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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, November 5, 1987






Includes meeting agenda and minutes with additional information about senate bills. CSUN Session 18 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000572. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING 18-1 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1987 4:00PM MSU 201 I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. ANNOUNCEMENTS SENATE PRESIDENT EVENSON'S STATE OF THE SENATE ADDRESS IV. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS V. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS A. Introduction of Corrine Goldstein to Judicial Council. VI. OLD BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of Alpha Tau Omega for $200. (Denise Gentile) X! Approval of ROTC Clean up contract for $75. C. Revisionment of Organizations Board Operating Policy. (Senate President Evenson). D. Nominations for Academic Advising Seats. E. Nominations for Senate President Pro Tempore. F. Nominations for Education Seat (1). G. Approval of contract with "Renewal" of $150.0© for November 5, 1987. (ENTERTAINMENT AND PROGRAMMING) VIII. OPEN DISCUSSION IX. ADJOURNMENT SEE/pw J. Aft UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, l_AS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA SENATE MEETING 18-1 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1987 4:00PM BEH 542 IIB. Swearing in of new GSUN Senators for the 18th Session. VII. NEW BUSINESS H. Reapportionment of CSUN Senate. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE SENATE MEETING WILL BE HELD IN BEAM HALL IN 542. SEE/pw UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS SUPPLEMENT AGENDA SENATE MEETING 18-1 THURSDAY NOVEMBER 5 198 7 4:00 PM BEH 542 VI NEW BUSINESS H. Approval of Cash Advance of Publications Account (907) Spring Student Fees in the amount of $2,000 from Contingency Account (906) From: 8-2-457-4120-906-9002 $2,000 To: 8-2-457-4120-907-9001 $2,000 UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING 18-1 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1987 4 : 00PM BEH 542 I. CALL TO ORDER Senate President Evenson called the Senate meeting to order at 4:00pm. IIB. SWEARING IN OF NEW CSUN SENATORS FOR THE 18th SESSION. Chief Justice Eric Emerson swore in the following Senators Mim Clay for Academic Advising Kristi Carlson for Arts and Letters Christine Mangual for Arts and Letters Tony Sanchez for Arts and Letters Charles Smith for Arts and Letters Michael Bosma for Business and Economics Jack Spicer for Business and Economics Marco Varela for Business and Economics Mary Lavarna for Education Cathy Giff for Hotel Christy Bennett for Hotel Brandi Hoffman for Health Sciences Joel Ax for Science, Math and Engineering Cheryl Baggett for Science, Math and Engineering Greg Smith for Science, Math and Engineering II. ROLL CALL PRESENT SENATOR SENATOR SENATOR SENATOR SENATOR SENATOR SENATOR CLAY CARLSON MANGUAL SANCHEZ C. SMITH BAILEY BOSMA SENATOR SENATOR SENATOR SENATOR SENATOR SENATOR SENATOR SPICER VARELA LAVARNA GIFF BENNETT HOFFMAN JOEL AX PRESENT CHERYL BAGGETT. GREG SMITH ABSENT Senator McGinty SPECIAL GUESTS President Maxson Dean Ackerman Eric Emerson Mike Mixer UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 SENATE MINUTES 1 8 - 1 Page 2 Each Senator after roll call introduced themselves and told a little about themselves. Senate President Evenson gave his State of the Senate Address. President Maxson addressed the Senate. Greg Bailey was sworn into the Business and Economics seat by Chief Justice Eric Emerson. III. ANNOUNCEMENTS Senate President Evenson announced that after the senate meeting next week there will be a Parlimentary Procedure Seminar. He encouraged everyone to come. On the 19th of November there will be an exchange with Administration in room 203 from 3pm to 4pm. Refreshments will be served at both events. CSUN President Hendrick thanked President Maxson and Dean Ackerman for there attendance. Dean Ackerman addressed the Senate. CSUN President Hendrick mentioned that he appreciated Senate President Evenson's State of the Senate Address. He also mentioned that they would be working on putting a bylaw in to make the State of the Senate Address part of the Constitution. Vice President Denise Gentile announce that today and tomorrow would be the last day of the blood drive and that the competition between us and UNR was pretty close. She is still working on the Rape Prevention program and is working on making literature on AIDS available to students. She will also be working on a campaign to get longer library hours. IV. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Senate President Evenson gave his report on the Faculty Senate meeting. He mentioned that we will be getting out of school five days before Christmas. Mike Bosma gave his report for Academic Standards. (See Attached report.) FACULTY SENATE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS 4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154 • (702) 739-3689 O c t o b e r 27, 1987 TO: Members, Faculty Senate FROM: John Tryon, Chair Academic Standards Committee RE: Student Senate Study Week Academic Standards Committee continues it's unanimous support of the spirit and intent of the Study Week recommended by the Student Senate, and recommends this wording (5-0-2): To insure that students have the proper time to prepare for final examinations, the week before finals shall be set aside as a study week, in which classes will meet but no major tests are to be given. Interpretation: As Chair of the Academic Standards Commi ttee, I should like to provide interpretation as fol1ows : Instructors should use responsible good judgement in this matter. The policy seeks to exclude hour-long, sit-down, written examinations and the like, but not to affect laboratory finals, performance examinations ("juries" as in theater arts, music, and dance), short quizzes, term papers and final reports (as in engineering and technical writing). If a course offers a take-home final, it is properly distributed at the last scheduled class; to be returned at or after the scheduled time for the final. Finals to be Given at Scheduled Times As a related matter, Academic Standards Committee unanimously resolves: Academic Standards Committee supports existing policy that final examinations are only to be given at scheduled times during finals week. JT: sa August Corrales gave his report on the Appropriations Board. The 907 account (Publications) will be advanced their Spring Funds for this semester. Senator Smith mentioned that there will be a Bylaws Committee some time next week and the agenda will be posted for the room and time. Entertainment and Programming gave out complimentary Homecoming shirts to all the Senators. Intramurals director Mike Popp introduced himself to the Senate and gave a run down down on what Intramurals was offering the students this year. Publications Board did not have quorum at the last meeting. Senator Mangual mentioned that if anyone was interested to be on the Publications Board than they should contact her. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS A. Introduction of Corrine Goldstein to Judicial Council. OLD BUSINESS There was none. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of Alpha Tau Omega for $200. (Denise Gentile Motion to approve by Senator Bosma. Seconded by Senator Carlson. There was discussion. Bud Bennemen the President of ATO addressed the Senate There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried with twelve in favor, no opposed, and four abstentions (Bosma, Mangual, G. Smith, Varela). B. Approval of ROTC Saver Guard for Homecoming clean up contract for $75. Motion to approve by Senator Spicer. Seconded by Senator Giff. There was no discussion. SENATE MINUTES 18-1 Page 3 V. VI. VII. SENATE MINUTES 18-4 Page 2 Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. C. Revisionment of Organizations Board Operating Policy (Senate President Evenson). Motion to approve by Senator Spicer. Seconded by Senator Baggett. There was discussion. Motion by Senator Smith to table the revisionment of of Organizations Board Operating Policy, until the the Organizations Board has met to discussion this issue. Seconded by Senator Bosraa. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carries, with nine in favor, six opposed (Bailey, Spicer, Sanchez, Mangual, Carlson Giff) and one abstention (Baggett). D. Nominations for Academic Advising Seats (2). 1)Ross Kurzer 2)Diane Synder 3)Dan Richmond E. Nominations for Senate President Pro Tempore. 1)Jennifer McGinty 2)Greg Smith 3)Jack Spicer F. Nominations for Educations Seat (1). None. G. Approval of contract with "Renewal" of $150 for November 5, 1987. (Entertainment and Programming). Motion by Senator Bosma to approve. Seconded by Senator Giff. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carries, unanimously. SENATE MINUTES 18-5 Page 2 H. Reapportionment of CSUN Senate to include the reapportionment of the Business and Economics Seat by one. Motion to approve by CSUN President Hendrick. Seconded by Senator Smith. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Moiton carried, unanimously. I. Approval of Cash Advance of Publications Account (907) Spring Student Fees in the amount of $2000 from Contingency Account (906). FROM: 8-2-457-4120-906-9002 $2,000 TO: 8-2-457-4120-907-9001 $2,000 Motion to approve by CSUN President Hendrick. Seconded by Senator Spicer. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carries, with fourteen in favor, no opposed, and two abstentions (Bosma, Hoffman). VIII. OPEN DISCUSSION Nominations for Business and Economics Seat (1). 1) Beth'.-'Lowe by Senator Sanchez. 2) Bret McGinty by CSUN President Hendrick. VII. NEW BUSINESS There was no objection to adding this item as an emergency item to new business. J. Approval of CSUN Senate to endorse the recommendation by Academic Standards Committee for Student Study Week. (SEE ATTACHED). Motion to approve by Senator Smith. Seconded by Senator Bosma. There was discussion. Call for a vote. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT SENATE PRESIDENT EVENSON1S STATE OF THE SENATE ADDRESS Good afternoon. I.'d like to welcome all of you to the first annual State of the Senate Address. The purpose of this speech is to inform the new senate of where we have been and where we are going . This may be the first time this has been done, I hope it becomes a tradition. Since I have become involved in the CSUN Senate there has been improvement and areas that still need work. The first area under the Senate's direct control are the committees. Entertainment and Programming, Intramurals, Student Services, Appropriations and Organizations have been running as well or in many cases better than previous sessior(s). We have had our share of problems with other committees. Nevada Student Affairs (NSA) our lobbying arm still does not have a chair or members. Our Radio Board has not met to my knowledge and many long range goals, i.e. being separted from CSUN, are being talked about. Our Senate election was not run with what was expected and chair Robert Ashley can't seem to get quorum for a meeting. The Publications Board has operated well considering the workload it has seen. It's primary goal, through the Ad Hoc Committee set up two weeks ago, is to separate the Yell from the Student Government. Many of these committees lack participation. The picture looks bleaker with the university's Faculty Senate CSUN Committees. There are currently no representatives on General Eduction and Code and students are under represented on Admissions, Curriculum, Course Fee and Grievence. Each college generally has the same committees and few students appear there. Involvement has always been a key to CSUN success. Indeed, your presence here indicates your concern and desire to help. However, the days of Senators only coming into CSUN between four and six on Thursday afternoons are gone. I hope that each of you will work on at least one CSUN and one Faculty Senate or University Committee. Your time on these committees is just as important as your vote in this meeting. Our relationship with the Faculty Senate is at a all time high. Despite our short comings on certain committees, CSUN has a higher profile than ever in the Faculty Senate. Many senators, CSUN officials and students accompained our study week proposal to recent Faculty Senate meetings. On Academic Standards Committee, myself, Toby Romer and Mike Bosma represent the students every week on issues from catalog of graduation calendar to student petitions. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 Financial Aid, Parking and Traffic, Academic Budget, Library and Public Relations all have a large student voice. Overall, our committee picture is one the right track, But not at our goalsTof total representation and involvement. Furthermore, our relationship with the Faculty Senate is at a high from any previous year. My next subject is goals for the Senate. Normally this body has been like air molecules, in a balloon of twenty forms moving about as they wish within the confines of Senate structure. I would like to see that change. There are many issues facing students that this body can work as whole to solve. The most important is the effects of the tremendous growth UNLV has seen and will see in the coming years. I am personally thrilled to see UNLV growing so fast, but there are serious concerns about Student Services. Recently I have fielded compliants on Financial Aid taking to long to process paperwork, registration being a circus, Health Services being a joke (one nurse for 14,000 students) and parking. We, as a body, have to campaign for the administration, State and Federal governments to insure that UNLV has the proper support staff in addition to faculty positions. To highlight this 56 new faculty position were created by the legislature, but no new support positions. I'd hate to be a department secretary. Plus, there are no offices for these faculty members. Other goals we can work towards as a body include bike paths, through city, government as the recent accident at Tropicana and Maryland highlighted the need for bike safety aroung campus. The book buyback policy is also a issue we can work towards. The previous Senate passed resolution 17-4 asking UNLV to make a uniform book buying policy so that students can recieve more money when books are sold back. Another issue is the student security service. "Redshirts" which patrolled student events for years has died. The office of Public Safety is interested in bringing this back, as a Senate we can accomplish these goals of further involvement improvement of Student Services. Overall the picture of the Senate is good. Internally, matters ..... are smooth and hopefully this Senate will work together as well as the previous one. One more goal, we need to express our accomplishments to the students. I plan to meet with each one of you next week to work on that goal, it will involve speaking to classes, press releases and tables in the union. Our work is futile if students do not know sbout it. To conclude, I look forward to working with each one of you over the next six months. By keeping our eye on what the previous Senate has done and setting our own goals this Senate can have an impact at UNLV. SENATE MINUTES 18-6 Page 3 Motion carries, thirteen in favor, no opposed, and three abstentions (C. Smith, Hoffman, Bailey). VIII. OPEN DISCUSSION CSUN President Hendrick mentioned that UNR is giving us 50 basketball tickets for December 8th. He asked the senate for input on getting students up to Reno. After discussing this issue the Senate agreed to CSUN cutting the cost per person for the entire package by $15.00 (per person). There will be a sign up sheet with Gary Longfellow the CSUN Secretary to go on the trip. He also announced that a group for World Peace wanted CSUN to sponsor an event with them and wanted the Senate's input if they should sponsor with them or not. The Senate wanted to wait until more information was given to them, before deciding. Senator Spicer announced that the Yellin' Rebel was looking good. He also commented on the editorial a past editor wrote. He admited to being a four rate politician but not a pinhead. Senator Bosma mentioned that the new Senators need to be on at least one committee to maintain the requirements as a Senator. Senator Smith introduced Senate Bill's #1,2,3,4,5,6. (See copies in CSUN). Senate President Evenson announced that he was working on getting the names on the plaque .-.for the Senators of the year from last session. He also mentioned that he was working on the handbook for the Senators. He also reminded everyone on the Parlimentary Procedure meeting coming up. IX. ADJOURNMENT Senate President Evenson adjourned the meeting at 5:40pm.