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    Supervisor In controlling the flow, while we shall continue our Interest In water conservatIon through­out the Lae Vegos Valley, I believe w© should devote our specific attention to interference with our supply fro© drilling in the inaasdiat© neighborhood of our holdings. That is the reason I offered you the solution in ths ssarles case, as unquestionably we will be required to furnish his dome©tic water anyway if he develops his tract along the lines shown in the print X sent you. There is a definite trend in this locality toward ranch-type hoses, with an acre or two adjoining. The owner of such a plot ©ust obtain his water fro© one of two sources! either fro© us or fro© a well. Experi­ence has shown that these student ranchers cannot raise alfalfa and ethe# crops at a profit. However, if he has gone to the expense of drilling a well, he will keep trying. So, it would be a good policy for us to furnish such tracts in the vicinity of our lines, with domestic water only, until such ti8» a® the present ©eter law is amended, and then the supply can be pro­tected by,meters. {general Attorney MoManec is writing you re nrdlftg the legal aspects and we will be glad to further discuss this Important subject with you on your next trip out here. Mr. Frank Strong Page #3 October 26, 1046 1 I co! Mr. S. £. Bennett Mr. L. A. McHaaee