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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, July 3, 1986






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 16 (Part 2) Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000518. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING 16-27 JULY 3, 1986 MSU 201 4:00 PM I. Call to Order II. Roll Call Vice President Muir moves to override Senator Larson's 3rd unexcused absence. President Hendrick moves to override Senator Dukes 3rd unexcused absence. III. Approval of minutes from Senate Meeting 16-26. IV. Announcement s V. Executive Board Nominations 1. Alfred Gomez to Elections Board 2. Devin Lussier to Elections Board 3. Ron Zayas to Elections Board 4. Lori Susman to Appropriations Board 5. Robert Cherhoniak to Entertainment and Programming 6. Jack Spicer to Radio Board VI. Board, Committee, and Director Reports VII. Old Business A. Nominations to vacant SME Seat 1. Rochelle Fisher 2. Ray Tangretti B. Appointment of SME Senator C. Nominations to Vacant B&E Seat 1. Brian Retke 2. David Krazen UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 SENATE AGENDA 16-27 July 3, 1986 Page 2 D. Appointment of B&E Senator E. Nominations to vacant AA Seat 1. Tristam Harrington 2. Krista Doherty F. Appointment of AA Senator G. Approval of $100 stipend for NSA Director beginning % July and full August H. Approval of Dave McArthur to Judicial Council I. Reconsideration of vote on $100 Stipend for OPI Director - Zayas J. Approval of $200 stipend for Managing Editor of Yellin' Rebel K. Approval of an amount not to exceed $2,138.49 for upgrade of KUNV Phone system L. Reconsideration of vote on approval of Danny Lipton to Bar Manager - Menke M. Approval of James Marchese to Bar Manager N. Approval of Bill DiBenedetto to Elections Board 0. Approval of stipend for Elections Board Chair July $50 August $100 September $200 October $250 November $100 P. Approval of $325 stipend for Editor of Yellin' Rebel VIII. New Business A. Transfer of $1,000 cash to the 904 account (Student Services) form the 900 account. (to pay for notetakers, typists, shuttle cart drivers). - Clark B. Approval of Student Services operating policy - Leroy SENATE AGENDA 16-27 July 3, 1986 Page 3 C. Introduction of CSUN Budget for 1986-87. -Hendrick D. Introduction of 2/3 stipend for Executive Board Members for month of December. - Hendrick. E. Introduction of % Stipend for directors with the exception of KUNV Programm Director and Editor of Yellin1 Rebel, for the month of December. - Hendrick F. Introduction of Denise Sarnelli to Vice President Pro-Tempore. Hendrick G. Introduction of Dan Swanson to Judicial Council - Hendrick H. Nominations to vacant A&L Seat (2) I. Nominations to vacant SME seat. J. Nominations to Ad Hoc Impeachment Committee K. Approval of nominations to Ad Hoc Impeachment Committee IX. Open Discussion X. Adj ournment C O ^ g y g A T E D STUDENTS SENATE MEETING 16-27 JULY 3, 1986 MSU 201 4:00 PM I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Senate President Jeff Chadwell at 4:10. II. Roll Call Present Senator Gottschalk Senator Leroy Senator Loxton Senator Novak Senator Parker (late) Senator Popadak Senator Sarnelli Senator Spicer Senator Susman Senator Zayas Senator Menke Both Vice President Muir and President Hendrick dropped motions to override Larsen's and Dukes's third unexcused absences. III. Approval of minutes from Senate Meeting 16-26. The minutes were approved. IV. Announcements President Hendrick made a formal apology to Radio Board Chair Debra Cone and Robert Cherhoniak. He said the E-Board had approved buying freshmen catalogs for orientation, and soon KUNV will change their ID to KUNV, a public service of UNLV's student government. Hendrick also announced an emergency item for $500 a month to legal counsel Shelley Berkely for JUly through December. Vice President Muir mentioned the CSUN Activities Calendar is in progress and said anyone with an event should contact him. President Hendrick also mentioned the phones costs were lower, and he was thinking of putting in a phone log to track all out-of-state calls. Absent Senator Lieberman (excused) Senator Miller (unexcused) Senator Mixer (unexcused) UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702] 739-3477 senate minutes cont. page 2 16-27 CSUN Business Manager Nancy Clark spoke about a new Yearbook proposal which looked really good. Senate President Chadwell mentioned the item for Shelley Berkely. V. Executive Board Nominations Alfred Gomez to Elections B6ard Devin Lussier to Elections Board Ron Zayas to Elections Board Lori Susman to Appropriations Board Robert Cherhoniak to Entertainment and Programming Jack Spicer to Radio Board VI. Board, Committee and Director Reports E&P Chair Sarnelli spoke of plans to have a lawn party as soon as school got started in the fall. She also mentioned she has spoke with organizations about participating in the party. Yellin* Rebel Editor Zayas-Dorchak spoke of the workshops she had with new writers and she is also talking to people about getting grants for the paper. - Appropriations Board Chair Klimek set a meeting for Monday, 11:30, July 7. KUNV's Interim General Manager Jordan said they had good news about the search committee for a new GM. He said they would make the selection on Monday. Business Manager Clark also said the new Dean of Student Services has arrived, though he was not present at the meeting. VII. Old Business A. Nominations to vacant SME Seat. 1. Rochelle Fisher 2i Ray Tangretti B. Appointment of SME Senator Senator Spicer moved to let each person speak for two minutes, and then have the vote. Senator Novak seconded. Ten in favor, with one opposed (Popadak). Ray Tangredi. spoke first; Ron Zayas spoke for Rochelle. Tangredij Gottschalk Loxton Novak Sarnelli Spicer With a 5-5-1 tie, Senate President for Fisher. Fisher Abstain Leroy Parker Menke Popadak Susman Zayas Chadwell broke the tie, casting his vote C. Nominations to vacant B&E Seat 1. Brian Retke 2. Denise Gentile senate m i n u t e s cont. page 3 16-27 D. Appointment of B&E Senator Senator Spicer moved to let each person speak for two minutes, and then have the vote. Senator Sarnelli seconded. The motion tied with five in favor, five opposed (Menke, Sarnelli, Zayas, Leroy and Susman) and one abstention (Popadak). Senate President Chadwell broke the tie and voted in favor of the motion. Brian Retke spoke first; Senator Leroy spoke for Denise Gentile. Retke Gottschalk Loxton Novak Parker Sarnelli Spicer Gentile Leroy Susman Abstain Menke Popadak Zayas Brian Retke won, 6-2-3. E. Nominations to vacant AA Seat 1. Tristam Harrington 2. Krista Doherty F. Appointment of AA Senator Senator Spicer moved to let each person speak for two minutes, and then have the vote. Senator Zayas seconded. The motion passed, 10 in favor, one opposed (Sarnelli) . Tristam Harrington spoke first; Senator Sarnelli spoke for Krista Doherty. Harrington Doherty Abstain Leroy Gotschalk Menke Popadak Loxton Spicer Novak Susman Parker Zayas Sarnelli With a 5-5-1 tie, Senate President Chadwell broke the tie, casting his vote for Harrington. Both Retke and Harrington were sworn into office and seated by Robert Cher-honiak. Because Nancy Clark had to leave, Senate President Chadwell moved into New Business, Item A. A. Transfer of $1000 cash to the 904 account (Student Services) from the 900 account (to pay for notetakers, typists, .shuttle cart drivers). -Clark Senator Zayas moved to approve; Senator Gottschalk seconded. The motion passed with all in favor. The meeting now moved back into Old Business. - G. Approval of $100 stipend for NSA Director beginning \ July and full August. This was out of order, as it was already approved last meeting. senate m i n u t e s cont. page 4 16-27 H. Approval of Dave McArthur to Judicial Council President Hendrick moved to approve; Senator Sarnelli seconded. Dave McArthur introduced himself and addressed the senate. The motion passed with 12 in favor and one abstention (Retke). I. Reconsideration of vote on $100 stipend for OPI Director. Senator Zayas reconsidered his last vote; Senator Spicer seconded. The motion to reconsider the vote passed with 12 in favor, one opposed (Sarnelli). Move to Approve $100 stipend for OPI Director. Zayas moved to approve; Senator Spicer seconded. The motion passed unanimously. J. Approval of $200 stipend for Managing Editor of the Yellin' Rebel. Senator Spicer moved to approve; Senator Sarnelli seconded. The correction was made so that the motion read Approval of $200 stipend for Managing Editor of the Yellin' Rebel for 12 months. This motion passed with 12 in favor, one abstention (Novak). K. Approval of an amount not to exceed $2,138.49 for upgrade of KUNV Phone System. Senator Spicer moved to approve; Senator Sarnelli seconded. Ken Jordan addressed the senate and explained what the money would be used for— four lines, one new phone, and labor. The motion was changed to read Approval of $2,138.49 for upgrade of KUNV phone system taken from the 901 account. This motion passed with 12 in favor, one opposed (Leroy). L. Reconsideration of vote on approval of Danny Lipton to Bar Manager. Senator Menke moved to reconsider his vote; Senator Loxton seconded. Senator Menke spoke first and wondered whether Lipton got a fair vote. Seante President Chadwell passed the gavel to Senator Spicer. Chadwell spoke how he was intimidated on his vote to approve Lipton. The motion to reconsider the vote passed with eight in favor, 5 opposed (Zayas, Leroy, Gottschalk, Harrington, Susman). Approval of Danny Lipton to Bar Manager. Novak moved to approve; Sarnelli seconded. Many senators spoke on Lipton's personal abilities, and whether they thought he could handle the job. Senator Zayas mentioned it wasn't only because of Lipton's qualifications, but the way the whole item was handled from the beginning, that makes him wonder about the appointment. Senator Popadak left the meeting at 5:30 p.m. The motion died with six in favor, six opposed (Gottschalk, Menke, Zayas, Leroy, Susman and Harrington), and with Senate President Chadwell breaking the tie and voting opposed. M. Approval of James Marchese to Bar Manager Senator Zayas moved to approve; Senator Menke seconded. James Marchese addressed the senate and answered questions on his proposal. The motion passed with eight in favor, four opposed (Sarnelli, Retke, Parker, Novak). senate m i n u t e s cont. page 5 16-27 N. Approval of Bill DiBenedetto to Elections Board Chair. Senator Harrington moved to approve; Senator Zayas seconded. Bill DiBenedetto addressed the senate and explained his qualifications. The motion passed unanimously. 0. Approval of stipend for Elections Board Chair. Jly $50 August $100 September $200 October $250 November $100 Senator Harrington moved to approve; President Hendrick seconded. This motion passed unanimously. P. Approval of $325 stipend for Editor of the Yellin' Rebel. Senator Spicer moved to approve; Senator Gottschalk seconded. This motion had been corrected to read Approval of $325 for Editor of the Yellin' Rebel for 12 months. The motion passed unanimously. Because approval of E-Board Nominations had been left off the agenda, it was brought up here. Senator Spicer moved to approve; Senator Zayas seconded. The E-Board nominations passed unanimously. VIII. New Business B. Approval of Student Services operating policy. This item was only an Intro-duction. C. Introduction of CSUN Budget for 1986-87. D. Introduction of 2/3 stipend for Executive Board Members for the month of Dec. E. Introduction of i stipend fd"r director with the exception of KUNV Programming Director and the Editor of the Yellin' Rebel, for the month of December. F. Introduction of Denise Sarnelli to Vice President Pro-Tempore. G. Introduction of Dan Swanson to Judicial Council. H. Nominations to vacant A&L Seats (2). Ken Jordan Steve Evensen Eric Larsen Lilly Davis 1. Nominations to vacant SME seat. Ray Tangredi Jenny Hollister The meeting then lost quorom, as Senator Spicer left. IX. Open Discussion There was none. X. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned by Senate Pre§ident Chadwell at 5:55 p.m. JEFFREY CHADWELL, Senate President Is