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Hotel Cecil, pages 2-3


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men000042_Hotel Cecil, pages 2-3


    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Page 2 <br> <br> <br> Menu. <br> <br> <br> Oysters. <br> Clear Mock Turtle. <br> Hare Soup. <br> Turbot, Lobster Sauce <br> Plain and Devilled Whitebait. <br> Croustades of Sweetbreads St. George. <br> Terrine of Chicken Demidoff. <br> Roast Beef. <br> Saddle of Mutton. <br> Potatoes and French Beans. <br> Roast Pheasant. <br> Chips. <br> Salad. <br> Ham and Beetroot. <br> Celery à l’Italienne. <br> Pears à la Bourdaloue, <br> Biscuits. <br> Petits Fours. <br> Bombe Cecil. <br> Macarons au Parmesan <br> Dessert. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Page 3 <br> <br> <br> Programme of Music. <br> <br> <br> Overture “Golden Crown” Hermann <br> March “Under the Double Eagle” Wagner <br> Selection “Geisha” Godfrey <br> Waltz “Etincelles” Waldteufel <br> Gavotte “Ma France” Karl Kaps <br> Selection “The Shop Girl” Godfrey <br> Intermezzo “Love’s Dream” Gillet <br> March “Lorraine” Ganne <br> <br> <br> Conductor - Mr. W. Wright. <br>