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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    > v > C r a GF LAS V3M* 91VAPA February 3, 195^ Las feg&a Land. and. Valor Cm pem y m l south 2nd stree t L&s Vegas, Hev&da Att*m Mr, JfiMMb Bear S ir: The City of Las Vega# Is, at tU s tine, expanding th e ir &m tm fa c ilit ie s , and you no doubt, ®r# #wmr# of the touts p ruble*?, faced by th« city ^(tjk regard to the sever s y itia , In view of this record growth it is imperative that the sever system "fee expanded greatly within & comparatively short time. are therefore requesting &n Ssssiuot over the follow ing described parcel# of land for sever purposes. Per® el 1 Pure el S Parse! | The £Mt«*&y ten (10) feet of the Southwest one-quarter of the Southeast one-quarter and the feteterly ten (10) feet of the Southeast one-quarter of the Southfl&it one-quarter o f ie s tiM 3di f©unship 20 South, Benge it, East, & M* The Westerly ten (10) feet of the horthe&at ©se-quarter of the borthesuat one-quarter and the fe'eeterty ten (IS) feet of the Southeast on©-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter and the Saaterlj fen (10) feet of the South##*t one-quarter of the Kartheaet one- quarter and the Southerly twenty (£0) feet of the Serthmuit one-quarter of section 3 1 # Township 20 South, Benge 6! Seat, H,0,l,4M , The Southerly twenty (20) feet of the Southwest on ^quarter of the .Northwest ©ne-quarter of Section 32, Township 20 South, Benge 6l East, K.S.ft. & K. M© also request M &#e»«t*t over the following described P&rsel* of land fo r road purpose#, &a the ©ever w ill also fee within these boundaries. the ikmtherly th irty (30)- feet of the southeast one-fourth of the northwest os#-fourth of Section 32, Township 20 South, Peng# 61 * M,h.S. & M.