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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, February 2002



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    February 2002 - Vol. XVI No. 5 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Jennifer C. Weiner Assistant Rabbi Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Stewart Blumenfeld President SAM GLASER Sam Glaser is a magical name in Jewish Entertainment. He is a singer and a composer since childhood. He wrote every song on his first eight albums. Recently he has turned toward tradition and it shows ^ome of his music. It has been my pleasure to know him for 12 of his 38 years of life. He prefers casual dress and is often seen beardless, in shorts with both his shirttail and tzitzits hanging out. This handsome man is a gifted craftsman in Jewish Studies as well as music. Ask any Jewish leader anywhere in the country about Glaser and they will rave about his talents which include music? pop/rock to traditional. Congregation Ner Tamid will be the host of Mr. Sam Glaser, his wife and three children, on March 1st at Friday evening services. You must not miss this service. Saturday Evening he will be at the Charleston Heights Art Center at 8:00 pm for a special JCC Concert. Please join us for Shabbat Services, j^lay, March 1,2002 at 7:30 pm. jadqc ff(ee!(gp 19 Shevat-16 Adar 5762 Leon Marco Interim Executive Director Jacqueline Fleekop Education Director Lois Bergman Preschool Director Andrea Brunner Bulletin Editor HAPPY PURIM PURIM CARNIVAL 2002 PRESENTED BY CONGREGATION NER TAMID?S RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Begin the weekend with: PURIM FAMILY SERVICES Friday, February 22,2002 at 7:30 pm Rabbi Akselrad, Rabbi Weiner, Bella and Jackie will conduct a Special Sendee & Holiday Spiel with the Junior Choir. Rabbi will give gifts to all who come in costume. Following the service Sisterhood will serve lots of Hamantashen at the Oneg. PURIM CARNIVAL Sunday, February 24,2002 11:00 am - to 2:00 pm Bring Family and friends for a fun time The Best Yet!! Book sales, Raffles, Silent Auction, Games and food Sofa We are having next month what for many of us may be a once-in-a-life- time opportunity: to learn from a pro?fessional Jewish scribe, when he comes here to repair our Torah scrolls. Rabbi Moshe Druin will be here March 3 - 7, and will camp out in the Library while working up to 12 hours per day on his task. Rabbi Druin will read each Torah aloud as part of his duties in repairing the Sifrei Torah (plural for Torah). When he discovers letters or words that are damaged, he will repair them. How he accomplishes that task will be explained during the educational programs he will present while he is here. Energetic and enthusiastic about his profession, the rabbi will meet with groups from pre-school to adults. Little has changed in his profession continues on page 11 In This Issue... (the Bulletin is published monthly) A Speciaf Place To BelongWorship Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, Rabbi Jennifer Weiner, & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman February 1 Tot Shabbat 6:30 pm Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Schoiar in Residence Weekend Sponsored By: The Oscar Ai.terwitz Memorial Fund Oneg sponsored by CNT Sisterhood February 2 Schoiar in Residence Weekend Torah Study 10:00 am February 8 Famiiy Service with Shabba-Tones 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by CNT Sisterhood February 9 Torah Study 10:00 am February 15 Bring a Friend Shabbat 7:30 pm Baby Naming - Marie Shapin Oneg sponsored by David and Julie Shapin February 16 Kelsey Lugo Bat Mitzvah 10:00 am Shabbat Service Kiddush Sponsored by David & Judy Lugo Torah Study 10:00 am February 22 Purim Family Service 7:30 pm Junior Choir Oneg sponsored by CNT Sisterhood February 23 Torah Study 10:00 am A Rabbi's Messace# Found Treasure-Random Acts of Kindness Sometimes our kids surprise us. And I mean in a good way. They see the world a different way, with child like innocence that gives us pause to re?consider how we ourselves behave. A few months ago I experienced just such a time with my son Sam. We were getting out of our car in the parking lot of a local strip mall. He had some coins in his hand and they fell to the ground. I pointed out to him, ?Hey, Sam, you dropped your money.? To which he replied, ?It?s ok Dad, I?m going to leave the coins there.? I looked at him for a moment and then asked, ?Why would you do that? You work hard for your money.? He re?plied, ?I dunno, maybe someone will come along and find the money and think that the coins are lucky. It will make their day great!? It was a simple moment, and I am certain he has forgotten about it, though for some reason it remains in my mind. Perhaps because it speaks of the joy a parent has in seeing ten?derness and concern for others engen?dered in their son/daughter?s character. Isn?t that what we all want after all- to have our children become good hu?man beings? In a word: menschen. But there was something else that char?acterized this particular action of my son. It was a selfless act. Our tradi?tion teaches us that the world stands upon three values-The Torah, Prayer, and Gemiloot Chasadim - selfless acts. Gemiloot Chasadim is a revered val?ue in our tradition. Actions such as burying our loved ones fall into this category because there is no possibili?ty of reward from the one we have helped. Our tradition wanted to encour?age a certain climate within the Jewish community. So often we feel we need to help others because when we need help it will be their chance to repay us. But the tradition is actually encouraging some?thing quite different-doing the right thing simply because it is the right thing to do. A few years ago, someone started a cam?paign encouraging people to do ?random acts of kindness?. It was a phenomenon that I think has unfortunately been for?gotten. Having received its 15 minutes of fame, the campaign disappeared. But for Jews, random acts of kindness are an integral part of what we need to do etjfl| day to improve our world. We realize that in our goal to create a world in part?nership with God, we need to do things that improve our world for the world?s sake, not just ours. So take a moment and think of how you might drop a few coins on the ground. By visiting the sick. Or giving someone a compliment. Or offering someone a ride to services. Or by writing a letter (no not an e mail-an honest to goodness letter!). Whatever it might be, the list is limitless. And I guarantee you that whoever is the recipient of your kindness will in turn feel that truly it is their lucky day. ?Rahhi Sanford Slfsefrad Congregation N e r Tamid February 2002 Temple Board Members r ?February Forah Study Fates Tuesdays with ?Rabbi Ajqefrad 12pm-lpm/ ?Board ?Room February 5,19 Saturdays with Rabbi Weiner 9am / Library Febnuiry 2, 9,16, 23 ESSAGi FROM OUR TEMPLE PRESIDENT ON PARTICIPATING IN THE UAHC BIENNIAL...AND IN GIFT WRAP The Union of American Hebrew Con?gregations (UAHC) is the body by which the Reform congregations of North America collectively deter?mine their responses to spiritual and ethical issues that arise in the course of everyday Jewish life. The Union also provides mechanisms of direct exchange of information between congregations, as well as professional assistance in syna?gogue management. As of the end of 2001,UAHC comprises 913 mem?ber congregations representing more than 1.5 million congregants, which makes it the largest Jewish movement in North America. UAHC holds its General Assembly every other year; the 66th Biennial was held in December in Boston, with nearly 6,000 people partici?pating. As it has been for the past several Biennials, CNT was repre?sented by one of the largest dele?gations at the convention. Sixteen CNTers spent five days attending workshops on synagogue manage?ment, current topics in Jewish ed?ucation, techniques for supporting and encouraging youth participation in synagogue life, outreach, the sit?uation of Reform Judaism in Isra?el, and enhancing our worship experience. That's the "business" part of attending a Biennial. In addition, there are other events that most of us who have attended previous Biennials see as the high?lights of any Biennial. First and foremost are the two Shabbat ser?vices on Friday night and Saturday morning. Do some of our services send shivers up your spine? Isn't it a wonderful feeling when every?thing clicks: a warm congregation, the prayers, the music, the ser?mon? Now visualize yourself at a stunning, music-filled service with 20 times more of your fel?low Jews from all over the U.S. and Canada?that's what servic?es are like at a Biennial. On Friday night, after services and Shabbat dinner region by re?gion, and on Saturday night after Havdalah and dinner out, start?ing around 10 pm and continuing for hours, comes the most incred?ible musical entertainment you can imagine. Every year, the very top names in modern Jewish li?turgical and secular music do a show that is almost beyond de?scription (sublime is the word that comes to mind). Think of Debbie Friedman, Doug Cotier, Joe Black, Julie Silver, Peri Smilow, Peter Yarrow (Peter, Paul, and Mary) and about 20 oth?er artists and cantors all on stage at the same time. You only get that in one place and only once every two years! Now add to the experience an op?portunity to spend time with a bunch of the ?funnest" (as my grandkids would say) and most committed members of the CNT family and you can begin to get a picture of the Biennial experi?ence. It'll happen again in No?vember 2003 (in Minneapolis) and on a somewhat smaller, but equal?ly inspirational, scale at the Pa?cific Southwest Region Biennial in California in February of 2003. Attendance at a Biennial is open to any temple member who wish?es to go and participating in a Bi?ennial is one of the best ways I know to renew your commitment to your Jewish heritage and to continues on page 14 A Special Place February 2002Notes from our Cantorial So/o/sf ^ A couple of months ago I spoke about the variety of musical styles and performers our congregation has been introduced to over the past decade. In reviewing our history it became clear to me that our congregation has developed quite the ?musical palette?. I am so pleased that we will be introducing two more artists, over the next two months, in two different settings. First, a concert by Craig Taubman at Temple Beth Sholom on February 10 at 3:00 p.m. Craig is a dynamic singer and songwriter and; to add to the flavor of the program, both our Adult and Jr. Choirs will be singing with him. Many of Craig?s melodies are sung throughout the country and have become favorites in camps and our National Federation of Temple Youth programs. This is our second collaboration with the JCC and Temple Beth Sholom and you are all in store for a fantastic show. If you haven?t purchased your tickets yet, hurry up and do so! They can be bought through our temple office. Second, a service highlighting Sam Glaser at Congregation Ner Tamid on Friday, March 1st. Sam is a modern Orthodox Jew, who writes contemporary Jewish music. The National Jewish News wrote: ?Glaser touches the Jewish souls with his songs, motivating both children and adults to learn more about their heritage and imbuing them with a newfound enthusiasm about their religion.? I have recently been listening to Sam?s latest CD?s and couldn?t agree more with the newspapers? quote. Please mark your calendars for this unique Shabbat experience. called ?Connections? with a special Shabbat Dinner on Friday, January 25th. ?Connections? seeks to tion, social justice, community service, and social activities. Membership at Congregation Ner Ta?mid is not required and everyone within this age group is welcome, and encouraged, to attend. If you would like to be placed on the Connections mailing list, or know someone in this age group who should be included, please forward their name, age, address, and telephone number to or call 733-6292. ?Connections? for singles and couples age 25-39 will be holding a Planning Committee meeting or| Tuesday, February 5th at 5:30 p.m. Planning meeting for Connection. Call Roberta at 733-6292 for the location. Congregation N e r Tamid B?shalom, (Be[[a Connecting Singles and Couples Age 25-39 to THEIR /udaissn Congregation Ner Tamid recently kicked off its new program for singles and couples age 25-39 connect greater numbers of adults from 25-39 to their Judaism through a variety of religious educa-Religious School News Religious School Calendar February 2002 Sunday 3 10 17 No R/S 24 Tuesday 5 12 19 26 Wednesday 6 13 20 27 Thursday 7 14 No R/S 21 26 22nd Purim Family Service, 24th Purim Carnival February is a month on the secular calendar that causes us to think of a holiday called Valentine?s Day. Well, some say that for Jewish people, Saint Valentine?s Day in not politically correct. But this date on the calendar serves to remind us to show love to the special people in our lives. I think you can ver be reminded enough to show your love. I would like to remind you of some other great dates in February. February Is' , 2nd, and 3rd, Rabbi Elliott Kleinman will be our ?Scholar in Residence?. I urge everyone to come hear a scholar who speaks TO you, not at you. A man who will educate and share information with you. Rabbi Kleinman is a person with whom you will feel a friendship by the end of the weekend. He will share his sense of humor, which is not a show, but real and a natural means to open your mind to great Jewish adventures. I am proud to tell you of Rabbi Kleinman because he has been my friend for more than 10 years. February 10th, Craig Taubman will be in town to entertain and delight you. You will enjoy his talents and you will be comfortable with his music. He is the composer of the music Bella and the Shabbatones use at our Family Services each month. The big holiday this month is PURIM. Purim Family service is, February 22nd. You cannot miss this fun evening. A special Shabbat service and an entertaining Purim Spiel will set the tone for this special weekend. Come see Rabbi ^cselrad dance (Rabbi Weiner is helping him improve) and then join us for the hamantashen at the Oneg. The Purim Carnival begins at 11:00 am, Sunday, February 24th. Fun, food, games, new and used book sale, a raffle and more. School ends at 11:00 am (when the carnival begins). PLEASE PICK YOUR CHILD UP AT THE CLASSROOM OR THEY WILE NOT BE DISMISSED.. I don?t mean to use a saying from Passover but, DAYENU! It would seem that with February being so busy, we would want to take a break, but we are looking ahead to March? WOW! Sam Glaser, a popular Jewish scholar and multi-talented entertainer will assist at our services on March Is'. He will be performing in Las Vegas on March 2nd. Mitzvah Day will take on a greater meaning as more groups join the Religious School in doing for others and sharing a joyful experience on March 3rd. The Mitzvah of studying and respecting Torah will begin on March 3rd, and continue for five days. A Sofer will be repairing our Torahs and offering sessions related to understanding this procedure. Mark your calendar today?Look for more information in the bulletin. We should share the chance to have enlightening and enter?taining experiences with those we care about. I hope you enjoy these special days. This congregation is made up of people I care about. Enjoy every day. Shalom, J7 aclQ-e * ***?*?r"?** m February 2002CUT PRE/Ctieei AMR KINRERCARTEN January went by so quickly and we are already into the swing of this new semester at the Preschool\ Kindergarten. We have more wonderful children who have joined our CNT family, in all of our classes. Martin Luther King Day was a holiday all of the boys and girls enjoyed. The kindergarten class went on a field trip, to Ham Hall, to see the musical Jim West?s Dinasours. The children at our school are very busy and always having fun and delight in the learning process. The youngsters will be celebrating Ground Hog?s Day (hope he sees his shadow) and Lincoln?s and Washington?s Birthdays as well. We will be baking Challah and preparing for our Preschool Sabbath which will be held in March Our boys and girls will be celebrating the most merry holiday of Purim on the 26Ih with a costume party, reading of the Megalah and the baking of Hamantashen We will also be learning about bike safety on the 4th of February, during our annual Bike-a -thon. Oria Gizala, Ethan Johana, Ethan's Grandpa, Tavor Northeim celebrate a birthday Alex Ayache and Nicole Sadikof prepare for Shabbat We are very proud of our students accomplishment during the last few months of school. The children are learning and thriving in our loving Preschool) Kindergarten environment. The work of our dedicated teachers certainly is apparent on the faces of our students. Summer programming is also in the works ( it's hard to believe) We will soon be taking applications for our Camp Chaverium which will be held from June 24th to July 26th this summer ( for youngsters 2 1|2- 10 years of age). The students all enjoy our visit from ?The Library Lady? and our on -going mitzvah projects. They are a delightful group of youngsters who enjoy their friendships with their fellow students and teachers. We have only two spots left in our program for new students so if you are interested please give us a call at the office at 733-6292. Lois ?Bergman Our students wait "patiently" for our field trip to the Shark Reef Arie Charles and Dr. Jim Silbert (Channel 3) talk weather Congregation N e r Tamid February 2002 Auxiliaries Sut^ood Sandy Stolberg and I had the pleasure of leading our Sisterhood?s delegation to Women of Reform Judaism?s (WRJ) Biennial Convention in Boston in December. Sisterhood Board members who joined us were Gloria Helpern and Toni Popowcer. The WRJ holds their national convention every two years and they do so in conjunction with the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC). Some of the events were joint, but the majority of seminars and plenary sessions were separate. Several other Sisterhood Board Members, Maxine Molinsky, Katherine Scott, and Yvonne Gordon were attending the UAHC program. Sisterhood members Hillary Torchin and Rabbi Weiner were also in attendance at the UAHC. So all bases were covered. I learned the true meaning of Sisterhood when I experienced the completion of the Torat Nashim project, which was a Torah commissioned by the WRJ and written in gender neutral language. The scribe that has spent the last two years writing the Torah completed the last few lines in Boston and women attending the conference had an opportunity to actually write a letter with the scribe by holding his hand as he wrote. He used a plain feather dipped in ink as the writing instrument, and it ^p>rked just fine as it has for hundreds of years. I wrote a letter with the scribe and dedicated it in memory of my mother, Lee Pearson, who passed away almost 6 years ago. I know she would have been proud of me and a little surprised that I am the Sisterhood President, since she never joined Sisterhood, even though she regularly went to synagogue most of her life. My mother was a ?women?s libber? long before it was popular and she would have been pleased to know that she was part of a Torah written for women. The highlight of the WRJ meeting for me was when the Torah was dedicated. Imagine being in a large convention ballroom with over 1,000 women (and some men) all singing along with Debbie Friedman. It was the most joyous and sacred moment, knowing you were part of this torah that was now complete and rolled out and being held by dozens of WRJ board members. Knowing that our children and grandchildren will have a Torah that embraces women and puts them on equal footing with men. What is equally exciting is that WRJ has commissioned a Torah commentary to be written by a woman who is not only a Rabbi, but a respected scholar, who will highlight women in the Torah and their contributions which have not been emphasized in previous commentaries. Other high points of the Biennial was the Shabbat service. Some of the best cantors and rabbi?s from across the nation lead the service and a volunteer choir made up of members from congregations throughout the U.S. and Canada accompanied them. Our own Maxine Molinsky was a member of this choir and spent many hours practicing with them. It was beautiful to participate in this service and pray and sing along with thousands of Reform Jews from all over. When you thought that was wonderful, it was nothing compared to the music festival that followed Shabbat services. A Jewish revival is the closest I can come to describing it. Bands, groups and individuals preformed to almost a frenzy and everyone was singing and dancing, it was awesome in the true sense of the word. Another high point from the Biennial was watching Sandy Stolberg being sworn in as a WRJ national Board Member. We are very proud of her and she will represent us very well and be a big asset to WRJ. All of us attending experienced exhaustion and elation. We ran from event to workshops or programs from early morning until very late at night and got little sleep. It gave me, and I am sure all the delegates a new perspectives on WRJ and our own Sisterhood. We learned that we have a lot to be proud of and that our Sisterhood is one of the best in the country given our membership, programs and the support we provide the Temple. This was also a time for bonding, between delegation members and with other Sisters we have across the country, who are experiencing the same challenges we are and we can leant a lot from each other. We came back with some wonderful ideas for new programs and ways in which to make our Sisterhood even better. Since pictures speak louder than words, a few photos are included so you can see for yourself what an opportunity the biennial truly was. Next month I will resume introducing a few more Sisterhood Board members. If you are interested in finding out more about Sisterhood, please join us at our regular board meetings, the second Thursday of each month. The board meetings are open to any Sisterhood member. We meet in the CNT library at 7:00pm. We will hold a very brief business meeting before each program event. Please feel free to call me at 768-8529, or email me at if you have any questions about Sisterhood. I welcome your input and questions. Until next month, my best, ?Ruth February 2002 Sisterhood Congregation 9\[er Tamid A Special Place To Belong Auxiliaries Continued Men s Club Shalom. January ushered in a new year and with it new programs from your Men?s Club. January 20th, our Health Fair was a huge success. Led by our own Dr. Fred Toffel, the social hall was packed with Congregants, who after enjoying a typical Men?s Club Breakfast, heard guest speak?ers and mixed with various vendors from the Las Vegas Medical community. Dr. Fred was the lead speaker along with Dr. Eliot Horowitz and Dr. Devin Luzod. Dr. Horow?itz is a Urologist and Dr. Luzod is an NUCCA Chiroprac?tor who practices a specialty in the field of Chiropractic Medicine. We want to thank everyone who attended for making this a huge success. On Saturday, February 9th at noon, we will be sponsoring a brunch/kiddush for the Scholar in Residence Program. We welcome everyone who wants to attend and there is no charge for breakfast. Please register as soon as possible for our annual Golf Tourna?ment on Sunday April 7th at Desert Willow Golf Club at Sun City MacDonald Ranch in Henderson. Our Annual Men?s Club Weekend will be May 10th and 11th. Details will follow. Our membership continues to grow as we have already passed last years record of 103. Yom Hashoah is just around the corner and we will be looking for volun?teers to help once again with the mailing of the candles. We look forward to seeing all of you at our family shab- bats. Please, seek out someone with a Men?s Club badge and introduce yourself. All my best to everyone and thanks so much for your support. Shalom, MicfiaeC Milano President EARLY DEADLINE Deadline for March 2002 Bulletin The deadline for the March Bulletin will be Monday January 28th at 5PM. Please email articles to Mazel Tov to our February Bat Mitzvahl Hi, my name is Kelsey Lugo. I am 12 years old and in the 7lh grade at Keller Middle School. At Keller, I play violin, but at home I play piano. My birthday is February the 22nd. I love to go outside on weekends and play with my buds. Sometimes I just stay inside and watch TV and play on the computer. I am a huge Harry Potter fan and am always reading one of the books. The things I have always been doing are singing and dancing. I am looking forward to my Bat Mitzvah on the 16th of February 2002, when my family from near and far will join me when I am called to tjA Torah. Yiddish Lesson for February Rav - Rabbi, religious leader of the community Reb - Mr., Rabbi; title given to a learned and respected man Rebiniu - ?Rabbi dear!? Term of endearment for a rabbi Congregation N e r Tamid February 2002 What is Homelessness? You may have heard of the IHN and wondered, ?What is it ^d how can I become involved?? This is intended to illuminate and also to serve as an invitation to become part of one of the most worthy and worthwhile programs you will find at Congregation Ner Tamid. What is homelessness? Until recent years, it was widely believed that only alcoholics or severely mentally ill people could become homeless. These stereotypes were never an accurate portrayal and are even less so today. More than 40% of America?s homeless is comprised of families with young children. Being without a safe, warm place to sleep, eat, and care for children - this is homelessness. Being without the security of familiar people and belongings - this is homelessness too. The loss of a home is a crisis for anyone, but even more so for families. Parents must endure the heartache of being unable to provide a secure environment for their children. Without a home, children are deprived of one of the most basic resources required for healthy development. And did you know that one out of every four homeless people is a child? The Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) founded in New Jersey, in 1986, was created in response to the growing ^:cd to provide shelter, meals, and comprehensive support to families without homes. Fortunately, there are many thousands of people who believe that homelessness is unacceptable. And there is much that one person can do, especially in concert with others. Through the Interfaith Hospitality Network program, many Americans are assisting homeless people and working together toward permanent solutions. IHN programs are now in many states across the country with more than 80,000 volunteers contributing their gifts of time and talent. The Network program unites religious congregations to assist homeless families. Each host synagogue or church provides accommodations and meals for three to five families, (up to 14 people) for one week every two to three months on a rotating basis. Homeless families are assessed by social service agencies, which in turn refer them to the Network. Volunteers turn their places of worship into temporary homes to provide hospitality to guest families. A centrally located day center offers assistance to the families as they seek housing, jobs and other resources. In Las Vegas, Congregation Ner Tamid participates with approximately 25 other places of worship to provide sleeping quarters and a hospitality room where guests relax, socialize, A) homework, and watch television. Guests arrive between o:00 and 5:30 pm and remain overnight. We provide the evening meal, breakfast and a bag lunch. In the morning, guests return to the day center. From there, children go to school, and adults care for young children or go out to work or to look for jobs or housing. Volunteers in the IHN program afford homeless families with basic human needs such as shelter, safety and sustenance, delivered with a spirit of warmth and hospitality. We offer them temporary homes in which families are treated like guests and individuals are accepted as they are. This environment enables guests to maintain their dignity. It is our goal to diminish the hurt of homelessness, and create an atmosphere where both volunteers and guests grow and learn from each other. Our success depends greatly on the efforts and enthusiasm of our volunteers. Over the course of the last six years, we have developed a tight, enthusiastic and reliable core of volunteers who give of themselves time and time again, and to whom I am entirely grateful. However, it is my strongest wish for the New Year that we could entice some of the newer members of our ever-growing congregation to become involved in this amazing program. Whether you would like to supply a meal, or come spend some quality time with some truly remarkable people, either as an overnight chaperone or as a helper, I can assure you will find no mitzvah with such large rewards for so little work. We have the honor of hosting families beginning Sunday, February 3rd through Saturday, February 9th. Please join us in making it a truly special week for our guests. If you have any questions or wish to receive volunteer information please contact Denise Waldrep at 564-0860 or Save The Date: Eileen Kollins will be our guest speaker at Friday night services March 15! Eileen is a former long time congregant and past president of Congregation Ner Tamid. Look for more information in our March bulletin. February 2002 A Special Place To Belong LIONS OF LOVE A few years ago I stood in line in the Las Vegas summer heat waiting for my turn to get into a warehouse for great bargains. The MGM had a blow out sale of mer?chandise from the shops and the theme park. Items were being sold at greatly reduced prices. That hot day almost caused me to pass out, but the items were 90% off the original price, I HAD TO STAY. I thought I was a great shopper until I spoke to Debbie Hallerman. I had purchased handbags and sweatshirts. Debbie and her husband Mel bought cases and cases of the theme park?s character, a stuffed toy called King Louie the Lion. The corporation had discontinued King Louie for a more real?istic lion as the theme parks mascot. What would the Hallerman?s do with all the lions? Debbie saw them as a way to raise money to help children. We sold some, but that was not the goal we had envisioned. Debbie and I spoke again and a special project began. The students from the religious school started distributing the lions at University Medical Center and Sunrise Hospital Pediatric Cancer Units as well as their emergency rooms. We thought they were all given out when much to our sur?prise, fifteen boxes were found in the temple?s storage shed last November. We contacted the hospitals again, but they could only take a few boxes. What would we do with the rest? They were given to the Clark County Fire Department Each station now has King Louie the Lion riding on the fire trucks. They will be given to children needing emergency care or those who lost a special toy due to fire. These lions of courage are now lions of love. m m m <mii' m m Wli?KE SWEET 0* PASSOVER Please buy your Passover sweets through Congregation Ner Tamid. We are currently selling Barton?s Kosher for Passover Sweets as a fundraiser for our Religious School. The children in Religious School are taking or?ders, plus you can pick up a catalog and or?der form in the Temple lobby. If you can?t get to Temple and would like to place an order, please call Hillary Torchin at 242-9068. There are Parve and Daily selections, Milk and Dark Chocolate, from Fruit Slices to Macaroons. These delicious products add wonderfully to any Sedar meal and make terrific gifts, too. Thanks again to Elaine Burke for heading up this committee. CRAIG ?N COMPANY TO PERFORM ? Craig ?N Co., featuring award-winning entertainer Craig Taubman, will be performing a concert for children and adults of all ages at Temple Beth Sholom. The concert is being co-eponeored by Congregation Ner Tamid, the Jewish Community Center of Southern Nevada and Temple Beth Sholom on Sunday, Febru?ary 10, 2002. Sincere thanks to Debbie and Mel Hallerman and the students of Congregation Ner Tamid?s Religious School for caring and continuing to make us proud. Sincerely, Jacquefine fkefyp Director of Education Save These Dates!! February 24 Purim Carnival May 19 Religious School End-of-Year Picnic & Party At 3pm Craig ?N Co. will perform a family concert featuring music from his immensely popular Friday Night Live and his many award-winnin