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I agree.HOLSUM BREAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA MASON CITY, IOWA Page two These expenditures have been applied specifically to the Angelita product. We have spent several thousand dollars in addition for travel, advertising agency fees, and other matters which were treated as part of over-all ex- penditures for advertising and other expenses made by us but not charged directly to the Angelita product. fessional services in the organization of the company. The company has transacted no business since the completion of its examine the corporate records as to their present condition, I am enclosing the minute book which will make evident to him the fact that no business has The expense incurred in connection with procuring of registration of the Angelita mark was $365.57. As stated above, I will telephone you when I get out to San Francisco. The expense of organizing the Minnesota company was as follows: Fees and filing charges, Seal, and minute book including capital $ 74.50 stock certificates, Publication of notice of incorporation 26.00 10.50 The foregoing are all cash disbursements. No charges were made for pro^ organization. On the assumption that Mr. Mowbray would probably like to been transacted. The incorporators are persons in Mr. Farley's office With kind personal regards Regan Bro?╟╓s Company, Wholesale Bakers Since 1882