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Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Theta Theta Omega Chapter graduate advisor reports




1994 (year approximate)


From the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Theta Omega Chapter Records (MS-01014) -- Chapter records file.

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    man001731. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Theta Omega Chapter Records, 1965-2015, MS-010104. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
    Theta Theta Omega Chapter
    Graduate Advisor's Report
    The First meeting of the Kappa Xi Chapter will be on Sunday,
    September 11, 1994. It will begin at 6:30pm at the home of the
    graduate advisor, Court, Las Vegas, NV
    The phone number i s '
    Kappa Xi chapter held a dance on September 3, 1994. It was held
    at the Suburban Lounge East. Several graduates sorors were in
    attendance. A financial report will be given at their 1st
    September meeting.
    The chapter currently has seven active members. Two young ladies
    plan to reactivate this semester and that will bring the number
    of sorors on campus to nine.
    The Far Western Regional Director has planned an Undergraduate
    Round up for October 1, 1994. The round up will be in Los
    Angeles, CA. Any member of the Graduate Advisor's Task Force or
    any other Soror that wishes to attend can let me know. This is a
    mandatory conference for Kappa Xi members.
    Soror Lisa Me Neil has received her certification from the
    Graduate Advisors Institute. We have five certified members of
    Theta Theta Omega. Let's keep up the good work.
    Respectfully submitted,
    MAY 7, 1994
    The undergraduate chapter held an Intake Weekend on April 22, 23,
    & 24, 1994. Two young ladies went through the initiation
    process. They are Belisa Brownlee, a second semester freshman
    and Franchone Fraser, a senior. The Intake Weekend went as
    Kappa Xi chapter will end their Teen Rap program at the A. D. Guy
    Center in the second week of May. They will resume the Rap
    sessions as soon as school begins in the Fall. The chapter
    received a certificate for their volunteer service from the Boys
    and Girls Club in a ceremony held at the Center.
    La Toi stokes was the Kappa Xi delegate to the Far Western
    Regional conference. La Toi reports that she thoroughly enjoyed
    herself. She plans to attend the Boule in Indianapolis.
    The following Kappa Xi members were recognized at the African
    Heritage Academics Awards Banquet held at UNLV. The girls were
    recognized for having maintained a 3.0 GPA in one or both
    semesters of 1993. The ladies were Jacqualyn Henry, Franchone
    Frase, Kim Mayers, Martha East, Adejoke Adenle, La Toi Stokes, &
    Lashonette Jenkins. Martha East and Adejoke Adenle were also
    nominated for the Distinguished Undergraduate Award-
    Respectful ly Submitted,
    cqueMne R. Hall
    radu e Advisor
    Seven members of Kappa Xi attended the Founders Day program
    sponsored by Theta Theta Omega. They served as hostesses.
    To celebrate Black History Month the sorors of Kappa Xi held a
    Kwanza Workshop on the Campus of U.N.L.V. This workshop was held
    on February 23, 1994. The workshop was facilitated by our own
    soror Velicia Haron. Velicia is the coordinator of Multicultural
    affairs on the campus. The workshop was very
    The chapter is planning to hold their Rush Party on Sunday, March
    27, 1994. The rush will be held on the campus of U.N.L.V. in the
    Moyer Stiudent Union, Room 203. The time for this event is
    4:00pm. The Membership Intake Weekend will be April 8,9,&10,
    1994 .
    Several members of the chapter are planning to attend the
    Regional Conference in April. In order to allow as many members
    as possible to be in attendance at regional we will need some
    financial assistance from Theta Theta Omega.
    Kappa Xi currently has 10 financial members on the campus. Two
    of the young ladies are inactive this semester due to their GPA
    following below the 2.3 limit.
    The chapter will continue to work at the A.D. Guy center. They
    are doing a teentalk program. They will begin meeting twice a
    month on a Thursday evening.