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I agree.18. k2 CONTINUED: There?╟╓s a long pause as the three cops face the logic of Lanier's words... DeCarlo and Thomas exchange looks, then move quietly away. Olson thoughtfully produces a pack of cigarettes and leans over Lanier, OLSON (mildly) Why do you have to make it so tough for us, Lanier? LANIER I don't know, I guess I get overly sensitive when I'm accused of murder' OLSON (taking a cigar- ette from pack) Nohody rightly believes you murdered Kohler. But maybe you can help us find out who did. Lanier takes the cigarette from Olson's fingers and puts it in his own mouth. OLSON (continuing) The way I see it, the killer was already out there. When you came along he ducked between the cabins and watch- ed through the window till he saw you leave the room. Then he rang the bell and slugged Kohler the moment he opened the door. (to the other cops) Just one man's theory, of course. *+3 MED. CLOSE - DE CARLO leaning against the door jamb. (CONTINUED)