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    La# Vega# - December 6, 1«M*9 w 5-6-1 Mr, Wm. Reinhardt: w# are having on our water service gan gs,o met hdriefe fiocfu ltthye mk eheapwiinngg reemspliogyneesd in the past six weeks to accept better paid Jobs, We cOafnfniocte ienxp feiclt lmiungc ht haes siJsobtsa ncbeec farusoem tohuer Shtoautrel y Ermaptleosy meanrte View the prevailing wage scale for Cl&rk County, which r$a1n*g5e7s$# frOonimo n$1 *S2ca5l pe,e rf hooru lra bfoorre rpsi#ck and shovel men to laborers, Oaundr p$1r#e2s5e npte ra uhtohuorri ftyo r isW at$e1,r0 9S eprevric heo Huerl pfeorr, the latter being In fact the "straw-boss8 on the gang which consists of hinsdf and three laborers at present, The meeanc hc olfa swshiofmi eids asc alpaabbolree rosf caruet ti< nogt uaalnldy thsrkeialdliendg p ippiep-em, eni,n ­astnadl pleirnfgo rsmeirnvigc eost,h eor pedrutaiteisn g omf otao rWsa taenrd S etravpipcien gH emlapcehri,nes ify the labIofr eyrosu sase eW antoe ro bjSeecrtviiocne, HeI lwpeorusl,d wlhiikce ht om orree- perl&os­s- perly describes the work they perform. However if this Is adonnde ,t hwaet osfh outhled msatrianwt-abions sa doirf gfaernegn lteiaadle rb,e tawenedn i nt hoeridr erra ttoe do so, suggest we establish a new classification of "Water Service Repairman* at a rate of $1,M per hour. Railroad CFoompra pnuyr pfoosre ss imoif lcaorm poacrciuspoant,i ontsh e arreast esS hpeaeit dM ebtya lthe Worker - Water Service - $1,738, which conforms to the ab ove Wsautgegre sSteerdv icclea sHseilfpiecra t-i o|nl .oiff 6o2,f wwhaitcerh iSse rvtihce e loRewpeasitr mraant;e dand occupation on Railroad Water Service gang. May I submit Form 2120 for approval? A, M, Folger