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    4 Screen Lovelies Play VvAa^Wafers By Louella O. Parsons * Mo?╜o?? Picture Editer tnternifainal News Service liW , ^k: Lgeta kiek ??^4|fee cast 20th has ted up to play the four 'Wn.natini^ddows" in "Last Han on Wagon^ Mound.'' Reafrg'en^arilyn Monroe, MitziGaynor, frebraPaget and Jean Pe?%s. On second thought, Debra sw^r^he's never been pissed; Je^iiwpractically in refeiek; Mitzi's dates recently have v^er^o |rith her ~~ family ?╟÷ but'"' MARILYN! Oh come, boys, lefcpgive her "man. - hating" role to somebody else. I "Last Man on WagOn Mound" is Margaret Sitts' novel of four frontier widows who hate men tntil a wounded/" desperado ?·hows up ana^je^find-they like a man around the ohouse Igain. But who gets hihi? It's !,o be 20th's first CinemaScope (3D), with Raymond Klune ex ecutive producing. salvation. I implored them to be faithful to the teachings of their religion and tdtry always to walk Cod's Holy Presenc0_.'4-3?:$Fi "Uniting myself in prayer with you, I ask* th turn, that you send my greetings to your loved one. "Faithfully yoif# Irii Christ, (Signed) ^Ff^ia_. Cardinal . -JS-tSjiNillman, Archbishop of New York." When Gary Merrill finishes ?╟≤Blueprint for Murder" he'll ask SOth for time off to do "The Fragile Fox" on Broadway. For obvio^; reasons, Gary would like tff$ft^| play in New York during the same time Bette Davis is there in her.hit revue, "Two's Company*,*::^|.'' "The Fragile Fox" will be produced by James Russo and Mike Ellis, who are behind Bet te's show. They bought it from the estate of the late John Ga field, who had nlanned to si It isn't Chaj^if Simonelli, nor is it l^onardJGqldsjto, who is the man in'Piper fij)|jjide's life.l j He is Richard Eller$||pj whom! Piper went to seh^^p Earl Wilson ti?·&3ti&ihat I brought them togej^f bWwrit- ing a story .saying ph'e.had always liked Richard, .knd won- I dered where ho w$sxVr ( I "Then/' says^flptg.^fohardl wrote to Piper, ?╤t$|t anf using j the story, so nev&f-M'it be said rdg steal another ^columnist's stuff without letting her know." Snapshots of. Nii^York and Hollywood collected at random: Miriam Hopkins^ells me she'll be in Phoenix February l6th to open "Hay Fever" at ,tn^Som- brero Playhouse before taking the Noel Cowar^^ShlfBtJy on tour! k'^JK^\ \ Lana ^M^Ps biraidaylvas SundaW" she isn>t swing li^Barker gave her#-but Climbed a lot ofJ|rees modla) to pay ?? it. everything, La#Vegas! l Bankhead J# booked & Sands Hotgfoeariy in 'J* JUL ens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU . Established 1888 W)S ANGELES San Francisco Portland - Seattle New York, N. Y Post (Cir. 207,524) ;?╜g Gossipel Truth About Stars And Starlets in Filmtown By Sidney Skolsky < John Wa$ihe says he will ^finitely remarry but he doesn't know whom. Claims 20 years of married life makes _jhim unfit for bachelorhood so he'll try it again . . . Miguel Aleman" ex-president of Mexico, is in .town on the q.t. Saw him walking around Beverly with three bodyguards .?√ß-* ?╜ Lee Grant 'and novelist Arnold Man- ~ soft were secretly'married in the *fet-^:|r. Mn [Arthur Fr (he has the lead' in ''Eight Iron | Men" and "The )?√ß Sniper") expect a baby... With-; j put benefit of I publicity, L. B. | Mayer and Wilr! I Sham Goetz have started a loan ' company ?╟÷ "In- yestment Finance" ?╟÷ and two offices .a1ft! already open i??plhe Valley . . . Rita Hay worth returns to town and immediafe^^tarts rehearsals of "SaJi^iS*i?╜cson.'' The Rev. Da^0^^Ste wui^oe played "play- younger FMarilyn Monroe booked . openhig WAYNE least they've accepted the invitation ... Attention Neville Brand: Nancy Valentine wants to meet you. Beverly Hills is loaded with English made autos. No matter where you turn you see a Jaguar or an MG. This caused Jackie Sherman to remark: "There'll always be an England as long as there's a Beverly HiHs'?╜ Paulette Goddard^tp spend Christmas in New YMffife, because she wantstp be wfth;]^ffi^temar- que . . .;^^0eA41^r^Mv:Sfeing Block sold thej^tdry 3^ Planet" to I^^^Jq] the first time tm&llife* a science-nctiori7,n1^^^^ iBlake tells me tnT^ appearing in Englaiut he lost the | knitting used in his impersonation of Eleanor Roosevelt. He called in Scotland Yard who found the cherished balls of yarn. Did you hear about the movie executive's little boy who ~i-~-Juui3?·_jDmerama set [hers] ClUD! |nivei| Presu [littld Hold ' I Wednesday, February 11,1953 Las Vegas Review-Journal 5 &fe# umg-^kJc own > wifli alon jarlson. Vegas is Talking Ammt . Iml THE EXPOSE of last Friday's secret pow-wow between underworld mobsters Allen Smiley and Jack Dragna, took place place in a Beverly Hills parking lot. sff&ej (the last to wave Bugsy Siegel bye-bye) has been ordered deported" but neither of his homelands (Russia & Canada) want anything to do with the bum. Dragna is also up for deportation, but will probably wind up being just another P.U.g that Joe Stalin can't use . . t Next Monday's arrival of Marie Wilson. The dumb blonde secretary of show business will sit on the laps of local greenfelt bossmen who have paid $22,500 to the March of Dimes for her sexervices . . ?╟≤ * * iteffel. THE REPLY by a chorine after being introduced to another cutie wearing the same plunging neckline number: "Yeah?-well, now that^we've both been properly introduced, let's fight." '?╜*%*?╟≤ I * ' ?√ß * .'SLw'- THE HUSH-HUSH activities of m^f|eybags Howard Hughes dur-! ing his visit to our town. Grapevine^jgez Hughes may have aban-| doned plans to build the Husite aircraft factory here, and will finance something else instead- Cdi^jl it be a Hutgl? . . . Yesterday's proclamation of Govnah Charlie Russell, providing the period from Feb. 21 to March 21 as '#bll month" in Nevada. Yuh didden say what kinda dolls, Charlie . . . The March 2 meet of the Nevada state tax gang during wHi^h the commish will talk over the proposal of adding another' wonder (Casablanca) to the current seven of our Great White Way. . \ Universal International pics' answer ?╟÷ they hope ?╟÷ to Madam Monroe: Mamie Van Doren, former Las Vegas chirper. In answering the' usual movie quizzer, "what kind of roles do you wish to play," Mamie supplied this one: "Intelligent sex roles." . . . j*?√ß'>??.> * * * THE MONROE flicker "Niagara" recently viewed at a downtown cinema house. It displays a ;couple of very impressive scenic wonders ?╟÷ Niagara Falls and !the Monroe Mts. . . "?√ß*?√ß ?╟≤'. * THE FREMONT street gossip that Benny Binion will move his business to the Frontier club in April of '54. Dr. Monte Bernstein is reported to have negotiated to take over the lease of the club as of that date. Could' this be a carbon copy of the old Horseshoe Club deal? . . . The recent goof in a Hollyburg newspaper describing the current married life of John Barry- more, Jr., and Cara Williams. The couple were married in l Vegas a while back, and the new item reports Miss Williams as being the former wife of a disc jockey. Sorry bub, but you got the wrong kind of jockey ?╟÷ she was wed to race track booter Alan Gray- .$?╟≤$*?╟≤ ;.' llSftl 2 SNAPPY hoofing of Strip chorus gals after the word got Metro's Al White was making the rounds hunting for THE out that cute stepping talent J. .The Opera Association's booking of the popular "Carmen." The^San Francisco Opera Co. will'bring it to Las Vegas November 8, as the group of our town makes its debut . .. The Sunday (1:15 p.m.) airing of local teenage talent over the "Youth Concert Hour." Last week's hopefuls were: the Las Vegas Hig^ School All Girls Choir, Soprano Joan Ochs, Baritone John Honeycutt, Trumpeteer Michael Craig. Uke sSjglt|J|??D Beville, and Tianist Ray Winn. Cheers to the'sho^^BWaTOr Les Seiffer . .'. Jake Freedman making like a heMPpvand gjp- ng Texans Clint Muchufin, Royal Miller, C. Q*|?║lrvis (all qjgpml- las), Cain Wofford and Sid Richardson (b^pot Fort $prfh) to the local Jaycee March of Dimes party togFe SptajySpffifise Terrace room. Before the Lone Star Sinpfers ha^reft the J. Co benefit, they had tossed $2,600 into ^^^^^0m. jjj| THE JELKE screamliners which have nothing -?╟÷but nothing ?╟÷ on a situation right in our Own: alleys . . . The forthcoming chime of the wedding bells for Thunderbird Captain Patricia Gallager and Flamingo Captain Bob Westley. Congrats keeds. ! . . . The retort from the publicist who I tabbed the "JactfBen- \ ney of the town because of the ancient buggy he drives. Sed he: "But I've had mine washed!" . . . Yesterday's finest Oriental j marriage in the Last Frontier Village's Joss House, sed to be the eldest Chinese church in America. The newlyweds are Ngay Foo (Paul) Wong of Frisco and May Lee LhVof L. A.