performer in the series is Grammy-Award-Winning ?/ Notes foam Ivetta February 1994 This month we will kick off our celebration of Jewish Music Season with a special educational and entertaining Shabbat Service on February 11th at 7:30 p.m. As I mentioned last month, in further celebration of Jewish Music Season, we will also be hosting a series of three music concerts, underwritten by Dr. Stephen Kollins. We will have a concert every month, from March to May! Look in the mail for more details. Your support at these programs is very important! B'shalom, Bella Feldman Composer, Doug Cotier. Cotler?s 1984 Grammy was awarded for writing ?Manhunt,? a powerful song featured in the hit album and movie, ?Flashdance.? From young children to adults, Cotier?s music appeals to a wide cross- section of Jewish music lovers. Doug Cotier will be performing on Sunday, March 20th, at 7 p.m. The next concert entitled ?Songs Without Words? will be on Sunday, April 24th at 7 p.m. Stephen Caplan, Assistant Professor of Oboe at the Uni?versity of Nevada, Las Vegas, will present the program that was such a hit at the Conference of Jewish Educators (CAJE) last summer. The final concert of Broadway <? ?Pop? Favorites by Jewish Composers will take place on Monday, May 9th at 7 p.m. Presented by The Congregation Ner Tamid Choir, along with Cantorial So?loist Bella Feldman and pianist Lillian Kollar, this program will include some of your favorite songs. Both the Shabbat Service in celebra?tion of Jewish Music Season and ?Buf?fet of Jewish Music? are open to the en?tire Las Vegas-Green Valley community. Tickets for the concert series may be purchased in advance and will be avail?able through Congregation Ner Tamio^k For further information, visit the Templar office, or call Bella at 733-6292. 4 A Special Place To Belong Congregation Ner Tamid February 1994 Brotherhood Update At the last meeting, plans were made to make our ^meetings more interesting. A guest speaker is being sought for our next meeting (a sports star!). More information will be in the next meeting notice. Rabbi Akselrad is scheduled to speak at our March 6th meeting, which will be opened to all. The planned topic will be ?The Middle East?An Update.? Some outside activities are also planned: A Saturday night at the Thomas and Mack for a Thunder Hockey game. (A February date is still being set!); a ?Saturday Family Night? at a STARS Baseball Game, either in April or May; a Spring Fling Dance is in the planning stage. Set for June 4th, a Saturday Night, is our annual Putting Tournament at Angel Park. Help is needed to man our Fireworks Booth for the end of June and up to July 4th. Bingo will again be offered some time in October. Remember, the next meeting of Brotherhood is set for February 6th at 9:30 a.m. at the Temple. Bagels and coffee will be available. Earn Donor Credit Help Sisterhood. Help Yourself. You too can attend a beautiful luncheon or dinner courtesy of Sisterhood by earning donor credit. For more information call: Helen at 254-6678 ? Ronae at 454-8929 SISTERHOOD nmis ^^^nce again we thank Rabbi Akselrad for entertaining M ^Pand enlightening us with his terrific discussion of \M modern morality. We deeply appreciate his annual visits to Sisterhood and recognize the time he spends on preparation for his presentations, which are always very enjoyable. In February we expect to sponsor a Campership Fashion Show as well as another general meeting and program. Watch for the mail, and plan to join us on February 6th and February 24th. Let us entertain you! Also, may we remind you that Sisterhood is not only a strong ami of the Temple, but a source of socialization and ties to other Jewish women. We may always seem to be asking you to help Sisterhood; however, we believe strongly that you will get just as much in return. Many strong and lasting friendships have begun here. Join us and get to know us. We look forward to meeting you. Love & Shalom, Helen Zliser, President The Sisterhood Gift Shop is stocking up on holiday items. Passover is March 26th. Order your Haggadahs now. New and exciting Passover Plates and Elijah Cups are arriving soon. Check us out! We?re open Sundays, from 9 a.m. -12:30 p.m. and on Thursdays, from 4 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. A Special Place To Belong 5 February 1994 Congregation Ner Tamid ?mD FEAST OF LOTS Purim is a day for rejoicing with the first breath of spring time. A delightful holiday, it celebrates the survival of our people, triumphant over the plans of an evil man bent on our destruction, the story of emotional strength and survival. Known as the Feast of Esther. Purim joyously celebrates the downfall of the tyrant, Haman (Prime Minister of King Ahasuerus of Persia), through the efforts of Mordecai and his niece, Queen Esther. The name ?Purim? is explained in the Book of Esther as deriving from ?pur? (plural, Purim) meaning lots. Lots were used by the wicked Haman to choose the date on which he could slaughter the Jews of the country. Long ago in the land of ancient Persia, there reigned a king named Ahasuerus; his young and beautiful queen was Esther. Esther was Jewish, but the king did not know that his beloved queen was a Jew. One day, the Queen?s cousin, Mordecai, overheard two soldiers plotting to kill the king. Mordecai quickly confided this information to his cousin, Esther, who in turn, informed the king. Haman was the King's chief advisor. He was, to be sure, a wicked man, a man so vain that he expected everyone to bow down when he walked through the streets. Mordecai would not bow before Haman, since a Jew bows only to God. This angered Haman, who determined to kill not only Mordecai, but each and every Jew in Persia. To decide on the most favorable day for the slaughtering of Jews, Haman cast lots, or Purim, from which the holiday gets its name. Haman had convinced King Ahasuerus to agree to the widespread slaughtering of Persia?s entire Jewish population. But when the King learned of Mordecai?s role in saving the King?s life?the king refused to go along with Haman's plan. Haman?s plans were foiled by beautiful Queen Esther and Mordecai. Risking her own life, Esther pleaded before the King for her people, and Haman?s orders were rescinded. Instead of the Jews of Persia being slaughtered, Haman and his family were hanged on the gallows prepared for Mordecai. Those days of doom were turned from sorrow to gladness. A very happy festival, Purim is the occasion of present-giving, plays, games and great merry-making. The waving of noisy Purim gregors (rattles) is traditional. The children?s clamor is made by stamping and beating each time the name Haman is mentioned. Purim Carnival Don?t miss the annual Congregation Ner Tamid Religious School Purim Carnival, the most joyous event of the year. On Sunday, February 27th, following religious school, the entire community is invited, so bring your children, your parents, grandma and grandpa, and all your friends to the Religious School's major fundraiser. Sunday classes will end with a parade at 11 a.m., opening a day of fun with game booths, food booths, and raffles. The first outstanding event will be a costume parade for the kids. Then, on to the Social Hall for all sorts of merry-making and fun. Join us and have the best possible Purim with the Congregation Ner Tamid Religious School. There is something for everyone. Mark your calendar now! Don?t miss a great experience!Your help and support are necessary for success. Jackie Fleekop, Director of Education, points out that the proceeds from this carnival will benefit the Religious School. In order to bring creative programs to our children in an educational environment, we need to constantly update our programs and facilities. ?Carnival 1994 will be bigger and better than ever,? says Jackie. ?There will be more booths, more games and great food. The committee is very excited about the program we plan offer.? So join us. Turn Carnival ?94 inflf a wonderful and financially profitable ?fun?raiser. A Special Place To Belong Congregation Ner Tamid February 1994 Outreach Presents Life Cycle Events Do you have questions about birth, burial, B?nai mitzvot, marriage, and your participation in these events? If you have ever wondered about why Jews put stones on gravesites, or how people get their Jewish names, then join us at our next Life Cycle Event. Congregation Ner Tamid, in conjunction with Jewish Family Services, will hold a special program on Life Cycle Events at the offices of Jewish Family Services, 3909 South Maryland Parkway, Suite 205 on Sunday, February 13th. Rabbi Akselrad, facilitator, will conduct a lively and informative discussion, with interfaith families in mind. Bring your questions ? and a desire to learn ? and join us. For more information, call Sue Joseph at 656-9963, or Nadine Cracraft at 254-2862, or Melanie Afromsky at 732-0304. Please RSVP to Judy at Congregation Ner Tamid, 733-6292. Goldberg Lecture Series To Feature Speakers from CLAL The Dr. Harry L. Goldberg Jewish Lecture Series of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas will once again present four outstanding speakers to the community beginning this February. This year our speakers are from the organization CLAL (The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership). CLAL?s mission is to enable Jewish communities to address the formidable challenges of this new era of Jewish life. ?I shall try to continue the wonderful work that has been done by our founder Dr. Harry L. Goldberg? says Chainnan Dr. Stanley Ames. This is the 12th year philanthropic individuals and organizations have worked cooperatively to sponsor outstanding scholars for our community?s education and benefit. All four lectures will be held on Sundays at 7:30 p.m. at Temple Beth Sholom, 1600 East Oakey Blvd. The series is open and free to the public. The first lecture will be on February 6th, with Rabbi Steven Greenberg, who is a Senior Teaching Fellow at CLAL. He received his B. A. in Philosophy from Yeshiva University and his rabbinical ordination from Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. Rabbi Greenberg is a scholar for CLAL?s national programs and on-going classes throughout North America. His topic: Living in Relationship: What is Jewish About Sex, Food and Money? will explore how Judaism values relationships of many kinds as the core of covenantal living. America allows for autonomous personal choices and Judaism demands that we elevate these relationships to sacredness.. For further information, call Community Relations Director Beverly Eisen at the Federation Office (732-0556). golden The Golden Chai Seniors of Congregation Ner Tamid announce a special meeting on February 17th: A spellbinding story of three people whose lives are changed when their sacred and secular worlds collide?an Irish Catholic and two Orthodox Jews?three lives woven into Love, Loss and Redemption. To each will come a moment that demands ?Acts of Faith.? Please join us. Rabbi Akselrad reviews Erich Segal?s book, Acts of Faith, on February 17th at 11:30 a.m. Brunch?bagels and cream cheese, fruits, coffee, lea, and cake will follow. Golden Chai Seniors meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of every month for brunch, between 11:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. They always have a great program, followed by cards or games. Dues are $7 annually. For more information or directions, please call the Temple Office at 733-6292. B ?shalorn Ronae Fink, President A Special Place To Belong 7 February 1994 Congregation Ner Tamid During the winter break, my husband, David, and I visited Israel lor the first time. Our daughter, Jennifer, is a participant in the UAHC College/ Kibbutz Study Program. She and a group of students live and work on a kibbutz near Jerusalem and study at Hebrew Union College. We visted Jerusalem, Massada, Tiberias, Haifa, and numerous other fascinating places, but the highlight of my trip was the time I spent on Kibbutz Tzora, where my daughter is living for nine months. I am sure you are wondering what my trip has to do with CNT Preschool. Actually, it has a great deal to do with our preschool and other Jewish preschools throughout the world. David and I had the opportunity to spend time with Jennifer?s kibbutz ?family?. Each student is assigned to a family so that they will feel at home while living on the kibbutz. Although they live in a dorm, the students often spend a great deal of time with their ?families?. I instantly felt comfortable with Jen?s family. Not only have they taken wonderful care of my daughter, but they have I----------------------------------- CNT Preschool four daughters of their own. The girls range in age from three to thirteen. Naturally, being a pre-school teacher, I spent a great portion of my time with the three-and-five-year old girls. Al?though their English was very basic and my Hebrew consists of a few useful words, we were able to communicate. The girls knew many of the same songs that Bella has been teaching our preschoolers. During the time I was singing with these children, I realized how impor?tant Jewish education is for our chi^ dren. They are learning the sadH| songs, stories and sense of Jewish identity that other young children from all over the world are learning.There is a common bond among Jews all over the world, and it was wonderful to share this bond with this special family. At CNT preschool, we focus on the same socialization and readiness skills as other schools. However, we also teach the children about their Jewish identity and attempt to instill a sense of pride and love of Judaism. Hopefully, they will visit Israel some day, and realize that they too share a bond with Jews all over the world. Please come visit CNT preschool. We have a three- or five-day program for children ages three to five. If you are looking for a preschool for your child, we feel we can offer a wonder?ful early learning experience and im?portant sense of Jewish identity s?iA pride. In addition we will be offering a six-week summer program. Please call me at the Temple (733-6292) if you have any questions concerning our program. B?shalom, Dotty Gross Tot 6hdbb0it n March 12th at 10:30 a.m. is Tot Shabbat time! Tot Shabbat is a special Shabbat morning religious program geared especially for tiny tots, 3-6 years of age and their siblings. Rabbi Akselrad and Bella Feldman will conduct a wonderfully exciting Saturday experience for your children. The theme for our next Tot Shabbat is Passover. Mark your calendars now. Simply fill out this form and return it to Congregation NerTamid for a fun-filled morning. Yes, we?d like to learn more about your Tot Shabbat Programs: Name Address: Phone: . Tiny Tots Names We plan to attend March 12th Yes n No ? L. .J 8 A Special Place To Belong Congregation Ner Tamid February 1994 Hello! My name is David Lehmer. My Bar Mitzvah is on February 5th. This is a very important day to me because I will have the satisfaction of meeting a challenge and becoming a man! Hospitalized rkabbi Akselrad would like to be helpful to you and your family whenever possible, particularly by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized.Since there is no notification by hospitals, please contact Judy in the Temple office (733-6292) when a member of your family is hospitalized. Congregation Ner Tamili's Fourth Annual Goods and Services Auction April 9,1994 7:09 p.m. FUN... FOOD... AND a? GOOD STUFF GALORE ST It?s that time of year again. 7M The Goods and Services Auction will be April 9th at 7:00 p.m. Do we have an opportunity for you! You can send us your business cards and $25.00 now to reserve your ad in our Auction Program. This is a good opportunity for professionals, such as doctors, attorneys and CPA?s to contribute. We are also seeking donations of goods and services. Don?t forget to ask your manicurist, dog groomer or favorite restaurant for a gift certificate. No gift is too small. Invite your friends to attend with you, fill a table and most of all... HAVE SOME FUN!!! For more information, contact Joni Akselrad at 456-8180 or Debbie Levy at 870-9065. Campership Fundraiser There are many Jewish camps that our religious school children can attend this summer. Wc will be sending home information on many of these camps in the next couple of weeks. If your child needs financial help in order to go to camp, please contact Rabbi Akselrad or myself personally.Our upcoming fundraiser for our campership program will be a fashion show sponored by Bullocks on February 6th at 3:00 p.m. Our congregational families will be modeling. Wc hope you will come and support this event. It will be adorable! Wc have raised over $800. That is a great start! Wc would like to thank all of these people?-Joel and Ellen Fishman, Rose Dunn, Don and Lill Eisner, Marla and Tom Letizia, Jon Sparer, Sheryl Kogan, Dr. Harrison Shcld, Solomon and Lilyan Goldberg, Yvonne and Gerald Gordon, Allan Nathanson, Dr. Jeffrey Katz, Dr. Roger and Leslie Simon, Susan Fine, Michael Cherry, David and Miriam Gordon, Roberta Wisnosky, Carol and Norman Kirshman, Jerry and Mary Fox, Mort and Ricki Orzcn, Sharon and Paul Cohen, Daren and Nina Tiep, Ron and Hyla Worth, and Mark Levin?for contributing to the campership fund. Wc appreciate the continuing contributions. Thank you again for all of your generosity. B?shalom, Melissa Glovinsky Campership Chairwoman A Special Place To Belong 9 February 1994 Amy Altman Stanley Ames Melody Benedict Karen Borgelt Sylvia Cohen Sharon Cohen Joan Dunn Barbara Fenster Eric Fenster Mark Fine Joseph Fink Ronae Fink Ellen Fischman Eric Fleekop Sharlene Flushman Melissa Galbraith Jeffrey Gale Jeff Geier Joann Giles Helen Ginsberg Edie Glasser Gail Godoroy Marissa Godoroy Julie Goldstein Laverne Hirsh Judy Hopson Albert Kallett Steven Kaplan Alfred Karchem Norman Kaufman Jeffrey Kottler David Lehrner Larry Lehrner Deanna Levin Richard Lewis Laura Lichtenstein Morton Livenston Helen Martin Jamie Martin Rachel Martin Deborah McKinnon Raul Meoz Alan Molasky Allan Nathanson Stephen Newmark Emily Novick D?vore Ober Barbara Ober Dennis Pessin Arlene Platt Michelle Platt Mindy Polasky Arthur Rachild Natalie Rosenberg Marc Rowland Stephen Rowland Mark Rubinstein Peter Schomaker Scott Schreiber Stephanie Schwartz Richard Seda Norton Shapiro Natalie Shaw Jo Ann Shiroff Carol Siegel Millie Silverstein Roger Simon Lindsay Slocum Ron Slocum Joan Stein Carol Sussman Bob Unger Marc Vogel Sonney Vogel John Wanderer Congregation Ner Tamid M ore irtljdays Richard Waxier Michael Wells Debra Zechter Lee Zechter Helen Zliser (January birthdays that were omitted in last month?s bulletin) Stacey Yahraus Allison Schnitzer Jordan Schnitzer Lawrence Schnitzer A nnivetsaries Donald and Janet Buchanan Benjamin & Sylvia Cohen Harold & Edie Glasser Solomon & Lilyan Goldberg Garry & Jodi Goodheart Cal & Phyllis Lewis Morton & Rickie Orzen H. Sam & Claire Prezant Kenneth & Linda Schnitzer Howard & Margaret Zlotnick Ji em y^Lrrivaii Mazel Tov to Dr. and Mrs. Steven Chenin on the birth of their son, Dillon Mazel Tov to Lois and Malcolm Doctors on the birth of their grandson, Joshua Alexander Mazel Tov to Dr. Harris and Liz Waters on the birth of their daughter, Marla Rae 10 A Special Place To Belong Congregation Ner Tam id February 1994 lfeBruary Fafirzeits Are you receiving your Yahrzeit cards? Please call Judy in the Temple Office if you have any loved ones that you would like added to the Temple Yahrzeit Program, or if you would like to verify that we have correct dates. Please remember that if you do not specify English or Hebrew dates,we will use the English dates. February 4,1994 David Levich Marie Scolar Rachel Eisenberg Molly Ruden Josephine Seideman Morris Brickman Milton Warren Philip Klinger Gertrude Alexander Fannie Schlesinger Sheldon Silber Harry Lader B. J. Phillips Julius Glasser Regina Newman February 11, 1994 Jennie Cohen-Levy Samuel Emmer Ira Moss Ruth Koffler Anna Reichel Sylvia Brown Lillian Bulavsky Regina Schwinner Harry Raynes February 18,1994 Lester Kallett Sally Scott Mabel Ruth Kempenich Martin Gerstler Ben Adler Morris Fishman Harry Weinstein Minnie Prezant Harold Robbins Belle Cutler Minnie Silverman Jacob Cohn Harry Sampson Esther Krentzman Jack Raderman Aaron Wasserman February 18,1994 Continued Jacob Kahn Norman Mark Abraham Rosenblum Leonard Rachild Julian Rivkind Maeve Metzenbaum-Pulling Frances Mocugni Irving Fenster Irving Wender February25,1994 Irwin Schuster Joyce Friedman Ellena Fox Hauenstein Louis Ponemon Sam Alper Samuel Chamson Rose Rubinson Sadie Glickman Martin Goldstein Bessie Rachild James Ohriner Dr. Jay Goldfarb Florence Malkin Anna Ginsberg Daniel Rosenfield 31n Jftlemortum Rose Molasky Beloved Grandmother of Alan Molasky Elizabeth Buf'fman Beloved Mother of Lou Buff man Neil Gordon Beloved Son of Lynne Gordon Dx>~ Oua QyiimxlA at Qcuxg/iegutiarv YLeA Oxmuxl OhxmJk you, in u-eAy, mucA $oA ail yxmA hindneHel and CKjiAeliionl lynvfiaihy, duAing, thil ueAy. lad time auA duel... OJhe taM. auA mucA-toued BAlice. O&e, Qunn 9xunLty, ememhrance iferetionaty To Mr. and Mrs. Art Cohen In honor of your 65th Wedding Anniversary on February 4, 1994 Max Blumenfeld To Linda and David Goldstein In loving memory of Irving Goldstein Larry and Stephanie Schwartz In loving memory of my father, Harry H. Bloom Sandy Hershberger In appreciation Gary and Noreen Sternberg In appreciation for Rabbi?s services Lou and Roney Buffman A Special Place To Belong 11 Cnrferwfal ^mLund To Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Gordon In loving memory of your son, Neil Marilyn Glovinsky and Marv Glovinsky To Lynne Gordon In loving memory of your son, Neil Marilyn Glovinsky and Marv Glovinsky To Lynn Sasso Happy 50th Birthday and many, many more Love Cal and Phyllis To Barry and Susie Kustner In loving memory of your beloved mother, Lillian Splaver Nikos and Elayne Gousdovas To Mrs. Ruth Friedman Dear Ruth We wish you a speedy recovery from your recent illness Love Al and Joyce Karchem To Esther and Gerry Knoff Happy Anniversary and our best wishes for many more in years to come Al and Joyce Karchem To Mr. and Mrs. George Bloch In loving memory of brother, Leonard Block Elayne and Nikos Gousdovas To Maxine Gratz Our heart felt sympathy to you and your family From The Stuarts Tom, Donna, Michael, Michelle and Amanda To Jennie Leff To The Glyman Family Mazel Tov on the birth of your new great-grandson Mazel Tov and welcome to new baby Jason Helen Mendelson Debby, Steve, Ryan and Evan Kaner To Joan and Leslie Dunn and family In loving memory of beloved son Bruce Noreen, Gary and Adam Sternbe