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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, January 25, 1977






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 5 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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uac000126. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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SENATE MEETING //22 January 25, 1977 I. Call to Order Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Pam Beury at 5:09 p.m. II. Roll Call Roll Call was taken by the CSUN Secretary. Members present: Absent Excused Absent Unexcused Dominick Cirone Andrew Sultan Debi Fields Sharon Baker Brad Peterson Leona Gonzales BilL Marion Tom Moreo Jim Bateisian Cathy McLaurin Jeff Barta Jim Rafferty Dan Newmo.n Mike Whipple Rich Co], Dave Cavalieri Bobby Lav,.son Tony Gwirtz Joe Warpinski Greg McKinley Warren Stief Keith Terry Gene Russo Joe Mann Iris McCowan Tarn Corcoran Marshal Willick Ron McCormick III. Approval of Minutes Motion was made by Brad Peterson to approve the minutes for Meeting #19 as submitted. Seconded by Dominick Cirone. Motion passes. IV. Announcements The chair thanks those Senators that have diligently attended the January meetings even in 'he absence of quorum. Gene Russo requ that the Senators turn in their schedules to Mona. V. Committee Reports A. Activities Board. Steve Francis reported that for the month, the Activities has Expenditures of $3,042.29, and Revenues of 408.28. He noted that the Ralph Abernathy lecture had been cance-led by the Activities Board at the request of the Black Student's Association. Other Open House week activities .include a dance, magician, coffee house, etc. B. Treasurer's Report Pam liysell stated that a copy of the report for the months of November and December have been passed out and are in the boxes. She also states that people are needed for the appropriations committee, and to please contact her. C. Organizations Council Pam Hysell states that the representative is not present tonight, so the report is canceled until one is present. Old Business A. Debate Team Marshal Willick announced that the first meeting is planned for construction of the group for Thursday, February 10, at two o'clock and will be held in the Fireside Lounge. B. Recognition of Academic Achievement Marshal Willick stated that the meeting date is set for Tuesday, January 8, 1977 at three o'clock in the Gold Room of the Social Sciences Building. It will be for introduction and goal-setting. C. Dorm Keith Terry talked to Dr. Glennen and was told that there was no way to save the dorm. He was also told that the Athletic dorm would be used in part by the out-of-town students. D. Meeting Times Marshal Willick recalled to the Senate that Rich Cole made a motion to move the meeting time up from 5 to 4 p.m., but the motion had been tabled. Marshal made a motion to reinovo that motion from the Lable. Seconded by Dominick Cirone. Motion passes 12-4-2. Discussion. Keith Terry made a motion to table until this suggestion could be researched by one or two people acting as a committee. Motion to table passes. Sharon Baker and Gene Russo volunteer to act as that committee. They request that Senators have i .;e:i.r schedules turned in by the end of the week. VII. New Business A. Presidential Appointment and Nominations Due to the absence of Dan Russell, this is postponed to the next meeting. B. Stipends Keith Terry made a motion that an additional stipend be added to the people that show up for a meeting that does not attain quorum, lie stated that the amount be $3.50 plus 10<? per minute after 5:30. (Chair rules that this should be submitted in the form of a by-law). Pam llysell moves to accept the following policy for the payment of stipends to Senators: Payment will be $7.50 for one meeting missed whether excused or not, or nothing for two meetings missed, excused or not. Seconded by Gred McKinley. Motion passes with one abstention. C. Letter to R.J., Sun, Valley Times, and Yell Marshal Willick asks to accept as a resolution the rough draft of a letter drawn up by himself and Dan Russell to the editors of the above newspaper stating that the University and the Athletic Department are not synonymous terms. So moved by Keith Terry, seconded by Sharon Baker. Discussion. Call for question by Keith Terry, seconded by Tony Cwirtz, motion fails, 10-5-4, for lack of 2/3 majority. • Discussion. (Cathy McLaurin excused). Motion pass < 16-1-1. D. Matching Funds Bobby Sheppard of the BSA requested matching funds of $125 for Black History Week, to be used toward invitations for three of the major events. Marshal Willick moved to table the request until an itemized budget is submitted. Seconded by Keith Terry. Motion passes to table with one abstention. Next meeting on February 1, 1977 at 5. VIII. Adjournment Motion by Keith Terry' to adjourn. Seconded by Tony Cwirtz. Motion passes. Meeting adjouned at 5:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted,