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v>p '-4- f ? y. ' Judge W, D» Cornish, Care Union P a c if ic S* R, C o ., 120 Broadway, New York, 8 a March 23, 1905. My Dear Judge In con siderin g the matter o f having c e rta in o f the Las Vegas lands conveyed By the r a ilr o a d company to the land company which i t is proposed to fo r a , and having them relea sed By the tru stee from the e f fe c t o f the mortgage, i t is my opin ion , and i t is concurred in By Mr. C lark, th at we should make one re le a s e cover a l l o f the lands which the^jj^S^^HKcompany is l i k e l y in the future to handle, and fo r which the r a ilr o a d company w i l l have no use fo r r a ilr o a d purposes. I have th e re fo re had a map prepared o f the lands which apparently Be most valuaBle fo r tow nsite and other purposes unconnected w ith the r a ilr o a d , and herew ith in c lo s e a copy o f the same» The lands which, in my judgment, i t would Be B etter to convey to the land company are shown in "yellow**. Those shown in "pink” and "p u rp le" are lands which were r e a lly Bought fo r the springs and to p rovide a waterway from the springs to the s ta tio n grounds o f the r a ilr o a d company and the tow n site. These lands w i l l never Be / vaajluaBle for a g r icu ltu ra l purposes. and I do not conceive i t o f importance that they should Be conveyed to the land company. An in sp ection o f A r t ic le V I, page 73, o f the deed o f tru st w i l l , I th ink, show that i t w i l l Be a very simple matter to have these lands rele a s e d By the tru s te e to the land company. I am hoping to hear frbm you s h o rtly as to the o rg a n isa tio n o f the land coirrpany, and to Be au thorized to proceed w ith the m atter