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    ESTABLISHED 1888 t BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York QUINCY, ILL. HERALD-WHIG Circ. D. 32.316-S. 3^61 SEP?p853 p!niWedt(i-p! Man I Really Love': Rita I Las Vejpas, Nev., Sept. 25.?╟÷#>?╟÷ I Rita Haywol?^tol?╜4.' Dick Haymes ! are on fhe f$p*fh honeymoon for I each -oi|dthgtft ?√ß tod^?^ following a I brief f^sh$jjlb-lit wedding 'in a ^gambling resort hbiel^i "I feel w'ohderfuUy^y^y^the red-haired bride said siier the |; three-minute cWeimi\y. "I am j married td'theltnatfjg?-^. really! love. It sounds so- wonderful to be called a Mrs. Haymes." E The movie star and the crooner fly to New York Saturday and rlater to Philadelphia, where the bridegroom starts a night club engagement Monday night. "Our careers, in fact nothing, I Will ever feeparate us," Rita de- 1 clared. Sbltsaid she'Htilcavel with k Haymes on his night .club tour. 'They have rented a- house in ; Greenwich, Conn. MissHayworth I said she'll commute between | there and Hollywood for one picture a year. Tears in Eyes. ?╟≤The ceremony was performed by I Judge Frank MacNamee in the iGold room of the1 Sands. J^rte^ Roulette games and slot machines I continued whirring in the near-by casino. Rita's two daughters, Rebecca, [8, by her marriage to actor Orson .'Welles, and Princess Yasmine, 3%, | by ex-husband gAly Khan, looked I on from a divan. \ The bridal couple said their "I I do's" firmly. Big tears came into [ Rita's eyes at the words. The I double-ring ceremony was over be- j fore she got her ring on Dick's I finger; she put it on afterward, j Little Yasmine shrilled, "Mamma, II want a ring, too." I Miss Hayworth^ wore a short- I sleeved, blue linen- dress, a toast- t colored tulle and velvet hat and | matching gloves. Her bouquet was $ of orchids and lilies of the valley. Haymes wore a blue pin-stripe suit with blue tie. Can Take Cheer. Before her marriages to Welles ; and Prince Aiy, Rita was wed to f oilman Edward Judson. Haymes' previous wives were attress Jo- |anne Dru, dancer Joanne Marshall, and Nora Eddington, ex-wife of Errol Flj?nn. | In connection with his immigra- l tion difficulties, meantime, the I honeymooning crooner could take cheer from; a;federal court deci- | sion Thursday in Miami, Fla. I. In ^^iniilar case at Miami, I Judge?√ß''fyojjjh W. Holland ruled in j Ifederal district court that the re- ?║ turn of Harry ;0, Voiler, 62, for- \ mer Miami Beach newspaper pub- lliis^^rv from Puerto Rico in 1951 I-'dW^not constitute an entry into jttie'^.'Umted States within the j, meaning;''of the 1917 immigration Puerto Rico and Hawaii are in-: I sular possessions^ of the United) States. Judge Holland held that" "for a resident alien to make a re-entry, he musT go to a foreign I port." ESTABLISHED-1888 BArclay f^l PRESS CLIPPING BU^MIg ~ 165 Church Str^td- Newdlfork LAREDO* TEX. TIMES Circ. D. 15,iSwBf&fi159- SEP 21p53 ESTABLISHED 18! BArclay ?>S371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York STUTTGART, ARK. Leader-Arkansawyer | ESTABLISHED 1888 '@ BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York 1 SEP 24 1953 Crooner Protects j Rita From All IOwbi Obligations LAS 'VEGAS.Sjb', Sept. 19?╟÷UP :?╟÷-Crooner Dick Haymes announced Saturday he has signed a pre-nuptial pact \vith Rita Hay worth declaring that. aU.\ot her own earnings and holdings would be protected "for life' from any debts ord obligations he might incur as her husband. >$P$ ., Haymes, who has anno^Bftced he intends marryirfg the actress when he. obtains a Nevada divorce from Nora Jl^figtOn Flynn Haymes, who rjji^1fp^*jher own California decree$Jra^^p||^id- the reciprocal agreement7,%is drawn' up, at his own order, dd Wj. .-^^mW "I hay^ pitf^^d^tKKdpact drji|grn up to protect" Rita .ft^nte any clfflpn whatsoever agamj^Me,'> he declared. "I inten^$t|v^tand on my owrt two teetg^^aW^e care of all my troubled yi^lmlr jEJaey be money, legal Cq&l^&final difficylties.**?√ß HaymeSi^^^e agreement was drawn up.withe film '^Nj|?║ attorney, Bartley Crum, aiiEiplgned by hims^%$#^*a l^te^TOSi^ightl at the S}apns HQjel here. gSsail ESTABLISHED IMS BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York HAMILTON, OHIO JOURNAL NEWS Circ. D. 22.687 ?√ßSEP2519S3W HAYWORTH-HAYMES \ NUPTIALS HELD I LAS VEGAS, Nev. Ut)?╟÷Rita Hay- I vw>rth and Dick Haymes are onI the fourth honeymoon for each of! them today following a brief flash-[S bulb-lit wedding in a gambling re-L sort hotel. "I feel wonderfully happy," thej redhaired bride said after the? three-minute ceremony. "I am married to the man I really love. I It sounds so wonderful to be called ] Mrs. Haymes." The movie star and the crooner' fly to New York Saturday and later j t?║ Philadelphia, where the bride- |gloom starts a night club engage- \ ment Monday night. "Our cafelrs, in fact nothing, jwip ever separate us," Rita declared. She said she'll travel with] Haymes on his night club tour. I fThe^- hj^ett'rented a d^ipiise- inl GreenwifcHi* ^38in| Miss Hayworth! said she'll coriimpate between there? and Bollywood for one."jj|cture a year.ffp The|i|eremony -^fera-formed by I Judgefg:Frank MacNamee in the! Gold sRoom of the Sands Hffi|el- I Roulette games and sIot~machines I continued whirring in the nearbya casino. Miss Hayworth, Crooner Haymes To Wed Today ' By JAMES BACON , | iflBfcg LAS VEGAS, Nev. Ut) ?╟÷ While nearby crapshooters tried to make sevens and elevens, Rita Hayworth and Dick Haymes today gambled once more with matrimony. The 34-year-old actress and her crooner, 35, will recite vows each has said three times before, in a simple ceremony in the Gold! Room of the Sands Hotel. District JufUgi FV&Z&. MacNamee will officiate at the five-minute ceremony. Jack Entratter, general manager of the Sands, will be,the only attendant. Photographers and reporters will outnumber ther invited guests three to ohe".ap^p The unpretentious affair will' be quite a contrast to the screen star's lavish French wedding to Prince Aiy Khan in 1949. Miss Hayworth will not even have a j new wedding gown. She said she ! would wear a blue linen straight dress which ?·he has wopr before. Ber head will be covered by a toast-colored bat of tulle and velvet. She will wear gloves to match the hat. Only guests invited are business and legal associates of the couple. The only relativeis on hand will be the bride's two daughters. They are Rebecca, 8, the offspring of Miss Hayworth's marriage to Olson Welles, and the Princess Yasmin, 3, like her moslem JSther a direct descendant of the prophet Mohammed. Final barrier to the wedding was cleared yesterday when Haymes; copped a seven-minute divorce decree from Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes. Less than an hour later, he brought Rita back to the courthouse, where both nervously filled out the marriage license forms. Both Haymes and Rita claimed permanent residence W Nevada, but said they "Will soon move near LORAIN, OHIO Journal & Times Herald Circ. D. 19,173 - SEP24 195S Greenwich, Conn., where they are 1 looking for a house. "All my work is in the Eastg' the crooner explained. ft$is& Hayworth said she plapis to commute between the East Coast and Hollywood for picture making. Should the. government win its deportation case against the Argentine-born crooner, what country will he and Rita then live, in? "I'm not going tOabe deportedg' he answered,- "Wed both intend to live in the U.S. ;4^a?·jfr'm: - The crooner i said he will move | into Misa .Hayworth-:s|isulte:'at :~the j Sands right after the-'".'wedding.. A reporter asked him if he had ever I tasted any of Rita'sipopking. "Who marries RitagtH a y worth I for cooking?" .tb^^ger asked. 1 Hayworth Saysl If 11 be Simple ^^^PI/S^S, Nev. (.Ul)?Σ≤Film| Itar Ri?·ag%ayworth' and crooner Dick Haymes today plann^.al ^simple >wedding'? * with television j arid newsreel cariieras grinding! ?╟≤ Then 't$ej^msktle down toj >^hat they'feope ^ill be a SKdateft jBil^s suburbanite in Greenwich, | S' The ceremony Thursday will be I held in the..Gold Room of thel with only nine guests I iri^ifeog'lmt news and camera menB were told they could;attend. The red-haired beauty sighel happily that she and Haymes "arl finally, getting married after many diflS^Kies." ESTABLISHED 18t8 _ BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York SANTA ANA, CALIF. REGISTER I Circ. D. 26,408 - S. 24,554 SEP 241963 Rita, Dick Married In Veg as LAS VEGAS, Nev. (JP) ?╟÷ While nearby crapshooters tried to make sevens and elevens, Rita Hayworth and Dick Haymes today gambled once more with matrimopy. The 34-#ear-old actress^ria her crooner, 35, recited vows^ljpachj has said three times beforegiri a simple ceremony in the Gold Room; of the ^.nds Hotel. ?·M District J udgSI'rank MacNamee officiated $g_$jpfi fivc' .???╜SJtinute ceremony. Jack,Entratlev,, p,eneral jmanager of the' Sands.. "was the only attendant.-Photographers-and reporters "?√ß TOtoumbere d the > :dm^ vited guests" three to orie.^^ ^ . The unpretentious altair;.wa^ ,quite a con-tlast to -^^W^"} (star's lavish French ^dttag 9lol Prince Aiy Khan in -1949. !$sf Hayworth did finot even s-haye f new wedding gown. She wore a- blue linen straight dress ;i wjhich, she has worn before. ^H?╜^neaw was covered by a fdast-coTpred'-"Eat" of tulle and velvet. She g wore gloves to match the, ^^-\JjjuV^t Only guests invited wereojtlsrB ness and legal associates of th# couple. The only relatives onghj^i were the bride's two daughte^,. They are Rebecca, .8, the offl spring of Miss Hayworth's"hna~\ riage to. Orson Welles,,..' and 1 he Princess : Y'asmine, 3li, like her trifdselm. father a direct descail- !|^*'of the prophet Mohammed. :'| Final barrier to the wedding wag cleared yesterday when H.a$$0s. copped a seven-minute divorce decree from Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes. , m FAIRMONT, MINN. SENTINEL Circ.D. 6,916 Rita, Haymes To Gamble Again on Lovei LAS VEGAS, Nev. W ?╟÷ While nearby crapshooters tried to make sevens and elevens, Rita Hayworth j and Dick Haymes today gambled once more with matrimony. The 32-year-old actress and- her crooner, 35, will recite vows each has said three times before, in a simple ceremony in the Gold Room I of the Sands HoteLg I District Judge Frank MacNamee [will officiate at' the five-minute (ceremony. Jack,Entratter, general jmanager of the "Sands, will be the (only attendant. Photographers and j reporters will outnumber the incited guests'^ree to onevs; The unprWsaflftious affair will be | quite a contrast to the screen star's lavisn French wedding to iPrince Aiy Khan in 1949. Only guests invited are business and legal associates of the couple. The only relatives on hand will be tho bride's two daughters. They (are Rebecca, 8, the offspring of [Miss Hayworth's marriage to Orson Welles, and the Princess Yas- imine, 3V2, like her moslem father a direct descendant of the prophet , Mohammed. Final barrier to the wedding was cleared Wednesday when Haymes (copped a seven-minute divorce decree from Nora Eddington Flynn (Haymes. Less than an hour later, he brought Rita back to the court- Ihouse, whe$K both nervously filled put the marriage license forms. Should the government win its j deportation case against the Argentine-born crooner, what country |will he and Rita then live in? I "I'm not going to be deported: (he answered. "We both intend to [live m-the U.S.A." s&fn A reporter asked him if he had eM|p pasted any of Rita's cooking. I '''Who marries Rita Hayworth 1 'for cooking?" the singer asked, j HAMEGAZETTE Haymes, Rita To Be Married Thursday LA SVEOAS, Nev. fffl. ?╟÷ Dick ^Haymes, a crooner who has hadf. plenty of trouble with wives andi Uncle Sam, takes out a marriage|g ^ipense Wednesday witJl Rita Hay- Worth, -a gal who has had her: <Sbare or husband trouble. fjaiitaynies and the glamorous ||8*feen star pick up the wedding J f??|ense at 3 p. m. That is justi ^(jme j-hmir after he gets a divorce . Sarojj|a.'- Nora Eddington Flynn jpaymes. UE/Wfi; Argentine-born singer and the actress will be married Thursday at tHg Sands Hotel, where both have been guests for some time. x will be marriage No. 4 for both, j Honeymoon plans must wait re- ||piiikption. of a deportation hearing, *-started last month and scheduled to resume next Monday in Los Angeles. U. S. immigratB|n authorities hold that Haymes, who hasj ne^er'become a citizen,; fatted tol obtain a re-entry per:mitgaj^!r vis4 itiog Rita recently in Honolulu. TRENTON, N. J. TIMES Circ. D. 61,433 P^nd Dick On Fourth 1 J Bridal Journey For Each I MS VEGAS^ev. ^^^^*^^^^^ worth and Dick Haymes a.? un.weues, usband Aly Khan, tfS-BWfth honeymoon tor each gs^J* ftoro a divan. L"l feel wonderfully happy, the; h0nevm0Oning crooner could taKe bedHaired bride said after the. ^ frQm & federal court deg?? vlthree-tninute ceremony. x a^ VPsterday in Miami, Fla?? ?╟≤ Imarried to the man I really love, sion yesteraay w. Miami S souSs so w#^M to be called; ln a similar case at Mianal, Mrs? Haymes.". I . ! judge John W. Holland ruled In The movie star M-the crooner; ^ederal District Court "titat the re- fljrto New York Saturday and latera _ {l 62 for. Sent Monday1 night. ?√ß -ML jHsher. from ^^f1C0 ^ ?Σ≤ -uur careers, in fact nothing, will ever separate us," Rita"de' "did not c< institute an entry 9m will ever separate us," Rita"de-S :f?╜ ?╟÷ -; clared. She said shell- travel with ithe United Statec,i$thin the meaa- Haymes on. his night club tout.!ing of the 19l?·Immigration Act.*' They "have rented a house in|* Puerto Rico ahd Hawaii are in- Greenwich, Conn. Miss Hayworth; suiar possessions of the United said she'll commute, between there j States. Judge Holland held that, and Hollywood for one picture a] "For a resident alien to make a y^ar.../.- .:" *3^^^-*-'^^'ireentTyj ^e ^ust S?? to a foreign The ceremony was performed by pafct'.'5^! Judged^F^mk MacNamee in- thel Gold Room of the Sands Hotel. [ Roulette gaihes aijd ^SWH^ieti continued d^Wrring in the nearby j casino. i|>!!l2s ^Orai Rita's, two daughters, Rebecca, ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York PARKERSBURG, W. VA. SENTINEL Circ. D. 18,233 (Check Threats^ Made to Rita I LAS VEGAS,; Nev^^B*)', -'??j JKayworthaand her two daughpffe ?√ßwere guarded as heavily as a pi?║si- Ident on tour toflj$y ^^ae FBI^B- fvestigated threats tMf^three-y^f- jold Princess Yasmin*'wciuld &e skilled if she is riot returned fdl^r IMoslem father, Prince ^lyKhfi^ J Yasmin and Rebecca, 8, the actress' child by her former husband,] Orson Welles, were fl$|n here un-j der guard Monday nijpgato-be i$?·th their mother, who ig|^aiting to imarry crooner 0ic^^mfjs&e$S^ I j Five husky bodygtrlkafe"froMaa! private detective agpney""?√ß'put'-'thej- j children on an y aames Marie in | ILos Angeles and|3^^^accorii-j jpanied them on the flight here.. I More body guardsf^i^ihpahjed j by Haymes, met.t&eipllne when[ it landed here, andf4^ep t^cfeil- Idren arrived at the, rSattdt Hotel, I where their mothBp in _ staying,- jsliifts of Clark Cot|||t:sheri|f% d^p- juties took up a cl^S^'Watch ;dut^ide the star's rooms'^^p^tdhiyyen had been guarded at Miss Hayworth s West Los Angeles home since, the threats were received./ '#,' The actress, who had reniained; Ut the hotel, threw her arms-abound) her children, crying,-?√ß*$&%& Godg j we're all together ag^pl We're all I safe." '^'^^'-imSt^mi^^ J Miss Hayworlh h^^eeived two j letters from New 1p#ralle, ;.N. Y.,; threatening death.jpfi^asmin and bodily harm to the.|fflfer film star unless the child "is. returned to her father in Europe* ?*rW B'4i.$ She also was warned not to marry Haymeso "O^you'll get yourself into a lot ofWouble." It was believed the letters couldj jhave been sent by a fanatic! Moslem. gfSTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 g PRESS CLrPPINa BUREAU ^5;; Church Street - Newport;. CiaNTON, IA. HERALD ^?╟≤^.'D. 21,813 ' SEP 231953 Kk ami Kiia I'Revly for Vows Hpneymoon Plans l^TOtt^Ceurt Hearing "j Laa-S^^Jfev, ?╟÷ (JP) ?╟÷ Dick Haymes, a^ cfipner who has had j plenty of trduble with wives and .llpble Sam, takes out a marriage gjlleense Wednesday with Rita Hay- -gworth, a gal who.hi^fetd her share gof husband trouble Il^femr Haymes and tlre'e^amorous screen star pick up ffte wedding license at 3 p.Sn. ^h'at is just i*0kie hour afte^-^^^^a divorce j^lilai* --Nfea*?╜WWfi6ifton Flynn ]3?║|H6symes..:. llP^'e^l^Rp'' . | '.The Argentine~l??5tid:'singer and fefe actress wilFbe Tnfiitoried Thurs- ?√ßday at the Sands hotel,.where both "knave been gufests for?√ßSome time. It pill be marriage No. 4 for both. I Honeymoon plans must wait F resumption of a deportation hearing, started last month and I scheduled to resume next Mon- I day in Los Angeles. U.S. "immigration authorities hold that Haymes, who has never become j a citizen, failed to obtain a re-entry 1 permit after visiting Rita recently ] in'Honolulu. ?╟?... i Jii.iii.i'flf#iMpa|^3