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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes Index 2, 1911-1960: documents, item 168


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    Building Code - Ordinance # 526 adopted Ordinance 130, 166, 188, 284, 303, 421 repealed - 3/4/1953
    Bucks addition : rezoning - Proposed Ordinance referred to committee - 3/4/1953
    Building Height [not legible] - Committee reported to meeting with City attorney march 5 - 3/4/1953
    Building Height [not legible] - Use Permit approved [not legible] : Hotel [not legible] 8 ½ stories - 3/6/1953
    Building Height [not legible] - No action taken - 3/18/1953
    Building Department Building Height Limitations - no action taken - 3/18/1953
    [not legible] [not legible] Palm Memorial Chapel - 5 $ call for [not legible] services - 3/18/1953
    Brown [not legible] appeals re: charleston Blvd. Improvement - authorization to publish notice for [not legible] be given - 5/6/1953
    [not legible] [not legible]213 no 2nd - appeal on denial of variances hearing set may 29 - 5/6/1953
    [not legible] [not legible] Trailer Park [not legible] of [not legible] Road - Hearing set May 29 on appeal of denial for [not legible] - 5/6/1953
    [not legible] [not legible] [not legible] [not legible] of owner - Charleston Improvement [not legible] 10th & 15th Bids to be advertised for - 5/20/1953
    [not legible] Commissioner - [not legible] [not legible] accepted - 5/20/1953
    [not legible] [not legible] variance application - Dormitory & Trailer Park : [not legible] deferred to [not legible] - 5/29/1953
    Building Permit : R.B. [not legible] appealed - [not legible] referred to Building Department - 6/3/1953
    Building Permits - Building Department to [not legible] in accordance with line & grade set back - 6/3/1953
    Building Department to [not legible] Building Permit - be [not legible] with line & grade & set back - 6/3/193
    Brewer, Ray & [not legible] - R/W deed in abstain acres accepted - 6/3/1953
    [not legible] Howard : Trailer Park & dormitory - appeal of variance : denied expelled - 6/17/1953
    Buildings Moving of - application for permit must be given Board of Commissioner - 6/17/1953
    [not legible] ave. Hearing set July 1 - [not legible] of street [not legible] acres from [not legible] vista - 6/17/1953
    [not legible] Mrs. : Grand Hotel - Loading zone denied - 6/17/1953
    [not legible] : gaming [not legible] - addition of [not legible] Buckley to license approved - 6/29/1953
    [not legible] ave: [not legible] [not legible] to Posada Vista ave. - Resolution # 464 - 7/1/1953
    [not legible] Howard : men’s dormitory at ⅔ no. deed - matter deferred to July 15 : variance application appeal - 7/1/1953
    Brown, Mary [not legible] - Use Permit 302 So. 4th approved - 7/1/1953
    [not legible] addition Lat 12, Beach 8 - Variance [not legible] Stewart 2 unit apartment - 7/15/1953
    [not legible] F.[not legible] - awarded bid on Bonds for assessment District # 200-12 - 7/15/1953
    [not legible] Street - R/W deed [not legible] [not legible] [not legible] - 8/24/1953
    Building Inspector - additional ordinance [not legible] - 9/2/1953