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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr, F. H. Knickerbocker: In compliance with jour wire of February 7th (your f i l e 9215), I conferred with Mr. Shaughnessy and was shown a le tte r from Attorney S a lter o f Las Vegas representing South Wevada Land & Development Company, stating that he had just been employed by that Company and requesting fifte e n days additional time within which to f i l e answer to our b r ie f, and stating further that Mr. Leo A. McHamee had eonsented to this additional time. I objected to the extension for the reason that they had already had ample time to f i l e answer, and that it would probably occasion a much longer delay than the days requested, for the consideration of further opposition b r ie f, etc. However Secretary Scott assured me there would be no delay beyond the fifte e n day p e n s i o n and I thereupon agreed to the extension p r o v i d e d they obtained confirmation from Leo of his consent thereto, which they did by wire. We may therefore expect an early decision* PRJI-H F. R. McHamee cc--Mr.Bennet#/‘’'' Leo A.McHamee