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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles, February 27, 19^7 7334 Mr. Q. A* Keeble: Referring to booster pumps and motors purchase from Byron Jackson under P.0. No* ^56-SD-63^1~W, dated September 12, 1 9 4 5 , for Las Vegas water Facilities, W.O. 31^0* The above pumps and motors are nov installed in Pump Rouse near the Charleston Blvd* Reservoir, about 2 miles west of Las Vegas, near Charleston Blvd. The motors and pumps were operated for a period of about 10 minutes on February 19, 1946, and it was found that the following motor developed a distinct vibration with a slight grating sound with each revolution of the motor* The name plate data on this motor are as follows! 0. E. Motor Model SK 6325 DY 1 H.P. 100 - W C Rise Service factor 1 * 1 5 at rated volts and cycles Type K, Code F, Frame 6325 3 Phase, 440 Volts, 60 Cycles Amps* 124, FL Speed 880 No. SC 6520320 Will you please contact General Electric Co# and arrange to have their representative oheok this motor at an early date. Before oheok can be made, it will be necessary to arrange with our Electrical Dept, to turn the power on before the motor can be operated* Irmjo R. L* Adamson