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I agree.Benedict, Entratter, Cohen, Coombs, Harris^Freema^, Hirsch, Zike, T. Ward, Marino, Smith, Hodgkin Holden, Protit Office Cashiers, Lowther, Painter, Pace, Mall, Bell Desk, Casino Cage, Copa Room, PBX, Garden Room, Yavener, Mens Shop, Beauty Salon TO: ALL CONCERNED DATE: June 24, 1970 FROM: SALES DEPARTMENT PAGE: 1 SUBJECT: COAST TO COAST TOURS thru MICHAUD CONTINENTAL TOURS, INC. WEDNESDAY, JULY 8 - THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1970 Booked By: Expected Group Registration: Expected Room Registration: Block In Hotel: Rooms Picked Up To Date: Heavy Arrival?╟≤Date: Heavy Departure Date: VIP/Responsible Official: Department of Sales 42 Persons 22 Rooms 22 Rooms 22 Rooms Wednesday, July 8, 1970 Thursday, July 9, 1970 Mr. Don Hudson Tour Escort ROOM RATES: . Single $18 Double/Twin $21 The above rates are subject to the 67?? Clark County Room Tax. TED WARD ?╟≤ HARRIET MC NALLY This will be a group arrival and departure. Arrival and departure times ROOM RESERVATIONS: are listed under the program. Rooming list is dated June 24, 1970. TED WARD FRONT DESK BELL DESK: This will be a group arrival and departure. Arrival and departure times are listed under the program. Rooming list is dated June 24, 1970. MARIO MARINO: There are no anticipated catering functions for this group. PROGRAM WEDNESDAY. JULY 8, 1970 2:30 P.M. Group Arrival Charter Bus 42 Persons THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1970 0 8:30 A.M. Bag Pull 42 Persons 9:30 A.M. Group Departure Charter Bus 42 Persons s-i9