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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, May 9, 1991






Includes meeting agenda and minutes along with additional information about bylaws. CSUN Session 21 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000691. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT AGENDA SENATE MEETING 21-20 THURSDAY, MAY 9,1991 4:00 PM. MSU 201 I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF SENATE MINUTES 21-19 ANNOUNCEMENTS BOARD, COMMITTEE, AND DIRECTOR REPORTS EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS A. Approval of Mike Quick as a member of the Bylaws Committee. B. Approval of Bud Benneman as a member of the Parking and Traffic Committee. UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of Executive Board Nominations. [The Executive Board has requested the approval of the nominations in Item VI of the Agenda.] B. Introduction of Bills and Resolutions. [The floor will be open for the introductions of Senate Bills and Resolutions.] C. Approval of $15,000 for Executive Board Authorization of expenditures exceeding $500 from May 10, 1991 to August 31, 1991. [The Executive Board requests that it may have permission to make expenditures exceeding $500 but no more than $15,000 total from the dates specified in Item C.] D. Approval of waiving the 20 Hour Work Week Limitation for Executive Board Members. [Vice-President Briggs has requested a waiver of the 20 Hour Work Week Limitation in Article V.H.4. of the CSUN Constitution.] E. Approval of a stipend of $450 per month and a 42 credit fee waiver for the CSUN Student Body President. F. Approval of a stipend of $425 per month and a 42 credit fee waiver for the CSUN Student Body Vice-President. G. Approval of a stipend of $425 per month and a 42 credit fee waiver for • the CSUN Senate President. H. Approval of Senate Bill #11. [Senate President Pro Tempore Benneman has requested approval on Senate Bill #11 of the 21st session.] OPEN DISCUSSION ADJOURNMENT posted in: MSU Case, MSU 120, BEH 1st floor, FDH 1st floor ENG 1st floor, WRI 1st floor MK: bj.b UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 89154/(7 SB11-21 Senate Bill 11 Introduced by Senator Bud Benneman Purpose: To place Directors, Assistant Directors, Chairman, Vice. Chairman Committee Chairman, and Committee Members under Senate Bylaw 34 and to establish scholastic requirements. I. All CSUN Directors, Assistant Directors, Chairman, Vice. Chairman Committee Chairman, and committee members, shall meet the following requirements. A. A. cumulative GPA of 2.0 or greater. B. The maintenance of 6 (Six) or more credit hours during the semester II. All Directors, Assistant Directors, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Committee Chairman, and Committee Members which receive pay and or credit fee wavers shall be bound to the following conditions. 1. Will refund CSUN for any dropped or failed classes that CSUN has paid for in the form of 9-~(N-ine) cards. 2. Shall not receive any additional funding and or stipends after termination. 3. Shall reimburse CSUN for classes in the event of termination to the extent that the position was not completed. The ajrtnount will be calculated to a ratio of time remaining within the semester III. All Directors shall sign a contract stating that they will uphold the CSUN constitution and the job description as outlined in the operating policy and any Senate Bylaws which relate to the position. 1. Violations shall be handled by the CSUN Executive Board. 2. In the event that the CSUN Executive Board fails to take action then the CSUN Senate will take any necessary action or remove the Director. 3. Senate Bylaw 34 Article I. A through C, Article II. Section A, Article III Sections A through D, Article VI Sections A through D one (1). CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS SENATE BILL 12 OF THE 21ST SESSION THE WATERED DOWN CLEAN HOUSE ACT OF 1991 SPONSOR: SENATE PRESIDENT KENNEDY SUMMARY: MAKES VARIOUS CHANGES IN BYLAWS AND STATUTES We, the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, represented by the CSUN Senate, do enact as follows: SECTION 1: We hereby rescind Senate Bylaws: 9, 20, 23, 25, 27, 28, and 31. SECTION 2: Senate Bylaw 12 shall be amended as follows: I. Purpose The purpose of the Student Services [Board] De-partment shall be to administer CSUN Services as determined by the CSUN Senate, its bill [and], by-laws. and statutes. II. Structure The [board] Department shall consist of the fol-lowing: A. [Chairman] Director 1. The duties of the [Chairman] Director shall be as those of the [Board Chairman] Director as described in Article IX, Sec-tion D, of the CSUN Constitution. B. Responsibilities of the Director [2] 1. To manage Student Services and admin-ister the policies and programs as direc-ted by [the Student Services Central Com-mittee ]CSUN Bylaws, statues, and Student Services Operating Policies. [3] 2_;. To coordinate the various functions of Student Services as described in Arti-cle I. [4. To act for the Student Services when so directed by the Central Committee.] [5] 3_i. To employ, supervise, and dismiss an employee of the Student Services Depart-ment in accordance with the policies and procedures of CSUN. B. [Vice-chairman] Assistant Director 1. The [Vice-Chairman] Assistant Director shall be nominated by the [Chairman] Exe-cutive Board and approved by the Senate, [a. Definition of offices] OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 SENATE BILL 12 2 [1] 2_*_ The duties of the Assitant Director shall be as those of the Board Vice- Chairman as described in Article IX, Section 5, of the CSUN Constitution. ARTICLE III is to be deleted. SECTION 3: Senate Bylaw 14 should be amended as follows: 1. Definition [A.] The Office of [Public] Student Informa-tion shall serve to inform the student body, faculty, media, and concerned mem-bers of the public as to the activities of CSUN Student Government. II. Composition [B. Staff members shall be selected by the director.] B. Assistant Director 1. The Assistant Director shall be nom-inated by the Executive Board and appointed by the Senate. III. Powers and Responsibilities of the Office of [Public] Student Information. A. Report on the activities of CSUN to the media [local media]. B. Establish publications of CSUN. Senate Bylaw 16 shall be amended as follows: Article III.B.2. 2. The Assistant Director shall be recommended by the Organizations Board, nominated by the Executive Board, and approved by the Senate. Board I. The Board shall meet at leace once a semester^ [with the first meeting no later than the sec-ond Friday in the Fall and Spring Academic Semesters.] 3. Subsection e. [e. must introduce themselves to the Senate.] 4. [The Organization must submit their qualifica-tions at the regular semester meeting.] The Or-ganizations Board Director shall verify the qualifications of CSUN recognized Organizations SECTION 5: Senate Bylaw 21 shall be amended as follows: III. Duties, Powers, and Responsibilities A.2. is to be deleted. Section C is to be deleted. C. The Board shall perform any duties delegated to it by the CSUN Senate or Operating Policy. II. Structure C. The Assistant Director who shall be nominated by the Executive Board and approved by the Senate. SECTION 4: C. SENATE BILL 12 3 SECTION 6: We hereby rescind CSUNRS 204.00-204.10, 210.00- 210.02, 220.00-220.04, 2 4 0.00-240.04, 241.00-241.16, 242.00- 242.08, 310.00-310.14, 3 3 0.00-330.04, 340.00-340.04, 950.04, 960.00-960.10, 970.00-970.08. SECTION 7: CSUNRS shall be amended as follows: 2 01.02 The standing boards, committees, and departments of CSUN shall be as follows: A. Entertainment and Programming Board B. Student Services [Board] Department [C. Publications Board] [D. Radio Board] [E. ] C^ Appropriations Board [F. ] Elections Board [G. ] E^. Organizations Board [H. Nevada Student Affairs] [I.] f\_ Office of [Public] Student Information [J. Food and Beverage Department] [9 05.00 Newspaper, Yellin1 Rebel Budget] [907.00 Publications Budget] [910.00 Food and Beverage Budget] [912.00 Nevada Student Affairs] [950.04 A person who drops or withdraws from classes for which fees were paid by CSUN shall reimburse CSUN for the amount of fees not refunded to CSUN in re-mainder class refunds.] SECTION 8: Senate Bylaw 15 shall be amended as follows: III. Duties, Section C 1. The Appropriations Board shall submit [the annual CSUN budget to the Senate no later than the last Monday of May.] re-commendations to the Senate regarding the budgets of CSUN acocunts and depart-ments . [5. The Appropriations Board shall recommend the approval or disapproval of all bud-get allocations of all CSUN organiza-tions according to merit of proposed ac-tivities . ] [6. The Appropriations Board may set guide-lines of any CSUN organization using CSUN funds.] [7. The Appropriations Board shall suspend or revoke the privilege of the use of CSUN funds of any group that does not a-bide by the Priciples of the CSUN Const-itution, Bylaws, and Revised Statutes.] [8.]5_^ Three (3) unexcused absences shall cause removal from the Board. [9.]6_j_ Quorum for all meetings shall be con-sidered great than two-thirds (2/3's) of the appointed members. [10.Jl^ The Appropriations Board shall estab-lish any necessary subcommittees, the SENATE BILL 12 4 chairman of which must be a board member SECTION 9: This act is effective upon passage and approval. MK:bjb CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT MINUTES SENATE MEETING 21-20 THURSDAY, MAY 9,1991 4:00 P.M. MSU 201 I. CALL TO ORDER Senate President Mike Kennedy called the meeting to order at 4:07 p.m. II. ROLL CALL PRESENT Senator Adair Senator Barkhuff Senator Benneman Senator Bunin Senator Cudlip Senator Field Senator Finmark Senator Fisher [late] Senator Kostman Senator Lee Senator Maultsby [late] Senator Romero Senator Roth Senator Young Senator Epperson Senator Kershaw Senator Quick III. APPROVAL OF SENATE MINUTES 21-19 Motion to approve by Sen. Kostman. Motion carried by voice vote. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT C0LEBR00K stated that he was at the opening/dedication of the preschool playground this morning. He stated that he is going to meet with Pres. Maxson Friday about tuition, and that if anyone has any ideas or suggestions, to come see him. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE BENNEMAN stated that the Yellin' Rebel Board met and chose Gary Puckett as the new editor. He stated that he will be motioning for an emergency motion to pass Senate Resolution 21-03 (Parking Fee Opposition). He said that it is the first time that the Senate has been really active since he has been on it, and that it is admirable that Senators who are so new are introducing new bills. He stated that bills are how to change and improve the constitution. VICE PRESIDENT BRIGGS stated that for the past week, he has been very impressed by the Senators who have been showing a desire to serve, and stated that everyone should keep up the good work. He stated that he attended the IAC (Inter-Atheletic Committee) last week, and that they are seeking donors to help improve the tennis and baseball facilities, and that we are possibly going to host the NCAA championship in golf 1994. He stated that he was also at the preschool dedication, and that there is a boat out in the playground that he is going to try and have painted with the name "U.S.S. CSUN". ABSENT Senator Jensen [excused] Senator Love [unexcused] Senator Ortega [excused] Senator Ricci [excused] UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 SENATE MEETING 21-20 2 IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS, CONTINUED SENATOR KERSHAW stated that there was a Parking and Traffic meeting today, and that the members of the committee failed the minutes to the last meeting where they had approved the Parking Fee, so that all the business, including the fee, is null and void, totally dead. She stated that there will not be another meeting until next semester, so there will be no parking fee. SENATE PRESIDENT KENNEDY stated that there is a box for all unwanted paper in the back of the room, as well as in the office, so please put all unwanted paper products in them. He stated that CSUN is trying to do their part for the environment, so please do your share. V. BOARD, COMMITTEE, AND DIRECTOR REPORTS RULES — Chair Bunin spoke and answered questions. BYLAWS — Chair Benneman spoke. KUNV — KUNV Manager Rob Rosenthal spoke. CSUN BUSINESS MANAGER— CSUN Business Manager Sue Hobbs had no report. SHAC — Chair Tomory had no report. VI. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS A. Approval of Mike Quick as a member of the Bylaws Committee. B. Approval of Bud Benneman as a member of the Parking and Traffic Committee. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was no unfinished business. VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of Executive Board Nominations. [The Executive Board has requested the approval of the nominations in Item VI. of the Agenda. Motion to approve.item A under Executive Board Nominations by Sen. Bunin. Motion carried by voice vote with one abstention. Motion to approve item B under Executive Board Nominations by Sen. Kostman. Motion carried by voice vote with one abstention. B. Introduction of Bills and Resolutions. [The floor will be open for the introduction of Senate Bills and Resolutions.] SENATE BILL 21-10 was not introduced. SENATE BILL 21-11 is on the agenda for approval. SENATE BILL 21-12 is still in the Bylaws Committee. SENATE BILL 21-13 is still in the Bylaws Committee. SENATE BILL 21-14 was introduced at this time. Motion to refer to the Bylaws Committee by Sen. Quick. There was discussion. Motion carried by voice vote. SENATE RESOLUTION 21-10 was introduced. Senate President Pro Tempore Benneman sp oke. C. Approval of $15,000 for Executive Board Authorization of expenditures exceeding $500 from May 10, 1991 to August 31, 1991. [The Executive Board requests that it may have permission to make expenditures exceeding $500 but no more than $15,000 from the dates specified in Item C.] Motion to approve by Sen. Kershaw. Motion carried by voice vote. D. Approval of waiving the 20 Hour Work Week Limination for Executive Board Members. [Vice President Briggs has requested a waiver ofthe 20 Hour Work Week Limitation in Article V.H.. of the CSUN Constitution.] Motion to approve by Sen. Kershaw. There was discussion. Motion carried 15-0-2. E. Approval of a stipend of $450 per month and a 42 credit fee waiver for the CSUN Student Body President. Motion to approve by Sen. Kostman. There was discussion. F. Approval of a stipend of $425 per month and a 42 credit fee waiver for the CSUN Student Body Vice-President. Motion to approve by Sen. Romero. There was discussion. Motion amended to have a Motion carried by voice vote. SENATE MEETING 21-20 3 VIII. NEW BUSINESS, CONTINED. stipend of $400 per month rather than $425 per month by Sen. Pres. Pro Tern Benneman. Maker of the motion and second concurred. Amended motion carried by voice vote. G. Approval of a stipend of $425 per month and a 42 credit fee waiver for the CSUN Senate President. ' ' Motion to approve by Sen. Finmark. There was discussion. Friendly amendment by Sen. Pres. Pro Tem Benneman to $400 per month. Amended motion carried by voice vote. H. Approval of Senate Bill 21-11. [Senate President Pro Tempore Benneman has requested approval on Senate Bill #11 of the 21st session.] Motion to approve by Sen. Kershaw. There was discussion. Resolution amended to read "fee waivers" rather than "9 (nine) cards", "amount" rather than "ammount." Motion carried by voice vote. Motion to make an emergency motion to place an item on the agenda by Sen. Pres. Pro Tempore Benneman. Motion carried 16-0-1. Motion to approve Senate Resolution 21-03 by Sen. Pres. Pro Tem. Benneman. There was discussion. Motion amended to read "these" instead of "this" and "students" instead of "student" and "do" instead of "does." Amended motion carried by voice vote. **SENATORS ADAIR AND EPPERSON 1EFT THE MEETING**** IX. OPEN DISCUSSION SENATOR KERSHAW stated that the Parking and Traffic meeting was very interesting, and that there will be no meeting until October. She wished everyone luck on their finals and to have a nice summer. SENATOR BARKHUFF had no comments. SENATOR FISHER said goodbye. SENATOR YOUNG asked if there will be a meeting next Thursday and was informed by Sen. Pres. Kennedy that there will not be a meeting. SENATOR FINMARK congratulated Gary Puckett and stated that the originals of the minutes from last weeks Rules meeting are in the room, and that she needs them. SENATOR MAU1TSBY had no comments. SENATOR CUDLIP told everyone to have a great summer, and wished everyone luck on their final exams. SENATOR ROTH wished everyone a great summer, and stated that he will be thinking about everyone while he is in Hawaii. He wished everyone luck on their finals. SENATOR ROMERO had no comments. SENATOR FIELD stated that the Senate Pres. has a nice gavel. SENATE PRESIDENT KENNEDY stated that it is a loaner from Sen. Pres. Pro Tem. Benneman. SENATOR KOSTMAN stated that the Sen. Pres. can afford a gavel for himself. He asked the Yellin' Rebel when they want to have a softball rematch. He congratulated the Executive Board on their 42 credit fee waivers, and stated that he expects them to use everyone of them. SENATOR LEE had no comments. SENATOR BUNIN had no comments. SENATOR QUICK had no comments. FROM THE EXECUTIVE BOARD: VICE-PRESIDENT BRIGGS thanked everyone, stating that when the Senate opposed his emergency motion but passed Bud Benneman's, it hurt his feelings, but that he is over it now. He stated that he has been informed that ther e is concern that he will not be in the office. He stated that he plans to be here and do a good job. He stated that he will appreciate any support and suggests. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT C0LBR00K stated that we will be moving our offices to Tonopah Hall on June 3rd, and that we will be located somewhere on the second floor. He stated that services will be limited during the summer, but that our new offices should be completed, and will be located where the mens' restroom is now. He thanked those Senators who have visited him in his office and encouraged all of the rest to see him. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE BENNEMAN stated that as far as Bills and Resolutions SENATE MEETING 21-20 4 IX. OPEN DISCUSSION, CONTINUED. are concerned, wording is important as it is necessary to have it done well, as the Bills and Resolutions are to change and alleviate problems, not create more confusion. He thanked the Senate for approval of Senate Resolution 21-03, and thanked them for passing Senate Bill 21-11 as well. He stated that he hopes everyone does well in their classes, and that everyone stays in touch over the summer. He added that Bylaws and an Ad Hoc Constitutional Revision Committee will be meeting over the summer. SENATOR MAULSTBY stated that it was great to get the final agenda on Tuesday, as it gave him an opportunity to investigate some of the items. SENATE PRESIDENT KENNEDY stated that the agenda was actually out on Monday. He stated that while his parliamentary procedure is not great at this time, he will improve. He thanked the Senate for the tremedously generous stipend, and stated that there will be a memo sent out tomorrow giving tentative dates of summer meetings, but that there will be one at the end of May to hire Directors, the end of June to approve the budget, and more regularly scheduled meetings in August. He told all Senators who have not signed Senate Resolution 21-03 to sign it. SENATOR EPPERSON stated that he suggest recycling rather blindly, but that he spoke to the student who suggested it to him, and that he will be gathering information about how University of Utah organized a recycling project. He stated that Sen. Finmark is trying to include SCOPE at UNIV as well. He stated hfe would like to see aJlarge size directory of the University by the MSU, and that there should be safety signs warning about the wet sidewalks. SENATOR KOSTMAN suggested a resolution concerning a bike helmet law. SENATOR FINMARK asked if there is anything that can be done about the water wasting away by being left of the pavement. SENATOR BARKHUFF stated that Nevada passed a statute that makes it illegal to water anything between the hours of noon and seven in the evening. She stated that UNLV can be slapped with criminal charges. SENATOR QUICK stated that while he was working on Student Security, he spoke to maintainence concerning a broken water pipe that poured water for about seven days, and that they are idiot, and that Sen. Finmark will need to play strongball with them to get them to stop wasting water. He repeated that they aren't fat guys, just idiots. X. ADJOURNMENT Senate President Mike Kennedy adjourned the meeting at 5:11 p.m. Mike Kennedy, CSUN Senate President.