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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, April 3, 1995






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 25 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000812. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President William Romero, Jr. Patrick T.C. Smith Senate President Pro Tempore Business & Economics KS.CT.VU' CONSOLIDATED STUOENIS TTUDEVT GOVERNMENT OFCS, UHIV ER'si-VOFHEVADA U J vECAS HfiR Z8 5 45 PH '3b AGENDA SENATE MEETING 25-14 MONDAY, APRIL 3,1995 MOYER STUDENT UNION 201 6:30P.M. John W. Pida Human Performance & Development Walt C. Vodrazka, Jr. Engineering Jamie J. Fox Education Scott D. Schwartz Hotel Administration Shawna J. Campbell Literal Arts Terence Carroll Student Development Keith W. McLain Science & Mathematics Leia Fleischman Fine 8c Performing Arts Kirstin Anderson Liberal Aits Teny A. Morrow Communications ~ne Laxague lusiness & Economics Edward A. Rivera Business & Economics Laura Zurek Hotci Administration Julie Wong Education Carl Tolbert Liberal Arts Steven IV. Eisen Business & Economics Geoffrey Fayyad Student Development Terry A. Moore Studies Jonathan Schiff Hotel Administration I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 25-11, 25-12, & 25-13 IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. BOARD & COMMITTEE REPORTS A. SENATE COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Rules & Ethics, CHAIR SCHWARTZ b. Campus Safety & Awareness,CHAIR FLEISCHMAN c. Bylaws, CHAIR MCLAIN d. Ad hoc Constitutional Revision, CHAIR CAMPBELL e. Ways & Means, CHAIR FOX f. Student Health Liaison, SENATOR RIVERA g. Ad hoc Student Health Committee, CHAIR SMITH h. VACANT SENATE SEATS 1. Architecture (1) 2. Health Sciences (1) 3. Student Development (1) B. DIRECTOR REPORTS a. Nevada Student Affairs, DIRECTOR JOHANNSSON b. Office of Student Information,DIRECTOR WALLACE c. Organizations Board, DIRECTOR PHILLIPS d. Student Services, DIRECTOR GREENHALGH C. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT REPORTS a. Consolidated Student Business Manager b. KUNV91.5FM c. Residential Hall Liaison PAGE 1 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 SENATE MINUTES 25-14 / MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1995 D. FACULTY SENATE SEAT REPORTS HAR 28 5 46 PH '95 a. Academic Budget b. Academic Standards c. Admissions - One (1) Position, Nominations/Elections Nominated at meeting 25-12: SENATORS ZUREK, MCLAIN, and FLEISCHMAN d. Code e. Curriculum f. General Education g. Grievance h. Library i. Public Relation j. Scholarship k. Status of Women 1. Rebel Yell Advisory Board VI. PUBLIC COMMENT [In accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)]. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Approval of a $100.00 per month stipend increase each for the 1994-95 CSUN Nevada Student Affairs, Student Services, Office of Student Information, and Organizations Board Directors positions to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (Gen) account, retroactive February 1, 1995 (tabled [as required by bylaw 4], and combined from New Business items B,C,I, & J per motions made at meeting 25-13 on 03/27/95); B. Approval of Stephanie Araiza as CSUN Elections Board Director through April 30, 1995 (tabled [as required by bylaw 4] at meeting 25-13 on 03/27/95); VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of Nadia Akhavan as the CSUN Entertainment & Programming Board Director through April 30, 1995; B. Approval of $ 100.00 per month stipend for Nadia Akhavan, CSUN Entertainment & Programming Director for the month of April, 1995 to be encumbered from of the CSUN 2702 (Gen) account; C. Approval of $150.00 per month stipend for Stephanie Araiza, CSUN Elections Board Director for the month of April, 1995 to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (Gen) account; PAGE 2 SENATE MINUTES 25-14 / MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1995 D. Approval of an amount not to exceed $3,000.00 for the Student Government "Eye Spy" Scavenger Hunt 1995 to be held on April 21 -22, 1995, to be encumbered from the CSUN 2705 (E&P) account, as submitted by SENATOR SMITH; E. Approval of performance agreement/contract and an amount not to exceed $1,200.00 for "Jumpin' Boots", to perform in the UNLV Alumni Amphitheater on April 13, 1995 from 12:30 - 2:00p.m.; F. Approval of performance agreement/contract and an amount not to exceed $800.00 for "Peaceful Words", to perform in the UNLV Alumni Amphitheater on April 21, 1995 at 12:20p.m.; G. Approval of performance agreement/contract and an amount not to exceed $800.00 for "King for a Day", to perform in the UNLV Alumni Amphitheater on April 21, 1995 at 12:20p.m.; H. Approval of performance agreement/contract and an amount not to exceed $600.00 for "Sour Grapes", to perform in the UNLV Alumni Amphitheater on April 26, 1995 at 12:20p.m.; I. Approval of an Organizations Board Funding Request in the amount of $500.00 for the Hawaii Club to be encumbered from the CSUN 2704 (Org) account; J. Approval of an Organizations Board Funding Request in the amount of $500.00 for the Art Club to be encumbered from the CSUN 2704 (Org) account; K. Reapproval of contract for "Playboy vs. N.O.W. Debate", to read 'in the MSU Ballroom' instead of 'in the Alumni Amphitheater'; IX. OPEN DISCUSSION X. ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with the Nevada Open Meeting Law (NRS 241.00) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union Frank & Estella Beam Hall Flora Dungan Humanities Bldg. Wright Hall Thomas Beam Engineering Complex JWR/bag PAGE 2 EYE SPY SCAVENGER HUNT 1995 BREAKDOWN T-Shirts 150 shirts; dark color; four colors; front and back printing. $6.25 each (add $1.00 for 2X). 125 at $6.25; 25 at $7.25. Prize Money First ...$750.00 Second...$500.00 Third...$250.00 Photo Developing 20 rolls of 27 exposure in 2 hours by WalMart (Trop) Total University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government MINUTES Office of the Senate PresicfcEfcATE MEETING 25-14 MONDAY, APRIL 3,1995 MOYER STUDENT UNION 201 6:30P.M. RECFiVED CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS STUDENT GOVERNMENT OfCS. UNIVERSITY" Of NEVADA APR if 2 0 AH '35 1. CALL TO ORDER SENATE PRESIDENT ROMERO called the meeting to order at 6:36p.m. II. ROLL CALL PRESENT Kirstin Anderson Shawna Campbell Terence Carroll (late) Steven Eisen Leia Fleischman (late) Joe Laxague Keith McLain Terry Moore Terry Morrow John Pida Eddie Rivera Jonathan Schiff Scott Schwartz Sandra Shelling (appointed) Patrick Smith Carl Tolbert Julie Wong Laura Zurek ABSENT Geoffrey Fayyad (excused) Jamie Fox (excused) Walt Vodrazka (unexcused) III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 25-11, 25-12, & 25-13 Motion to approve Minutes 25-11, 25-12, and 25-13 made by SENATOR EISEN, seconded by SENATOR ZUREK. No corrections made. Move into a vote. Motion passes 15-0-0. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS NEVADA STUDENT AFFAIRS DIRECTOR JOHANNSSON - stated that the people heading up the Wellness Expo could use help (Tiffany Niedert spoke about the Expo and asked for help on April 19th in the MSU); thank you to everyone who helped with the PAGE 1 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 SENATE MINUTES 25-14 / MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1995 elections debate, it went well; Taylor Karen would like to help with a leadership seminar at UNLV. SENATOR CARROLL enters the meeting at 6:40p.m. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT BOIXO - stated that she began and ended her statement to the Board of Regents with the fact that the Student Senate disapproved of the fee increase, in this statement she also stated that she felt education should be a priority. She has been hearing from a lot of candidates that there are problems on this campus. It is her belief that those problems don't exists anymore since there is a whole new administration, and they have worked through all the major problems on this campus. There will be a full page add in the local newspaper that will state that the community should and needs to be in support if the University at all times. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE SMITH - stated that the James Hersch event was today and it went well. SENATE PRESIDENT ROMERO - stated that there has been a Wellness Expo notice by the Senator's boxes, and they could really use the Senate's help. He has received another application for the Health Sciences seat and she is at the meeting tonight. He would recommend no action on New Business items A and B because he has not received any paperwork on her so far. V. BOARD & COMMITTEE REPORTS A. SENATE COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Rules & Ethics, CHAIR SCHWARTZ - would like the people on his committee to talk to him after the meeting. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN enters the meeting at 6:50p.m. b. Campus Safety & Awareness, CHAIR FLEISCHMAN - the Safety cards she spoke of at the last meeting will be in tomorrow. She will be having a meeting soon. c. Bylaws, CHAIR MCLAIN - the committee will be having a meeting on Friday at 2:00p.m. d. Ad hoc Constitutional Revision, CHAIR CAMPBELL - will be having a meeting on Wednesday the April 14th at 2:00p.m. e. Ways & Means, CHAIR FOX - given by DIRECTOR PHILLIPS - she has scheduled meetings for the 10th and the 24th of April. f. Student Health Liaison, SENATOR RIVERA - he took a tour of the Student Health Center and attended the staff meeting. Things are looking good for the health fee. PAGE 2 SENATE MINUTES 25-14 / MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1995 Personal Privilege by SENATOR PIDA at 6:53p.m. g. Ad hoc Student Health Committee, CHAIR SMITH - the committee will be bringing an informal vote before the Senate at the next meeting. What it looks like is that the fee will go up and the services will go down. h. VACANT SENATE SEATS Motion made to nominate Sandra Shelling for the College of Health Sciences seat by SENATOR SCHIFF, seconded by SENATOR CARROLL. Motion made to close nominations by SENATOR CARROLL, seconded by SENATOR TOLBERT. Move into a vote. Motion passes 16-0-0. Motion to allow Sandra Shelling to speak for no more than two minutes followed by question and answer session made by SENATOR CARROLL, seconded by SENATOR RIVERA. Sandra Shelling listed her qualifications for the Senate. Sandra Shelling receives the seat for the College of Health Sciences by unanimous acclimation. SENATE PRESIDENT ROMERO calls a recess to swear in the new Senator at 6:58p.m. SENATE PRESIDENT ROMERO called the meeting back to order at 7:05p.m. B. DIRECTOR REPORTS a. Nevada Student Affairs, DIRECTOR JOHANNSSON - needs help with advertising for the lecture and band series. b. Office of Student Information, DIRECTOR WALLACE - KLUC will be here again on April 29th. c. Organizations Board, DIRECTOR PHILLIPS - the concert series starts this week with "Hostage Symphony" on Friday; the Organizations Board blood drive is on April 20th; has started cleaning house and wrapping things up. d. Student Services, DIRECTOR GREENHALGH - Fredrick Douglas Now will be here tomorrow, so get the word out, if you have any questions come ask. C. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT REPORTS a. Consolidated Student Business Manager - none b. KUNV 91.5 FM-none PAGE 2 SENATE MINUTES 25-14 / MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1995 c. Residential Hall Liaison, Greg Wristen - he apologized for not having a representative at the meeting until now; there is a meeting tonight where they will be selecting a new Executive Board. D. FACULTY SENATE SEAT Motion to close nominations for the Admissions Faculty Senate seat made by SENATOR SCHWARTZ, seconded by SENATOR MOORE. Move into a vote. Motion passes 16-0-1. SENATOR MCLAIN abstained. Motion to allow SENATORS ZUREK, MCLAIN, and FLEISCHMAN to speak for up to 1.5 minutes followed by limited question and answer session and a roll call vote made by SENATOR SMITH, seconded by SENATOR SCHIFF. Move into a vote. Motion passes 17-0-0. SENATOR ZUREK stated her reason for requesting this seat, she would like to be more involved in the Senate and this seemed like a good way to do it. SENATOR MCLAIN stated that his reasons were the same, he wanted to be more involved. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN stated that her reasons were the same and that she would like to get involved with the Faculty Senates also. Move into a roll call vote. The results being: SENATOR ZUREK receiving 4 votes, SENATOR MCLAIN receiving 2 votes, SENATOR FLEISCHMAN receiving 7 votes, and 4 abstentions. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN receives the Admissions seat for the Faculty Senate. 1. Rebel Yell Advisory Board, SENATOR TOLBERT - he is working on the Softball game, and the Alumni game on the 29th; if you want to play sign up. He is also thinking of putting together a BBQ with free food. He will have specifics at the next meeting, and he will be setting dates for practices. SENATOR CAMPBELL stated that the Dean Search Committee for the College of Liberal Arts has chosen someone and she couldn't tell anyone who it is because they didn't consult her, but she will be finding out what happened. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT [In accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)]. No comments from the gallery. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS PAGE 2 SENATE MINUTES 25-14 / MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1995 A. Approval of a $ 100.00 per month stipend increase each for the 1994-95 CSUN Nevada Student Affairs, Student Services, Office of Student Information, and Organizations Board Directors positions to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (Gen) account, retroactive February 1, 1995 (tabled [as required by bylaw 4], and combined from New Business items B,C,I, & J per motions made at meeting 25-13 on 03/27/95); Motion to remove from the table made by SENATOR CAMPBELL, seconded by SENATOR SMITH. Move into a vote. Motion passes 16-0-1. SENATOR SMITH abstained. Move into vote for approval of item. Motion passes 16-0-1. SENATOR SCHIFF abstained. B. Approval of Stephanie Araiza as CSUN Elections Board Director through April 30, 1995 (tabled [as required by Bylaw 4] at meeting 25-13 on 03/27/95); Motion to remove from table made by SENATOR MORROW, seconded by SENATOR SMITH. Move into a vote. Motion passes 17-0-0. Motion to allow the candidate to speak for no more than two minutes followed by question and answer session made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR EISEN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 16-0-1. SENATOR CAMPBELL abstained. Stephanie Araiza spoke to and answered questions from the Senate. Move into final vote. Motion passes 11-3-3. SENATORS SCHIFF, MOORE, and FLEISCHMAN opposed. SENATORS SMITH, WONG and MCLAIN abstained. VIII. NEW BUSINESS Motion to move out of the order of the day to New Business item C made by SENATOR SMITH, seconded by SENATOR RIVERA. Move into a vote. Motion passes 14-1-2. SENATOR CARROLL opposed. SENATORS MCLAIN and MOORE abstained. C. Approval of $150.00 per month stipend for Stephanie Araiza, CSUN Elections Board Director for the month of April, 1995 to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (Gen) account; PAGE 2 SENATE MINUTES 25-14 / MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1995 Motion to table per Bylaw 4 made by SENATOR CARROLL, seconded by SENATOR SCHIFF. Move into a vote. Motion passes 15-0-2. SENATORS MORROW and SMITH abstained. D. Approval of an amount not to exceed $3,000.00 for the Student Government "Eye Spy" Scavenger Hunt 1995 to be held on April 21-22, 1995, to be encumbered from the CSUN 2705 (E&P) account, as submitted by SENATOR SMITH; Motion to approve made by SENATOR MORROW, seconded by SENATOR MOORE. SENATOR SMITH explains that the event will run from 5:00p.m. on Friday to 5:00p.m. on Saturday, there will be a $5.00 entry fee for each team, the sign-ups will be limited to the first ten teams, rules and waivers will be passed out and signed before the teams can participate. Discussion and questioning by Senate followed. Call to Question made by SENATOR EISEN, seconded by SENATOR ANDERSON. Move into a vote. Motion fails 6-9-2. ( SENATOR PIDA re-enters the meeting at 7:36p.m. Move into final vote. Motion passes 17-0-0. Personal Privilege by SENATOR WONG at 7:46p.m. Motion to combine and approve items E,F,G, and H as a whole made by SENATOR EISEN, seconded by SENATOR RIVERA. Move into a vote. Motion passes 13-2-2. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN and SMITH opposed. SENATOR MOORE and CAMPBELL abstained. E. Approval of performance agreement/contract and an amount not to exceed $1,200.00 for "Jumpin' Boots", to perform in the UNLV Alumni Amphitheater on April 13, 1995 from 12:30 - 2:00p.m. F. Approval of performance agreement/contract and an amount not to exceed $800.00 for "Peaceful Words", to perform in the UNLV Alumni Amphitheater on April 21, 1995 at 12:20p.m.; PAGE 2 SENATE MINUTES 25-14 / MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1995 G. Approval of performance agreement/contract and an amount not to exceed $800.00 for "King for a Day", to perform in the UNLV Alumni Amphitheater on April 21, 1995 at 12:20p.m.; H. Approval of performance agreement/contract and an amount not to exceed $600.00 for "Sour Grapes", to perform in the UNLV Alumni Amphitheater on April 26, 1995 at 12:20p.m.; SENATOR WONG re-enters the meeting at 7:50p.m. Motion to amend to include 'to be encumbered from the 2707 account' after the amounts made by SENATOR SCHWARTZ, seconded by SENATOR ZUREK. Move into a vote. Motion passes 16-1-0. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN opposed. Move into a final vote. Motion passes 16-1-0. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN opposed. I. Approval of an Organizations Board Funding Request in the amount of $500.00 for the Hawaii Club to be encumbered form the CSUN 2704 (Org) account; Motion to approve made by SENATOR SMITH, seconded by SENATOR ANDERSON. Move into a vote. Motion passes 18-0-0. J. Approval of an Organizations Board Funding Request in the amount of $500.00 for the Art Club to be encumbered from the CSUN 2704 (Org) account; Motion to approve made by SENATOR MOORE, seconded by SENATOR SCHWARTZ. Move into a vote. Motion passes 18-0-0. Item K is out of order, per SENATE PRESIDENT ROMERO. IX. OPEN DISCUSSION SENATOR FLEISCHMAN - Glenngary Glen Ross is currently running at the Black Box Theater; she will be calling Operations and Maintenance about elevators. SENATOR SHELLING - no comment. SENATOR LAXAGUE - no comment. SENATOR CAMPBELL - she will be letting the Senate know about what is happening with the Dean Search Committee; Welcome to Senator Shelling. PAGE 2 SENATE MINUTES 25-14 / MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1995 SENATOR TOLBERT - let him know if you would like to play in the Softball game. SENATOR SCHIFF - no comment. SENATOR ANDERSON - no comment. SENATOR RIVERA - Congratulations to the Debate Candidates. SENATOR EI SEN - Welcome to Senator Shelling. SENATOR PIDA - his impression was that President Boixo was in favor of the fee increase, it would be a good idea to get a copy of the minutes from the Board of Regents meeting and make the decision for yourselves. SENATOR MCLAIN - Welcome to Senator Shelling; Congratulations to Senator Fleischman. SENATOR CARROLL - Welcome to Senator Shelling; he would like steak and wine for his constituents at the softball game. SENATOR MOORE - Congratulations to Senator Shelling; he encourages everyone to vote, and to talk to their constituents and get them out to vote. SENATOR MORROW - seconds everything Senator Moore said and Good Luck to all the candidates. SENATOR WONG - Congratulations to Senators Shelling and Fleischman; only 6 weeks left. SENATOR ZUREK - she is disappointed that she didn't receive the Admissions seat, but thank you to the Senators that voted for her. SENATOR SCHWARTZ - his constituents would like beer and knackwurst; Congratulations to Senators Shelling and Fleischman; he was at part of the Regents meeting but had to leave, he would like to know what President Boixo said. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE SMITH - he wanted to remind everyone about the special fees meeting; he wouldn't get in an elevator if it didn't have a phone. SENATE PRESIDENT ROMERO - explained that items A and B will be on New Business again next week; Congratulations Senator Shelling; go vote; he's glad the Residential Hall person finally came to a meeting; 3 more weeks; he will be cleaning out his office after the banquet; Good Luck to all the Executive Board candidates. PAGE 2 SENATE MINUTES 25-14 / MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1995 X. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn made by SENATOR SCHIFF, seconded by SENATOR CARROLL. Move into a vote. Motion passes 17-1-0. SENATOR SCHIFF opposed. The meeting is adjourned at 8:00p.m. J. William Romero, Jr. SENATE PRESIDENT Beth A. Godfrey SENATE SECRETARY-PAGE9