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Newsletter for B'nai B'rith Women Las Vegas Chaper #415, December 1962



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    B'nai B'rith Women LAS VEGAS CHAPTER #415 Party DECEMBER 1962 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA VOL 1, NO. 3 HAPPY CHANUKKAH! Chanukkah Greetings to All Our Friends! MR. and MRS. GEORGE BROOKMAN MR. and MRS. HOWARD BROTMAN MR. and MRS. SAM DVORAK MR. and MRS. AL FELMAN MR. and MRS. MYRON FRIEDMAN MR. and MRS. LARRY HARMELL MR. and MRS. MORRIE JACKMAN MR. and MRS. CHARLES MEISNER MR. and MRS. MURRAY POSIN MR. and MRS. IRWIN SADUR MR. and MRS. JACK SHERWIN DR. and MRS. LEON STEINBERG MR. and MRS. SAM UNGERLEIDER UNEEVXTT RDEcGr nUiLAADR MMECEETTIiNuGr : TTEHMUPRLSED ABYE,T HD ESCHEOMLBOEMR 2- 7t8h: 00 P. M. Chanukkah Card Party - Refreshments - Prizes Galore Wi/ie Va^una . . . Beautiful bride . . . magnificent wedding . . . the GEORGE ROSENCRANTZ'S can be justifiably proud of their beautiful daughter RHODA, who made a storybook bride in her lovely wedding gown . . . The wedding, in a flower-bedecked Temple, was most moving and the reception at the Dunes Hotel dazzled the most blase. The newly married couple plan to make their home in Los Angeles. Grandparents MYRON and BLANCHE FRIEDMAN and great-grandparents, the SAM UNGERLEIDERS and CHARLES MEISNERS, walking on a cloud since the birth of MARCIE VERA on December 10th to CHERYL and MIKE FRIEDMAN . . . SAM and IRENE DVORAK say "thank you" to B'nai B'rith and their many friends for the thoughtful get-well wishes Sam received during his illness . . . LEO and LILLIAN SCHIFFMAN all excited about their forthcoming trip to Oregon to spend the holidays with Leo's daughter and son-in-law and six grand-children . . . Home for the holidays to the delight of their parents are LOIS CANTOR, RONNIE GOLD, MICHAEL KING, FRED DIAMOND, RIKKI SADUR and JERRY SCHAEFER . . . EILEEN BROOKMAN'S son MICHAEL says "thank you" to his mother's many friends who sent get-well wishes . . . Did you hear about A D A BLACK'S great new idea? Save your pennies and turn them in for donor credit . . . Congrats to STAN IRWIN on being named Judy Garland's new personal manager . . . Now FLORENCE FIELDS selling the World Book ? a wonderful gift for this holiday season . . . We're indeed proud to welcome MRS. SAM (MARTHA) GUTTERMAN, a past president from Cleveland, as a new member . . . Welcome to the mink coat club BESS SCHWARTZ and RUTH IRWIN . . . Happy 21st anniversary, J E A N and IRWIN SADUR . . . V. P. WINNIE STEIN planning a trip to her home town of Cleveland for the holidays . . . We heard only good reports on the lovely, warm membership luncheon given at the home of BERNICE SCHIFFMAN for the new members . . . The Waxman event has now been set for March 1963 . . . Congrats and all good wishes to FRANK and FREDA SOSKIN in their new home. ANNETTE KRAMER MADE OVER BY KENNY KAPLAN Last meeting we were treated to a make-up demonstra-tion by Kenny Kaplan. Mr. Kaplan was recently voted one of six top make-up men in motion pictures. He has done the make-up for Academy Award winners Judy Gar-land, Dinah Shore, Jane Wyman, Margaret Whiting, Flower Drum Song . . . and our own Annette Kramer. Besides make-up tips he gave us the wonderful health hints we are all following diligently up the road to beauty. Mr. Kaplan is proprietor of the Stardust Beauty Salon. Many thanks, Kenny, for a most entertaining and in-formative evening! BBG MOTHER-DAUGHTER TEA A BIG SUCCESS On Sunday, October 28, at the home of Ronnie Bern-krant the Las Vegas Chapter of B'nai B'rith Girls held a most successful Mother and Daughter membership tea. Both new girls and old members attended with their moth-ers. A skit showing the various phases of the BBG program was presented by the girls. All the girls participated in the singing of BBG songs. On Sunday, November 18 a "coke" party was held at the home of Cele Goldfarb. Over 24 girls, both old and new members, attended and a good time was enjoyed. Las Vegas BBG, with a membership of 30 girls, meet every Wednesday night at Temple Beth Sholom. Interesting and informative programs have been planned; finger-painting, speakers on youth, and travel talks. On December 1 a Blue and White Ball will be held jointly by the AZA and BBGs. The girls are also busy making plans for the regional convention to be held in Phoenix, Arizona, from December 24 until December 29. All Jewish girls between 14 and 18 are invited to at-tend the Wednesday night meetings. Charlene Friedkin is the president. Elsie Goldring, Lucille Brotman and Wilma Stone are the girls' advisors. AN ADULT DANCE GROUP will start January 12th at the Temple Youth House; charge, $20 per couple for six lessons. The class will be conducted by Miss Sylvia Belsky, who is asso-ciated with Ted Raden's Dance Studio in California. To join in the fun, contact Bernice Schiffman at DU 4-9187 after 6 p. m. ?+ i i i i I LOU ELLENSON BEST WISHES FOR A SPEEDY RECOVERY! LARRY and LEE WOLF RUMMAGE SALE TO BE JOINT VENTURE WITH SISTERHOOD . . . In a stroke of genius, the Sisterhood and B'nai B'rith have decided to run their annual rummage sales as one joint venture, sharing rent, expenses, rummage items and profits. An excellent location on "D" street just one block from the Carver House has been secured and present plans call for a month-long sale, starting about January 15. Rummage may be stored at the Temple. Clothing and other rummage items are needed. Of course, donor credit will be given by both Sisterhood and B'nai B'rith to those who volunteer to help. This is a wonderful way to raise your donors. Call Bess Schwartz (Sisterhood) or Etta Harmell (B'nai B'rith) and offer your help in making this the most successful rummage sale in Las Vegas history. JANUARY 6th DATE SET FOR FIRST ADULT JEWISH EDUCATION STUDY GROUP... Women's Chairman Lucille Brotman and Men's Chairman Dave Katzman announced that the first adult Jewish Education study group will be held at the home of Faye Steinberg, 1712 Griffith Avenue, on January 6th at 8:30 p. m. More than 20 people have already signed up for the group; however, Lu-cille reports that there is still room for additional members. Joan Weisman, who has led these discussion groups in Kansas City, has graciously agreed to be the first study group leader. All those interested should contact Lucille or Dave before January 6. CHAIRMAN NEEDED! B'nai B'rith lodges and women's chapters will give new expanded kits of guidance publications to their local high schools, public libraries, colleges and community agencies. The new kit includes career and guidance pamphlets, rep-resenting a variety of career fields, the skilled trades, how to write a job letter, how to find and hold a job, how to study; guidance comic books. Help bring B'nai B'rith's vocation service to YOUR community! A.D.L. MEMO BOOKS: Call Eileen Brookman at DU 2-1080. SUNSHINE: To send greetings, congratulations or condolences, call Fan Labby at RE 5-7360. Or put it in the Bulletin - call Editor Madelyne Posin at DU 2-9860. FOUR FREEDOMS LIBRARY: For contributions call Sophie Katzman at DU 4-4858. GIFTS AND TRIBUTES: Call Evelyn Shafer at RE 5-8393 for contributions to Martyrs Forest, Children's Home in Israel, and Israeli bonds. ^ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / z A ^ Z ^ PLEASE SAVE YOUR OLD NYLONS - THIS IS A PU8UC SERVICE FOR THE BLIND! Call Eileen Brookman at DU 2-1080. yy^z/MW///////^ BOWLING: A Bowling League is starting ? all bowlers call Sophie Wiener at DU 4-9791 any evening. Tinls and Bleaches ? Hair Culling Permanent Waving ? Hair Styling Manicuring and Pedicuring BEAUTY CHATEAU 1215 East Charleston ? DU 4-8316 IAS VEGAS, NEVADA PAT ANDERSON CARPETS and DRAPERIES CLEANING SERVICE Quality Cleaning at Regular Prices FREE ESTIMATES 130 Las Vegas Blvd. S o . - D U 2-4526 Fashions that "STEAL THE SCENE" RON MARKIN, Inc. IN THE TROPICANA HOTEL, LAS VEGAS Daily 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Sunday 10 to 6 p. m. RE 3-2081 Bar-B-Que Kitchen and Gourmet Delicatessen LOCATED IN MARKET TOWN Kosher Slyle Foods and Sandwiches Home Made Salads Chickens and Spare Ribs WE CATER TO PARTIES CHIC HECHT EVERYTHING IN SPORTSWEAR 413 FREMONT STREET - DUdley 4-7035 LAS VEGAS NEVADA RELY ON RON'S For Finest Quality Foods at Lower Everyday Prices Las Vegas' Finest Supermarket 121 LAS VEGAS BLVD. NORTH JO-SYD HAIR DESIGNERS 15 East O a k e y - D U 4-1460 Creative Styling?Artistic Coloring f OXljS RESTAURANT ON THE STRIP OPEN 24 HOURS DUSTY SPRINGSTON'S LAS VEGAS BOWL Gateway to the Strip PHONE RE-5-454.') MARKET "i /or value fur cfc/Jh / V H for A/fMQAMV Las Vegas Blbd. So. al Oakey in Las Vegas 1310 E. College in North Las Vegas On the Boulder Highway in Henderson 1962-1963 OFFICERS: B'NAI B'RITH WOMEN: President Eileen Brookman First Vice President Winnie Stein Second Vice President Jean Sadur Third Vice President Irene Dvorak Treasurer Sophie Wiener Financial Secretary Wilma Stone Recording Secretary Fay Steinberg Corresponding Secretary Lee Jackman. Sentinel Lee Wolfe G u a r d i a n Adele Stephens Counselor Etta Harmell BERNARD'S MEAT CO. 713 Ogden Since 1942?Wholesale and Retail HOME FREEZER ORDERS DU 2-3711 DU 2-3712 WOMEN'S APPAREL 419 FREMONT ATTENTION BOARD MEMBERS: Next Meeting: January 14-1 P.M. Home of Irene Dvorak, 545 Bracken