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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegan - May f f 191*8 FU2 Mr. Frank Strong; ( oe - Mr. W. t. Price) Confirming our conversation today: 2 enclose herewith letter from Pumice Products Company requesting a lease of 2-aorea for the construction of a Block Manufacturing Plant. fhis Company la now located on Highway 95 (fonopah Hoad) a short distance north of the Las Vegas Coif Course, and hope to enter the Los Angeles market if a site can he secured from the Railroad Company on which they can hulk carloads of cement. The only site I know of where we could accomodate them would he west of the Las Vegas Building Material site and south of the Spur Track, as they are not required Bonanza Road frontage. It is my understanding that if this site is approved they would have to adv&noe the oost of a spur track to serve the site Inasmuch as we cannot leave c&rs spotted on the lead, this cost to he refunded to them on the basis of carloads shipped over a 3-year period. If you concur I will so advise them. Xou may retain their letter as I have a copy for our file* A. M. Folger