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    ^TABLISH|e 1888 fArclay 7-#| I PRESS CUPPING BURtplJ 165 Church Street j^^^ ' OCT m?·t$BE*> Herman Cohen, veepee of Jack Broder Productions, to Detroit to set up dual world preem of "Battles of Chief Pontiac" there and in Pontiac, Mich. After tour of Realart's Midwest exchanges, he visits NY homeoffice prior to I return here . . . Harry Mines j joins Lester Cowan flackery to publicize "Main Street to Broadway" . . . Bobby Guy, NBC staff musician and husband of Rose Marie, hopped to NY over weekend to set orchestra for chirp's Cotillion Room stand starting Friday. William Berssen set by Huntington Hartford as managing director of his Theatre Square, pro- | jectf&d for Wilshire Blvd. . . . Karl Struss, vet lenser, appointed a member of th^Television Awards Committee for Sylvania Annual Awards, for second year . . . Ar- j th&r Hunnicutt skies in today from hometown visit to Gravelly, 1 Aw. . . . Don Hartman and Billy Wilder hosted luncheon at Paramount over weekenrjfto introduce Yul Brynner, prior w playerjphp** ing back to NY to resmnfTl^m^ King And I" othy Vernon spot in Para" male." j? ^^^.^ Jacky^ntrattew^general manager jjjf the Sams HotilC to open Dejr 15 in TMs~'V^^s, here for fency coim^psagj^alent for spot r. . . PandrofBjponan and Richard Thorpe in Jamaica to scout locations for^fetro's "All the Brothers _?½e?╤e ^valiant" . . . Mionique j&Mtf^'ooren, Belgian thesp, planes in today from Paris for role in Sol Lesser's "Tarzan and the She- Devil" . . . Megger John Sturges off on swing through California to check half-mile tracks for "Fast Company." Charles Boyer has gifted USC Library with more than 500 volumes of old French works' for research in various fields . . . Raymond Burr checks into RKO Pathe today for wardrobe tests in "TarzJ| and the She-Devil" . . . George A. Smith, Paramount western division manager, back from week's sales meet in Chicago, and D. A. Doran, studio exec, in from Honolulu vacation . . . Rhonda Fleming daily rehearsing the five songs she'll warble in Par's "Those Sisters from Seattle" . . . James Mitchell reports to Metro today for" "Dream Wife," first of two films h#l| do for Culver lot . . . Denise Dawel winds in "Dangerous When Wet" today and starts prepping nitery tour, which opens Nov. 10 in Camden, N.J. Eddie Albert in NY from Rome, where he appeared in Par's "Roman Holiday" . . . Sam Weiss set as sales manager of Louis Weiss & Co., telepix-feature film producers and distribs . . . Frederick Brisson planes to Washington Nov. 3 with print of "Never Wave At A WAC" for Defense Dept. screenings . . . Mel Ferrer hops to Dallas today for confabs with Bob O'Donnell anent a tour of Interstate chain houses with legiter, "Strike A Match." cJilL ESTABLISHED *?║88 BArclay 7-5371 v PRESS COPING BUREAU 165 Churchjffirdet - Newjgc|| SAN FRAlft^CO, C^tlF. | Circ. 0.-154,59*1^ NOV 181952 Harrison Carroll John Wayne Original Stockholder Of Cinerama HOLLYWOOD, Nov. 18 ?╟÷As one of the original stockholders of Cinerama (and how lucky can a man get), John Wayne heads to New York soon to get a personal look at | the sensational new device that many feel will revolutionize the motion picture industry. "If it's as good, as we've heard," says John, "Bob Fel- 1 lows arid I may make some of J our independent pictures for it." As soon as he finishes his j Warner movie, once called "Alma Mater" and now "Trou- 1 ble Along the Way," John also I hopes to reach the property settlement with his.wife, Esperanza. He thinks the big ?√ß Wayne estate in the valley will i have to be sold. It isn't com- ?√ß. pletely paid for and, according to John, would be too expensive for Esperanza to run. ^$iiy * * * Claim Bruce Cabots Discuss Settlement Friends say that Francesca De Scaffa finally talked long distance to estranged husband Bruce Cabot in Oklahoma, and that Bruce explained to her why she hadn't heard from j him since long before the baby | was born. The talk was friendly,^ understand, but Bruce confirmed that he has no early plans to return to California. I tried in vain to reach Francesca or her attorney, Jerry I Giesler, but I have it on ex- l?╜^ent authority that the conversation took place. * * * Arlene Compliments Fernando Lamas Fernando Lamas' ears must be burning from the nice things that Arlene Dahl told me.about him. She just laughed about the reported flower- tossing incident at Paramount ?╟÷said it was really nothing, that Fernando is sweet and charming and that they don't battle. "Is this romance serious?" I asked. "Wait a minute!" exclaimed Arlene, "I've barely received my interlocutory decree." . * * * Kqthryn Dyes Tresses for Film Kathryn Grayson is feeling easier now about dyeing her hair blonde for "The Grace Moore Story." The first day, she says, it came out a frightening orange red, and her daughter, Patty Kate cried: "Oh, mother, you look awful!" But now it's) honey blonde and Kathryn admits it, doesn't look too bad. * # # Mary Jo Tarda T6 Wed Dec. 12 R-K-O's Mary Jo Tarola and. Pat De Cicco will be married on the day I heard, December 12. They decided against Tucson, though, and will have the ceremony performed here at an Episcopal chapel with only a few people present. The honeymoon will be in Honolulu. I asked Mary Jo what they will do with the 22 hunting trophies that Pat will have coming from Africa. "I don't know," she replied, "his house isn't big enough for them but j we don't have to worry about that quite yet. The trophies won't arrive for eight month." * * * Mitzi Relaxing In Palm Springs | Mitzi Gaynor still vacations in Palm Springs, with an occasional trip up to. see her new Hollywood home. She reports back to Twentieth Century- Fox December 1 . . . There's a ?·ot deal on for Rosemary Clooney to replace Carol Channing in the Broadway ' show, "Can Can," but I don't See how she can do it. Her next Paramount movie, "White "'Chri&tmas," is supposed to start in February . . . Mo- cambo's bright new comedian, Joel Grey, is showering attentions on Barbara Whiting. Barbara, incidentally, has an ulcer. "But it's just a small one," she tells me, "I think it Will go away." # * # Yale Offers Star's Son Scholarship Although Yale has offered tlie boy an athletic scholar- I ship, Dennis Morgan wants his ens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 LOS ANGELAS San Francisco Portland - Seattle Hollywood, Cal. Variety DEO 1 1952 yuirect. Ray Sinatra's Band To BowjJHJkas Vegas Ray Si^^ra^has organized his first tra$gexfing band and wlil debut it Dec^'15 on the initial slow at the jtfew .Sands? Ho^l Las ?║[egas. f)e|n with Jack Entratter Was set Qjilr the weekend. M WSinatra will back the floorshow, jFhich headlines JDannyJfjJnomas, in gdditjon to playing the dance beat, fiecen^l^^usica^^urrector forl^he Mario Larizastoow on igfejjo, Jgi- nfca's last>trefe was as piano $&- compariist HM" Evelyn Kmght. w?╤ tourr**"^"""" Allien s Established 1888 LOS ANGELES P?╜?fin ^ncisco Portland- Seattle^ Co ? fa'. m ^-?╜8 m S5& y <$~ ^ I V *rXjJZ* I ^ Y* O %* ^ ^Saafcvice presi- j ^ts Ready ?? Con- I " ^?Θ╝. He has been a resi- ^of Los Angeles for 2b | ^Trs and well known in cnnc, fraternal and charitable organizations here. son, Stanley, to concentrate on studies, and plans to enroll him either at Pomona or Occidental. Don't know how son Stanley feels about this. The hoy scored 122 points this season for the unbeaten football team of Flintridge Prep. * * * J'"i-vi1 Actress to Spend Yule in Bay Area The long schedule of "Nearer My God To Thee" will keep pretty Audrey Dalton from going home to England for Christmas. Instead, she'll spend the holidays in San Francisco with the parents of her fiance, James Brown . . . Dorothy Malone returns December 1 but I doubt if she and Scott Brady get married . . . Actress Greta Thysen refused to sign a jay-walking ticket on Hollywood boulevard m but. changed her mind when they took her to the police station. ?· -*yr- WWmm'' * * * Jane Nigh Loses | Premature Baby Sorry to hear that Jane Nigh's premature baby died... Nicole Maurey, the blonde French beauty who plays Bing Crosby's leading woman In "Little Boy Lost," is here on her honeymoon. And her business man husband, Paul Gallo, makes his screen debut with a small role in the film . . . Di I. makeup expert Frank West- more and skating star Ginger [Clayton have called off all wedding plans. .* I * Mike O'Sheas Off to New York Virginia Mayo and Mike O'Shea are off to New York to celebrate VirgimatS new Warner contract^fTjPbur hundred and fifty^J^^rtWftl up here to try owio$0>z chords line at the rijpw^^KdsHo^^m Las. Vegas . ". ^Cara'-^^^Iaftfe will op^nfa: dressjsbj^F in Beverly Hills ^N^^J^H^a's Ken Hansen will be guest chef at Pat and Elsie Russo^ Chianti restaurant on the 13 and will I prepare spaghetti Danish stoj; L?╟÷"*P??t Knight and^T^ ?╜t the Encore Ro I' krt A-1 ||s ho- 1 jjcr or- I iined/o open l 1# Vegas, /mg about iW to open m >Se casino, mr i- estautant iaai . an exec Mr-Groves was o?╜ne;y m with th^Sllt0" feW months tZo^f??t:n?╜a?╜ anagerof ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York BEAVER FALLS, PA. NEWS-TRIBUNE Circ. D. 12,557 OCT 18 1952 BEHIND THE SCENES ?╤ By HARRISON CARROLL ^.i&MBfe* * * Jane Russell JANE OFFERS MARILYN SHOULDER TO CRY ON HOLLYWOOD ?╟÷ Jane^Russell, |the girl who is hored tp c^^rwith sexy publicity, Hoday offered neT Ishoulder 'for Marilyn Monroe to jcry on. The two queens of curves have met only (once ?╟÷ on the R-K-O lot?╟÷but Is o o n will be co-starred in Twentieth Cen- tUry-Fox's |"G entle men Prefer Blondes." | "When the picture starts," Ijane tells me, "we ought to have some grand old talks. I was looking at fan magazines the other night. They were full of Marilyn. I thought to myself: "How well I know those pages.' And do I feel for Marilyn. Because, brother, aftet a while, you get sick of that type of publicity!" "You are not giving itjup entirer !y??????-1 demanded fa alaarar.v-^ "WeU," laughed Jane, *T11 stUl do bathing suit poses but I'm pretty hep to photographers and their angles and what they'll get." THB JACKIE COOGAN story Is*being considered movie possibility by Pine'Thomas. Jackie and producer BUI Thomas met for a preliminary talk at Lucey's. And wouldn't you know itf Jackie was 15 minutes late* Hard to believe but, on the 26th of this month, "The Kid" wui be 38. I CHECKED Nicfc Hilton on the rumor that things are get* ting serious between him and Paramount's Mary Murphy. "No," said Nick, "we date and she's a wonderful girl but I'm not getting married again for a longtime." v g^ THE RECOVERY of Mala Powers is a minor miracle. Until six weeks ago, doctors thought she was going to die. Then the substance in the bone marrow which helps to manufacture new blood began to function again. Mala probably won't work until Christmas but she feels fine and can lead a normal life. She's start- ing to have dates. Nobody steady. Producer Stanley Rubin and ad eieecu^f'^a^^krh^^e two of her recent escorts. ?╟≤s5^W^i&< IF JOAN FONTAINE plans a long stey^m Europe, Bill Dozier life GABLE ORDERS HUNTING TRUCK SENT TO \FRICA - ||f| will continue to insist on their daughter, Debbie, remaining with hih*in New York. Only thing that might change his mind is if Joan shoula marry. 4A&-'i Tony Curtis is nursing ruptured blood vessels in his ankli. Tripped over a light cable on the ^Houdini" set. fll3| Up to now, Elizabeth Taylor hasn't bought a thing for the expected baby. In order not to duplicate) she'll wait and see what the showers bring. Barbara Thompson and Jane Powell are giving her the first one, Wasn't that director David Miller playing tennis with Hedy Lamarr? -^^^^^^^^^ DANA ANDREW'S oldest son, David, has been classified IA in the draft* He hopes to finish Hollywood high school before he's called. The boy, Dana's son by his first wife, is an enthusiastic musician. Has his own band which plays at high school dances. DICK HAYMES is off to Reno an^l'win: beMngi/iiigonihe road until Christmas. Meanwhile Nora will be house hunting. Their lease expires in December. ?·|= f| Nancy Clarki No. 1 girl in actor George O'Hanlon's VrivatelMe, also will be the romantic leiuffinlhig next, two Warner shoryffibjj&ts. ChARKJ^3^t,E-'hSts or3e*?╜l his hunlyjjiSPrack sent: to Africalfor ig "Mogambo." . . . Jfck IntrgpSTer, general manager ofj completed Sands hot La^Vegas, is coming*Bjere*'^^scout tor floor shows, .jj^-s soon ie gets out of^UM^rmy, Vic Dan\ne has a $lfljiffi)-a-week offer Paramount...... . DATING: Susan Cabot and Johnny Grant at the' Encore room; Gertrude Niesen and Wa r n e r Toub at the Band Box; Sharon Saunders and Richard Greene at the Bar of Mu- sic. ...Judy Clark, now singing at Charley Foy's, is one of three setsof twins and ner tvd$'i??rother already Is the father of twin girls. What other singer can make this claim? ClpVk Gable Distributed by King Features Syndlcat*