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The Bulletin from Temple Beth Sholom, November 2005



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    Every time I write or talk about Israel my heart begins to beat in a very different way and my eyes fill up with tears. For me Israel is not only a symbol of freedom and self determination but it represents the innermost pride that we as Jews can ever experience. I have been to Israel many, many times but the last trip I took leading The TBS Israel family adventure last July was unlike any other Israel trip that I had ever experienced. Why? Well, I simply had never visited Israel with so many people that had never seen Israel before, and being able to experience that first time Israel touches a person's soul became one of the most enriching experiences of my life. We called our trip a family adventure because we wanted families to experience Israel together but we never imagined the impact this life changing experience was going to have on our children. I can tell you without any fear of being wrong that the children who traveled with us will live a stronger and more vibrant Jewish life just as a result of those short two weeks in Eretz Israel. After the first few hours in Israel I began to feel that our family adventure was the most wonderful gift that Liz and I could ever give to our children. At first I thought that it was only me who was feeling that way but then, I found out that everyone felt exactly the same way. Israel is truly a gift, what it does for our spirit can't be explained with simple words. Israel is a place you need to experience and not only visit. This past Rosh Hashana I spoke about the three experiences that shaped my year, this trip was absolutely one of them. The magic and power of Israel stays within you forever and everyday for the rest of your life you understand the world in a different way. You can join us this summer! We are going again and this time many more people are joining us. Please contact Carol in my office for further details and an itinerary. Join us on June 25 to July 11 2006 for our 2nd Israel Family adventure. It WILL change your life forever, I guarantee it! Page 3 HHigh Holy Days Thank You By Ed Seltzer, President With the high holy days behind us, it is almost anti-climactic as I walk the halls & offices of our I can't begin to describe the effort & dedication our clergy, staff & member volunteers put into the task of bringing to fruition the magnificent services of Rosh Hashanah, Kol Nidre & Yom Kippur. There are far too many wonderful people to individually thank for their untiring effort on our behalf so I'm just going to say "our heartfelt thanks" to everyone that helped bring it all together. Our Kol Nidre campaign was successful, and to the many congregants who truly care & gave from I hope everyone who attended the High Holy Days at Temple Beth Sholom had a very smooth and inspirational experience. Thank you to the Rabbi and Cantor for leading us through this most important time in our year. Thank you also to Eric Friedman and the members of the choir who helped lead services and embellish the beautiful liturgy during the Holy Days. What we see sitting in the services is only the culmination of what is involved in the complete High Holy Days experience. Many months ago, our High Holy Day Committee, chaired by Bruce Gale and Jeff Michelman, began working on all of the details most people may never notice; the registration material, the police and parking attendant schedules, the volunteer greeter procedures and orientation, and the list goes on. Undoubtedly everyone noticed the addition of a bima in the Large Social Hall. This was a major the heart, we thank you and promise, we will always be there for you. I had the pleasure on the first day of Sukkot to attend our Sukkot service which was held in the Steinberg chapel. It was truly very special. We all had our lulav & etrog and as we and all our temple children followed our rabbi and cantor around the chapel it was not only very spiritual but also great fun. I hope you took advantage of one or more of the eight Sukkot services held. As I write this, I am looking forward to the Simchat Torah service, which is always a joyous time. I hope you had a chance to attend as well! change in our service and one which we hope you feel brought the service closer to a larger number of congregants. Additional thank yous are extended to the education staff who looked after and educated our children, the maintenance staff who ensured the building would be in good shape, the office staff who organized all of the paperwork, and to the myriad of other staff and volunteers who helped ensure a successful Holy Day season. In this Bulletin is a survey, which, with your input, will allow us to enhance the Holy Days for everyone in the future. Please take a few minutes to complete and return the survey at your earliest convenience. I look forward to seeing you at Temple during the coming year. temple. Smooth and Inspirational High Holy Days By Laura Sussman, Executive Director Page 5 EDUCATION NEWS by Jon Mitzmacher, Director of Education RELIGIOUS SCHOOL * MIDRASHA * USY * ADULT EDUCATION * HIGH HOLIDAYS Religious School What a crazy month we just had with ail the school closures! However, despite the fact that we barely had any class time this month, October did bring us...the first annual Pizza in the Hut! on Sunday, October 23rd. The turnout was terrific as we celebrated Sukkot by gathering together as a school in our beautiful sukkah for a festive luncheon. It was an event not to be missed! Besides a return to a normal schedule, November brings us a very special event. You are all invited to join us on Saturday, November 19th, as Kitah Vav (Sixth Grade) helps lead the morning service. Kitah Vav will be the first of our grades to lead Shabbat services. During the course of the year, all our Religious School grades take a turn to lead services and show off how much they have learned. Don't miss these wonderful opportunities to shed a little naches\ Midrasha Midrasha is back and better than ever! With a whole new elective-based program and an enrollment much higher than expected, the new Midrasha program kicked off on Thursday, October 20th. The Fall Trimester of Midrash will run through November and December and the electives being offered include a theater workshop, a film class, and parashat ha'shavuah (weekly Torah portion) class, and others. Even though classes have begun, we are happy to welcome newcomers at any point along the way. This means you can still register, join us, and help show that at Temple Beth Sholom, Jewish education doesn't stop at B'nai Mitzvah. Contact the Religious School Office for more information. USY (By: Ashley Mitchell (TBS USY Youth Board Member) The TBS USY youth group kicked off their first of the year event at Eli Tredup's house on September 25th. It was a pool party with over 35 people attending. At the beginning of the event, there were snacks, pizza, and a few ice breakers, including speed meeting (similar to speed dating), to be enjoyed by all who came. After everyone was acquainted with the other kids there, the USYers were able to jump in and enjoy the pool. To top the night off, everyone got to watch, The Longest Yard, a movie that was projected onto the back of the Tredup's house. The movie also included some very funny laughs and yummy dessert. This was an event you couldn't miss, but if you did we hope to see you at our upcoming events: ? November 6th - Sushi with the Rabbi, Sushi Fever @ 6:00 p.m. ? November 18th - All Teen USY Shabbat Dinner at the Kirsch residence. ? November 20th - Ben & Jerry's USY Benefit Night from 6:00p.m.-9:00 p.m. For further information about these future USY events, please contact Lauren Frydman at Adult Education Please be sure to check out the Adult Education Brochure for Fall 2005 that debuted is currently available in the Temple/School Offices. We have expanded our menu of classes this year including classes on everything from yoga to Jewish attitudes towards sexuality. The Rabbi is teaching; the Cantor is teaching - there are ongoing classes, special classes, and even special events. Many Adult Education classes are about to begin so register today! Temple Beth Sholom is happy to be participating in the nationwide Read Hebrew America program by offering a crash course in reading Hebrew on Sunday, November 20th. Beginning at 10:00 AM, this three-hour course will give you all the tools you need to begin reading Hebrew. You do not need to know an alef from a bet to sign up! If you have would like to register for a class or would like a class offered that is not already planned for, please give us a call. High Holidays Thanks to all the parents, teens, teachers, and students for a wonderful High Holiday Children's Program! We tried to raise the bar this year in terms of our programming and hope we have succeeded. By offering Music, Games, Drama, and Tefillah (prayer) - all age-appropriate and holi-day-themed - we hoped to provide the children with their High Holiday experiences while the parents had theirs. We are always interested in feedback and while it is still fresh in your minds, we encourage you share your feedback with us. If you would like to read more specifically about the Religious School & Hebrew High, I encourage you to read our monthly newsletter "Lashon" which will be mailed home at the beginning of each month. If you would like to know more about the Solomon Schechter Day School you can check out its monthly newsletter as well. My door, phone, and e-mail ( are always open for your feedback, questions, and concerns. Page 8 MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE By Ronnie Schwartz, Membership Committee Chairperson It was great to see all the new & old faces over the holidays. The Membership Committee looks forward to welcoming you all at our upcoming events. On November 18th we will all have the opportunity to meet & welcome our new members of 2005 at a special Shabbat & Oneg. Last year's New Member Shabbat was quite a moving experience for all who attended. Please set the date aside & join us. In the planning stages is a Member Appreciation Shabbat for those of us who have been members for awhile. We appreciate your continued support & look forward to honoring you at an upcoming Shabbat. Join us to see who the longest standing member of Temple Beth Sholom is! More news will follow on this event in the next couple of months. Welcome to September's New Members Saul Aboudi Joshua Abrams Seth and Melanie Agatstein Jordan Barry Bonnie Bloss Tom Bloss Jeffry and Jill Borgida Keith and Daniella Brill Todd and Heather duBoef Paula Engel-Miller and Harold Miller Paul and Sonya Epstein Steven Falk Alan and Barbara Fine Dennis and Evelyn Frank Harvey Geller Leah Green Steve and Linda Green Pam Greenspon and Jeffrey Ng Samanta Hegedus Larry and Myra Herbstman Josh and Tracy Hirsberg Arie and Dharanee Hornreich Ronald Israel Lisa and Trent Keenan Alexis Kennedy and Allan Rosenhek Jeremy and Angela Kisner David Loban Clifford and Geralyn Molin Jamie Newberry Rebecca and Christopher Plutte Patricia Rand Laura Rinzler Scott and Robyn Rosen Murray Rosenblum Carly Shainker Herb and Laurie Shainker Tamir and Randi Shanel Jeffrey and Namiko Slack Mitch Smith and Linda Cutler Smith Anthony and Laila Spiegel Evan Spiegel Ashley Stearns Eli and Leslie Stearns Lindsay Stearns Alexander and Kelly Stolyar Darren and Michal Student Harold and Helene Sussman Karl and Ziva Tscholl Bernie and Linda Umlas Fred and Barbara Wasserspring Mickey Weisz and Lauri Staretz Steven and Maria Weitman Pamela and Warren Wilkins Ellen Zucker This is our temple. Please help make all our members feel part of our family by taking the opportunity to introduce yourself to someone you have not met before. USY Benefit Night At Ben & Jerry's Sunday, November 20th 6- 9PM Looking for a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth? Save up your ice cream desires and come to Ben & Jerry's in the Trails Village Center, 1910 Trails Village Center, for USY Benefit Night. A percentage of all sales will benefit the Temple Beth Sholom USY group. Page 9 2005/5756 High Holy Day Survey Please complete the survey and return to Temple Beth Sholom Mail to 10700 Havenwood Lane, LV, NV 89135 or fax to 702-804-1370 Please level of agreement with the following i. . A _ . _ KI n? ?_______ Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree* Strongly Disagree* The HHD registration information was clear and easy for me understand. The office staff was helpful in answering questions I had regarding my HHD registration. I liked getting the Kol Nidre information in a separate mailing from the other HHD registration information. I appreciated having an opportunity to review my account with the Executive Director and/or Comptroller prior to reserving my tickets. The preschool program met my expectations. The programming for elementary school age students met my expectations. The teen programming met my expectations. I thought the addition of a bima in the Large Social Hall was a good idea. The choir enhanced my HHD experience. The greeters and staff were helpful and pleasant during the HHD services. I felt secure during services and appreciated the extra police, security and parking personnel. The synagogue appeared clean and well maintained for the HHD services. statements: ) ) ) "Please comment on any areas where you feel improvement could be made: I sat in the: _ Sharon E. Sigesmund Sanctuary Large Social Hall Sigesmund/Schwartz Social Hall Page 10 RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Caroline & Cpt. Jacob Kramer Marvin Vasquez In Honor of: Shirley & Sidney Chaplin Judy & David Applebaum Helene & Harold Sussman's 55th Wedding Anniversary Dee & Hal Ober An Aliyah Sylvia & Howard Schwartzer Lenard Schwartzer Opening the Ark June Colodny Ellen Scully Carrying the Torah Harold De Armes High Holy Days Ruth Goldfarb Lois & Bruce Joseph Rochelle & Arnold Schneider Lois & Bruce Joseph In Memory of: Alex Jacoby Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kelley Mrs. Renee Tepper's Husband Evelyn & Leon Goldstein CANTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Dr. P. Mansky GENERAL FUND Tim Levine In Honor of: Bonnie Berkowitz Marcy & Jack Simon Shirley & Sidney Chaplin Marcy & Jack Simon Beverlee & Melvin Chervitz' 50th Wedding Anniversary Susie <S Steve Lang In Memory of: Nancy Kolber Ethel Byowitz Yiskor: Stuart L. Berliner JUDY & RONALD MACK SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES In Honor of: Beverlee & Melvin Chervitz' 50th Wedding Anniversary Kim, Fred, Alex & Sarah Memar Merle & Michael Mitzmacher Margie Wrobel's Special Birthday Merle & Michael Mitzmacher Speedy Recovery: Lilian Glicken Kathy & Moe Menasche SANDRA & STANLEY MALLIN Donald Green EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER Kay Silverman In Honor of: Charles Greenfeld Jessica & Joshua Pianko's Baby Shirley Greenfeld Naming of Charlotte Esther Joseph Gross Kathy & Moe Menasche Susan & William Gross Paul Schmier Rose Hein Speedy Recovery: Helen Wexler Lilian Glicken Rubin Herman Sandy & Stan Mallin Irving Herman & Family Elaine Steinberg Sylvia Hill Sandy & Stan Mallin Lee iS Edward Devore In Memory of: Harry S. Janger Ken Glicken Irving Janger Amy May Elaine & David Gelbart Sidney Groner Beatrice Klein Barb & Harv Sussman The Kleins Alex Jacoby Robert Lederer Florence Bolatin Debbie Lederer Lisa & Leonard Cohen Sidney Lewis Judy Konigsberg Elaine Lewis Amy May Bill Lipsky Marci & Robert Murdock Dr. Doris Soroky-Aarenau Preschool Teachers & Staff Raye Mall Marci & Ed Seltzer The Altmans Sharon R. Sigesmund Helen Marcus Jodi & Larry Springberg Evelyn Shafer Phyllis Meltzer YAHRZEIT/MEMORIAL FUND Claudia DeKoven In Memory of: Esther Mitzmacher Abraham Blatt Merle & Michael Mitzmacher Shirley & Sidney Chaplin Morris Moskovic Dolly Brenner Ella Shaikin Gerry Fischer John Sala Sara Broch Nancy Horowitz Lucia Feit Hinda Schapiro Rena Gerson Davis Pincus Schapiro Linda & Mervyn Gerson Sasha Semenoff Sherry De Armas Bernard Schneider Harold De Armes Rochelle <S Arnold Schneider Ruthe Spector Lily Selver Gertrude Drapkin Ruthe Spector The Kleins Dora Shafer Albert Eisen Julius Shafer Beverly & Barry Eisen Evelyn Shafer Beatrice Eisen Charles Shapiro Dr. Doris Soroky-Aarenau Drs. Louisa & Michael Sandei Dora Esformes Sara Shinert Flora & Stuart Mason Joanie Shinert Abraham Feit Bernard Silkes Israel Feit Yetta Stasko Simon A. Gelbart Hyman Silkes Elaine & David Gelbart Hyman Stoler Neil R. Gentry Gerry Fischer Viola L. Goldstein Anna Stolzberg Bessie Ginsberg Max Stolzberg Leon M. Ginsberg Anchel Stolzberg Evelyn Goldberg Abraham Turner Ana Goldberg Gladyce & Martin Ehrlich Frances Goldberg Betty Waterson Mimi Katz Ethel Koulange Page 11 Betty Waxman Rene Marino Florence Weinberg Lois & Michael Weinberg Annie Babner Weiner Earl Gerald Yarnetsky Lilyan Celata WARSAW REMEMBRANCE GARDEN Edye & Irwin Goldberg In Honor of: Opening the Ark Ruthe Spector Speedy Recovery: Elaine Steinberg Lilian Glicken In Memory of: Simon Wiesenthal Anita Lewy L'DOR V'DOR Gerry Toscher In Honor of: Doris Bluth's Birthday Gloria & Irv Bransky Gloria & Irv Bransky's 55th Wedding Anniversary Anita Lewy Gloria & Irv Bransky Lois & Bruce Joseph Beverlee & Melvin Chervitz' 50th Wedding Anniversary Gloria & Irv Bransky Eunice Galsky's Special Birthday Ruth Goldfarb Evelyn & Leon Goldstein Ruth Goldfarb, Gabbai for High Holy Days Flora & Stuart Mason Evelyn & Leon Goldstein's 50th Wedding Anniversary Lois & Bruce Joseph Lois Joseph's Birthday Gloria & Irv Bransky Barbara Kenig's Birthday Gloria & Irv Bransky Suellen Levy's Birthday Gloria & Irv Bransky Kim Memar's Birthday Gloria & Irv Bransky Audrey Merkin's Birthday Gloria & Irv Bransky Rochelle Schneider's Birthday Gloria & Irv Bransky Marci & Ed Seltzer Gloria & Irv Bransky Susan Shlisky Gloria & Irv Bransky Debra Thompson's Birthday Gloria & Irv Bransky An Aliyah & Haftorah Reading Lisa & David Carroll Shelley & Stan Carroll Opening the Ark Shelley & Stan Carroll Thank you: TBS Religious Committee for our Aliyah Gloria & Irv Bransky L'Dor V'Dor Volunteer Food Servers for your Caring & Mitzvot Gloria Bransky Speedy Recovery: Shelley Carroll Ruth Goldfarb Lois & Bruce Joseph Lilian Glicken Flora <S Stuart Mason Helen Rosenberg Roberta & Larry Brown Elaine Steinberg Flora & Stuart Mason Blanche & Philip Meisel In Memory of: Sidney Groner Lois & Bruce Joseph Sylvia Jacobs Elaine, Howard & Holly Jacobs Alex Jacoby Flora & Stuart Mason Toni Sarah Rosenberg Jan & Fred Hurvitzn LAWRENCE SCULLY LIBRARY FUND In Honor of: Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Cohen's son Robert's Bar Mitzvah Ellen Scully Speedy Recovery: June Colodny Ellen Scully In Memory of: Leo Federman Ella & Andy Perla Lawrence A. Scully Ellen Scully Lois Spector Ellen Scully TREE DEDICATION FUND: In Memory of: Alex Jacoby Arlene & Jerry Blut Shirley & Sidney Chaplin Gerry Fischer Lil Glicken Liz & Felipe Goodman Carol Jeffries Lil & Henry Kronberg Audrey Merkin Cheryl & Alan Miller COMMUNITY STUDY OF SOUTHERN NEVADA JEWISH POPULATION Your answers will help shape Ihc I mure of ihc local Jewish community When you Ret the call, LET YOUR VOICE BE IlEARI)! For more information: "ir'ir HlMWlACAMMY NOVEMBER 2005 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Bereavement Group 10:00 am 2 SSDS Curriculum Night 7:00 pm 3 4 | 5:09 pm ^ Musical Ensemble/ Singles Oneg 5 Morgan Smith Bar Mitzvah 6 7 Yoga Class 7:00 pm 8 Bereavement Group 10:00 am 9 10 11 | 5:00 pm Friday Night Kids 6:30 pm 12 13 14 Yoga Class 7:00 pm 15 Bereavement Group 10:00 am 16 17 Blood Drive 2:00-7:00 pm 18 | 4:51 pm 19 Brandon Lanzkowsky Bar Mitzvah 20 USY Benefit Ben & Jerry's 6-9 pm 21 Yoga Class 7:00 pm 22 Bereavement Group 10:00 am 23 ECE Thanksgiving Feast 11:00 am 24 Thanksgiving Day 25 4:44 pm I 26 Adam Gilman Bar Mitzvah 27 28 JCC Bookfair Yoga Class 7:00 pm 29 JCC Bookfair 30 JCC Bookfair