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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, November 2005



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    Congregation Ner Tamid Looking Towards The Future a Worship Services Friday, November 4 6:30 pm TotShabbat 7:30 pm Shabbat Services ? Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, November 5 10:00 am Michelle Chenin Bat Mitzvah ~ Kiddush sponsored by The Chenin Family 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, November 11 * NOTE-Office Closed 7:30 pm Organ Donor Shabbat and Shabbatone Services ~ Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, November 12 10:00 am Alex Swezey Bar Mitzvah ~ Kiddush sponsored by "Hj^wezey Family .fl^Bim Bible Study 1(^0 am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study 12:00 pm Second Saturday Talmud Study Friday, November 18 7:30 pm Shabbat Service? Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, November 19 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, November 25 Note: Office Closed 11/24 & 11/25 For Thanksgiving 7:30 pm Shabbat Service ? Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, November 26 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study Candle Lighting Times November 4 4:24 pm November 11 4:18 pm November 18 4:13 pm November 25 4:10 pm November 2005 Vol. XIX No. 1 1 Tishri/Cheshvan 5766 2005 Menschen of the Year! Jim & Beverly Rogers Saturday, December 3rd Jim Rogers, a long time resident of Las Vegas, ' ? ' graduated from Las Vegas High School in 1956. He then attended the University of Arizona and the University of Southern California where he completed a Master's in Law. He is considered to be the "Godfather of Holocaust Education" in Southern Nevada. This title was bestowed upon him by Edythe Katz-Yarchever, who along with others, traveled to Carson City with Jim in 1989 when he spoke before the State Senate and State Assembly. Jim was very instrumental in getting the Governors Council on Holocaust Education founded and funded. Without his help and support, we would not have the Holocaust Library we now enjoy. Jim also founded Sunbelt Communications Company, the parent company of Valley Broadcasting, which owns and operates 16 NBC and FOX affiliate cont. page 3 Annual Hannukah Bazaar November 6th - ii am - 3 pm Unique vendors - toys, jewelry, children?s clothing, EXCEPTIONAL JUDAIC ITEMS FROM OUR GlFT SHOP. Fabulous food - brisket sandwiches, egg & tuna salad, LATKES, HOTDOGS, NACHOS AND DON?T FORGET THE KuGEL! FuND-4-YouTH Raffle with great prizes - color tv, gift BASKETS, DINNER CERTIFICATES AND MORE! Don?t Forget The Noodle Kugel Contests Bring your best noodle kugel, warm in a disposable PAN, TO THE KITCHEN BY IO AM THE DAY OF THE BAZAAR. The winner announced at ii am. Winner MUST be PRESENT SO THEY CAN BE CROWNED!Marvar'ah Laval Danar^ Eack of fke^e families kmade a lading commifmenf fa provide financial pjppar4 ^o fkaf anyone can ke a memker' of omj^ congr'egafional family wifkovjf r'egar'd fo akilify fo pay. If p wifk gr'eaf gLafifvide fkaf we TMATMKyAU. W K^' of tho FI ame. Eilean ?3 Allen Ane;> Eevedy ?3 Er^femley Confer' Andr'ea Er'e^er' & EiA EarVy Fi^ker' Gcme ?3 ^Jeff/ey Gale T^okin ?3 Eaniel Gr'een^pvm Geyce M ack Mary ?3 E anie I3aoolof Aydie ?3 Eok Enger* GvJcmifa ?3 "David Wa^er'man Mary 3 vie &3Fven Wei^ Gold Lovol Morvor'oh Li^a ?s 3c?ff H?n,/y Lynn ?3 EiA Gary l^antor' Mada ?3 3 om Lefi^ia JMancy Cr'ow ?3 Eavid Malvin Meff e ?3 E avi d JN ane^ G^yce ?3 Eavid 3 ckeinman 3an dy&3 CO ff 3'Flker'g 5ilv^i/ Lovol MorvoKah 3yLi<a ?3 JNeil 'Beller' Ualeke ?3 ick EarVv^tairv Gar'olyn F arLa^ ?3 Gey El ocm Linda ?3 Gael Eavid;>on Gaan ?3 Le^l ie Evinn 3c>nia Eldar' ErVrce F amilian 3^cm F ine Yvonne ?3 Ger'ald Gor'don Lvjci ?3 EarVy Lewijjokn (Gariy 3 ax Erika Mafkeiy ?3 Gvegg 3QI omon Eovigla^ Enger' 3facey yak^avi^ "Bi^on^o Lov&I Monor'ah Eekr'a ?3 Mifckell Gok en Gem ?3 E OVJ gla? FI eckner' 3eir/ak Gold;>f ein ?3 Li^a 3kvjriow EekrVi ?3 Mel (Galleriman Gindy G*n;>en Eekk ie ?3 Er'ew Levy Ee^ie ?3 Gael Levy Eena ?3 Alan M ann G^cky ?? Eri LarVy T^a^en Gemi^ ?3 Er'ew T^ovjnd;> jHyla ?3 on Wortk "Fke^e families pr'ovide addifional Fnd^ ^o fko^e wko cannof afford Fill dvie^ may ke aefive, vikr^anf congKeganf^. If yovj ar'e. infeKe^fed in joining fkem in pedoriming fki;> mifyof, please confacf IrV in fke femple office. 2 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG ^cond Annual Adult Education Second Monday Program Beginning October 10th Classes are free and open to the public, PLEASE RSVP to the temple 733-6292. Second Saturday Talmud Study Second Saturday of the Month 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Following our customary morning Minyan and Bible Study RSVP to the Temple 733-6292, ___________________________ Adult Learning Adult Education 6- 6:50 pm Kabalah taught by Laura Grau 7- 7:50 pm The Educated Jew taught byAI Esbin 8- 8:55 pm Las Vegas Jewish Community Leaders Different Speaker Each Month November 14 ~Remember the Early Years: The History of Jews in Las Vegas Burton Cohen Interviewer: Michael Geeser Videography: Poppy Productions November 12 December 10 January 14 February 11 March 11 April 8 May 13 December 12 ~ Jayn & Art Marshall .... ' A Rogers cont. t/ision stations in five western states. It was at this time he ceased aticing law to devote 100% of his time to the development of the television stations of Sunbelt Communications. Jim has three children and six grandchildren. Beverly has lived in Las Vegas since 1962. She worked for several years in radio and television advertising before meeting Jim in 1995. She is currently attending graduate school at UNLV and expects to receive her Master's degree in Literature in 2006. Beverly enjoys the education, the experiences and the friendships that have come to her by way of introduction to the Jewish community and feels extremely honored to be a part of our celebration. An active supporter of education, Jim and his wife Beverly have made substantial financial contributions to various colleges and universities. Most recently, Jim Rogers was listed as one of the top twelve philanthropists in the nation by Time magazine, having given or pledged more than $275 million to various colleges and universities. In May 2005, Jim was selected Chancellor of the Nevada System of Higher Education by a unanimous vote. Please join us Saturday, December 3rd as we honor Jim and Beverly Rogers to thank them for their contributions to the community and their commitment to education. The gala, at the :^fcr Seasons Grand Ballroom, begins with a Silent Auction followed bw*n incredible dinner and program. To purchase tickets, place an ad in our commemorative journal or for more information, contact the temple office at 733-6292. V_______________________________________________________ ( " 0 Committees / Auxiliaries v______________.______________7 Mah Jongg Card Time! DEADLINE- FEBRUARY 10? Checks Payable to - CNT Sisterhood Mail to Sandy Stolberg 1904 Plantea Ct, LV NV 89117 Questions? Call Sandy at 228-6863 Flowers, cracks, bams, east, jokers and other words that mean something if you?re a player. Take action - the new cards will be here soon! Regular size is $6.00, Large size is $7.00. Sisterhood earned almost $200 last year from all the cards sold! Don't Miss It! CNT's participation in IHN/Family Promise will be highlighted in an episode of the television program "American Experience", entitled "Las Vegas - An Unconventional History" which will air on PBS on November 14th and 15th. Check your listings for time. November 2005 .3 P hilip?s M essage I would like to take this opportunity to extend a special THANK YOU to all of the members of our Adult Choir for an outstanding job during the High Holidays! They worked very hard over the summer preparing and it truly paid off. I have heard wonderful reviews of their singing and truly appreciate all of their hard work. Someone even commented that this was the best choir they had ever heard for the High Holidays. I want to express my gratitude to our choir director John Smith for an outstanding job of preparing and conducting the choir. You have brought a renewed sense of meaning to the music and the choir responded to it. To Lillian Kollar... I've said it before and I'll say it again, you are the best accompanist I've had the pleasure of working with. Thank you so very much. A special thank you goes out to Dania Lugo for playing the Kol Nidre so beautifully during the early service. This was the third year she has shared her lovely talent on the Cello. Thanks also to Andrew Smith for playing the Kol Nidre so dramatically for the late service. To Glori Rosenberger, Maxine Molinsky and Brad Torchin, thank you for making the healing service music so meaningful and touching. Every year your amazing talents make it better and better. Thank you to Lori Frankl and Sheri Swezey for making the Teen Choir sound so wonderful in the early service and Eddie Birch for his superb accompaniment. Thank you Rachel and Hillary for your lovely singing. As we look ahead to the new year, may we all live in peace, good health and happiness. B?shalom, Philip TOT SHABBAT! November 4fcfe! Tell Yoap Friends! CNT Sisterhood is proud to present another year of Tot Shabbat services the first Friday of each month beginning Friday, November 4. Open to children ages 2-5, this month we will teach them about Simchat Torah. Services begin at 6:30 pm in the Beit Tefillah, about half an hour, followed by a snack and a craft. The Sisterhood of CNT has sponsored this fine program for several years. Tot Shabbat is lead by three fine Sisterhood members, who are not only Clark County schoolteachers, but CNT religious school teachers as well. Their knowledge and love of Judaism shows in everything they do. This wonderful program is open to everyone and best of all - it?s FREE. For more information, contact Ellen Cropp at 499-0015 (evenings) or Dolly Farrow at 638- 2071 (evenings). 4 WWW.LVNCRTAMID.ORG_____________________________B?nai Mitzvah fa Youth News What a beginning! Our Religious School is well on its way. There are 203 students currently enrolled in our diverse program. *^ur Kindergartners and 1st graders are focusing on learning Judaism through fun. Lots of games, art projects, es and socializing are used in teaching Jewish holidays, Shabbat, tzedakh, Torah, Hebrew, and more. Our 2nd and 3rd graders are well on their way in studying about holidays, synagogue, Tefilah (prayer) and Parashat Ha?Shavua (the weekly portion). They are also doing great in learning Hebrew with a Hebrew specialist who comes in to the classroom every Sunday. Our 4th and 5th graders immerse in studying about Israel, exploring Jewish ethics through their own lives and Parashat Ha?Shavua. Our 6th and 7th graders are focusing on learning the meanings of prayers and also how to read them in Hebrew and chant the trope. Our 6th graders are also focusing on Jewish ethics while 7th graders are facing the challenging topic of anti-Semitism, particularly during the Shoah. All of our students are participating in Tefilah services and music. And all of our students grades 4th through 7th are focusing on learning Hebrew too. Twice a week, they all meet with Hebrew teachers to learn reading, writing, and comprehension based on their own level. Our 8th graders chose, in addition to focusing on ?current events through the Jewish eye?, to learn conversational Hebrew during the first semester. They are having a lot of fun... Our Confirmation class and Youth groups - NTTY and TNT - are also on their way for a wonderful year of learning and fun. We have a highly qualified staff and curricula that incorporates many aspects of Jewish learning. All of our teachers have teaching experience, and all of our Hebrew teachers are fluent in the language. Add in the fact that they all love Judaism and see education as the most important thing for our children?s future, and this is our recipe for success. Another main ingredient in our school?s success recipe is our wonderful parents who are getting involved and helping and supporting. You are the flour that holds the mixture together! With such a great beginning, I?m sure we are going to have a fantastic year! E^fcialom Ayelet Dagan-Blit Director of Education For more information about NTTY, TNT, and Confirmation Class please call the Education office @ 733-6292. My name is Michelle Chenin. On November 5th I will be called to the Torah as a Bat-Mitzvah. I attend Woodbury Middle School and I am currently in the 7th grade. My favorite subjects are science and band. I love to sing, dance, cheerlead, play my flute, play (j^ketball and horseback ride. I love animals very much. I plan on becoming a doctor when ! grow up. I ami looking forward to having family and friends join me on this special day. Michelle Chenin November 5, 2005 Alex Swezey November 12, 2005 Hi , my name is Alex Swezey and on November 12th I will be called to the Torah to become a Bar Mitzvah. My torah portion is Lech-Lecha. Currently I attend Deb Webb Middle School as a 7th grader. I enjoy hanging out with my friends, singing in the choir and playing my new Fendor bass guitar. I look forward to seeing all my friends and family on my big day. November 2005 5 Your Executive D irector A Time of Transition November 1,2005. We have had our last High Holidays service at our existing location, we are just about to have our last Chanukah Bazaar in our existing facility, and we ari now seriously packing and preparing to make the transition to: ^ * Temporary offices, located at 2920 Green Valley Parkway, Suite 521, located just north of the Northeast corner of Green Valley Parkway and Sunset; * Shabbat Services, located at King David Chapel (Eldorado and Eastern, just south of Warm Springs, behind Palm Mortuary); * Sunday Religious School, located at Gibson Elementary School in Henderson at 271 Leisure Circle, near Green Valley Parkway and Silver Springs. In addition, we have started construction of our new facility, after a wonderful, spiritually moving and emotional ground-breaking ceremony last month. While we know where the above programs and services will be held, we are now into the aspect of planning where all of our Special Activities will be held during the year until we are ready to move into our new facility at the 215 and Valle Verde. Our entire staff, along with our many hard-working volunteers, is now looking at what we will be doing, and where, to keep all of our congregants informed and connected to CNT while we are in our transition. Adult Education, Music Season Shabbat, the monthly Shabbatone Family Musical services, our Scholar-ln-Residence, our Purim Carnival, our Men's Club, Sisterhood and NTTY monthly meetings and programs, to name just a few activities, all need to be addressed, and we are doing just that. It is our goal that we have as normal a year as possible, while we go through an abnormal year. We hav^^ determined that we need to continue with "business as usual", while it is not usual business. A challenga^ for one and all, one we take seriously, and need your help with. Please let us know just how we can best serve your various needs, as we want to make this as easy as possible for all. When the Board of Trustees hired me in February 2002, I was told that we would be moving in the next few years, and part of my responsibility would be to move us. As I had moved my own company (in my previous life) twice, I said "fine", and knew that I could get the job done in a timely, cost-effective and safe manner. This is exactly how I feel today. Personally, I find this to be a wonderful, invigorating and exciting challenge that I relish, and know that, with everyone's help, this will happen. Transition. Some people love change, others have a hard time dealing with it, and others gently go with the flow. Which do you choose to be? Whichever it is, please join us as we enter our latest stage of growth and development. THIS IS EXCITING! As always, to be continued...... Irv 6 WWW.LVNEIITAM1D.ORGP resident?s M essage Temple Board Scott Stolberg, President Marla Letizia, VP Administration Mike Unger, VP Ways & Means Beth Falk, VP Education & Youth Maxine Molinsky, VP Ritual ? Jay Poster, VP Membership Recruitment Marsha Goldberg, VP Membership Retention CindyJensen, VP Social Action Gregg Solomon, Treasurer Yvonne Gordon, Corporate Secretary Jordie Primack, Trustee David Shapin, Trustee Stacey Yahraus, Trustee Harry Sax, Trustee Debra Cohen, Trustee Michele Fendell, T rustee Beth Bromberg, Trustee Barry Lewisohn, Trustee Daryl Alterwitz, Trustee No Email Maxine Gratz, Sisterhood President CNT Sisterhood@aoLcom Dr. Fred Toffel, Men?s Club President 4^Adam Bromberg, NTTY Co-President twism34821@aolcom Hilary Scheele, NTTY Co-President Every month I write about upcoming holidays, events, or temple business. I often speak of my family and MY TEMPLE FAMILY. However, we live and practice our Judaism within a larger family/community ~ nationally within the Reform Movement and the Union for Reform Judaism; in Las Vegas there is The Federation, about 18 synagogues, The Hebrew Academy, JCC, JFSA and others. Each of these organizations has a stated purpose and specific needs. One need every organization including CNT has is for information. We need to know how many Jewish people live in Las Vegas. We need to know the ages of those people. We need to know what they want the temple to do that we are not doing currently. How many Jewish children attending preschool live in Las Vegas. How many seniors live in Las Vegas and do they need housing help transportation assistance. All of this kind of data is vital so the Boards of these organizations can plan and be successful. Gathering this information is both expensive and time consuming. The Hebrew Academy and the Federation have commissioned a study with the information being made available to all of us after it is completed. The first study of this kind in over ten years. So how can you help? Some of you will get a phone call asking if you will take twenty minutes to answer some questions. PLEASE take the time. Also you can help by telling other Jews you know in Las Vegas about the survey and tell them to please take the time to answer the questions if they get a call. In today's world where everyone worries about identity theft it is important we let people know these surveyors are legitimate. As we open our new campus in twelve short months this kind of data is invaluable. As we look to expand programs and hire additional staff, knowing the demographics and the desires of our market place would help as we set priorities. I know we are all busy and I know how hard it is to say yes to a surveyor but this one is important. Take the time; tell a friend, help the whole local community serve our people better. B'shalom Scott November 2005 7 Ongoing Monthly Programs Community/Self-Help JACS TUESDAYS, 7:00 pm, Room 6 Are you a Jewish alcoholic or cheically dependant person? Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent and Significant Others is a self-help support group. Tell someone you love. Alzheimer's Support Group MONDAY, Nov 14, 6:30 pm This support group is open to caregivers, family, and friends of loved ones suffering from dementia related to alzheimer's disease. For more information please call 617-6430. Do you have a family member or friend who is hospitalized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Due to confidentiality laws, there is no notification from the hospitals. Please contact Karen at the temple office 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. Get Involved! Volunteer - Take A Class! JFSA Needs Food Mitzvah Menorah Questions? Call Temple office CNT delivers food left inthe bin in the front lobby to JFSA Community Food Bank all throughout the year. Baby formula, cereal, peanut butter, canned vegetables, pasta, soup, and canned chicken or tuna are always needed. Project The Social Action Committee is again sponsoring the Mitzvah Menorah Project for needyjewish children. At the Chanukah Bazaar on Sunday, November 6th, look for our booth with the huge menorah hung with nametags of children. The tags will note if the Committees / Auxiliaries Rosh Chodesh Thursday, November 3 @ 7 pm Each month the women of CNT gather to celebrate Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the new Plebrew month. The evening blends learning, spirituality, and sharing. Presentation topics and speakers vary monthly. request is from a boy or girl, the age, size, interests and one special gift the child really wants. The idea is for you to select a child and purchase Chanukah gifts for that child. If you have your own children, this is an excellent way to teach the meaning of tzedakah or giving to those less fortunate than yourselves. Every year, several Chavurot either adopt a specific child or donate cash to help with shortfalls in the project. Once you choose a child, you wilj| receive instructions on what to do next. ATTENTION RELIGIOUS SCHOOL KIDS! Don't forget your Shabbat Attendance Card! You can find them on the table in the foyer. Make sure you bring it to Rabbi, Philip, or Irv after services. Those who attend at least 18 services receive a prize; the student who attends the most receives the Shomar Torah Award! You bring the wrapped gifts to the Temple by a specific date. Jewish Family Services then picks up the gifts and delivers them to the selected families before Chanukah. Inside each family bag is also a menorah, candles, prayers, chocolate gelt and assorted Chanukah treats for the family. If you know of any Jewish families who could be helped by this project, please call Danielle Norris at Jewish Family Services - 732'0304. All information will be held in strictest confidence byJFS. If you would like to help with the committee, please contact me either by e-mail at or at 656'5055. Gloria Fenster Mitzvah Menorah Chairperson ? Social Action Committee 8 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG NOVEMBER 2005 J^unday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 1st Tuesday w/Rabbi Noon R/S East 4:30 pm Conversion Class 7pm JACS 7:00 pm Maintenance Day Office Closed R/S West 4:30 pm Rosh Chodesh 7 pm Tot Shabbat 6:30pm Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Michelle Chenin Bat Mitzvah 10 am Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am 6 R/S 9:15am-12:15am Confirmation 12:30 pm Chanukah Bazaar 11 am 7 8 R/S East 4:30 pm Conversion Class 7pm. JACS 7:00 pm 9 io R/S West 4:30 pm 11 Shabbatone Family Service & Organ Donor Shabbat 7:30 pm Veteran?s Day OFFICE CLOSED 12 Alex Swezey Bar Mitzvah 10 am Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Second Saturday Talmud Study Noon 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 NO R/S NO Confirmation Kabalah 6:00 pm The Educated Jew 7:00 History of Jews in Las Vegas 8:00 pm AHieimefs Support Group 6:30 pm R/S East 4:30 pm Men?s Club Board Meeting 6:30 pm Conversion Class 7pm JACS 7:00 pm R/S West 4:30 pm Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am 20 R/S 9:15am-12:15pm Cj^knation 12:30 pm k/SPuub Breakfast ir Social Hall 9:30 am 21 22 R/S East 4:30 pm Conversion Class 7pm JACS 7:00 pm 23 24 NO R/S 25 Shabbat Service 7:30 pm 26 Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Thanksgiving OFFICE CLOSED Thanksgiving OFFICE CLOSED 27 28 29 30 Dec. 7 2 3 NO R/S NO Confirmation Sisterhood Board Meeting 7:00 pm R/S East 4:30 pm Conversion Class 7pm JACS 7:00 pm Adult Choir 7:00 pm R/S West 4:30 pm Tot Shabbat 6:30pm Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Mensch Gala 6:30 pm 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 R/S 9:15am-12:15am Confirmation 12:30pm First Tuesday w/ Rabbi Noon R/S East 4:30 pm Conversion Class 7pm JACS 7:00 pm R/S West 4:30 pm Final Shabbat Service in Building 7:30 pm Justin Thuna Bar Mitzvah 10 am Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Upcoming December Events December 9 ~ Final Shabbat Service in Building 7:30 pm December 16 ~ First Shabbat Service @ King David 7:30 pm December 18-January 2 ~ R/S Winter Break November. 2005 9 Thank You To Our The Campus for Jewish Life, Learning and Spiritual Renewal Greenspun Family Barbara Greenspun Myra & Brian Greenspun Robin & Daniel Greenspun Jane & Jeffrey Gale Susan Fine Sanctuary Joyce Mack Recreation Area M. B. Dalitz Foundation Beit Tifillah Gregg Solomon Main Administration Building Yvonne & Gerald Gordon and Family Main Sanctuary Ark Juanita & Dr. David Wasserman Main Lobby Lotty & Jerry Polis and Family Amphitheatre & Outside Ark Aydie & Bob Unger and Family Main Building Kitchen Fox Family Taylor Family Main Front Doors & Mosaic Amy & Ze?ev Yacobovsky Social Hall Stage Debra & Andrew Levy and Family Adult Library Lynn & Dr. Gary Karitor Stain Glass- Main Sanctuary and Beit Tifillah Joan & Les Dunn Garden of Remembrance King David/Palm Mortuary Preschool Playground Gross Family Gift Shop Gloria & Mark Fine Youth Lounge Stolberg Family Religious School Library In Memory of David Wood Garden Rose & Fred Fleekop Memorial Garden Day School/Religious School Principal Office Worth Family Beit Tifillah Doors Friedman Family Brides Room Berkley/Lehrner Family Sanctuary Quiet Room Marla & Tom Letizia Garden of Remembrance Star of David Planters Harry Sax Jonathan Sparer Religious School Beit Tifillah Ark Adrienne & Ira MillerjyiAjOR NCC Donors Children?s Education Classrooms Anson Family Judy & David Applebaum Debra & Mitchell Cohen and Family Gollard Family Gene Brown & Andrea Harris-Brown Mann Family Roberta Sabbath Jackie, Larry and Miranda Rosen Warner Family Patio Barbeque Men?s Club Garden of Remembrance Benches Bromberg Family Debbie & Jordie Primack Christiana & Brett Primack Janis & Drew Rounds Vera Stern Mindy & Jim Wadkins In memory of Eugene Warner Naming Opportunity Pending Joni & Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Terry Shoofey & Daryl Alterwitz Dr. Allan Boruszak Beverly & Dr. Stanley Canter Diane & Kenny Epstein Michelle & Ike Epstein Deirdre Felgar Dr. Barry Fisher Fleta & Leonard Goldstein Elayne & Dr. Stephen Kollins Jane, Art, Cari, Todd Marshall Christy & Alan Molasky Coral & Peter Reveen A Sonja & Michael Saltman ^ Mary & Daniel Socolof Deanne Stralser Stacey Yahraus Major Gift Recognition Linda Alterwitz & David Mizrahi Laura & Kevin Bailey Sylvia & Neil Beller Sharna & Dr. Stewart Blumenfeld Laura & Todd Butwinick Elissa & David Cadish Judge Michael Cherry Nadine & Joe Cracraft Patricia & Scott Dockswell Lois & Malcom Doctors Irv Duchowny Linda & Harvey Eisner Rhonda & Dr. Steve Glyman Marsha & Art Goldberg Susan & Mike Goldstein Debra & Mel Hallerman Loretta & Vic Hollander Cynthia K Jensen Leslie Jensen Phyllis & Cal Lewis Mara & Gary Lieberman Mayman Family Cookie Olshein Chunman & Gary Raimist Cecilia & Geoffrey Schafler Debra & Merrill Schultz Sondra & Joe Schwartz Juliann & David Shapin Natalie & Gilbert Shaw Nanette & Ira Spector Bette & David Stahl Roberta & Michael Unger Ruth & Andrew Urban Dorothy & John Wanderer Charles Weiner Dr. David WilderSpecial Announcements November Birthdays 2nd - Mrs. Michelle Benedict Mr. Rand Capp David Shapiro 3rd -Joshua Capp Danny Michelin Mr. Steven Weiss 4th-Alana Adler Ms. Hilary Crowley Mrs. Bernice Eisenberg Mrs. Suzanne Goldstein Mrs. Sandie Weiss Amya Werner 5th - Mr. Harry Alter Michelle Chenin Hannah Lapidus Dr. Barry Markman Brittany Markman 6th - Mr. Keith Alterman Mrs. Natalie Berger Ms. Katherine Selinsky 7th - Mrs. Debbie Levy 8th- David Goodheart Quinton Hosey Mr. Joel Karasik Joshua Knox Billy Mahon Mr. Timothy McCright Miranda Rosen Kaitlin Shapin Mrs. Gail Skolnik 9th - Mrs. Nancy Barasch Mrs. Jennifer Cohen Jordan Hardaway 10th - Mr. Howard Altshuler Mrs. Susan Charon Jacob Friedlander 11th - Zachary Berk Ms. Ann Brandt Joshua Cane Mr. Alistair Crighton Mrs. Jackie McRitchie Mrs. Sue Slocum Mr. Richard Zeitlin 12th - Mr. Randy Farrow Mrs. Shirley Weiner Ms. Rona Zeiiin 13th -Omri Blit Gabriel Milano 14th - Mrs. Debra Cohen Dr. Mark Drucker Ms. Sonia Eldar Jordan Kabins Joshua Kabins Mr. Arthur Kunis Mrs. Shari Wachs 15th - Mr. Ruben Goldstein 16th -Ms. Leslie Jensen Ms. Judi Morris Mrs Sylvia Oreskes Mrs. Antoinette Osgood Mrs. Glori Rosenberger Mrs. Ruth Urban 17th - Mrs. Jacqueline Chenin 18th-Mr. Arthur Cohen Natalie Cohen Mrs. Rose Dunn Mrs. Debra Kaner Mr. Gerald Marks 19th-Ranen Lardent Mr. Michael Levenberg 20th-Bradley Alhadeff Jacob Epstein Kimberly Karp Harmony Letizia Mr. Earl Monsey 21st-Mrs. Linda Eisner Mrs. Margaret Parnas Mrs. Adele Rothman 22nd - Mrs. Marlene Birch Nicole Cohen Mrs. Rita Goldstein Mr. Fredric Lehr Mrs. Bessie Levy Mr. Sidney Marco Ms. Jamie Nordella 23rd - Matthew Bailin Mr. Harvey Sanoff Mr. Jonathan Sparer Sarah Stevens 24th - Dr. Joel Charon Mrs. Pat Gorman Noah Morris Mr. Matthew Shulman Ms. Sarah Smith Mr. Mino Vaturi 25th -Lanie Cohen Mrs. Lori Pelham Mrs. Pearl Rouzaud Mrs. Lisa Tenner Mr.WalterTuzinski 26th - Mrs. Ruth Granich 27th-Jonathan Cohen Mrs. Herta Steiner 28th - Matthew del Valle Mr. Gary Goodheart Mr. Stephen Greenberg Mr. Kenneth Herman 29th - Alexis Beresid Mr James Cassatta Mr. Solomon Kamm Mrs. Brenda Paul Mrs. Fay Schoenfeld 30th - Matthew Cadish Dillon Chenin Jason Glyman Mrs. Celia Skoboloff Mrs. Adrienne Unger Jdoy.gmber'. Anniver^ar'ie? JNov'amkar' l AV & AVj. ^Jae Fr'eikji'gar' AVar\dAVj.5tepk en Gr'eenker'g TMav/amkaK 3 AV. ?j AAr1?. Leanar'd 3pdd,or' JNaVe.mkar' 4 AV. ?s AVj.5Ljar4 Ingfirtnan TNzwamkaK S AV. ?$ AV?. T^akerd Pala?ky JNoVamkar' 9 AV&AV>.5 andy \~\aytr\ar\ AV. P)a\/id AAi^ahi & AA?. Linda AlferV/il^ J''JoVamkar' ]] AV. ?j AV?. T^and Capp AV & AV?. |HerL Tat man T'lav'amkeV IZ AV&AVj.L eon AV^co JNoVamkar' IS AV ?j AVj. A\ar1< IXWtr'g T^QVe.rnkar' 16 AVr'.A\r^. Law^ence5a??0 AV ?s AV5. A\]C W Ungei' JNaVamkar' 17 AV AV?, Philip Ljol JNaVamkar' Ifi Ur'.?sA\^.5+ anley Canfer' TV. ?j AV?. Ailan5^W }SoVamkaK Z0 AV. ?j AAr1?. Allan "j' arked T'iav'amkar' ZI AV. ?j AV?. *Da\/id JNafk an AV and AV?. Gaaffr/?y3cLafL/ AV.&AV?.d ama?3^LaL? t^Jvid^e Gilkerd '/ar'chever' A\r?. Edyfhe. Var'cLever' JNaVamkar' ZZ Check Out Our Gift Shop! AV. ?* AV?. Tiavid "B^ck^r' AV. and AV?. AAate T^vjkin?fein JNoVamkar' ZS AAr'. ?* AAr*?. 3^pk^n <Jo?eph AAr'. & AV?. Pfiler'll ?v/?&n Don?t forget to visit our Gift Shop before we move! Great gift ideas for B?nai Mitzvah, Birthdays, Anniversaries, New Home, Any Simcha! Gift Certificates Available Fridays 6:30 - 7:15 pm Sundays 9:15 am -12:15 pm (During Religious School) Weekdays by Appt. - Contact Bessie Levy 413-5171 V____________________________________J AV&AVj. Geor'ge 3 we^ey JNoVamkar' Z6 AV ?s AV^. "DoMglaj Cah er\ T^ovamkaK Z7 AV Edc Fisher-?> Ur-. rJVie. Bar4o-Fijhet' AAr'. & AAr'?. AAickael AAcCWmaH AV. AAr'?. Edgar'Par'^?man TNovamkar Zfi AV &s AVj. Glervn BvjrV TV. IrVdnfi Li^a3 imon JNoVamkar' Z9 AV ?, AAf-j. 5feve AV ?j A\r^. Tjnn.iA Gr'eenjpvjn 12 WWW.LVNLIITAMID.ORG Yahrzeits - M emoriams - Simchas INMEMORIAM: Feline Berliner, beloved mother of Madelyn Nitzkin , beloved motherdn-law of Jack, beloved grandmother of Aaron, Ronna and Barbara Irving Newman, beloved uncle of Sheri Cohen, beloved great' uncle of Corey MAY THEIR MEMORY BE FOR A BLESSING TELL & KVELL Mazel Tov to Wayne and Bonnie Palbaum on the birth of their tighter Sophie Ruth born September 10. Sophie weighed 7 pounds and 8 ozs. Proud big sister is Macy. Congratulations to Eric Polis and lllisa Heimann on their recent engagement. We wish them many years of happiness and good health together. Mazel Tov to Dana Fox on her engagement to Todd Andrew. Dana is the daughter of Mary and Jerry Fox. We wish the newly engaged couple many happy years together Dotty and Gene Henkin are proud to announce that their granddaughter, Jennifer Richter ?s accepted to the Marshall tool of Business for the spring semester in Singapore. November 4 Shirley Boyers Sam Bronstein Mollie Etkin Maria D. Feldstein Minnie Fleekop Robert Gilmore Gay Gold Thelma Goldstein Sadye Goodman Samuel Greenspun Betty Miller Greenstein Ab