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    Work on the development of the open spring should also be undertaken now, this work to consist of cleaning out the spring to solid ground and enclos­ing the basin with concrete walls, with roof covering similar to the development of No. 1 and 2 springs now in service. Care should be taken to carry the down­stream wall of the concrete basin low enough into the formations to cut off the leakage of water. A low-head motor-driven centrifugal pump can then be installed delivering water through an 8-inch Transite pipe line to the junction point with the line from the new well mentioned in a previous paragraph. ^ As soon as Hall-Baker Company*s drilling equipment is released from work now under way in the San Joaquin Valley we will proceed with the drilling of the second new well (Ho. 4), to be located south and somewhat west of the present No. 2 well. On the completion of this well the production can be carried through a Transits line to a point just beyond the No. 2 well, from which point it ean be carried in the same line now being used for the No. 2 well. The exact location of this well can probably be postponed until the results of the engi­neering work now under way are received, which we expect will be later this week. On completion of the No. 4 well it is planned to repair the No. 2 well so as to make it possible to shut the well in when the water is not needed, and also clean the well out to bottom and put a liner inside the present pipe so that the well will not sand up when shut in as it now does. With this work completed it will be possible, during periods of low consumption, to shut in wells Nos. 2, 3 and 4 entirely, leaving the production from the three springs and No. 1 well to take care of the Water Company*s require ments and irrigation work on the ranch, drawing on the other wells to the extent necessary for additional water. % - 2 -