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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    the exciting hotel in Round Tjrip Air Transportation Luxurious Accommodations at The Sands for 5 Days and 4 Nights All Meals at The Sands A Sh,ow at the Fabulous Sands?╟╓ Copa Room 2 Shows at Other Glamorous Hotels A Full Day on Lake Mead Aboard The Sands?╟╓ Luxurious Yacht HERE?╟╓S HOW IT WORKS?╟÷View Mister Sportswear's elegant .Fall Fashions. Make your choice from the most sellable, provocative, new designs ever to beshown. While you?╟╓re at the showing, be sure to pu|V(& najme and address IS an Entry Blank and drop it ?╟úin the hat ?╟Ñ On Jijg||gI960;one name will be drawn, and that lucky person wilLJbe off to Las Vegas! Lighter in weight to help fashion keep its shape. Luxurious to touch, yet rich and firm-bodied. A vibrant sense of vitally encourages, wear... discourages wrinkle%f|These a|j|the gifts of Creslan, ?╜. >?√ß . generopslyP^Ppy Mister Sportswear to add practical beauty to original SPECIALLY FOR FALL... Bamatic new designs teaming cotton-fdglaras and delightfully ' soft I^m^&50% Creslan Acrylic Fiber and 50% wool. So mixable'1 and matchable that ||raginatidn?╟  is striS the Ib9H DALLAS Suite 8-119 Merchandise Mart NEW YORK June 2-June lHsavoy Plaza LOS ANGELES SHOWROOMS May 15-June 10/124 E, Olympic Blvd.