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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, August 24, 1998






Includes meeting agenda and minutes and senate bills. CSUN Session 28 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000936. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President RICHARD D. KIMBROUGH II STUDENT SENA TE MEETING 28-27 Monday, August 24,1998 FDH105 6:00 PM ( Joaquin F. Trujillo Senate PteskkrlPro-Tenfae Business David Shapiro Sciences Randy Milmeister Liberal Arts Marty Weinberg Business David Fisk Education Michael "Zo" Kawazoe Hotel Administration Amy K. Canepa Hotel Administration Leia M. Cartwright Student Development Jamie T. Hemington Education Jerry K. Jory ''udent Development iaron M. Clemens Student Development Ryland G. Whitaker Engineering Tony Zaranti Hotel Administration Anne-Marie Lazaroff Fine Arts Christian Augustin Liberal Arts John P. A. Garcia Health Sciences Josephine Binetti Liberal Arts Katie Auer Health Sciences Jennifer Peck Business Stephanie Davy Education Dalicia Ramey Urban Affairs Teddi Raff ail Urban Affairs Joe Cordone Business Willardson; ctr>: C O -otr C O CD I. CALL TO ORDER IL ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports C. Director Reports 1. Student Services, DIRECTOR FLEISCHMAN; 2. Nevada Student Affairs, DIRECTOR DALEY; 3. Elections Board, DIRECTOR RAMIREZ; 4. Organizations Board, DIRECTOR AY ALA; 5. Entertainment & Programming, DIRECTOR JOHNS; 6. Office of Student Information, DIRECTOR DELAFONTAINE; D. Residence Hall Liaison Report E. Student Athlete Advisory Board Liaison Report F. Ethnic Student Council Liaison Report G. Business Manager Report VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of $5200 to purchase two computers for the theater department in order to establish a lab for design and theater technology classes. Amount to be encumbered out of the FY 98-99 CSUN 2702 general account; as submitted by Senator Lazaroff, VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill 28-07, as submitted by SENATORS FISK AND TRUJILLO; see attachment B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of the following candidates for the NSA Board: Ofir Ventura, Jennifer Simich. and Lisa Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) Senator to serve on the Bylaws Committee; —' O ^ ' N O < rn rn * 'I>o2o< P. ^RT* o o ^ > o"N (—/,I D. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of donating $1,600.00 to the Ethnic Student Council to provide tuition for 20 UNLV Students for CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 Cultural Leadership Retreat to be held February 6-7, 1999, costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (Gen) account; Action Item: Discussion/Approval of increasing die Elections Board budget by $7,000.00, costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (Gen) account; Action Item: Discussion/Approval of costs not to exceed $4,100.00 for CSUN Movie Nights, Break Down is as follows: Deep Impact $800.00, Space Jam $400.00, Scream 2 $800.00, Lethal Weapon 4 $800.00, Small Soldiers $800.00, Shipping $130.00 and Promotional $250.00; costs to be encumbered from the CSUN Entertainment Board Budget; see attachement v m PUBLIC COMMENT[in accordance with N.RS. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)] IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS X. GOOD OF THE SENATE XL ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law(N.R.S. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank & Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. E. F. Senate Bill No. 7 Of the 28th Session SENATE BYLAW 51 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE Introduced by: Senator Fisk and Senate President Pro-Tempore Trujillo Summary: This bill is intended to clarify the responsibilities of the Senate President Pro- Tempore, in order to alleviate the confusion surrounding the position's responsibilities. We, the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada represented in the CSUN Senate, do enact as follows (Additions are underlined, deletions are placed in brackets): SENATE BYLAW 51 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE I. Responsibilities: A. As parliamentarian of the CSUN Senate, the responsibilities of the Senate President Pro-Tempore shall include: 1. Acquaint current and incoming senators with the CSUN Constitution, its statutes and its bylaws, Robert's Rules of Order, and Senate procedures. 2. Ordering/securing the materials appropriate for incoming senators as determined by the Senate. 3. Undertaking all charges as deemed appropriate by the CSUN Senate and/or Senate President Failure to fulfill these requirements constitutes grounds for dismissal. University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President RICHARD D. KIMBROUGH II Joaquin F. Trujillo S&ztePtesibtPix>Tettpoe Business David Shapiro Sciences Randy Milmeister Liberal Arts Marty Weinberg Business David Fisk Education Michael "Zo"Kawazoe Hotel Administration Amy K. Canepa Hotel Administration Leia M. Cartwright Student Development Jamie T. Hemington Education Jerry K. Jory Student Development ' aron M. Clemens tudent Development RylandG. Whitaker Engineering Tony Zaranti Hotel Administration Anne-Marie Lazaroff Fine Arts Christian Augustin Liberal Arts John P. A. Garcia Health Sciences Josephine Binetti Liberal Arts Katie Auer Health Sciences Jennifer Peck Business Stephanie Davy Education Dalicia Ramey Urban Affairs Teddi Raff ail Urban Affairs Joe Cordone Business MINUTES SENA TE MEETING 28-2 7 Monday, August 24,1998 FDH105, 6:00 PM C=D t-vt o —< c2-= 2~ 3oT CJ~\ mrs ^- .j< ->- >• </! -4 O an < ~—i .'< r--L.-i tOt rroo —c j.. "a-oil1" •j F1n ™ ' rae ><• j^rO-1 CCDO O -O1 _) O<'.f , I. I I . CALL TO ORDER: SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH called Senate Meeting 28-27 to order at 6:06 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT ABSENT Katie Auer Christian Augustin Josephine Binetti Leia Cartwright Aaron Clemens Joe Cordone Stephanie Davy David Fisk Jamie T. Hemington Michael "Zo" Kawazoe Randy Milmeister Teddi Raffail Dalicia Ramey David Shapiro Joaquin Trujillo Marty Weinberg Ryland Whitaker Amy Canepa (excused) John P. A. Garcia (unexcused) Jerry K. Jory (excused) Anne-Marie Lazaroff (unexcused) Jennifer Peck (excused) Tony Zaranti (unexcused) * denotes tardiness III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS: SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE TRUJILLO stated that he will have the picture proofs by Friday. Next Thursday they are having retakes. The retreat planned CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 SENATE MINUTES 28-27/ August 24, 1998 for Mesquite was pulled, so there will be a caucus at 5:00 on Monday upstairs in the MSU. PRESIDENT PRICE stated that there will be an Executive Board meeting at that time. SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH stated that if a Senator is going to miss a meeting they need to contact him or the Senate Secretary. He will be submitting a resolution to the Executive Board agenda about promoting diversity on campus and an anti-hazing resolution. There will be a meeting next week at 6:00. Item submissions need to be in by 12:00 on Tuesday to the Senate Secretary and himself. She didn't type up this agenda and that is why there are mistakes. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS: A. Senate Committee Reports: 1. SENATOR WHITAKER stated that Bylaws is meeting on Tuesday September 8th at 5:30 p.m. 2. SENATOR FISK stated that he needs schedules for members of Campus Safety and Awareness for the upcoming semester. SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH asked for the Constitutional Revision Committee to meet sometime soon. B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports: C. Director Reports: 1. STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTOR FLEISHMAN was not present. VICE PRESIDENT CECI stated that he doesn't know where she is. She is cleaning up outdoor storage and is getting the annexes ready for classes to start on Monday. 2. NEVADA STUDENT AFFAIRS DIRECTOR DALEY stated that it is difficult to schedule the debates with any certainty . Tentatively they are scheduled for September 15th, 17th, and the Senate on October 15th. He is working on candidate and policy research. He is waiting for a shipment from Rock The Vote of things that will be used at various events. He is working with DIRECTOR JOHNS to set up some bands. (He handed out some candidate information.) He is arranging with campaign representatives to come to the Senate meetings. He also stated that Shelley Berkley gave us some baseball tickets to distribute to students. DIRECTOR DALEY introduced a representative from Shelley Berkley's campaign. (Emron passed out information about Shelley Berkley.) He stated that no other SENATE MINUTES 28-27/ August 24, 1998 candidate has dedicated as much time and effort into UNLV as Shelley Berkley and stated that she needs help with her campaign. DIRECTOR DALEY stated that in the future he will have both sides represented. 3. ELECTIONS BOARD DIRECTOR RAMIREZ stated that regarding Action Item E, the current budget is $6700 and it doesn't cover the cost of $6850 needed for the election. To have 2 elections is going to be $13,070. It is the same company as last year and is the best bid. She needs members for her committee. Everything will be done by the middle of September. There were several questions for the Director. 4. ORGANIZATIONS BOARD DIRECTOR AYALA stated that the organization recognition packets are going out tomorrow. He will put up signs this week to let people know when the meetings are. There were several questions for the Director. 5. ENTERTAINMENT & PROGRAMMING DIRECTOR JOHNS was not present. VICE PRESIDENT CECI stated that he would be there later. The movie nights are on the agenda. He said the websight looks good. The International Club is having a fall welcome barbecue. They are going to split the cost of the Rush Hours with CCD. He has a tentative confirmation with Ice-T coming to speak on campus. On September 22nd is the 2nd annual Reggae concert. October 8th or 9th there is a tentative charity rock concert and it will be a big media event. There were several questions for VICE PRESIDENT CECI. 6. OFFICE OF STUDENT INFORMATION DIRECTOR DE LA FONTAINE thanked SENATORS FISK, GARCIA, BINETTI, and RAMEY for helping at the orientations and also PRESIDENT PRICE, VICE PRESIDENT CECI, and SENATOR AUGUSTIN. She also stated that there are 2 more on Wednesday and Thursday. There is a Student Government banner available for anyone's use. She will have the master calendar of activities by the end of the week. The first issue of the Rebel Yell is coming out on the 31st. She is putting together an OSI Board. The Student Government brochures are completed. D. Residence Hall Liaison Report: There was no liaison present. E. Student Athlete Advisory Board Liaison Report: ( 3 SENATE MINUTES 28-27/ August 24, 1998 The liaison stated that they are finishing up the process of renewing their athletic certification. They are having a welcome back to school barbecue and they want to know if they can share our spot at the 1st home game. F. Ethnic Student Council Liaison Report: Ann Yu stated that they had a retreat at the MGM Grand on August 15th and 16th and they had a variety of workshops. They just mailed out their summer newsletter. She will bring copies of the fall newsletter. They have also been successful at the orientations. G. Business Manager Report: BUSINESS MANAGER JIM MOORE read the expenditures for the last 3 weeks: $14.38 for the July phone bill, $216.00 to upgrade one of the laser jet printers, $232.00 to upgrade the CSUN computer to be the server, $11.50 to repographics to transfer Hey Reb logos to computer files, $122.00 to repographics for the CSUN brochures, $370.00 for ink pens with the CSUN logo, $19.99 for a storage cabinet, $48.00 for the CSUN banner, $275.89 for Student Services Director supplies, $54.51 for misc. office items, $231.00 for a locking display cabinet for the Business School, and $331.00 for a cabinet for the Education School. He also stated that the computers and software is at campus computing. The computer and phone lines should be done within the next 10 days. He stated that the WACUBO seminar was a wonderful experience. They discussed many topics and there was a legal update about a case in California where they tried to cut off funding to Student Government. VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of $5200 to purchase two computers for the theater department in order to establish a lab for design and theater classes. Amount to be encumbered out of the FY 98-88 CSUN 2707 general account, as submitted by SENATOR LAZAROFF; Motion to remove from the table made by SENATOR CLEMENS, seconded by SENATOR AUGUSTIN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 13-2-2. (SENATORS SHAPIRO and WHITAKER opposed, SENATORS CARTWRIGHT and CORDONE abstained.) SENATOR WEINBERG made a motion to approve, seconded by SENATOR KAWAZOE. There was some discussion. Move into a vote. Motion fails 0-16-1. 4 SENATE MINUTES 28-27/ August 24, 1998 (SENATOR SHAPIRO abstained.) VII NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill 28-07, as submitted by SENATORS FISK AND TRUJILLO; Motion to commit to Bylaws made by SENATOR TRUJILLO, seconded by SENATOR WHITAKER. Move into a vote. Motion passes 17-0-0. B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of the following candidates for the NSA Board: Ofir Ventura, Jennifer Simich, and Lisa Willardson; Motion to approve made by SENATOR AUER, seconded by SENATOR C ART WRIGHT. Move into a vote. Motion passes 15-0-2. (SENATORS WEINBERG and DAVY abstained.) C. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) Senator to serve on the Bylaws Committee; ( SENATOR WHITAKER nominated SENATOR RAMEY, seconded by SENATOR CARTWRIGHT. SENATOR AUER asked how many Senators are not on 2 committees. SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH stated that everybody is on 2 committees. SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH stated that by unanimous acclimation SENATOR RAMEY receives the seat. D. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of donating $1,600.00 to the Ethnic Student Council to provide tuition for 20 UNLV Students for Cultural Leadership Retreat to be held February 6-7, 1999, costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (Gen) Account; Motion to approve made by SENATOR TRUJILLO, seconded by SENATOR HEMINGTON. There was extensive discussion about the Item. SENATOR CARTWRIGHT made a motion to amend to insert "to CCD" and delete "to the Ethnic Student Council", seconded by SENATOR HEMINGTON. 5 SENATE MINUTES 28-27/ August 24, 1998 There was some discussion. Move into a vote. Motion passes 12-3-2. (SENATORS CORDONE, MILMEISTER, and FISK opposed, SENATORS RAMEY and KAWAZOE abstained.) There was additional discussion. Move into a vote on the Item. Motion passes 11-3-3. (SENATORS DAVY, FISK, and WHITAKER opposed, SENATORS CORDONE, WEINBERG, and MILMEISTER abstained.) E. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of increasing the Elections Board budget by $7,000.00, costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (Gen) Account; Motion to approve made by SENATOR CARTWRIGHT, seconded by SENATOR CLEMENS. There was some discussion. SENATOR TRUJILLO made a motion to amend to insert "to increase the overall CSUN budget by $7,000", seconded by SENATOR AUGUSTIN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 17-0-0. There was additional discussion. Move into a vote on the Item. Motion passes 17-0-0. F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of costs not to exceed $4,100.00 for CSUN Movie Nights, break down is as follows: Deep Impact $800.00, Space Jam $400.00, Scream 2 $800.00, Lethal Weapon 4 $800.00, Small Soldiers $800.00, Shipping $130.00 and Promotional $250.00; costs to be encumbered from the CSUN Entertainment Board Budget; see attachment Motion to approve made by SENATOR TRUJILLO, seconded by SENATOR AUER. There was some discussion. Move into a vote. Motion passes 17-0-0. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT Ann Yu thanked the Senate for her appointment and apologized for her absence. ( 6 SENATE MINUTES 28-27/ August 24, 1998 IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS VICE PRESIDENT CECI stated that he will not be in the office on Wednesday or Friday. Thursday he will be at a planning retreat. He is glad the Items went through, but if they have any questions ask him about it beforehand. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT PRICE stated that some of the responsibility falls on the Executive Board and they are trying their best to get the information out to the Senate. There will be a commencement ceremony on December 19th at 11 a.m. This is the first time there will be a December graduation ceremony. The reason is that there was a student that was concerned about this and she went out and got 1600 signatures. President Harter said that we need to have it in December of 1998 instead of 1999. It will be at the Earl E. Wilson Stadium. They need students to help answer the phone line and get the word out on this. The Board of Regents meeting was very productive and they moved on the Resolution regarding the radio station. The Board of Regents were in favor of what the students want. We need work in cooperation with the administration and the community to decide what to do with KUNV. There is a Family Weekend meeting tomorrow at 10:30. There is a committee looking at bids for the bookstore and the food service on campus. Student Government can become a part of that process or the bidding. The Directors are working really hard and he appreciates their work. They are getting new carpet and it was chosen by students in the union. ASUN does a student loan service to purchase computers. If anyone is interested in the Parking Committee, contact him. He has been speaking at orientations. He has some J.C. applications in. They are trying to finalize the CSUN Leadership Scholarships. In the paper on Saturday UNLV jumped up about 33 spaces in the region and we are 7th in the west. There is an Executive Board meeting on Monday at 4:00. He also went golfing for the 1st time. There were several questions for the Student Body President. SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH thanked DIRECTOR DALEY. He stated that he doesn't have a problem with the Senators debating here as long as they are not rude to our guests. X. GOOD OF THE SENATE SENATOR MILMEISTER stated that he is sorry that he hasn't been to any orientations. He has a new phone number and said to call SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH and he can get a message from him. SENATOR CLEMENS stated that he had a great summer. He talked to Luis Valera and Heather Hamilton and they are both doing well. He also stated that UNLV has a pre-law chapter. SENATOR AUGUSTIN thanked the Senators that have gone to the orientations. He also stated that there is a new bulletin board up in Wright Hall. ( 7 SENATE MINUTES 28-27/ August 24, 1998 SENATOR WEINBERG stated that his E-mail has changed. He agrees with SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH that this is a place for debate. He spoke to the girl about commencements when she was petitioning and he is glad it is happening. The Business College mailed their newsletter to every student in the College. SENATOR CARTWRIGHT stated that she would go to Space Jam. SENATOR HEMINGTON stated that she moved and to get the number from the Senate Secretary. SENATOR AUER had no comment. SENATOR WHITAKER stated that the phone list is right and he won't go to Space Jam. He is looking forward to school starting but he is going to have a hard time getting his sleep schedule back. SENATOR CORDONE stated that there is a new cover to the Rebel Yell. He has been sick lately and he wished everybody a good semester. SENATOR SHAPIRO had no comment. SENATOR DAVY stated for all the sick people not to breath on her. SENATOR RAMEY stated that the Senate confuses her at times. She feels that when she has comments or questions this is the time to do that. They should be able to question things and should have a say in how money is spent. SENATOR FISK stated that stated that he looks forward to getting the Student Leadership Scholarships handed out. Today was the 1 st day of school for elementary, middle, and highschool students. He is thrilled to see education majors working including Senators Lehman and Hays. He thanked the OSI Director and stated that she is doing an excellent job. He was able to speak to his groups during orientation. He echoed SENATOR RAMEY'S comments regarding questioning and stated that we get paid to be here. He also stated that a letter or format of the program for Item D would have been nice. SENATOR BINETTI asked members of the Constitutional Revision Committee for their schedules. She thanked DIRECTOR DE LA FONTAINE and also stated that it would be nice if information was supplied whenever a funding request is brought before the Senate. SENATOR RAFF AIL stated that she feels discussion is important. This is her 4th move of the year so she has a new phone number. SENATOR KAWAZOE stated that Europe was fantastic experience. On the Switzerland trip an incident occurred with a student and a faculty member. The faculty member is in alot of trouble and it will make UNLV look bad. 8 SENATE MINUTES 28-27/ August 24, 1998 SENATOR TRUJILLO stated that we can debate as long as we want. The same question was asked twice tonight and we should do research on our own beforehand. It is rude to ask questions over and over. Pictures will be available on Monday and retakes are on Thursday. There will be a caucus on Monday at 5:00. He stated that DIRECTOR DALEY is doing a good job but only Senators can yield the floor to another person. He would like to see that information presented during Public Comment. XI. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn the meeting made by SENATOR TRUJILLO, seconded by SENATOR CLEMENS. Move into a vote. Vote to adjourn passes 16-1-0. (SENATOR CARTWRIGHT opposed.) SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH adjourned the meeting at 7:33 p.m. ( Submitted by: Prepared by: SENATE PRESIDENT SENATE SECRETARY Note: All minutes are subject to summation. ( 9