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upr000070 198


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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 XX It la the litM M ftw i t the panties tm m m that the proper-tie s to la Station X. of the sal® JlgrtMOMnst shall ha tvaaa** fa m d to the statelet and that the Purehaaa P r im here­in after to s# paid to the Sellers at* Jwly 2* 2fP# or m i«8h ether data as tite parties aim 11 w t w llf in w riting, which feta la tm & tsm ttm # m $erred to an thm m im $fcfee1 * It 1* «• greed' that the p*r©tia#e prlee of aald propartftae an of A p ril 3@* 1 §S&# acNapatad m proeisse# la aeotictm 8, $ and 10 af the f ile &« gfaaaaat, la $ , which amount la imroijmftar referred to as th# ** ^ralimtea^ rurehase P rim * * MJimtaanta in tha parehaae paiee to so w&$m p w m m & t to tha pravtalaae of heet&we S aid 10 of tha Sal* igrtoiaiat far tha period, M&& 1, 195&# to the sale data, eaanat' l* iasde w a ll tha aaaawtSahl fa r eald m & S M tm n ts &y sailers ted the approwal thereof the ‘ Sdatortat ha® ia a aaaplahiMI aneaa** i w i to 'tha sale date* lawiagp the parties hereto estimate that tha parehaa* pride af the ahld psapartlas a a the aala date a l i i ff§ i . , which aw w t la hexvftaitftep referred to m 1®** tlw tad Purchase p r im * The difference tetaean the frwiiatnarjr Parchaee Price ted the gstlasted ¥w*®mw*, friaa# teHig d '! ? ... la/'hwatihifhar m im rrm i to as ^fiirehsae price aijt-atisenfc £aad% It is agreed Wat tha a l l . pzapartlaa. sh all te ttaiief dared a&d aewveyed to the P ie triet apw' the - m i® date vpw fa^aaait to the te lle rs af tha PW'llaiaaaev pmrabaaa price and that the mrahaae prlaa ae&t faad shall &# held >t yea aad dis^araed to the pantf entitled thereto is* aeoordttee with thaaa tnstryotXotw al ter tha aeaaantlng