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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    4^' MJl hj,} ' '; r- hJ Jl m ' h^ jum-buck in his tuck- er bag pass by that bil - la.bong you11 come Ma - til - da with me. ?·N| Ii*T F? ?√ß>?√ß-,>, jtti nu m P^r ?╜' * = * i & P c r-r r u ^ ?╟≤ i r f i * " r P p r f f! r r i r p" p r pj i Waltz- ing Ma-til - da Waltz - ing Ma-til . da. You'll come awaltz-ing Ma- pa r ut * =22 _rJ i=t 4 j. ?║ ^^ rr fPf m 0 f Vx *> y jr ^ ^ J J l;^M'j^.hJ ?· ^^ # # til - da with me And he sang as he shoved that jum-buck in his tuck-er bag, ' And his ghost may be heard as you pass by that bil-la-bong, s i v m -J KHt PFP ^fT7 rnrJiJ s ^ ^r^r j A J jj J J^g % ^ 1 Youllcome awaltz-ing Ma- til - dawithme. EE 3^3 TTTD kh\f: \j! U J; ?╟÷J r ? ^ f 5 ?· f st P i 7 0-0 f B.3146