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    i S ? P L A S V E G A S L A N D A N D W A T E R C O M P A N Y 0 . W H ITTEM O RE, P r e s t ., Los A n g e l e s , C a l . 1. B E T T IS , V ic e -P r e s t . a n d A u d ito r , Los A n g e l e s , C a l . . H. C O M S T O C K , S e c r e t a r y , Los A n g e l e s , C a l . . H. L E E TE , T r e a s ., L os A n g e l e s , C a l . Subject: O F F IC E S P A C I F I C E L E C T R IC B U IL D IN G LO S A N G E L E S , C A L . AND L A S V E G A S , NEV. F. A . W A T E R S , AGT., L O S A N G E L E S , C A L . W . R. B R A C K E N , AGT., L A S V E G A S , N E V . Los Angeles, December 10, 1907 Mr. W. R. Kelly, General Counsel, B u i l d i n g . Dear Sir:- At time of the last meeting of the Directors of the Las Vegas Land & Water Company, there was some mention made of the amount which had been loaned by the Las Vegas Land & Water Company to the Railroad Company and some adjustment of this indebtedness as well as some arrangement to be made between the Land & Water Company and the Railroad Company, relative to the use of water. There was no resolution introduced and really nothing was decid- OL^ edy^to what should be done. There has been some correspondence on the sub­ject and I wish that arrangements might be made to settle this matter. Bor your information I will state that last month the water ren­tals amounted to $265.70. The Land & Water Company also received rentals amounting to about $60.00. This included the rent of the office building amounting to $20.00 and rent of house occupied by Mr.Grace, $16.67; the balance being ground rent for lots. Yours truly, / ' " l ? N j Vice President & Auditor.