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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr. Sutton H February 25, 194® 9. Reservoirs! One, enclosed cement construction, with wooden top. Capacity - 2,500,000 gallons. 10. Purification gystemt Two settling basins, capacity 12,000,000 gallons per day. Important Changes Curing the year During 1942 it was considered essential to supply the town with an adequate amount of water in anticipation o f the large population increase which would be occasioned by con­struction of Jaslc Magnesium Plant in this vicinity. The following four wells were drilled, with date of completion and initial productions Well No* 7 March 21, 1942 554 &.P.M. Well No. 8 April 2, 1942 639 8.P.M. Well No. 9 April 11, 1942 ®une 7, 1942 679 CLP.M. Well No. 10 173 8.P.M. In addition to these changes, impeller type electrically-driven pumps were installed in Weils Ho. | and Mo. 6 increasing their production from a natural flew of 255 and 368 g.p.m., respectively, to 959 and 816 ( respectively. The above listed wells wars drillsd In a location about half mile south of our existing facilities and to accommodate their production an additional settling basin was constructed of approximately the same else and capacity of the old one; the transmission line leading thence to the reservoir. The Increase of approximately 40 percent in the number of feet of transmission mains was due principally to extensions to Defense Housing projects under LVL&WCo Pule 9-0 ([approved by Public Service CommissionJ. Segregation of Charges to *M0Hw Water Mains Rooming House Cal. Pkg. Hou se s Total On Hand 14081.1® 1.24 626.00 14708.42 Tours very truly, ippBf| jj i Ha c k e n flee President