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Hadassah-Shoshanim meeting minutes, February 1, 1996



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H A D A S S A H The Shoshanim Group February 1, 1996 The next meeting of the Shoshanim Group will be held on Monday, February 5 at N 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at Marcy Simon's home at 8645 Canyon View in Canyon Gate. This is a gated community. Just tell the guard you are visiting Marcy Simon and he will let you in. If you need further directions, Marcy's phone number is 228-1696. The speaker for the evening will be motivational speaker and our very own member, Jackie Fleekop. The Youth Aliyah Luncheon will be held on Sunday, February 25, 1996, 11:30 a.m. at the Port Tack Restaurant at 3190 W. Sahara Ave. Invitations have already been sent out. If you have not received yours yet, please call Sherry at 655-0404. Please R.S.V.P. as soon as possible. Our group is hosting this important fund-raiser for the entire Chapter and a good attendance by our Shoshanim Group is so important. The speaker will be Shoshanim members, Lori Lipman-Brown and Leah Sichel. The program will be a fashion show by Irene's Boutique, member Irene Friedman. Irene has beautiful clothes that will be modeled by Hadassah members. It is so important that we show our support for our girls and for Youth Aliyah. For the Youth Aliyah Luncheon, bring your gifts for the raffle and for door prizes to the meeting on February 5, 1996. They should be brand new items in the original wrap and prizes that you would want to win. Last year we raised over $5,000.00 at the luncheon and we would like to surpass that this year. If you would like to help at the luncheon by setting up the tables early, greeting people, and helping, please call Sherry at 655-0404. Mazel Tov to Sheila and Gil Simon on their newest grandson, Jake Mathew Simon. Happy Birthday to Brina Drobnis and Marcia Marx. A new "raffle/fund" has been started in the Shoshanim Group. It is the Ima Fund As an Ima the contribution to Youth Aliyah of $1,000 will provide tuition support for a Youth Aliyah youngster for a full year. Each Ima will receive recognition in the Menorah Hahorim (Menorah of the Parents). The donor's name is inscribed on a Megillah kept in an olivewood cabinet specially designed by Youth Aliyah students. Ima donors receive a hand-inscribed certificate. Because we recognize that it is not possible for everyone to make that large of a contribution at once, we are creating a raffle so that each of us may win the opportunity to become an Ima. Each time you want to commemorate a special occasion, you can make a donation of Chai or $18.00 into the Ima Fund. For each donation of Chai you make, you will receive a / w ticket towards the Ima drawing. As soon as the Ima Fund reaches $1.000.00, there will be a drawing from all the contributors and the winner will become an Ima. The first Contributor to the Ima Fund is: Lori Lip man-Brown in honor of Lori Noble's recovery and Good Health. Tributes sent are as follows: Get Well to Gil Sichel from Leah Sichel Get Well to Orly Liana from Leah Sichel Happy Anniversary to Gil and Betty Sichel from Leah Sichel Happy Birthdays to Jacqueline Sichel, Eitan Sichel, Andre Liana, Rebecca Atkinson, Susan Kreuger, Linda Morrow, Cindy Province, Sharon Smith, Bea Soares, Rose Stiver from Leah Sichel If you would like to send a personal greeting, get well, memorial, birthday or congratulations card, call Brina Drobnis at 243-7474. Prices range from $3.00 to $5.00 and Brina will even address, stamp and mail them for you. Hadassah tribute cards save you time and help our group meet its yearly quota to aid Israel and, of course, you get full donor credit. Continue to bring to the meetings those extra toiletries and samples that you receive in the mail or see in hotel rooms when you travel. We save them for the Shadetree, a shelter for battered women. They are so grateful for these items and this is one small way in which we can give back to the community Continue, also, to save Campbell Soup, Mrs. Pauls, Swanson's, Pepperidge Farm, Prego labels, and more. We've been saving them for St. Jude's Ranch for abused and neglected children but now the Clark County public schools are saving the labels. In exchange for labels the individual schools receive money to use as needed. Please designate where you would like your labels to go. For a more complete listing of which labels can be saved, call Sherry at 655-0404 or Marcia at 256-4105. Please bring with you to the next meeting 2 or 3 stamps to help defray the cost of our mailing. Because it is so costly, only currently paid and Life Members will continue to receive the bulletin. Dues are $25.00 a year. You can send your check made out to Hadassah to Marcy Simon, 8524 W. Sahara Blvd. #237, Las Vegas, NV. 89117, or bring your dues to the next meeting. Life Membership is $250.00. Your current annual dues can be applied to your Life Membership which can be paid in installments between now and May, 1996. Your membership is transferable to any Hadassah Group in the world.. Speaking of costs and trying to save money, Jackie Flaum has volunteered to fax our memo to those of you who have fax machines and would be willing to receive the memo by fax instead of by mail. If you are in this category, please call Jackie Flaum at 341-8900 and give her your fax number. The next General Meeting will be on Monday, March 11, 1996, at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Kathleen Menasche, 1891 Del Fonte Ct. The phone number is 256-6262. Also, we will be having a Board Meeting on Sunday, February 11, 1996 at 3:00 p.m. at the home of Harriet Smylie. Harriet's address is 7628 Genesis Ct in Desert Shores and her phone number is 254-3887. Please call for directions and to R.S.V.P. All interested members are welcome to attend the Board Meeting. SEE YOU AT THE NEXT MEETING!!!!! BRING A FRIEND!!!