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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Orville F. Rush, Imperial Po- tentate of the Shrine of the World, arrives here today for a two-day conference with Ne- vada Nobles that will include discussions concerning the pos- sibility of establishing a Shrine Temple in Las Vegas. Rush, head of more than 850,- 000 Shriners, will meet with members of his Imperial Divan* including Thomas F. Seay of Chicago, Imperial Chief Rab- ban; Chester A. Hogan of Ta- coma, Imperial Assistant Rab- baii, and C. P. MacGregor of Los Angeles, Imperial Oriental Guide. Rush was elected to shrine* dom?╟╓s highest office during the 92nd Imperial Council session hield in San Francisco last July. Among supporter?½ of the pro* posal for granting of a Temple charter to Las Vegas are local Nobles who, as members of the Las Vega?½ Shrine Club, now are affiliated with Kerak Temple in Reno. The point out that Las Vegas is Mecca for numerous large Shrine conclave?½' during the year, including an annual cere- monial attended by thousands of Shriners from Los Angeles* A1 Malaikah, 'ithelar|bst^pi|>le^ the world. During his visit here, Rush, a prominent Washington, D.C., attorney and businessman, will report to area Jvfobles on the two great Shrine philanthropic proj- ects, flic 19 Shritiers Hospitals and the three new Burns Insti- tutes for children of all races and creeds suffering orthopedic problems in one case and severe bums In the other. ?╟ The new Bums Institutes ?╟÷ in Boston, Cincinnati, and Gal- veston will conduct research in burn care as well as treat afflicted children,?╟╓* said Rush 4?╟ Of great importance, too, is the fact that these institutes will share their research findings with the medical world in gen- eral.?╟Ñ Imperial Potentate Rush esti- mated the construction cost .of the three Bums Institutes at $10 million, and the annual operat- ing cost for each at $1,250,000. Shriners have (already appro- priated the $10 million and have pledged funds far above the ini- tial investment. The first of the Institutes has already been dedicated in Gal- veston. The'Cincinnati hospital -----+