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    51 DAILY NEWS, TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1952 IOUJS ARMSTRONG DOING TWO-YEAR WORLD TOUR Louis Armstrong, who has been set for a Honolulu tour from Feb. 26 to March 9, is being set for a two-year global junket by Joe Glaser's Associated Booking to begin in September. After his Honolulu dates, Armstrong may go to Tokyo for a two-week stand if previous n i t e r y and broadcast commitments can be cleared. Glaser's itinerary for Armstrong calls for keeping him on the Coast until summer. He's then due to play his 52d birthday engagement Armstrong Tour Continued from page 1 at the Blue Note in Chicago, his 12th date at the Chi cabaret since organizing his small combo. Satchmo will then one-night his way to New York where he'll play his first date at the Paramount since 1941. In September, he'll take off on the first leg of a world junket that will wind up in Australia sometime in 1952. On this swing. Armstrong will hit England where he was barred a couple of years due to a musicians union ruling Armstrong, who will tour with Velma Middleton and a small rhythm unit, will now be classified as a variety act. In addition to vaude dates, Armstrong has also been pencilled in for a concert tour under the auspices of British National Federation of Jazz Clubs Armstrong is also getting set for a pic to be shot in South Africa in 1953."John Grierson. of the British Southall Studios, has a script and budget ready for a comedv film to be completed in 13 weeks including concert " dates in that area by Armstrong. Glaser and Ernie Anderson, Armstrong pub- heist, will accomp the unit on the tour. Hmwlulu Greets Armstrong By ROBERT SYLVESTER With the spectre of The Great Tax once more crippling Broadway box-offices, local show business is in one more of its annual slumps. But at wire from an old barnstormer yesterday indicates that there's nothing wrong with business in Honolulu. <&:?╟≤ The wire is from Louis Armstrong, great jazz trumpeter and singer, who went to Hawaii to play & single concert and enjoy what he thought was going to be a vacation. The following started happening to Louis last Tnursday night. "More than 1,500 fans, two bands and a car from the Mayor's effice met us," Armstrong wires. "We had to play a double concert drawing more than 10,000 persons and grossing $26,720 for the night. Things so good that we've listed *ix more concerts plus afternoon uhows at the Army posts. Scalpers flow getting $20 for a $4.80 ticket and customers can't get through the police lines unless they can fshow tickets already purchased. Man, this is it!" THE BILLBOARD Wednesday, March 5, 1952 27G Armstrong Gross in Isles HONOLULU, March 1.?╟÷Louis Armstrong played to 10,000 people here in a double-header concert Wednesday night (27). The trumpet player grossed $26,- 720 for his first appearance on the islands. Concert was held in the Civic Auditorium after Armstrong was presented the key to city on his arrival that afternoon. Over 5,00(T people jammed the hall for each concert Wednesday. The house set up stage seats and sold standing room. Armstrong repeated on Thursday night with two more concerts and again drew top grosses. Armstrong package is working on' 60 per cent. Thursday's concert seats were so hard to get that local scalpers were asking up to $20 for a $4.80 ticket. The jazz musician doubled yesterday (29) into the Brown Derby Cafe and played afternoon shows for the Army. Armstrong returns to San Francisco on March 10 after six concerts here. Joe Glaser is booking similar concert dates in Japan for Armstrong. Armstrong Draws 26}G For 3 Honolulu Shows Honolulu, March 4. Louis Armstrong grossed a record $26,700 in three performances at the Civic Auditorium Thursday (28), here. There were over 10,000 admissions. Armstrong has scheduled six more evening concerts in Honolulu and will entertain at army posts during the afternoons. Trumpeter and orch are?Σ≤ accompanied by Joe Glaser, Associated Booking Corp. prexy. Armstrong is returning to San Francisco March 10, and will likely ^ go to Japan at a later date. On his island dates, Armstrong is getting 60% from the first dollar. THE BILLBOARD Satchmo Trek May Take Him 'Round World HOLLYWOOD, March 8.?╟÷The projected European tour for Louis Armstrong, contemplated by Joe Glaser of Associated Booking Corporation, may launch into an 'almost world-wide swing if present plans work out. Glaser told The Billboard that Armstrong may leave the U. S. for as long as six months, with location and one- night dates in 10 European countries as well as stops in Australia and Japan. Armstrong's longest previous foreign tour was seven weeks. Armstrong, currently hitting on Decca with pop hits, is booked until September, when the jump to Europe will probably be made. Armstrong is set for college concert dates at the University of Arizona, April 25; University of Illinois, May 23, and University of Wisconsin, May 24. He works the Fox Theater, Detroit, May 30, following with his first Canadian theater dates in years, playing week stands at the Casino, Toronto, and the Seville, Montreal. He works the Blue Note, Chicago, June 27, for four weeks, followed by the Paramount, New York, during August. He will try to sandwich in a date at the Chicago Theater. SUITE 302 RKO BUILDING, RADIO CITY, N. Y. CIRCLE 7-2670