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I agree.La* Yaga* - Ootober 28, 1948 Y 23-1-26 Hr. L. A. UoHane*: X enbbese copy of latter fro* Hr. Adane which 1* • el Explanatory. In long dlstane* telephone conversation with Frealdent Leadbetter of Opaoo Lumber Company at Portland, Oregon X understand ha will be In La* Yaga* thla week, la thoroughly aplalnad the need for thla easement through the Opaoo Luabar lard on Charleston goulevard, bat he expressed a wish to look the situation over on the ground before ooaUttlng himself. Xt la important that the aaaaaent be available whan h* arrives and X will thank you to prepare on* along th* linos of the saaple which you prepared for Hyland Taylor about September 14 and lnolude therein th* description outlined by Hr. Adana. The oorredt nan* is Opaoo Lubber A Realty Oo., a Nevada Corporation. End. WALTER ft. BJuSSKBT