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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, October 09, 2000






Includes meeting minutes and agenda, along with additional information about senate resolutions. CSUN Session 30 (Part 2) Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac001033. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Student Government Office of the Senate President DAVY Las Vegas Stepmffm Gonzales Senate President Pro-Tempore Health Sciences Monica Moradkhan Education Amanda Brink Hotel Administration Joseph Cordone Business Traci Cornelison Health Sciences Samra Dayani Urban Affairs Kathleen Holbron Liberal Arts Sarah Bowers Business Karin Humphrey Student Development Amy Soldano ''usiness Jollin Dick Sciences Chris Powell Education Marissa Geffen Urban Affairs Clay Peister Hotel Administration Kelly Debelak Education RJPeltyn Engineering Brandon Ring Business Lisa Fleming Liberal Arts Jamie Homampour Liberal Arts David Fauske Hotel Administration Patrick Brown Fine Arts Luke Bowland Engineering STUDENT SENATE MEETING 30-32 Monday, October 9,2000 MSU 201, 6:00PM I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. ANNOUNCEMENTS IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports C. Business Manager Report D. Directors' Reports Brooke Bohlke - Director of Nevada Student Affairs Jennifer Hale - Director of CSUN Services Sean McClenahan - Director of Entertainment and Programming Jason Smylie - Director of Office of Student Information Holly Wainscott - Director of Elections VI. OLD BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of one (1) senator to serve on the Regents Scholar Award Committee; B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of one (1) senator to serve on the Regent Academic Advisor Committee; C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Resolution No. 1 of the 30t h Session (see attached); D. Action Item: Nomination/Election of three CSUN officials to serve as members of the CSUN Student Teaching Scholarship Committee (one of which must be a senator from the College of Education); CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3645 • FAX (702) 895-4606 E. Action Item: Nomination/Election of three faculty or professional staff to serve as members of the CSUN Student Teaching Scholarship Committee; F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $1,000 to be paid to Multicultural Student Affairs to co-sponsor their Annual Rebel Reggae Event. Costs to be encumbered from CSUN 2702 FY 2000-2001 E&P account. As submitted by Senator Bowers; G. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of transferring $1,000 to the E&P account from revenue gained from Choose or Lose Vendors. Funds to be encumbered from CSUN 2702 FY 00-01. As submitted by Senator Bowers; VII. PUBLIC COMMENT {in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)> VIII. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS IX. GOOD OF THE SENATE X. ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law (N.R.S. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank & Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President STEPH DAVY STUDENT SENATE MEETING 30-32 Monday, October 9, 2000 MSU 201, 6:00PM I. CALL TO ORDER SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY called meeting 30-32 to order at 6:04PM. I. ROLL CALL Stephanie Gonzales Senate President Pro-Tempore Health Sciences I Monica Moradkhan i Education Amanda Brink Hotel Administration Joseph Cordone Business Traci Cornelison Health Sciences Samra Dayani Urban Affairs Kathleen Holbron Liberal Arts Sarah Bowers Business Karin Humphrey *tudent Development Amy Soldano ' Business Collin Dick Sciences Chris Powell Education Marissa Geffen Urban Affairs Clay Peister Hotel Administration Kelly Debelak Education RJ Peltyn Engineering Brandon Ring Business Lisa Fleming Liberal Arts Jamie Homantpour Liberal Arts David Fauske Hotel Administration Patrick Brown Fine Arts Luke Bowland Engineering I. PRESENT ABSENT Sarah Bowers Luke Bowland Patrick Brown Traci Cornelison Joesph Cordone Samra Dayani Collin Dick Lisa Fleming Stephanie Gonzales Kathleen Holbron Jamie Homampour Karin Humphrey Clay Peister RJ Peltyn* Brandon Ring Amy Soldano ^denotes tardiness I. ANNOUNCEMENTS Amanda Brink (excused) Kelly Debelak (unexcused) David Fauske (excused) Marissa Geffen (unexcused) Monica Moradkhan (excused) Chris Powell (excused) SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY announced that someone from substance abuse prevention on campus contacted her and they have yet to send the information over but they need volunteers from Oct 17-19t h . She will post information in chambers when she receives it. Anyone interested please let her know. John Garcia is back, there was a hearing about his charges today which she had to testify in. She just wanted to let you know that he is still around. STUDENT BODY VP KNAPP gave STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT P. MORADKHAN'S report. He noted an apology from STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT MORADKHAN for not being here - he had to attend a wedding. We have all the upstairs windows to paint for homecoming—to show support of the event. There will be more information in your boxes as the week progresses. There is a homecoming dinner as well which we have 32 seats to fill. The dinner starts at 5:30 PM on the Friday of Homecoming Week. If you are interested in going you need to sign the sign-up sheet. It will be going around during the meeting. Thank you to Director McClenahan and SENATOR MORADKHAN for helping at the student validation trailer for Saturday's game. We have validated 3500 student ID's at this point and we are in the process of ordering more stickers. The interest should rise with the approaching basketball games and things like that for validation stickers. We are waiting on the final prices to get the shuttles running during the day to help people to their cars. That should be in by the end of the week. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3645 • FAX (702) 895-4606 I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES SENATOR BROWN moved to approve minutes 30-31, seconded by SENATOR BOWERS. There was no discussion. Move into a vote on the item. Motion passes (15-0-0). I. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports SENATOR BOWERS reported that the Ways and Means Committee is meeting at 5 PM next Monday. A. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports There were none. A. Business Manager Report Business Manager Jim Moore reported the expenditures of $45.30, $350.00, $150.00, $480.00, $64.50, $56.00,$193.75, $100.04, $300.02. A. Directors' Reports Brooke Bohlke - Director of Nevada Student Affairs Director Bohlke reported that she hasn't gotten the Voter Guide in yet. They should be in next week. Anyone interested in speaking to their classes, see her so she can get the forms. She will be meeting with Cox Communications later this week. This will be regarding the Voters registered to advertise the need to go out vote. She should have that next Monday for viewing. There were no questions for Director Bohlke. Jennifer Hale - Director of CSUN Services Director Hale reported her upcoming board meeting on October 18t h to recognize an organization. There was a clause regarding probationary status included. If you know of any organizations that are trying to form have them call her to get everything set up. She is working on handouts for the organizations regarding the listing of all the different banks and tax exempt information they may need. There were no questions for Director Hale. Sean McClenahan - Director of Entertainment and Programming Director McClenahan reported that the last Rebel Experience went okay. Not many students are attending - even when we offer free food and drinks. We played a really good game and we beat Reno this past weekend. Director McClenahan said he is working on the Friday Night Ruckus which is the Friday before Homecoming. At 8:00 PM the gates open for the event. The Floats must be there by 8:15 PM. At 8:15 PM the first band goes on. At 9:15 PM they will announce the Homecoming courts. The second band is at 9:30 PM. Those of you who cleaned up at Choose Or Lose don't have to do that again. He is working with the CAT bus to get transportation for dorm residents down to the stadium. He is working on getting reduced beer as well for the event. Rebel Experience is at 1 PM on the Saturday after. There will definitely be dollar beer at that event. There were no questions for Director McClenahan. Jason Smylie - Director of Office of Student Information Director Smylie was not present at the meeting, STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT KNAPP read his report. Director Smylie apologized - he is observing a holiday and thus is not present at the meeting. To those of you who saw the OSI page today he is trying to find a medium and adjust things. If you have any suggestions for him - don't hesitate to approach him. There were no questions regarding Director Smylie's report. Holly Wainscott - Director of Elections Director Wainscott reported that the elections are finished. They went really well and she is happy with the conduct of the candidates and the way things went. She wants to congratulate the winners. There is a board meeting on Friday at 1:30 for complaints regarding the election. She wanted to thank the board members and Student Body President Moradkhan for all the help he gave last week. He was absolutely fabulous. Homecoming filing packets were due on Friday. There are 8 candidates for King and 8 for Queen. There is a list to see the candidates after the meeting for those who are interested. She is still looking forjudges. She is looking for a total of 4 judges. Senator Homampour has assisted in this search. If you have any connections with any local celebrities that may be interested, let her know. She is presently looking for someone to judge speeches—a Communication Professor would be ideal. If you have any input, please let her know. There were no questions for Director Wainscott. I. OLD BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of one (1) senator to serve on the Regents Scholar Award Committee; SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE GONZALES Moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR DICK. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE GONZALES moved to strike Senator and insert Student, seconded by SENATOR PEISTER. Move into a vote on the amendment. Motion passes (15-0-0). SENATOR CORDONE moved to table action items A and B, seconded by SENATOR DAYANI. Move into a vote on the motion. Motion passes (15-0-0). B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of one (1) senator to serve on the Regent Academic Advisor Committee; C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Resolution No. 1 of the 30t h Session (see attached); SENATOR PELTYN arrives at 6:22 PM. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE GONZALES moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR HOLBRON. SENATOR HOLBRON thinks it's a great thing and we should have done it a long time Move into a vote on the item. Motion passes (15-0-0). (SENATOR PELTYN did not vote until Action Item D). D. Action Item: Nomination/Election of three CSUN officials to serve as members of the CSUN Student Teaching Scholarship Committee (one of which must be a senator from the College of Education); SENATOR CORDONE moved to open nominations, seconded by SENATOR DAYANI. SENATOR CORDONE moved to nominate Jen Hale and SENATOR M. MORADKHAN, seconded by SENATOR DICK. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE GONZALES moved to nominate SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY, seconded by SENATOR DAYANI. Move into a vote on the item. Jtheen sHeaatlse , bSyE aNn AuTnOanRi mMouOsR aAcDclKamHaAtiNo,n .a nd SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY receive E. Action Item: Nomination/Election of three faculty or professional staff to serve as members of the CSUN Student Teaching Scholarship Committee; SENATOR CORDONE moved to open nominations, seconded by SENATOR PEISTER. SENATOR CORDONE moved to nominate Phil Bums, seconded by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE GONZALES. Move into a vote on the item. Phil Burns received one of the seats by an unanimous acclamation. F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $1,000 to be paid to Multicultural Student Affairs to cosponsor their Annual Rebel Reggae Event. Costs to be encumbered from CSUN 2702 FY 2000-2001 E&P account. As submitted by Senator Bowers; SENATOR HOMAMPOUR moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR HOLBRON SENATOR BROWN asked who is handling security. SENATOR BROWN yielded the floor to Director McClenahan. Director McClenahan said we are cosponsoring this event to pay for the stage. LT, student representative from the Multicultural Student Affairs Organization said that the event is from 2-6 PM and that security is not a major issue. SENATOR DA YANI asked if LT could give us a brief overview of the event. SENATOR DA YANI yielded the floor to LT. LT said that Rebel Reggae is a festival that provides Funk, Reggae and Hawaiian music. It is a way to branch out to populations that haven't been included in the mainstream music scene . It is free with a student ID and it's three dollars without an ID. This is the forth year for this event. There will be Salsa and Merengue music provided as well. It is from 2-6 PM on this coming Sunday. SENATOR DA YANI asked what the expected attendance is. LT said that last year they averaged 300. 260 participants said that it was the first time they had attended an event. She noted that to her, it was successful because it brought people to the event that normally didn't participate on campus. She is looking for a diverse population, not just 1000 of 1. She is looking for demographics of all types of people for this event. There were further questions. Move into a vote on the item. Motion passes (14-0-2) . (SENATOR BOWERS AND DICK abstained). G. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of transferring $ 1,000 to the E&P account from revenue gained from Choose or Lose Vendors. Funds to be encumbered from CSUN 2702 FY 00-01. As submitted by Senator Bowers; SENATOR HOMAMPOUR moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR BOWLAND. SENATOR BOWERS moved to amend after to say after vendors "increase overall CSUN budget by 1,000 dollars", seconded by SENATOR DA YANI. Move into a vote on amendment. Motion passes (16-0-0). SENATOR DA YANI asked instead of the wording encumber, should it be something else? SENATOR DA YANI moved to strike the sentence "encumbered from CSUN 2702 FY 00-01 account" and replace "to be transferred to CSUN 2702", seconded by SENATOR BOWLAND. Move into a vote on the amendment. Motion passes (16-0-0). Move into a vote on the item. Motion passes (16-0-0). I. PUBLIC COMMENT {in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)} There was none. I. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE GREEN said he did not have a report this week but he wanted to congratulate Director Wainscott for her job well done. There were no questions for STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE GREEN. STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT KNAPP said he had nothing further, but if you had any questions please see him. SENATOR HOLBRON asked him what exactly he is working on. STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT KNAPP said he is working on the CSUN Code of Conduct, the Special Fees Committee, and on getting the CSUN office more space in the MSU. SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY announced congratulations to those coming back and the newly elected Senators. She is having an orientation for the new senators soon. Let her know if Wednesday nights are good for you for meetings during the Good of the Senate. Only 8 people signed up for the Homecoming dinner —more please sign up. I. GOOD OF THE SENATE SENATOR CORNELISON said she attended the game and sat in the student section until alumni kicked them out of student seats. She said she was sorry we broke the Canon. SENATOR RING said that this proposal for admission status is really good. He hopes it goes through. It's a big jump in five years, but it looks great. A lot of people think that UNLV is below a lot of schools, but if you look, he said, we're about average with scores and things. This would jump would push UNLV a step above. SENATOR SOLDANO said she agreed with SENATOR RING. SENATOR BOWERS said she would like to see more of you at the Events, like tailgates and at Homecoming events. Rebel Experiences especially are needed for Senators there. She also added that Wednesdays are not good. SENATOR HUMPRHEY had no comment. SENATOR CORDONE said congratulations to everyone reelected. Holly did a great job. He said have a fun night. SENATOR PELTYN said he was sorry for being late, he was at temple for Yom Kippur. Monday is better than Wed for meetings. SENATOR BROWN said congratulations for everyone who won reelection. SENATOR DICK said that Saturday night was a blast. It was really fun to beat Reno. Not much else is going on. SENATOR PEISTER said an update with Hotel events is that on Nov. 20t h a symposium on diversity will be held. SENATOR BOWLAND said congrats to returning seats and newly elected ones as well. SENATOR DAYANI said congratulations. She thinks everyone who didn't rerun or didn't win their reelection is going to be missed, she's sad she won't get to work with you anymore. Great job to Director Wainscott on the election. SENATOR FLEMING said congratulations to everyone for reelection. She agrees with SENATOR DAYANI that it would be nice to continue working with those who weren't reelected. She has met with admissions coordinators in the office of admissions. He is trying to coordinate visits to local high schools and discuss the opportunities UNLV has available for high school students considering college. The first date is this Friday at the Palo Verde high school. It is from 7AM-2PM. They are going to meeting with half of the Junior class. The other half will be next semester when they go back. She is going to try to have copies in the mail box for upcoming dates for those who are interested. It is a great opportunity. SENATOR HOMAMPOUR said he had some concerns about the resolution but that he talked to the Governor's Office. He thought some scholarships would be affected by the GPA change - now he thinks it's a great thing. SENATOR HOLBRON said that during Homecoming Weekend she will be out of town. She can't attend anything. She is going to Disneyland. She wanted to say congratulations to those who were reelected. She also wanted to make note a couple of things - she is very impressed with the minutes. Our new secretary doesn't miss a thing. She said that she had never said anything negative before because she didn't realize they were not as accurate. She wanted to note that she likes having the Directors at a table in the meeting. She thinks all notes written by these Directors should be shown to all Senators. She thinks they are all doing an excellent job. With the exception of Director McClenahan. (She and Director McClenahan exchange sarcastic expressions). For the record, her new last name is Korvalis. SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY wanted to apologize for not being at the game. She was at an anthropology conference in San Diego. She will be here all homecoming week. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE GONZALES said that The Rebel Yell Advisory Committee is meeting this Friday at 2 PM. Wed Oct. 25t h will be the Senate dinner at Buca di Beppo, it is for CSUN only. I. ADJOURNMENT SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE GONZALES moved to adjourn meeting 30-32, seconded by SENATOR HOMAMPOUR. SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY adjourned the meeting at 6:40 PM. Senate Secretary Rosan E. Mitola University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President STEPH DAVY STUDENT SENATE MEETING 30-32 Monday, October 9, 2000 MSU 201, 6:00PM I. CALL TO ORDER SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY called meeting 30-32 to order at 6:04PM. I. ROLL CALL Stephanie Gonzales Senate President Pro-Tempore Health Sciences Monica Moradkhan Education Amanda Brink Hotel Administration Joseph Cordone Business Traci Cornelison Health Sciences Samra Dayani Urban Affairs Kathleen Holbron Liberal Arts Sarah Bowers Business Karin Humphrey Student Development 4my Soldano iisiness Collin Dick Sciences Chris Powell Education Marissa Geffen Urban Affairs Clay Peister Hotel Administration Kelly Debelak Education RJPeltyn Engineering Brandon Ring Business Lisa Fleming Liberal Arts Jamie Homampour Liberal Arts David Fauske Hotel Administration Patrick Brown Fine Arts Luke Bowland Engineering I. PRESENT ABSENT Sarah Bowers Luke Bowland Patrick Brown Traci Cornelison Joesph Cordone Samra Dayani Collin Dick Lisa Fleming Stephanie Gonzales Kathleen Holbron Jamie Homampour Karin Humphrey Clay Peister RJ Peltyn* Brandon Ring Amy Soldano * denotes tardiness I. ANNOUNCEMENTS Amanda Brink (excused) Kelly Debelak (unexcused) David Fauske (excused) Marissa Geffen (unexcused) Monica Moradkhan (excused) Chris Powell (excused) SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY announced that someone from substance abuse prevention on campus contacted her and they have yet to send the information over but they need volunteers from Oct 17-19t h . She will post information in chambers when she receives it. Anyone interested please let her know. John Garcia is back, there was a hearing about his charges today which she had to testify in. She just wanted to let you know that he is still around. STUDENT BODY VP KNAPP gave STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT P. MORADKHAN'S report. He noted an apology from STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT MORADKHAN for not being here - he had to attend a wedding. We have all the upstairs windows to paint for homecoming—to show support of the event. There will be more information in your boxes as the week progresses. There is a homecoming dinner as well which we have 32 seats to fill. The dinner starts at 5:30 PM on the Friday of Homecoming Week. If you are interested in going you need to sign the sign-up sheet. It will be going around during the meeting. Thank you to Director McClenahan and SENATOR MORADKHAN for helping at the student validation trailer for Saturday's game. We have validated 3500 student ID's at this point and we are in the process of ordering more stickers. The interest should rise with the approaching basketball games and things like that for validation stickers. We are waiting on the final prices to get the shuttles running during the day to help people to their cars. That should be in by the end of the week. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3645 • FAX (702) 895-4606 University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President S T E P H S & m DAVY ' StefftHHm Gonzales Senate President Pro-Tempore Health Sciences Monica Moradkhan Education Amanda Brink Hotel Administration Joseph Cordone Business Traci Cornelison Health Sciences Samra Dayani Urban Affairs Kathleen Holbron Liberal Arts Sarah Bowers Business Karin Humphrey Student Development Amy Soldano business Collin Dick Sciences Chris Powell Education Eric Woodson Student Development Marissa Geffen Urban Affairs Clay Peister Hotel Administration Kelly Debelak Education RJPeltyn Engineering Brandon Ring Business Lisa Fleming Liberal Arts Jamie Homampour Liberal Arts David Fauske Hotel Administration Patrick Brown Fine Arts Luke Bowland Engineering Senate Resolution No. 1 Of the 30t h Session INTRODUCED BY: Senate President Steph Davy, Student Body President Paul Moradkhan, and Elections Board Director Holly Wainscott Whereas, the University of Nevada Las Vegas student body is growing at an exponential rate; and Whereas, the University is striving to become a more prestigious research institution; and Whereas, the University of Nevada Las Vegas currently has no test score requirements for admissions; and Whereas, the University of Nevada Las Vegas has extremely low Grade Point Average requirements for both high school and transfer students, Then let it hereby be recommended by the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada as represented in the CSUN Senate, that a system of higher entrance selectivity be implemented in order to raise the caliber of academia at the university. We support the graduated increase proposed at the 2000 Planning Retreat (see attachment). CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3645 • FAX (702) 895-4606