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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, May 14, 1929 to February 11, 1937, lvc000003-323


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY OF LAS VEGAS, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA. FEBRUARY 5th, 1934. Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas held on the 5th day of February 1934 at the hour of three o'clock P.M. Roll call showed the following present, Mayor Cragin, Commissioners German, Arnett, and Down, City Attorney and City Clerk. All claims allowed as per claims and warrant register on file in the office of the City Clerk. Reports of City Clerk and Municipal Judge approved by the Mayor. Money received for the month of January as follows: $5,073.92 Licenses and Fees. 1,083.70 Sidewalk material sold to property owners 419.00 Municipal Court Fines 253.75 Library savings and interest drawn from 1st State Bank 17.88 Ass'mt. No. 14 26.56 Assm't. No. 13 62.81 " " 11 ___322.50 Sale of Cemetery Lots. 7,260.12 Money proportioned as follows: $4,000.00 P & F Fund. 1,492.92 General Fund. 1,083.70 Street Fund 253.75 Library Checking Fund. 322.50 Cemetery Fund. 62.81 Assm't. No. 11 26.56 " " 13 17.88 " " 14 7,260.12 On motion of Commissioner Arnett seconded by Commissioner German the following slot machine licenses were granted: J.T. Watters 2 slot machine licenses Bert Smith 1 " " " Jack Weisberger 1 " " " Applications berg in proper form and money to cover the same being on file with the City Clerk. Vote was as follows: Commissioners German, Arnett, and Down and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes none. On motion of Commissioner German, seconded by Commissioner Arnett the following liquor and beverage licenses were granted. L and K Market Beverage license $10.00 per quarter. 5½% C.J. Mackey, retail bottled liquors sealed pkgs. 50.00 " " Ed. Woods, Cabaret license 125.00 " " Apache Cafe " " 125.00 " " M.E. Ward sealed packages beverages 30.00 " " Ethel Papoport " " " 30.00 " " Exchange Club Tavern 250.00 " " Vote on the above motion was as follows, Commissioners Arnett, German and Down and is Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes none. All applications being in proper form and money to cover the same being on file with the City Clerk. The application of the Exchange Club for one card game and one gaming device was next presented to the Board for consideration. Application being in proper form and money to cover the same being on file with the Clerk. On motion of Commissioner German seconded by Commissioner Down it was moved, seconded and carried that the above license be granted. Vote was as follows: Commissioners Arnett, German and Down and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes none. At this time Dr. Neiman appeared before the Board in regard to supplies for his office as the newly appointed Meat Inspector of the City of Las Vegas. After some discussion on the matter on motion of Commissioner Arnett seconded by Commissioner German the sum of $50.00 was allowed for expenses in connection with the above mentioned office. Bills to be paid though the office of the City Clerk and to be paid out of the General Fund of the City of Las Vegas. Vote on the motion was as follows: Commissioners Arnett, German, and Down and His Honor the mayor voting aye. Noes none. J.P. King, Supt. of Streets of the City of Las Vegas appeared before the Board at this time in regard to the parking at the new Federal Building on Stewart Street. He was directed to place parking signs as he saw fit at this location. Commissioner German, Police and Fire Commissioner presented to the Board for its consideration a form of contract from the Eureka Fire Hose Mfg. Company for the purchase of five hundred feet of hose for the Las Vegas Fire Dept. On motion of Commissioner Down seconded by Commissioner Arnett it was moved that the City of Las Vegas enter into a contract with the Eureka Fire Hose Mfg. Company for the purchase of five hundred feet of fire hose. Cost of same to be $600.00. Vote on the above motion was as follows, Commissioners Arnett, German and Down and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes none.