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w Tel. WOrth^3J97 AMERI?Θ╝^Sf Press Clipping Service 119 Nassau Street l^few York City From 2;#j|i3 WORLD-TELiORAM New York.JSL Y. -?Σ≤?Σ≤?╜-HM_-?Σ≤ #?╟÷?╟÷New York?╟÷Day by Day- ?√ß?Σ≤* Wpping From The Trilling Tallu J$yfran\FarrelL By Meredith Overpeck '.^iHKB^I' PROVOCATIVE invitations be Dr. and Mrs. f^^r.W. frank Farrell Those rumbles from^Las Vegas yesterday dawn were no bomb tests, but Tallulah Bankhead sounding off for the first time in a saloon?╟÷on stage for pay^Jlhat is. . .!. Shimmying from the wings of \wMmniammmm* ^ ?√ß the^ajjdsJEiateJjcafe in a clingy blue satin num- I berrfallu wasjreal gone with: the, music. Posi* | tivelsf proved sip can sing as yell as Bette Davis, | Nick Ithe Greet, Bea Lillie and/or Fred Allen. | . . . .1 After a/medley of soft-shoe- and grinds, ,bumpf Bankhead launched into a devasting dra- | maticpmonoldgue. | All this for a lousy $20,000 per .week. However, it' served to illustrate thaiA she can spend more time in a. better class cfj_f saloon^ riowf than she has in the past. . . . Back- glancing-aft her larking allure, Tallu recalled she once song-auditioned for Rodgers and Ham- , , .-.^m^g^M&anerstein. One thought she sang flat. The other opined she was Off key. Josh Logan figured ?║he "was too low and to the left?╟÷so they gave the role to Ezio Pinza./' ?√ß*?·$&. Yet, for a gal making a debut, Bankhead acted like nothing but a seasoned trouper and indomitable star.- This made everybody UJsappy, especially sandfr^proprietor^fack Entratter, whose blind* faith l in Tailu. heeded bolstering with a fifth of brandy only when supper hour arrived and it was time for Tallu to start cooking. There were so many who anticipated her $20,000-salbon act would laj^ an econ omy-size omelettte. In case Ethel (Call Me Madam) Merm$to changes her mind and heads for London, the original'madame (Mesta) has set aside room, board and a Coronation seat for her fictional image. .., ?√ß . Karen Chandler thinks of the British ritual as one of those rare occasions when a' woman will ever "accept the first hat she's trying on. ... Amateur photographers should have a candid shot binge Sunday noon in the 71st Armory, when PAL. cops distribute? to underprivileged small fry 1000 pairs of shoes donated by Dr.* Posner's. 'mBBjfr Police <lj?║iE?·Ciul?'s Toiri Earey has a new"6<3^|^'oz. Irish cop named, Brian in. the family. :nm^M^ih''l- '-?·$$?║S$i\ His wife is former switchboard operator for, so help us, th Stork Club. "?╟≤illfThat new distaff craze of butterflies, etc., stenciled into hosi<g|. ankles can alM-be found on vintaged photos, ?╜f the late J^pa^-W^rd- . . . BaJrMgn:. "Never caution a woman| about drihkgpt'' Tlie wife you*save-may be your own," U extended to 50 friends by the ?√ß Harold Mosebys for a cocktail % party this evening between 6 I and 8 o'clock have aU of the I guests wondering what is hap- I penmg tomorrow that Is being celebrated tonight! I Among those who will be I ringing the Moseby doorbell I in Westwood are Dr. and Mrs I Robert Morrell, Patti Burns I and Tommy Higgins, the Rob- ert Marcatos, Harold Ritchies, Don Sidenbergs, Frank Koel- lers, Mrs. Charles Bergesch II (Charles left last night by plane with the Lafe Ludwigs j for the American Medical As- sociation convention in New wfn'< the TF- CT Le Laps, ^William Lenderkings and George Skakels. i PARTYTIME,;^^....jJjS series of summer partigi.will Seals, who are scheduled to take a 41-day cruise'to the Orient via Honolulu. Leaving for San Francisco this weeken|Mhe local couple will be the^ouseguests in Burlingame |phe %eph Gallaghers, whS^m %?║kt a bon voyage party for Bay area iriends on Monday evening. From Honolulu the travelers will continue on to Yokohama, Manila, Hongkong and Kobe where they plan to leave the ship for a side trip through CREPES SUZETTE, with Mrs. Neil Randolph as chef were served to guests who at* tended the brunch given in Mrs. Edward H. Farmer's Bel- Air home by Mmes. Farmer Randolph and Thbmas GundeL .finger jr. The evening before v parcies will:-.f ?·fei ?· ^ne evening before be given next WeSttfoftfr J??party ?r- Cllavlel ?· Re!* Mrl William DJt^^Wij^^^ ?Σ≤?*teT &t- **? **' prentwood hon^|^P^aijg gill be served ilt^f&deh It 12:30 o'clock,fclowedvby uncheon and bri&ge- indogfe Guests at the HostesslJni- qal event this seas^I'Vill^ai elude Mmes. Edw^WajgeJ^ C. E. Peterson, AHwi Mayfes! Raymond TremaS^fciSiS"- Simpson, E. A. K&r,Srold L. McClanahan, 4$felHfedel, Ben Miller, Benjan^WtEm^ Leigh, John WJ^ Joseph Hirsch, Wi?lT?╜ga(|dhft*|?? Franklin Donne]$ ilf|h foh)S son, Joseph Salidie and William Black. M devoted several hours to teach- ?╟≤ftig Helen how to concoct the ^delicacies. -Enjoying the French pan- j cakes and sauce were Mmes Jolui Coldron-, Douglas Coop- er, Robert Baird, Boutelle Williams, Tom Richardson, Ralph SI1?.0"' Glenn ^nsom, Stella Converse, Richard Bar- ^et^Barton Brown, Thelma Webb, Harold Viault, James :H.fnm, Blanche Fields, Sam Price, Charles Wilson, Alfred f e#er, Howard Christanson, Linfsay Parsons, Glenn Car- %??3$lus. Bankhead Wayne The Du||e and Duchess of Windsor are taking two sharp turns away from =|pMjt^ewijiliar paths'after they check out of the Waldorf today. They're sailing on our superjiner United States, instead of a Cunard Q$i^i|*$yt' going to France. . . . While various periodicals] 'are cuiiy^fj^o^^e to TY and.w&pse woes, Focus is adding to its monthly presses for biweekly appears iiees. starting next Wednesday. . i. Piiij/^ivner Bob Olin gaped at h'.pony-tailed gal .bar patron the ?╟≤other nigh^ Concluded that with toPfhOrseface and hairdo, all she1 needed was- a' saddle-type hat. Those--"3mm Wayne, Kirk Douglas and Marlon Brando "beefcake" shots, Rogue's answer to "cheesecake? must have been posed by a ChfSstirbfcj,;Whoops! ; . .Alan Corelli has a tuneful discovery in Denisef^lp^jitew mono-monikered^rush who premiered in Le . Vouvray lasfc^ight. .-.^JElla Fitzger2(||pvwarbling at La Vie en Rose is the wonmmi&, Wotispt. stiiff .^ftcp^raoiAtd' pubs were built for. ||P|||..jNow thaf^flP$TBrb-Ho) Buttofe| Jackie'; Reason and Wally (Mt?╜ Peepers) Cox are getting*rich^fe,'recording such unlikely tunes, any day now we can expect B. S. Pully to reel off wacky wax- ' ..ings for Wdi^j^f _____-. BON VQyAGE*ySr iSpr Dr. IlianayCosb^i^fci^ves Mondayj6 spend MgMmhier m the Orient, wag^hosted by lop Wade in 1| Rendez- yous rtoom of tm$tmtmom T^e ^vacious hW^^wlm 5 r!t^ from a ^stevm af th^Sands in Las Vegas to gve fiepaVt^liMi^^Q^, than p. dozen irieW0^ J Among those wilhiiig .tho hpnoree a pleasant tmm^- Mmes.:Howard Rieber^fer S|arp,>L. D. Reeder, Robert SfC^n' ?·?√ß Valentine Gress, \r?\??$ fiand0^> Thomas NGu^delfii^er jr., Millard ^> |oldki3J< C h a r 1 e s Gemora, |avmia Jaimes, Helen Behl* fcer, Eric Berhdt^Wlffiam An- ^Arson^ggr Walter Deiches * * * . SAILING FROM San Fran- Cisco on June 2 aboard the k-S. President Wilson will lig&ION LUNCHEON to- t^M* the Town House W^%^Btonh a standing room '?√ß^}yWOWd ot *ashion-con. ^piousjwomen, plus a handful I$M m^^tnciuded in the latter ^eat^y^e^ert Sheldon who hoste^a ^able -of 12- Charles ?Θ╝techard, who squired famed designer Irene; Bill l^k^+JfkBuGhtel and Cy Bartlett,|H ?╟≤ Ru1h ^ tmgham, wBBLxs^SS echea of K^^^Wi^SS Bentley R^ r^ \ ana Mrs. Howard ?╤uiiiy.^\sts included %i# Skinnay En- ms SheltOE^IcHenry and Dar- ryl Herron. Another foursome ineiuded Mmes. George Fish- er, Robert Eaton, Tony R0- mano and Forrest Tucker Also present: Mmes. Buddy Adler Laurie Moore, Martha Ellis, Eric Bass, Julie Kline, Misses Wanda McKay and Kay Riley. (Florida Clipping Service, Tampa) Florida Sun FLORIDA DATB IdiuiGywnri Hollywood News '7 b f "French tine" starts shooting at R.K.O. May 28th and it will star Jane Russell. The six songs for the picture haven't been written yet. Studio is after Jean Pierre Aumont for the male topper, since the part calls for a suave Frenchman. If cute Mary McCarty will drop a few MORE pounds, she could be the femme singing-comedy sensation of the year with her role in above. P.S: Studio is also looking for a doll who looks liks like Jane Russell (face AND figger) for one of the leads in this comedy of mistaken identity. Giant- screen, anyone? *~ * -* We're wondering how much of a "win" Metro has in acquiring the rights to Mario Lanza's recorded songs for "Student Prince," In exchange for dropping that $5,- 000,000 lawsuit.??bviously, a NON- singer will noTflfcplay the Prince, with Mario's voice pouring from the actor's lips! Fans know many stars have the warblings of others dubbed in as their own for musicals. But NOT voices that are recognizable to all! (How disiiact- ing can things get?) Remember the picture wherein Eddie Bracken "sang" throughout with Bing Crosby's recorded voice? And the old film that had Sinatra's crooning coming out of Phil Silvers' mouth? They were MEANT to be funny!!. . . Ever hear about the agent who was worrying out loud about his hew "find?" He wailed, "This client sings like Lanza, romances like Gable and acts like Laurence Olivier!" His pal asked, "Then wotcha worrying about?" Agent answered, "The trouble is?╟÷ the client is a girl!" Bob Hope due back in Tinseltown today after his fun and charity touring. Which reminds George Burns of the first theatrical event in history: "When Eve appeared for Adam's benefit!" . .. Sylvia?╟÷sm?╜??t and ?╟? Romney Brent have ditched their wedding plans. Vituperation from both sides is filling the air. It would have to go some to top the bitterness attending her divorce Jtepm Carleton Alsop! ?╟≤ /^\W^ve itemed it before, but n|w jjfs fer real:?╟÷ Gordon Mac dear and wife, Shiela, finally l&tjiheir night-club act "off the grojmd" and open in Washington next week, then hit the road . . . And Rhonda Fleming cracks out with her cafe capers at The S^dsjn^ Lgi Vegasjpittfcft . . . is giving up his* band (just about the highest earning musical outfit in the business) to concentrate ] on movies, radio, TV and per- i haps doing a cafe act as a single ?╟÷from time to time: (Nice "concentrating!) . . . Jenny Barrett, .J- the recording star known as Jeri \ Sullivan when she introduced -;i "Rum and Coca Cola" few years'/ ago, will wed Bob McLaughlin^ well-known west-coast discjockey; in August. Second mariage for > both ?╟÷ and both their mates -y were taken by death last yearPjj . . . Ken Murray is being page//f to furnish the comedy in tb/c" Musical extravaganza, "Ro|ak Marie" when that Ann Blyiy.j sterrer goes before Metro car-H eras late this summer. Sign on an Olde Swappe Sh< in the Valley: "The Den of tiquity." . . .June Allyson soi off 'like this about her glee at ing a free-lance actress: ?╟÷ Metro they never hesitated to a story for Greer or Lana or K^\ They'd even have them specij I written for them. But not for I guess they figured I'd fit anything. When they were j for a casting, they'd just say, ^ June do it.' " tfpfj^T"/ Tel. WOrth 2'379|| Press Capping :^fece m Inc." I lllSfassau Stree? ^ew York Cityf From^KiLr^h yosj&x WC^tD-TELEGKAM ' ^few York, N. Yu In Hollywood Stardom Be Balftd ; By EESKINE JOHNSON. HOLLYWOOD, May 22.?╟÷ There's no business like show business?╟÷and its quarterbacks. Rosemary Clooney and Guy Mitchell, singing together in the filmusical "Red Garters," with stars on thitf dressing room I doors, are tellffli^it on themselves and their agents. A few years' ago, before their big-time star- i domi-Cohiffibifr-rRmjrds^ them to wax :;&'Couple of duets. 1 Guy's Bgem,Md^ Joy, yelled: | "We won't do lfel*Clooney's name [isn't big enough."; ?╟≤Rosemary's agent, Joe Scrib jhan,;felled: , "We won't do itv Mitchell's name [isn't big enough<e^ But the records were made oyer their objections and zoomed to the top along with" Guy and Rose- Imary. , ')7'ii'-1 The big romance between Nora Eddington and Nicky Hilton isn't. . . .iBud Abbott and Lou Cos- tpllo'^^i^xt for UI, "Fireman, jSavefpJy Child," will be filmed jlarg$Jy on location in San Fran- [cigttflCameras roll in September. Ji|pmy Dundee, the movies' No. 1 sfet man, famous, for flirting with death, still has his Mr. Lucky title,- He's back on his feet after an fl^mpnth, $25,000 fight against || j a deadly blood disease. Bob Hope [paid for part of his medical treatment. Edgar Bergen, headed for i European tour, asked his 7 |year-old Candy* j^hat she'd like' as a present f roars England. Candy's reply: jjjjpeasa daddy, bring, me Queen^lizabeth's Car- | nation dress."^T il||Pl|l It-always-^^pens dlpartment: Van Johmpjm hoofijrfg and singling at tlMBSands^Hotel in Las j Vegas rea^kenjejr Hollywood to jhis fumusifeltg$hts. So he winds i up with theHSest dramatic role, of jhis career^-Lt. Maryk in "The Caine Mutiny." ^msw?