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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, June 22, 1911 to February 7, 1922, lvc000001-165


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Office of the City Clerk Las Vegas Nevada. December 18th, A.D. 1914. At a regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners in and for the City of Las Vegas Nevada, held on the 18th day of December A.D. 1914 pursuant to adjournment: Present Hon. W.E. Hawk­ins Mayor, with Commissioners Curtiss, Smith, and Griffith. present. At this time the Clerk presented the Board the application of Charles Haller for permission to conduct a retail liquor establishment in the City of Las Vegas Nevada for the term beginning January 1st A.D , 1915 and ending December 31st 1915: Whereupon motion being duly made by Commissioner Smith and seconded by Commissioner Curtiss it was resolved by the said Board that a permit be and is hereby issued to the said Charles A. Haller to conduct a retail liquor establishment on First Street in said City in the building know as the Oxford Hotel upon the payment by him to the City Clerk of said City the sum required by law for retail liquor establishments: the vote on said resolution being as follows towit:- Commissioner Curtiss, aye, Smith, aye, Griffith, No. and his honor the Mayor W.E. Hawkins voting aye. Upon motion of Commissioner Curtiss and seconded by Commissioner Smith : It was resolved that a permission be and is hereby granted to Andrio and Webber to conduct a retail liquor establishment in the City of Las Vegas Nevada for the term beginning January 1st, 1915 and ending December 31st , 1915 on First street in said in the place known as the Turf saloon upon the payment by him to the City Clerk of said City the sum as by law required, the vote on said resolution being as follows towit:- Commissioner Curtiss, aye, Smith, aye, Griffith, aye, and hie honor the Mayor W.E. Hawkins voting aye. Upon motion of Commissioner Griffith and seconded by Commissioner Smith and duly carried it was resolved by the Board that permission be and is hereby granted to George Douglass to conduct a retail liquor establishment in the City of Las Vegas Nevada for the term beginning January 1st, 1915 and ending December 31st, 1915 at the place know as the Colorado Hotel on First street in said City upon the payment by him to the City Clerk the sum required by law for the conducting of retail liquor establishments in said City, the vote on said resolution be as follows towit:- Commissioners Curtiss, aye, Smith, aye, Griffith, aye, and his honor the Mayor W.E. Hawkins voting aye. The application of Gragrlio and Tom Baina for a retail liquor establishment in the City of Las Vegas Nevada at the place known as the Turf saloon in said City was upon motion of Commissioner Curtiss and seconded by Commissioner Smith and duly carried ordered that said application be laid over until the next meeting of the Board, the vote on said resolution being as follows towit Commissioners Curtiss, aye, Smith, aye, Griffith, aye and his honor the Mayor W.E. Hawkins voting aye. Upon motion Commissioner Curtiss and seconded by Commissioner smith and duly carried it was ordered by the Board that the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars be and the same is hereby transferred from the general fund of the City to the Street fund of the City of Las Vegas Nevada the vote on said resolution being as follows towit:— Commissioner Curtiss, aye, Smith, aye, Griffith aye, and his honor the Mayor W.E. Hawkins voting aye. Upon motion being duly made and carried it was ordered by the Board that the City Attorney be and his hereby instructed to advertise for bids on gravel to the amount of not less than 250 yards at the rate of 3400 hundred pounds to the yard to be placed upon the streets in said City under the direction of the street Commissioner of said City. There being no further business before the Board it was upon motion being duly made and carried ordered by the Board that this Board stand adjourned until the next regular meeting of the Board.