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Meeting notes from the Shoshanim Group of Hadassah, March 1997



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    From: Oudye Phebus.CRS.QRI.LTG To: JoAnn Qeller Date: 3/4/97 Time: 15:43:00 Page 2 of 3 ? l r r I~:.Jc * / V'/ M a r * . H A D A S S A H t h e S h o s h a n i m ( 9 r o u p '?f J he Shoshanim Group will be hosting on Monday. o.m. at the home of Sherry Madman. Sherry's address J im u ' ?o.lim Ham| of Sahara to I mora 1 uin ri?h? eft to Mon Hampton. Please note ?. lives J ap u leave our shoe> al the Iront o. \ ou mav wivn m Miei n s <fht?ne numhtr is Jf?4-Mi?4 ?dar tor the Shoshanim group is as follows: .l*etine Mondav. March 1". 1997. 7 )<> p m Information to follow ah s HMO UI.1 Sunday. April (* I997 P\enms? i \itenna vnd Fractions Motidiv April 14. 7 <0 p in nd t. ticese f- xir.n i g m / a SuMirdav evening M*> V 1W7 rai Mating and installation M<<nd.iv Mav I?. .<1 Metftinp. M??nda\. Mav 19 199" ' 1 > ?'in group wiij Ke holding a Wine and ( heese F vtravagan/a on Ma\ 3. 1997 as a fund-raiser to benefit Youth Ahvah. to ta held at Michellc Ravmer s home The wine will he donated bv the vuthem Wine and ^pinis benucc Waynei s husband has gracioush to ha\e the wine donated This r\eni win r?e held on n Saturda\ exemiic and significant others will br invited The time has prown w here il is cm? inl that we s(<lidits our plans ( hir past two Youth Alivah hint tions have vt-p, sshji and we ha\e raised up lo Ss 000 ! hiv \ear should be no less The entn ticket appears to be s^i'oo I here will also he artist who will dtsplav their crystal, wares, and. paintings and will he ".eilinsz Tl?t-ir ik-ms and donating a portion ot fheir sales to Youth Alivah i ne ( t our most successful monevmakers tor Youth Alivah has alwavs been our raffle We have a it tie, where tne ratbe tickets are 4 tickets tor SIO 00 or 7 tickets for S20 00 In order to have this faille, ^e need \ou our members to hrine us raffle pn/f* We need vou to brmp to the next meeting n ill >uch a vase, a pieci of jewvln dinner tor rvvo. anything of value, to the meeting It this is too soon hnnu with vou i commitment to bruvj i rattle o.ift at a later date Other ideas are cookie baski Is and massages ldea.s tor raffles gifts are limitless, we )Ust need vour help We still need sirls to get donations ot cheese and tnnt Much ot this will be discussed at the March meebnp I he Nominating ( ommirtee has compiled tbr; slate for the 1997-1998 \ of the Shoshanim Group as folk.vv .GRI.LTG To: JoAnn Seller Date: 3/4/07 Time: 16:43:40 Page 3 of 3 F.-Jl President - Tatki^ R^ekon Treasurer - Ileoe Adler Corresponding ^ P - Jud>e Skonna rvcv'MUinx ? Fund-Raisin? P - Sh.?rT\ Mavman and I indsav Alnert Education V P. - Marearet Sela Program \ P - Birdie Goldsmith IVCL1IIUJ rtuuiuiiMi J11.II - aioic OHIIJIII iJr^ani/ation V p Yrleno Palmer ,?nd 1-e.Ui Sichel \lctnher,sliip Outreach V P - Ramona Luckman and Shirley Weinman To Ron Mack, oet weii and speeds r<-<. o\ er\ from die Shoshamnt Group \t.i/-' f i\ to Hill.ii i ind Howard t tsciiler i LAmHlu-r:. to the IM 1 f arid har-e tw?n ma odne rlie tbhiert hf oollfo twheinne newesi son. Hunlei I .ogan -mona Liickman - In hem r o f Sherrv I>e Armas hems out of the bospitel. liirie Paz. in honor ot Sherr\ LX \rmas being out ol rlv hospital. fntHJte- have been *ent t>\ rt.e toil* vmiiv* r.-\n I rt ,-rr ? A i i#?t i .in- \ n ? ,-\l i r n .> i > li. .r?..a h \r?i CnA.' ? V .'44 ? iwc.ll .? -.<4U?^V14. V ?.. * v?V? v?\??? s. ? < ' *.?! ?.'?-? liV ?? 11V44 IVa >.-414 i iw.Uo I ' p WV To Adele Kadans. uei V\ ell Soon, trom Rulhe Spec tor lo ^hem LK vnna^. Get Well and Spccdv Recover* Lrom llenv and Bob Adler, i iMv spec tor ind hedrt* AbHnit t rtconc In nru.mor\ of*<'ur beloved \lbert from Be tn islem !t \ v ?ii would like to s-end a Inbute. as a personal greehr^ ce' well memorial, birrtidav or congratulations ? ird call Bnna Drobpis at 24 >- '4 74 I nbutes cost trom 00 fo iK> and Pinna will even address, 1 imp nr?<i mm! rii^m tur \oii Hadassah mhnte cards sav.- \oii time .and help our pTOiip meet its year I v tiuon to airi Israel and r>t cour<-* \-u pet ruii ?i? >noi credit>p\ i-iirtlida\s to ) .ois DnrMi-.k\ Sti/mne F nih--m lackie Flaurn kids < rcrrber Shirlcv kletnman. \atali- Nank. Aliens Palmer. leann-- Vh.>makeT lessica Stockman I eah Strombera Ih- 1 js v ot-as ( hapter of Hada< -ah of which v.. ?r. ?? part uill K* hosting the annual Hndassah Medical < ani/ali< >n ? i i i j Hall <n Sunda\ r\i.mni: \prd ^ 190^ at the Treasure Island Hotel ITie monev raised at thtp \en petia! event will bencht the Hada^ah Hospitals The Ucnetit drawing tor which vou have all r xc?\cd tht?se raffle tickets, has ah\a\s hcen an exciting part of rlie g^la t-\enmg .ind this ball will be an \ceptional ei<.-mt tickets are V 00 r-aiii i>r r> t>?r ot) "Ihe check can be made to Hadassah and the .h-v.k tno stnh- wTtli iioiir name on them should be lo kath\ \tenas?.he. 1891 Fonte Ct I,as \ e^'as \\ KVl I We do ret don<>r <.rcdil ind ifuoLi credit fur our ?m?up r art- in ihf nlaniiuiH stati** t?mpiluig a Shii\hiiiiun Madasvuh tiMikhiMik We need evenone's 'iHp tor idra> and ol rnurv. ?onr i m p f v It vrm hatr a tuvontr IpHlsh recipe, bnng rt to lh? w i t i tn?j? <n svnd (I to k j i h l ^ u Mrn.i?lii*. IM Fnute t t. I as \ pga.s. W . 89117. I lues are S."*s uo a veat Please seiuH \our iheck made cut to Hadassah U> Ma rev Simon, S.S24 V\ Salmra Hl>ii eJM t \ ^gas. N\ . I" or hrnu' daes to tlie ne\T meeting I ife Membership is 00 ou <=?>.en pa\ \ >ar lite member .hip in installment!- <Junii? thi entire \ear S our membership is ran .: ttiimv i anv Hana^ vah t iroup hi the \k< >rld r r n F . i