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    Appltraium P a t e n t A m late nf a ft All to IHlunit GJhm* Jlrmttis ^lntll (£mm\ drifting: f \RXtV&....:(jf^ ^ ^ cz£ c/ .............. ........................................................(ffountij, ..... .... ha-S deposited with the R E G IS T E R OF T H E S T A T E L A N D O F F IC E at Garson Gity the S T A T E T R E A S U R E R ’S R E C E IP T , whereby it appears that fu ll paym ent has been made by the said..(^2Lisd£r<&r£4^^ .. , accordiny to the provisions o f an eAct o f the Legislature, approved fffiarcli 12, 1885, entitled ”oAn oAct to provide for the selection and sale o f lands that have been or may hereafter be granted by the United. States to? the State o f PZevada,” and the oActs amendatory thereof and supplemen­tary thereto, for the. ? .... / '.<FZr<JU. mmmsmWBmJ.... toffs ..' u u ... ($3/).../. scU Z zG u...I l l & / T^j-^i/^fTtr2^ts^..... I ff C r- (6>C?JJ... (ffa s r J z ...................... Z - t ..... TKount Diablo jS ase and GJIteridian, containing^ 'GtjyJyffeacres, according to the Official Plat o f the survey o f the Public Lands, as made by the United States" Surveyor-Peneral for the D istrict ' o f LTevada, which said tract has been purchased by the said ..._ (TJfyfrfforf, SCttOtU fte, ? Ghat' the State o f Dfevada, in consideration o f the.premises, and in conformity with the oJlct o f the Legislature in suck cases made jm d provided, has given and granted, and by these presents does give and grant unto the said( G ^ J L i ^ .....and tcJ^Frd...heirs, the said tract above described, to have and to hold the same, together with all rights^privileges, immunities and appurtenances o f whatever nature thereunto belonging, unto the said(G -< * tf£ U lU ^ toJk<^....heirs and assigns forever; provided, that all mines o f gold, silver, copper, lead, cinnabar, and other valuable minerals that m ay exist in the said tract are hereby expressly reserved. ‘ / t y 3ln ukatimnttg Wijmnfpi - Governor o f the State o f dZevada, have caused these letters to be made patent, and the Sreat Seal o f State to be hereunto affixe/TL) Siven under my hand at Garson Gity, thQDL^r^^yTfTP-^dDL--daij o f .......... .......................m * J f. Hg tlje (gnurcnnr: (Snunranr nf tl;? 8>tat? nf Jfottaia. 0 -p i glatn ICatti tStegtetev.