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Congregation Ner Tamid newsletter, September 2000



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    Congregation Ner Tamid THE REFORM JEWISH CONGEGATION OF LAS VEGAS ...A SPECIAL PLACE TO BELONG SEPTEMBER 2000 - VOL. XIV NO. 11 SANFORD D. AKSELRAD Rabbi BELLA FELDMAN Cantorial Soloist DREW LEVY President 1 ELUL 5760- 1 TISHRI 5761 MONTY E. WILLEY Executive Director JACQUELINE FLEEKOP Education Director Lois BERGMAN Preschool Director ABBIE BURK & MELANIE GORMAN Program Directors It's Election Time... Do You Know Who You Will Vote For? Gloria Fenster and Herschel Auer-bach, co-chairs of the Jewish Com-munity Political Forum for Election 2 0 0 0 , have announced that a political program open to the entire community will be held on Sunday, September 10 from 7pm t o 9pm at Congregation Ner Tamid. The featured moderator for the evening is Jon Ralston, renowned political columnist and writer for the Las Vegas SUN. Political candidates running for U.S. Senate, U.S. Congress, and County Commission will be present to ad-dress the Jewish community and their concerns. "There are many general issues and specific Jewish issues in the com-ing election," stated program co-chairs Fenster and Auerbach. "To familiarize the Jewish commu-nity with the positions of the can-didates, we are sponsoring this political forum to hear from them directly." Candidates will be asked questions by Ralston. Audience members will be given the oppor-tunity to submit questions for the candidates as well. Co-sponsored by the Congrega-tion Ner Tamid Social Action Com-mittee and The Council of Jewish Organizations (COJO), the Jewish Community Political Forum for Election 2 0 0 0 is a free event, open to the public. Refreshments and free parking are also available. (continued on page 13) CO^T Welcomes 9{ezu Student 1{a5bi, MeCissa JogeC (STORY NEXT PAGE) Worship Services 2 Rabbi's Message 3 Message from our President 4 Notes from Our Cantorial Soloist 5 CNT Preschool 6-7 Executive Director's Spotlight September B'nai Mitzvah 8 New Member Welcome 9 Board Beat 12 Auxiliaries/Committees 10 Birthdays & Anniversaries 14 Tributes 15 Yahrzeits & In Memorium 17 (the Bulletin is published monthly) A SpeciaC Ptace To Belong Worship Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldmuti SEPTEMBER 1 TOT SHABBAT 6:30PM SHABBAT SERVICES 7:30PM ONEG SPONSORED BY THE SISTERHOOD SEPTEMBER 2 BRANDON FLEISHER BARMITZVAH 10AM TORAH STUDY 10AM KJDDUSH SPONSORED BY THE FLEISHER FAMILY SEPTEMBER 8 FAMILY SERVICE WITH C N T B A N D 7:30PM ONEG SPONSORED BY THE SISTERHOOD SEPTEMBER 9 STEVEN BENEDICT BARMITZVAH 10AM KJDDUSH SPONSORED BY THE BENEDICT FAMILY SEPTEMBER 15 PROSEPCTIVE NEW MEMBER SHABBAT 6:45PM MEET & GREET RABBI & BOARD SHABBAT SERVICES 7:30PM SEPTEMBER 16 DANIALUGO BATMITZVAH 10AM KJDDUSH SPONSORED BY THE LUGO FAMILY TORAH STUDY 10AM SEPTEMBER 22 SHABBAT SERVICES 7:30PM ONEG SPONSORED BY THE SISTERHOOD SEPTEMBER 23 SELICHOT PROGRAM & SERVICE 7:30PM ONEG SPONSORED BY THE SISTERHOOD SEPTEMBER 29 EREV ROSH HASHANAH FAMILY SERVICE 6PM EREV ROSH HASHANAH LATE SERVICE 8:15PM SEPTEMBER 30 ROSH HASHANAH MORNING SERVICE 10AM ROSH HASHANAH YOUTH SERVICE 10AM CNT WELCOMES MELISSA FOGEL Melissa Fogel, a rabbinic student at the Los Angeles School, received her M.A.J.E. trom the Rhea Hirsch Qchool of Education. Qhe will con-tinue her studies in the School of Rabbinical Studies in Fall 2000, and will be in the first ordination class at the Los Angeles 8chool in 2002. Melissa attended Jewish Day School from 5th to 9th grade in Los Ange-les and then attended public High School, where in 12,h grade, she took a Comparative Reugion class that inspired her. With the sup-port of her family, including her mother, who is an educator and father, who is a temple adminis-trator, as well as discussions with her rabbi, she knew that she want-ed to pursue a career in the rab-binate. Melissa has always found Jewish education and teaching rewarding, and knew early on during her stud-ies at HUC-JIR the importance of studying at the RH80E and the experience has strengthened her belief that Jewish education will be a foundation for her career in the rabbinate. "I think the best ad-vantage to being a student at HUC-JIR Los Angeles is the profound relationships with my professors, especially in the RH80E. They don't just teach Jewish education, theu model it in the classroom and in their lives. HUC's fieldwork pro-gram is also unique, it allows me and my fellow students to become an integral part of the Los Angeles Jewish community before we step out on our own as rabbis, educa-tors, or communal service profes-sionals." In her second year of Rabbinical School, Melissa was the student Rabbi for Temple Beth Shalom of El Centro, California. She spent her third year as a Rabbinic Intern for Temple Judea of Tarzana. While there, Melissa taught 6,h grade re-ligious school, adult education classes on the Ten Principles, or-ganized and planned the women's shabboton and Passover Seder, and participated in various servic-es throughout the year. Last year, Melissa was the educational intern for Temple Beth Shalom of Santa Ana, where she was the 5th and 6th grade Unit Head. For the past four summers, she has worked for 8t(*>hen S. Wise Temple Camps, and is serving her third summer as the Director of Camp Nosaya, a traveling camp for teenagers. Please join Congregation Ner Tamid in welcoming Melissa Fogel as the student Rabbi for her first service on Friday, September 8th at 7:30 pm. High Holiday Parking As p a r t o f an annual fundraiser, CNT is providing RESERVED parking spaces f o r trie High Holidays in the r e a r parking lot. Trie spaces are $ 4 0 0 each. Your check to CNT is your reservation. Please note: General parking will be available at no charge f o r all High Holiday guests in the f r o n t CNT parking lot and on Emerson Avenue. ^jX Congregation hler T*mit> W September 2000 C N T * WELCOMES CANTORIAL SOLOIST DEBORAH KOVITZ BARKAT AGAIN THIS YEAR, OUR CONGREGA-TION WILL OFFER DOUBLE HIGH HOLY DAY EVENING SERVICES. OUR EARLY FAMILY SERVICES FOR ROSH HASIIANAII AND YOM KIPPUR EVENING WILL BEGIN AT 6:00PM. THESE SERVICES WILL BE CON-DUCTED BY RABBI AKSELRAD AND CANTORIAL SOLOIST, BELLA FELD-MAN. STUDENT RABBI MELISSA FOGEL AND GUEST CANTORIAL SOLOIST DEBORAH KOVITZ BAR-KAT WILL ASSIST IN THE SERVICES. M s . BARKAT WILL BF. PART OF THE 30-VOICE CHOIR WHEN SHE IS NOT ASSISTING IN LEADING SERVICES. DEBORAH BARKAT LIVES IN PACIF-IC PALISADES, CALIFORNIA AND HAS BEEN DOING PART-TIME CAN-TORIAL SINGING FOR THE PAST SEV-ERAL YEARS IN THE LOS ANGELES AREA. SHE STUDIES PRIVATELY WITH CANTOR WILLIAM SHARLIN, CANTOR EMERITUS AT LEO BAECK TEMPLE, BEL-AIR CALIFORNIA. DEBORAH LIVED IN ISRAEL FOR SIX YEARS WHERE SHE LEARNED HER HEBREW AND DEVELOPED AN IN-TEREST IN CHILDHOOD MUSIC ED-UCATION, COMPLETING A CERTIFICATE IN DALCROZE EU-RYTHMICS THERE. BACK IN THE UNITED STATES SHE STUDIED AT CALIFORNIA STATE NORTIIRIDGE AND CONTINUES STUDYING VOICE PRIVATELY AS WELL AS COMPOS-ING FOR VARIOUS PROJECTS. SHE IS LOOKING FORWARD TO JOINING NER TAMID FOR THE HIGH HOLY DAYS. R A B B I ' S M E S S A G E Passover in the White House? As I sit down to write this col-umn, it is Monday, August 7th. (Yes, Mindy I realize that it is 2 days past deadline, but this, as usual, is important!) I have not watched the news or l i s t e n e d to t h e Talking Heads. All I k n ow is t h a t it has b e e n leaked to the p r e s s that Senator J o e Lieberman has b e e n s e l e c t e d as A1 G o r e ' s Vice P r e s i d e n t i a l r u n n i n g mate for the Democratic party. Within a few m i n u t e s , the p h o n e begins t o ring. It is the media wanting my " r e a c t i o n " f r om the Jewish p o i n t of view of A1 G o r e ' s selec-tion. Will p e o p l e not like Lieber-man because he is Jewish? Will it b r i n g out anti-Semitism? What do you make of this historic event? Has it b e e n t o o long in coming? I s u p p o s e I could have s t o p p ed t h e r e p o r t e r s dead on with the reply, "Hmm, so what you are re-ally asking me is, is it good for t h e Jews?" An inward chuckle en-sues. No q u e s t i o n t h e r e is a feel-i n g of J e w i s h p r i d e within me. Pride that o c c u r r e d when Mark Spitz won so many gold medals q u a s h i n g the image of t h e J ew as t h e anti-athlete. Pride felt when o t h e r Jews such as G i n s b e rg achieved similar n o t o r i e t y in be-i n g s e l e c t e d to t h e S u p r e m e Court. Feelings such as, "Well, it's about time." And: "this is his-tory in the making" all came to m i n d . But as I have said, this is b e f o r e l i s t e n i n g to any r a d i o call in shows. Any "Talking Heads" Or r e a d i n g letters to the editor. I w o u l d like t o t h i n k that the very s e l e c t i o n of a J ew to the second highest office of the land is sym-bolic of a n ew reality in America. A t i m e w h e n it d o e s n ' t matter what a p e r s o n ' s g e n d e r is, o r race is, or religion, but what matters most is their character and their f i t n e s s t o d o t h e job. Ironic, isn't it? Because I c a n ' t think what r e l i g i o n G e o r g e Bush or Dick C h e n e y or Al Gore a f f i rm and t h u s far it really hasn't mattered. But the first thing we learn about J o e Lieberman is that he is an " O r t h o d o x J e w . " Even in the a n n o u n c e m e n t it is impossible to deny the reality that in America r e l i g i o n and race and I w o u l d i m a g i n e g e n d e r all still matter. How much they matter is diffi-cult t o say. One can only hope that no matter what o n e ' s politi-cal party, this will e n g e n d e r a h e a l t h i e r d i s c u s s i o n of i s s u e s r a t h e r than focusing on religion. Hopefully, by the time this arti-cle goes to print, the nation will be c o m f o r t a b l e with the idea that t h e r e could be Passover in the White House. Whether they want it to be o b s e r v e d this year or a n o t h e r year is for the voters to d e c i d e . But let t h e m d e c i d e based u p o n t h e individual a n d his abilities. Now, I leave you for a moment as I t u r n on the TV and read my n e w s p a p e r to see if I live in a w o r l d much t o o naive. %a66i Sanford Sl/(seCrad September 2000 A Special Place To Belong xv/ _ ^ DREW LEVY President STEWART BLUMENFELD VP Administration Scorr STOLBERG VP Ways & Means HOWARD LAYFER VP Membership IRA SPECTOR VP Religious Activities JUDY CORNETT VP Education & Youth LYNN SASSO VP Member Activities RUNI URBAN VP Social Action DAVID STAHL Treasurer MINDY UNGER-WADKINS Secretary MEL HALLERMAN Trustee JACKY ROSEN Trustee-Membership LEON MARCO Trustee MARC GARBER Trustee DICK GRANICH Trustee BETH BROMBERG Trustee CECILIA SCHAFLER Trustee ESTHER SALTZMAN Trustee-Youth SHARNA BLUMENFELD Trustee-Library SANDY STOLBERG Sisterhood MICHAEL MILANO Brotherhood BRENNA YAHRAUS NTTY T B D TNT SANDY PITTLE Golden Chai BOB UNGER Past President JERRY GORDON Past President CAL LEWIS Past President EILEEN KOLLINS Past President KENNETH SCHNITZER Past President DR. DAVID WASSERMAN Past President DR. STEVE KOLLINS Past President MICHAEL CHERRY Past President DR. BERNARD FARROW Past President EUGENE KIRSHBAUM* Past President RABBI SANFORD AKSELRAD EX Officio ?Deceased tcu nnn> kycu moxel TOY lo Chri/tino ond Brett Primock. proud poren(/ off fl/hlei| nicole. born July 11 weighing 7 pound/, 2 ounce/ ond 20 inche/ long. Proud grondporent/ ore Deborah ond lordon Primock. Summer is over. Hopefully every-one survived the excess neat and enjoyed themselves this summer. Time never stops at Congregation Ner Tamid. Religious school has now started; the first day of classes was August 27th. If you have not registered your child(ren) by now you shoula make every effort to ao so. Jackie Fleekop and her staff have put together a curriculum packed with many new learning ex-periences for the students. September 8th will be the first ser-vice that our new student Rabbi, Melissa Fogel, will be with the con-gregation. We all look forward to welcoming her to our congrega-tion and we look forward to ner participation throughout the com-ing year. Mark your calendars, as you do not want to miss this evening. Also, our newly formed CNT band will be performing this evening along with the choir. On Sunday, September 24th, CNT will host the first session of the newly revised and energized "Kol Ami" for all teenagers in the 10th thru 12th grades. Rabbi Akselrad and Jackie Fleekop have been very instrumen-tal in putting together this new program. All our high school aged members should plan on attend-ing (parents are welcome also) from 1:00 to 4:00 pm to learn more about "Kol Ami" and what is planned for the coming school year. From what I have heard about tne program, it sounds like a very fun year is planned. Last but not least, Friday, Sept. 29th is the start of the High Holy Days. Erev Rosh Hashanah servic-es start at 6 : 0 0 pm with our fam-ily service in the main sanctuary and the late service starting at 8:15 pm. Yom Kippur services start on Sunday evening the 8th of Octo-ber, again with the early service at 6 : 0 0 pm and the late service to follow. Since we have gone to dou-ble services, our parking lot can become a bit confusing and hectic as one service ends and the other is getting ready to start. Please show some courtesy to the other from the temple. Volunteers will be in the parking lots helping to attendees as you come and go iple. _ " " " " > g direct traffic, but their job will be meaningless if we do not follow their directions. Respect for these volunteers, as well as for the ad-jacent neighbors would greatly be appreciated. This will help ensure you and your family an enjoyable time while at temple for services. High Holy Day tickets have been mailed to all members in good standing. If you have not recieved your tickets or have questions about tickets, call the office. We do have extra tickets for your vis-iting guests or family members, at a nimnal fee, which the office can surely help you with. Happy New Year to one and all, from my family and myself. (Drew A l GlfT SHOP HOURS Sunday/ 9:00am-12:15pm (During Reliqiou/ School) Friday/ 6:30-7:15pm or call Temple office for appointment X^X Congregation Ner T&m1i> September 2000 litis summer I wus involved in one of the most musically exciting opportunities I've ever hud. Working with our S hub bus Bund hus been u de-light und I am getting so ex-cited as ire near the dute of our first re-invented .Tamilif service. After listening to muny tapes und trying to choose melodies thut will he uplifting und " r a f d u / " , it wus time to enlist some of our most tulented congregants, who Ituppen to be musicians, into our Sltubbus Bund. Once the music wus chosen, we were uhle to Ituve our first rehearsal. I am so pleused to Ituve such a wonderful group of friends including: Ira Spector on Lead tjuitur; Mo-ri Bosenberger on Quitur und vocals, .llan Jtolusky ulso on guitur; Jug Poster on clar-inet, Itrud Zorchin on buss, .Hihe Adler on drums und I'd Birch on Uegbourds. .Ill of the members ure donat-ing their time und tulent to this project und I am so gruteful for all of their en-thusiusm. So...murk gour calendars for September u und tell gour fumilg und friends. Remem-ber to keep in mind thut this is a work in progress und it mug tuke a few months to become comfortuble with some of the new melodies. Our goul is to involve the en-tire congregution in the ser-vice und move gou to the point of singing, cell gour friends und families ulwut the AJew .7amilij Services ut Con-gregution Mer tumid und en-joy a comiortuble and contemporary evening of pruyer with Rubbi, our Shub-bus bund und myself. <BeC(a PROGRAM DIRECTOR'S CORNER Dear Abbie, How can I get more active in the synagogue? Signed, Wants to be involved (Las Vegas, NV) Dear Wants to be Involved, What a great question! Call me at 733-6292 anytime and I will be happy to assist you in finding a great committee to join. Congregation Ner Tamid will be mailing out Volunteer Opportunity forms. Fill out the form and send it back as soon as possible so that committee chairs can contact you and invite you to participate. Volunteer opportunities will be available at High Holidays as well. Each CNT committee will be at a booth handing out literature about themselves and recruiting enthusiastic volunteers like you! September 2000 A Special Place To Belong xv/ _ ^ Religious School News Whaf do we wanf from Jewish Education? When we send our children off to secular schools we want them to learn skills that will permit them to be successful adults. Our desire is that they will make more money than we do, enjoy life more than we have time to, and be able to have relationship skills that will en-able them to live happier lives. When we send them to Religious school, what do we want? Do we want a great performance at their Bat/Bar Mitzvah, or a spiritual uplifting event to be remembered? Do we want it all to be over as soon as we feel we have complet-ed our responsibility because they have had a Bat or Bar Mitzvah, and now we can sleep late on Sun-day? After watching the faces of par-ents who have children that nave completed their Confirmation, I know that the effort of taking them to classes and the cost of the class was more than worth it. We cannot give our children too much Torah. Living life with Jew-ish law as a guideline is one more way to give our children direction. We offer so much to you and your children here at CNT. I have been the advisor to over a thousand religious schools in the United States for eight years. Being ad-visor has allowed me to listen to their successes as well as their problems. CNT is a stable con-gregation offering great Leadership, programs, education and commu-nity. Every year we reexamine what we have done and what we need to do and we listen to what you want. This year we will have more art in the school, a great music program, drama and we will now go beyond Confirmation to offer a High School program. A New Year means a new begin-ning, a new chance to raise our spiritual level and a means to find a new direction. What do we want from Jewish education at CNT? We want a positive experience for our chil-dren and ourselves. We want Ju-daism to connect us to our traditions and our family so we can live better lives. L'Shanah Tovah Jacf(ie fleefyp A T A T A T Ac{utt fc'nai MitzV&h CSIms T A wpulc( ijou like to stey T uy to the. bivnah and A rea<{ from the Torah( A t^ou can c(o it on June Z, Z001 as a meynber cf the W 10th Arc{ult h'nai Mitz- ? Vah class. This excitina , class Will start on k lioVeynberZnt^an^nveet A Ae ^ Thursday eVeniny w under the direction of W Melissa JZoth. The class T starts With the busies an([ culminates With a beautiful Shabbat ynornina service con-ducted^ ptj class mem-bers. Please call the Temyle. to reserve tjour ylace in this Vert^ special class. C^ost is 5Z00.00. T A T A T A T A T A September 2000 As we approach the High Holiday services this year, we again will offer two services for the evenings. This year the family ser-vice will begin at 6:00pm. The regular (late) service will begin at 8:15pm. Again, please do not arrive for the regular service too early has parking will be difficult is all of us are here at one time. We had a little over crowding at the Yom Kippur regular service due to people coming in too early. Thanks for your patience, please bring it with you again this year. As we prepare for the High Holidays for 5761, we must look over our commitment. Tickets have been sent out to members in good standing. If you do not receive your ticket, please call me so we can see what the problem might be. Our Congregation policy is that a member must be current on all financial commitments to receive their tickets. I have sent out numerous letters to those who might need a little re-minder that they may be behind. Our Board has made a commitment that no one is denied membership for financial reasons. Financial arrangements in most cases have been made; if there continues to be a financial issue, please let me know. What has kept us alive has been the inter-est of people in Reform Judaism? Find a special area of interest that you can get involved with. Participate in any or all of the exciting educational, spiritual or social areas that Congregation Ner Tamid has to offer. If you need any help call the staff, we can help you find a place where you can fit in. The sun is truly shining on us. CNT Preschool What a busy month we have had here at CNT Preschool and Kinder-garten. All of our young students are excitedly learning about the High Holy Days, ana all of the beautiful traditions that are part of this special time of the year. The boys and girls are learning the blessings over "Apples Dipped in Honey" and enjoying the oppor-tunity to blow the Shofar (Ram's Horn). We are busy making Sha-nah Tova Cards for our parents, family, and friends. It is delightful to hear these little ones wish each other a hearty L'Ghanah Tova Tikat-evu (Happy New Year Greeting). Our students will have the oppor-tunity of tasting the delicious round Challah with raisins. And we will all say we are sorry for the things we nave done, that are not so nice, this last year. We all prom-ise to be kind to each other and our parents for this new year of 57G1. CAST OUR SINS AWAY. It is sure-ly an interesting experience to hear these 2-5 year olds express their feelings of hope and renewal at this most holy time of the year. We will all have the opportunity to decorate the Sukkah and perform the Mitzvot of sitting and eating in our own beautiful Sukkah hut. Our entire school will celebrate the happy holiday of Simchat Torah. We will make our own flags and Torahs and even have a parade to celebrate this joyful time of the year. Our preschool classes are almost completely filled we have only two spots remaining. Our Kindergarten is almost full as well. If you would like your child or grandchild to par-ticipate in our innovative and dy-namic preschool or kindergarten programs please call me at the Tem-ple office at 733-G292. Next month our classes will even Lois 'Bergman get to take a TASLICK WALK TO Top Left: Miranda Rosen & Jacob Goldstein Playing Bottom Left: Kayla Dunn & Bari Goldman getting ready for Kindergarten Top Right: Singing a Song Bottom Right: Peek-a-Boo - I see you're ready for preschool! September 2000 A Special Place To Belong xv/ _ ^ Hi! I'm Dania Lugo. I'm twelve years old and in the seventh grade at Keller Middle School. I enjoy playing on the computer and watch-ing old movies. Last year I start-ed plauing the cello and piano and love tnem both. I collect snow globes and cow stuff. On Sep-tember 16, 2000, friends and family from all over the country will be with my parents, my sister and me when I become a Bat Mitzvah. 5 mMMW Stlkel - Small bit or piece; a morsel Shtoltz - Pride Shtrudel - Sweet cake made of paper-thin dough rolled up with various fillings Shule - School Shushkeh - A whisper Shvindel - Fraud, deception, swindle Simcheh - Joy; also refers to a Joyous occasioin Sof kol sof - Finally Steven Benedict Not Pictured Shalom, my name is Steven Bene-dict. I am in the 8th grade at Cannon Middle School. My favor-ite hobbies are skateboarding, play-ing video games and talking to my friends on the phone. Please join me on September 9th when I am called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. I am looking forward to seeing all of my friends and fami-ly on this special day. Hi, my name is Brandon Leigh Fleisher. I'm in the seventh grade at Thurman White Middle Scnool. I like baseball and basketball. I play basketball in Henderson National Junior Basketball League and I also play baseball in the Green Valley Little League. I played on the AAA Astros and we went to the championship game, but came in second place. My Bar Mitzvah is on September second and I turn thirteen on October seventh. I'm looking forward to seeing my fam-ily ana friends on that special day. L'shona l o va from Congregation Ner Tamid High Holy Day Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford Akselrad and Cantonal Soloist Bella Feldman Selichot Saturday, Sept. 23 Program 7:30PM Service 9:00PM Rosh Hashanah Evening Friday, Sept. 29 Family Service 6-7PM (for families with children ages 7-11) Late Service 8:15PM Rosh Hashanah Day Saturday, Sept. 30 Morning Service 10AM Youth Service 10AM (ages 5-11 in the Beit Tefillah) Toddlers' Service 10AM (under age 5 in classroom 6) Kol Nidre Sunday, Oct. 8 Family Service 6-7PM (for families with children ages 7-11) Late Service 8:15PM Yom Kippur Monday, Oct. 9 Morning Service 10AM Youth Service 10:00AM (ages 5-11 in the Beit Tefillah) Toddlers' Service 10AM (under age 5 in classroom 6) A Healing Service 2 PM Afternoon Service 3:00PM Yiskor Service 5PM Concluding Congregation Her T&mlb September 2000 'We cordially invite you to Join Sisterhood and send in yotu dues by September 20tfi So that you can attend our annual paid-up membership Brunch on Sunday, September 24, 2000 - 12:30 <2M. at Congregation 0\(er Tamid - Social 9~lall Delectable food Do Or p r i z e s 1 d e s s e r t B a r rofeSSianal entertainmei Enjoy the performances ol popular vocal artists and Performing Arts Favorites, Lou Garcia and Gary Oakes. Do not miss this delictiul and charming musical revue of beloved Broadway music. by September 18th (Ruth Urban 458-8529 or (Debbie hallerman 263-7968 Regular AnnualMembership - f 30.00 AnnualMitzvah 'Membership - }50.00 9Jgn-Temp{e ?Member Dues - f 50.00 'Temple Membership CK(pt (Required } DEBRA HALLERMAN NAMED TO BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE WOMEN OF REFORM JUDAISM Dcbra M. Hallerman, Vicc-President of Membership for Congregation Ner Tamid Sisterhood, lias been named to the Board of Directors of the Women Of Reform Judaism (WRJ). WRJ was established in 1913 as The National Federation Of Temple Sisterhoods to serve as a vehicle through which the Women of Reform Judaism would have national identity and visibility. It was organized to meet the unique and special needs and interests of women, and to strengthen the congregation, community and meet the contemporary needs of Reform Judaism. Debra will help to serve and represent more than 100,000 women of the WRJ, one of the largest Jewish Women's religious organizations in the world. Mazel Tov, Debra! Kimberly Starr Green and her son, Austin Daniel Green (5 Vi yrs. old) heard about CNT through the Israelite. They have been in Las Vegas since about the time that Austin was born, and after coming to our Temple every now and then, have decided to join the congregation. Let us show Kimberly and Austin how delighted we are by welcoming them warmly! Frederick and Florence Marks met Rabbi Ak-selrad at a Federation meeting and now are new members of Congregation Ner Tamid! They come to us from Little Neck, NY (a little over 6 years ago) where Frederick was an executive with the Sony Corporation and Florence was an insurance broker. Both are retired, and we hope they will find time to become involved in CNT. Wendy and Dale Billy, and their 1 Vi year old son, Ryan, live in Henderson and have just joined our congregation. With parents like Phyl-lis and Cal Lewis, we hope to have them involved with CNT for many years to come. A hearty wel-come to the Billy family! Susan Singer comes to us from Refomi Congre-gation Emanu-EI in San Francisco. Sue has only been in Las Vegas for two months and is interest-ed in adult education programs. Let us welcome her and encourage her to investigate our many programs. (Sue may even get involved on the Adult Ed. Committee, if we ask her!) Lesley Smith has lived in Clark County over 20 years and works for Clark County Social Service as an office specialist. After reading about CNT in both the Israelite and the Jewish Reporter, and being referred by a congregant, she chose to join CNT during July this year. We look forward to welcoming Lesley at services and programs dur-ing the coming months. Watch for her! OOPS! It seems that we inadvertently omitted a very important person from our new member list in the August bulletin. His name is Zach Popowcer, son of Alan and Toni Popowc-er, who joined CNT in July 2000. Zach is 14 1/2 and may already be involved in our youth group activities. If not, be sure to look him up, and give him a special CNT welcome! (So sorry, Zach!) September 2000 A Special Place To Belong xv/ _ ^ i i i i i i i i i i i Sisterhood 9s[eivs i i i i i i i i i i i L'SHANA TOVA FROM YOUR SISTERHOOD Sisterhood Is.... A woman with an Idea-willing to see it through Another woman, Adding an idea, willing to work To make them both come through And Sisterhood is the third woman- Asked to help-willing to lend A hand to make things work And it is the fourth woman Waiting her turn To help, offering encouragement To those, Now involved And it is the fifth-sixth and the seventh woman Looking for their places in the fullness of the group Sisterhood is every woman concerned with Doing things That are worthwhile Lending her Heart and her Hands to Those Who Share her concern Sisterhood is as much, or as little, As we Choose to make it As great or as small as we choose to be. Sisterhood. When I read this passage written by Rabbi Harry Danziger, I real-ized this expressed what my feel-ings for sisterhood are. i l l e n ' s C l u b Please join sisterhood and come to our paid up membership brunch on, Sunday September 24, 2000 at 12:30 in the Social Hall. Regu-lar dues 30.00, mitzvah member-ship 5 0 . 0 0 , and non-temple member dues 50.00. May you be written in the Book of Life for the coming year and may the New Year bring you Health, Happiness and Prosperity. Shalom, Sandy Shalom to you all. Well, it is September and our membership drive is steam-rolling along. I am amazed at all the early dues payments. Thank you so much for your support. For those of you who have not yet sent in your dues for 2000-2001, please send your checks as soon as possible in the amount of $40 to the Men's Club of Congregation Ner Tamid at the Temple address. On Sunday, September 10, at 9:30 A.M. the Men's Club will be hosting it's annual breakfast. You do not have to be a mem-ber to attend. We welcome all male Tem-ple members. Why don't all of you dads and grandpas let mommy and grand-ma sleep late, bring the children to Sun-day School and stop for a shmooze and a shmear. The menu will consist of ba-gels and lox, cream cheese, of course lettuce, tomato and onion to garnish that delicious lox and coffee and cake. nA We had a wonderful turnout last year and hope this year is even better. Lind-say Bernay, who we helped sponsor on the International March of the Living will share with us her expeiences on this trip. She also has some wonderful pic-tures to show us. The High Holidays are nearing and all of you gentlemen out there that would like to help us by being ushers, please contact me, Mike Milano at 435-8605 and I will help you with how to proceed. This is a great Mitzvah and we do need your help. It has been back to school time and that means the new Enter-tainment Books will be coming out soon. This is a great way to enjoy quali-ty dinners and entertainment for gen-erally half off and a wonderful way to support your Men's Club. Please partici-pate and buy these books. It is custom-arily the Men's Clubs pleasure to give a gift to all Bar/Bat Mitzvah children and adults. If you know a Bar/Bat Mitzvah child or adult or are participating in a Bar/Bat Mitzvah service and would like to represent the Men's Club and have the honor of being a presenter please contact me. It is our pleasure to share this honor with you. At this time I want to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year. May all your wishes come t