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[ ?╟≤ At/LIDO "Pourquoi pas ! '(Des reves ensoleilles. .) 1L y a aujourd.?╟╓.hui' 'Vingt ans que, ?╟╓ sous rimpulsipn "de ses ; deux /animateurs, Jo- ; seph eft'Lollies Clerked, ie Lido ,nous prodigue (seS ?╜ splendours,. Et l?╟╓on se i dit cheque, fojs : ?╜ C?╟╓est * le so-mmet. Jls n,e pour-/ $ root pas ajler s plus'. ?╟╓ Ipin. ?? Erreur profonde, f Chaque 'fois, c?╟╓est' un nouveau miracle qui se pjderoule sous nos yeux, i notamment , 1 eette } r e-,v u e d?╟╓enniversaire, trdjse/'a:, l?╟╓insplratiOn des ; auteurs-maisori, i Pierre ; ?√ß:E0uis>'??ui^i'n ?√ß et Rene l' ^SS^5S^r se:?╟ Sjq,K - ?╟╓ i^llses; po3r jUsfpjpr^teL. > .pg^aqte JlncorSesteq -'.pUj, I ?╜ plus ceiebre cabaret ! du ^ ; Vingt et un tableaux qui sont autant de visions i d'urtS .Tirecmparable : beaute. Trojs heures. d?╟╓en- '?√ß chantement qui, dans ta ; fddrie des- couleurs et des i lumiSres vont de Chine d?╟╓hier et d'aujourd?╟╓hui a Nuit de Paris 1900, de Serenade espagnole (sur glace) a Nnit d?╟╓elegance, ,/ en, passant par Jungle Jazz, Aventure a Grenade, Rita el du Bresii, sans par- ler des fontaines luminett- ses, de ^0 cascade de feu, de?╟╓ la tornade et dq feu d?╟╓artifipe?╟╓?╟╓ filial Mais s?╟╓il etait perniis de faire un choixparmi tant de mer- "Ueillas, je donnerais vo- lontierg la palme a Sou- venirs d?╟╓Hollywood, qui fait reyivre,-les vedettes d?╟╓autrefois: Gloria Swan- son, Peatl White, Rudolph Valentino Greta ,Garbo, TDotigliis Fairbanks et,. bien! des"'Vedettes tou- jour? ^actttelli??: Rlarltee Dietrich et Charlie Cha- pliA. H y a-.'d?╟╓heureufee^ troUVailles d'anS cette * retrospective c du' goUt,?╟╓ de -llnvention, de ?╟ ,1?╟╓hu- mqur, et Id silhouette,'des < etoiles ??j ^est souVent d?╟╓une etonnante ressem- .blarice. 11. est sans .doute super- flu d?╟╓ajouter que le spec- tacle, mj?╟╓s en ?e?║ne par Arden, est mene tambour battant, sur un. rythme frdndtique (rythme Lido), dans lea riches?╟╓ decors de Fost et les somptueux costumes .de Folco, dont certains sont un veritable eblouissement. C?╟╓est la belle Nelida qui conduit/ alertement Taction, aux cotes . de?. Arden Boys Dancers,. des s6dui?ants modeles du Lido et sur- tout des ceUbre? Bluebell Girls, toutes plus ravis- santes les unes que les autres,-v Enfin il y a, bien stir, les ?╟≤ attractions, toujours d?╟╓une excaptionnelle qua- lite: Evers- et Toni, ou les acrobates desar.ticules,. Rudy .Schweitzer, nfesti-, gietix J jongleur, "Cathy ?╟ Macliado, reins du patin, Wychwood, Ulusioniuste qui fait snrtir une multi- tilde,de'cliiens deles?╟╓ac- cessoires,/ et Augspurg, dont les singes savants ont des reactions exfraor- dinairement... bumaines. Un- numero sensationnel. AprOs une telle soiree, on peut s?╟╓endormir tran- quille: on fest assure de faire des.,reves ensoleilles. P'XmETY Lido* Paris Paris, Dec.: 20. ?╟╓ ?√ß- Pierre itouis-Guerin and Rene : Fradav conception end presenter - tion of "Pomquoi PaS!"X_ (Why Not);,direction. and ?╟≤ choreography . by Donn Arden; new music by Jim Harbert, J", P. Landreau, J. Gruyer; costumes "by ?╟ Folco; sets by Fost. With,* Wychwpods (2), bluebell Girls- (16), Lido Models (8), Rudas Acrobatic .Dancers (8), Arden. Boy Dancers (4), Mac Four, Nicky 'Gorska, Jennifer Ptenew, , Nelida, Cathy Machado & Jim Kel- ler, Evers ?╟╓& Toni, Rudi Schweit- zer, jGus Augspurg & Monkeys, Stunt Men (4),. Larry Maldonado $12 minimum. The title of the 15th show for the 20th anpiversary of this noted nitery is ?╟úWhy Not!?╟Ñ That sums uh' things a bit, for the Lido wise- 1 ly goes on with, its successful for-, xnula.' Why not? -It still works. There are the lush -production numbers interspersed with well ?√ß picked and showcased acts, plus t fine ,-oostuming, sets, pace, _ taste- , ful nudity and all around savvy packaging and professionalism as- . sociated with the cabaretj a world mecea. - The JBluehell Girls are lithe and pretty, fill the raised floor with their swirling terping, and this time get an added modern note with a miniskirt number that also ha's them fragging. Lida Vocal En-; seinble and Mac Four set scenes with okay warblingias China un- folds in an exotico interpretation; {there is oldtime Hollywood, a toun- 1-ist Spain, a jungl^ number and {?╟ Dancing Waters. - Wm ?√ß Wyehwoods 'cannily do a magic : act Jhat has, dogs materializing fecfrisdtiqueS and large silk hand- kerchiefs. The ice rink layercakes out as usual with graceful skating and ducting by Cathy Machado & Jim Keller* while Evers &. Toni are acrobatic contortionists whose grace and elan make for a fine filler., . . Rudl Schweitzer, is a 'smooth - 1 juggler and Giis Augspurg a diarming entry with his two moh-1 I keys that ape and aid him in. a witty and taking number. Rudas Acrobatic Dancers give a solid acro-dance interlude. Stunt Men add a nice: note of controlled mayhem in a Holly* wood, number that portrays an add venturous fight in rendering hom- j age to Houglas Fairbanks. The Arden Boy-Dancers partner the, ; Bluebells' well, with nude, dancers I Nelida, Jennifer Pierson.and NickyJ Gorskk - eyefilling as well, as good, terp aspects of this smooth and | solid show. Opening night was again a Paris event as ?╟╓Shirley MacLaine, Mau- rice Chevalier, Maria Callas; Aris- totle Onassis, the Duke and Duch- : ess of Windsor, Geraldine Chap- lin and many local stars made the scene. . With the Lido show in Las Ve- gas .in its seventh time around in 10 yeters, added tq-the '15th entry here, it?╟╓s apparent that the classic formula still has its merits, show- manship and appeal, when revve?╟╓A up, as it is here/ with a few up-, date aspects such as the mod dance, plus fine acts and the big- scale production* drive and taste- ful. packaging that are the hall- marks of these shqivs. i It should run? its usual two years with the -customary solid at- tendance. - ,Mpsk., | PEARL WHITE evoquee au Lido BTfemowveau spectacle'dupjdo hemlvldoe?╟╓m- ?╟≤?╟≤ kraimyAlmt .mine.; ?╟╓.lAs Pourqqoi pas? une?' feiMe, .. v wcfficfne -di$ m . se^f:^dvip(tg.0. \cSjtq, oift &e l dawttijsj ires Cfadb nmcyeile,, ce qyt, ne pour tant pas?√ß?√ß j . lei spectateurs. in Je' costumes i , typtques"m d?╟ une ' fetifttitie ity-i ?╟╓ ' rnineuse jdillie dans les). mdins.' i . coin. Mmsjyj moreeay de ofd-i ) . vatrre , sera Souvenes-voiis v: de !> ' Hollyv^ood, &vaquan(, VSttr Ze" [Li ftnAae. f | ?╟╓ ?╟ must. Pearl White- sauvee de la i - piqijson .eh. fyu,?╟╓-des griffetf'Wi ?√ß; rltygle, de la qcie idel f Zfli; ZBlvo.,~Z?╟╓e.cra|ej;i Xpe-rmettrccnn gratfj -diiplqie.ripmt ?╟╓ 1; -4$. machineries Tout se. t'ejini- ?╟≤ ?╟≤ nfra, bi(n: epiendfctftaf: ?╟≤?√ßhbfM pprisiew; debvrdant le. , plumes, .pt un, feu 4?╟╓ariifiCe- - V ' ?√ß Au-gm&rique : Fost ppaf -'les, Pop?╟╓ ArMn pour -la wise en ft lc3 w e> Tierre fyepnncdutt, - J.-PL Landreau et tJambes- Hq?- , herl pbuf la musigufi,' tyyant?╟╓ am aitra^tions,:4e dj-i ?√ß . , reeteur. du Lido nous ?╟≤ ptqmet< r , ?╟╓des surprises ayec. quatje'nv- meros --jnconhus en France ; Gits Augspurg ef Ses singes, Ip , ,ionjgleur Ruddy Schweitzer , Evers et Tony, acrob'afes cop.- ?╟╓ ?╟╓?√ß-tqrsiennistes, 'et les camcfies ! niiins des WichwJodlsJ- 'il , 1 Sans oublier les Bluebell Girls I sans legqyellesil hgsaurait.eM*- , ?╟╓"ter de'revile, ?╟ du Lido. i NOUVELLES The Paris Sextrayaganzas A Lido Blue-Bell Girl. By Wolfe fCaufman PARIS, March 31.?╟÷Paris has an international reputation for lavish night-life and entertain- ment, but, like ail legends, this is largely a myth, ?√ß Actually there are only about a half dozen spots that qualify for the ?╟úextravaganza?╟Ñ , tag,; and only two of them are cab- arets, while the others are theaters. All major cities iff- the world have internationally - recognizable symbols; Paris has more than Its share, The Eif- fel fowef means Paris, So does the Polies-Bergere (a theater) or the Lido ca nightclub). Alphabetically (no point hurt- ing anyone?╟╓s sensibilities) they ate the Casino de Paris, the Crazy Horse Saloon, the foiles* SergOfe, the Lido/ the-Moulin* Rouge and: the Olympia. Here's the strip-down or them, if you?╟╓ll pardon the word. The Casino de Paris is a theater which produces lavish extravaganza shows! Tons of scenery; thousand; of costumes, and dozens of girls.: 'it?╟╓s a feyiie qf the sort that were produced in America / Fiorenz Ziegfeid, George White or Earj 'darrell / and most of it- is, usually, en- tertaining. Very jittle comedy, if any, and all of it easy to understand, A three and a half hour spectacle at; about $l0-per seat fag the best seats, Sardine Box The Crazy Horse Saloon is a sardine box with a miniature stage and the best Strippers hi the world. Nothing else, De- spite the fact that the room is 5grha II and tpe tables- miniature," it?╟╓s fun, If you like to see a parade of girls undressing, that is, Gne would expect it to be a gathering place for stags, but every time I've gohe there 1 found the customers to be about equally mala aijd, female. Prob-' ably because there?╟╓s nothing' vulgar; nothing dh -y. Alleged- ly you-can pass an evening for about $10, but you?╟╓.ll probably need more. The FolieS-BergerC Is as SlUch a part of Paris as thl Milfei TOWCr. It's hot a cabaret, it?╟╓s a show. Starting at 8?30 in the evening, it unfolds nearly four hours of an extravagant spectacle unique in the world. The costumes and scenery are fabulous, the/ girls are beauti- ful, there are many nuflq?, but all of1 them managfe to move without shocking anyqpe.. ?√ß ; At the moment, the show here is on the tired side, hav- ing. played eontinuouSiy (seveh days a week, 12 months ft year). for ( about five years: They'll ; b4 hrang1 a ?╟ hew shifw M a few months. There?╟╓s not much to Choose between the Folies ahd the Casino, actually; they?╟╓re very much the same. ;' Neither'; theater bothers much with tal- ent, except that of the costume and Sfet; designers. Both the?½, ters avoid. Chatter as much as possible, hoping for tourist trade. About $10 a seat for the best down-front chairs. 1 Almost as Well known inter- nationally as the Folies is the Lidd. Byt the latter is a night- eiuh,?╟ 6f the sort to?·, m Amer- ?╟╓ ?╟╓lea,call a theater-restaurant. You are at tables, are served meals, and .drinks, havd a spot for dancing. And there?╟╓s a lavish shofa running about an hour long. Which is usually long ehohgh; many Yanks get .tired by the marathon shows at ?√ß the Casino Or PollCs.) Weft staged, fast-paced, the beautiful girls are featured, but run al- ?╟≤ most'' second to the carefully, picked ?╟úsight acts.?╟Ñ Allegedly you can have ft meal, including champagne, plus the ?╜h6w, for about $2o, Same Show v The' Moulin-Rquge - is L very much, like the Lido, but it is , ?√ßnot quite as big; so you can probably see the show better. Chances are you won?╟╓t be able to differentiate between the spots. The Show formula is the same, -the tab is the same; the food is the same, the, girls are different,* ?╟? . Ann this seems a good mo-, ment to relax-and talk about the girls.' Ah; those girls i They are tali and short aha pudgy and skinny and blonde and brunette, bUt de-lovCly, Very few of them are French. 1 - All yoflr life you have heard about: ?╟úthose?╟╓: beautiful French girls,"j-but-M Paris, most of the girls (ih Shows, that' is) are British, with ft heavy sprinkling! of scandiiiavians and Germans, 1 oftee asked one of the rare French chorines how come. Bhe shrugged her lovely shoulders end sals: ?╟úFrench girls are practical. There are easier ways of earning a livibg,?╟Ñ-. But that?╟╓q. toother stpry, . \ Ano4h or possible pleaSaht. evening for Americans is the : Olympia, which is a big vaude- ville house specializing in y^-ye singers, roek,'' *n?╟╓ roll, and every other form. # nbise. vaudeviim, remember? There used to be hundreds of vaudeville theaters in America, but they're! virtual- ly all gone. Here one act fol- lows another, the amplifiers ate .tinned Oh Very loud, the orchestra bang-slams; Rut most of the- acts are top-notch and | comedy is > kept at av mtoimutn. ?√ß > Shows ?╟╓ (too, long) start at 8-.30 and tickets cost about $8 for i ?╟≤ the best locations.1 1 Vaudeville If you?╟╓re a true lover of vau- , Seville, these are a couple of other good vaudeville theaters /" in Paris, the best ot, which is the BObino. A lovely little old- fashioned house on the Left ; Bank, it offers an array of the j H very begt-. there is by way of variety shows, Bfut no ?╟úchic,?╟Ñ ito "fashion" and usually s*OU ?╟≤need a bit .of French to get t \ .through the evening . j r There are' two other theaters in Paris dealing with ?╟úextr&va- { ganza*?╟╓ the ChAtelet?╟╓ and. the j Mogador. Both produce ex- ; tremely lavish musical come- ?╟≤ dies, French style, meaning ?√ß operetta. The shows:in both theaters are corny And Old- fashioned, but delightful if you , i have any nostalgia. M both ,'; ?√ß theaters n show usually. runs a year or two, which is. buite a tot when yoti consider that both ;, have more' than 6,08& seats to peddle nightly. Net in-. tended for foreigners (provincial Frenchmen make up half the, audience), these shows are nevertheless worth seeing, es- pecially If you remember (or enjoyed) the sort of shows that > Used to be produced at New ; York?╟╓s Hippodrome, Best seats at about $7. That?╟╓s the story of the Parts , spectaculars. NbW if you want a simple If nightclub, ?╟╓ there are ; dozens of them in Pigaiie, Montparnasse and in j* the Side streets off the Cnm??$s-Elyse.e$. All kinds and all Sizes and all, forms.