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    \c2n % i T ?a3fr rights S°inS to be protected. ?7i|ed.him when that t L ^ & t e l E«gmeer, under th eti ffliaew ,o amtoe aidtm iwnoiusltde rbe Land aa nd, Water GCroi.f fwiotuhl di nbqeu iwrieldl iwnhge thteo r retthaei lL awsa tVeerg sson 4a-nv»do «d*iSd °nn?oJt edri?i J?TOW 0*lf,lh» e asw ibtihsd rgerwo ubnidss awpeprlei cwaittihoinn the city limits; that he proposed to subdivide his creage into "estate homes" with one or two acres to Comuanv hart*1 hotls0, Mr’ Fo3g Q:r advised him the Water tahnPd ^d?id} n?S?J t h a t they cotuhle d idror igs&o fainodn bsutsiilnle sfsu,rnish for domestic use raS ** adeqUate of water Ccoomnmp&annvy would ffbuarm biesrhg wear tetrh ento inthqeu irpeedo plweh etrheesri ditnheg Woant er Bonansa road, as the old Russel well msnotfurnishing TThhep fssa»mme« ntr epwl?yt swra st o offnfPerPiedy tPol eatshiusr e suorg gefsitrei onp rotbeutc tMiron? . rto liT0S on Bonanza Road, afftid tto people' there *o#ld be eatlafled If the Water Co. furnished only water for done stic use, and the existing well could be used for such irrigation as was necessary U have t+ wo sMourr* ceBss naoff twt atseurg geisn tetdh e its amwea s turancdte,s iraanbd lei t to would be impossible to control the use of water for froB1 GlJy mains without the use of meters. rofS®st@d that the Water Company deliver H?111 ®aster met®r to the residents of Bonanza jleecctt 'iias nnoLt yet clostehdf,i ra n°dI nw ew awteirl l coumnpdaonuyb.t edlTyh ish easru b­further regarding it. Mr. Griffith suggested the Water Company could conserve considerable water by a campaign of education among the people on the proper manner in which to water a 1f5n ». tha-tthe had recently installed a sprinkler system on the lawn in front of his ranch house, and turns it on 8 to 10 minutes three times per day, and this furnishes ample water for his lawn. He suggested we contact the - 3 -